"Due to the continued high spending across the whole of Norrath in the last quarter, the current inflation rate has risen by 5%. This has been effected mainly by Dwarves paying huge amounts for the new craze of beard plaiting and beading. There has also been a marked increase in the number of trolls and agres spending money on body hygiene products!! The Bank of Norrath has no option but to put up interest rates to combat the rising inflation rate"
Alas, for our poor hero this meant a monthly increase of 20 plats on the monthly mortgage payments for his lovely home Ruts Retreat in Surefall Glades. Faced with this shortage of funds, and his wife flatly refusing to downsize and having to move with the dross at Black Burrow Close, he had no option but to pull double shifts at the local loot and scoot factory and so having to kill more mobs for dosh.
Faced with the prospect of more journeys back and forth to the city and vendors, what Rut really wanted was one of those super duper magic bags with weight reduction properties, meaning he could carry more.
Armed with about 80 plat he wandered off to the Bazaar but could not find any traders offering these type of goods. Had he come on a bad day or was there another way of getting hold of one such as taking time out to do a bit of questing??
And so with a quick prayer to the God of Forums he cast he query to the stars!!