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Where is a site for the druid?Follow

#1 Jan 19 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
I have begun recently playing EQ again. I am playing my old druid. I used to go to the druids grove for druid stuff. Now it seems to be no good. What is the best site for druids?
#2 Jan 19 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
#3 Jan 19 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Ok here's the lowdown on druid sites. There are 4 main druid sites.


For information,quests,guides,equip,and spells you want to go to

This is by far the best information site available. It is easy to navigate and find what you are looking for. The guides and other information are well designed and easy to follow. Their forum however is not very popular. They are a relatively new site and the other druid sites have been around for years so the other 3 have more posts and people visiting their forum.

The other 3 sites are about worthless as far as information goes. They are used primarily for their forums. <-- eq druids <-- norrath druids <-- the druids grove

EQdruids and Norrath druids are basically the same forum. When yantis bought out eqdruids the moderators of their forum downloaded all of the posts and memberlists and transferred them to their own new forum. EQdruids forum is still the most popular by far at least for now. Norrath druids rarely has more than 2 people in the forum at one time EQ druids usually has over 15. The druids grove has fallen off alot recently in popularity but it still has alot of good people willing to answer questions. EQdruids and norrath druids do have a website but EQDruids site has a lot of antiquated information and it is for the most part unreliable by today's EQ, alot has changed and the site hasn't updated to it. Norrath druids site really has only a smattering of info I think they have like 5 articles total so it's not worth the time.

So in a nutshell best thing to do is if you want to read up on a quest, tactic, etc.. go to Everquestdruids. If you want to ask a question go to the eqdruids forum.

Edited, Mon Jan 19 15:46:49 2004 by weeblewobble
#4 Jan 20 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
"The other 3 sites are about worthless as far as information goes. "

First off since eqdruids was bought out by yantis I can no longer in good concience refer anyone to that site anymore.
But Neither the TDG or eqdruids could be considered useless. Both main web pages have tons of information available on them.

After a quick glance through evequest druids I would rate its information content much lower than either the TDG or EQDruids.
I fully expect the eqdruids site to become quickly out of date as I don't think it will recieve as much attention as it did under the previous owner.

Norrathdruids is in the process of recreating that information. I hope the eqdruids site dies off as the regular posters who already left eqdruids message boards find out about the norrathesdruids site and boards.

TDG message board although usefull has way to many whiners and complainers. Just about every thread that gets started there gets turned in to some kind of argument or another and it gets old trying to sift through all the crap that gets posted for the valuable information that does get posted there. The Old EQdruids boards were more information oriented lots easier to ask and find out usefull things there and I certainly hope the new Norrathdruids boards continues that tradition.

I and many others that used to frequent the EQdruids boards either don't go there anymore or only browse once in awhile. SO many of the people that made EQdruids worthwhile going to are not there anymore.

Borblefoot Furtoe
Storm warden
Firiona Vie Server
#5 Jan 20 2004 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
First TDG doesn't have a website anymore. It's not there, all they have is a forum so how they can have more content is beyond me. Any guides that are in the forum aren't stickied so you'd have to do a whole lot of searching to find it.

EQdruids has alot of info true. But alot of it is outright inaccurate and much of it was written years ago. I know for a fact that they don't have some spells listed on their spell list. I missed these spells myself for 2 months because I never knew they existed.

Everquestdruids is new. The guy running it is adding lots of stuff everyday. The site is only a couple weeks old and look at it. It still has tons of information. Good information. Just imagine what it will have in a month. Plus it's all up to date so you don't end up half way through a quest just to find out that a certain NPC doesn't exist anymore or has been changed.

Norrath druids is on my wait and see list. They really haven't been adding alot of stuff to their site. I think they came out at the same time everquestdruids did. At the rate they are going it'll be many months before they can be considered a useful information resource. Just my opinion.

I totally agree with you on the eqdruids and yantis thing. He is a plague on this community and I personally would never go to the site. However the forums were paid for by the communiy so he does not have any control there. At least until the 6 months are up and he can renew the membership.

In the end it's just a matter of opinion. The druid community is in a state of chaos right now so it'll be a month or two before things settle down and become more reliable.

Now that part where you said you wished EQDruids would die off and people would go to the other site and yantis would loose his ***.... well I'd pay money to see that :D
#6 Jan 20 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
Ok 3 things I hate about the eqdruids site ( not including the owner)

1- The library. Most of the library information is seriously outdated. It desperately needs to revamped to fit the current EQ. This stuff can mislead alot of people.

2- I don't know if it's just me or what but it seems alot of the quests are not properly set up. The text starts right over the black border on the left and makes it very hard to read. they need to move all the text just a half inch to the right. Maybe this is just my pc and how I have it set up.

3- Quests sorted by zone. This sucks. I understand that you need to organize your quests but this is not the way to do it. I find that I have to search for a quest by going through several diffrent zones to figure out which zone it starts in. I wish they would just list it all. Sometimes I like to just browse quests and see if I can possibly do them. I hate having to click 100 times to see all the available quests. I know I'm lazy.

Plus I think all guides should /LOC IT!!! Or at least give directions. Please, if I am having to do 10 turn ins and the guide says find joe smoe in freeport and doesn't give his loc. This makes the quest a ton harder. A loc would save me half the time it takes to do a quest. Tracking is a pain in a city where there are several floors and walls blocking you.
#7 Jan 21 2004 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
"First TDG doesn't have a website anymore. It's not there, all they have is a forum so how they can have more content is beyond me. Any guides that are in the forum aren't stickied so you'd have to do a whole lot of searching to find it. "

Ah didn't know that. I had assumed the main web page was still up. Once I found EQdruids I never really went back to the grove except for occasionally the message boards. It will probably be awhile before the druid community recovers I think.


Borblefoot Furtoe
Storm Warden
Firiona Vie Server
#8 Jan 21 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I don't know why they took their site down. I can't even remember what they had on it.
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