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So then what is the point?Follow

#1 Jan 21 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
Whats the point of having the Monk or Rogue if there are so many classes that are considered 'better'?

I read the posts because they are great sources of info but I kinda get tired and discouraged to read things like Rangers are just as good DPS as a monk...Mage pets are nothing compared to a Necros...Rogues are only good at backstabbing.

Tell me why a monk is a choice of character if they are a bad class to chose in comparison.

Now understand that I play a monk and I will tell you this, I can go toe-to-toe with ANY other melee class and wipe the floor with them. I am viewing things from a certain side but think of it this way, if I knew that other classes were just as good at DPS as a monk is, would I rethink my character selection? I mean I can't cast...I can barely carry food...why should I take a monk. The reason I took a monk is because I was told and have read in many places that no other class can out damage a monk. So why then is a Ranger just as good, or as I have read, better than a monk?

Sorry if I come across as fustrated but it does bother me that people's opinions of character classes are so far out there that you NEVER get a clear perspective on what a classes role is. I mean a warrior is made to tank but other people will say that a warrior is nothing compared to a pally or SK when tanking. So why the warrior?? See my point.
#2 Jan 21 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Now understand that I play a monk and I will tell you this, I can go toe-to-toe with ANY other melee class and wipe the floor with them.

Yes but could you go heel to toe with a rogue Smiley: wink

No class is best at DPS in every situation. Most classes each have a situation they shine in. Going face to face with a MOB with a rogue you might outdamage a Rogue, but put the rogue behind the MOB and there is no way your going to touch his DPS.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#3 Jan 21 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
99 posts
If it were all about DPS, wouldn't we all be wizards? Or wouldn't we be playing Quake armed with BFG2000's?

Roles change somewhat as the environment changes, (i.e. expansions & nerfs) but mostly they stay the same. I wouldn't put too much stock in folks who say one character class is the greatest - IMO they don't really understand the game.
#4 Jan 21 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Hehe... Well you know what they say: Opinions are like ********. Everyone's got one". I'd focus on not worrying that much about what other people say about one class or another, and just focus on what you can do with the character that you've chosen to play. People say lots of things for lots of different reasons. They don't always apply to you. You've also got to realize that in EQ, classes have a *lot* of different things they can do, and different situations in which particular abilities are better then others. It's extremely simplistic to say that ClassA is "better" at anything then ClassB. It's always situational.

For example. Let's turn things around. Why should you get discouraged if someone says that Rangers are "just as good" at DPS as a monk? If that's all we're looking at, then isn't that fair? After all, if the monk was better at DPS then rangers, they why should anyone play a ranger?

Psst! I'll give you a hint though. For most levels, a monk will have a higher DPS then a ranger, assuming equal gear. You've got extra attacks. He doesn't. End of story. However, later on (post 60ish really) rangers get a huge boost in DPS from their bow AAs. But monks get other stuff as well. You get FD. Monks have the highest defensive combat table IIRC. You get mend. You get the highest bandage skill in the game (not sure if AAs allow warriors to match it now). You can't carry as much stuff, but you don't need to. You're indispensible in many situations as a puller and CR specialist. There's lots of things monks do that rangers can't (and vice versa).

Just focus on what you can do, and don't worry about other classes. You'll be happier that way...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#5 Jan 21 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
105 posts
Play what you like, like what you play. Nuff said.
#6 Jan 21 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Every class has as one point been nerfed or been among the most powerful.

There was a time when Monks were very overpowered. They could tank as well as FD pull. They could solo things others dare not touch. Then SoE decided to downplay their powers and now there are less monks.

Rangers were once the laughing stock of Norrath, now considered one of the more valued classes. Able to deal obscene dps and so much more.

the point I am making? Why play the class you enjoy? Because you enjoy it, and at some point your class will change, for better or worse but it will not stay the same Smiley: smile
#7 Jan 21 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default

So why then is a Ranger just as good, or as I have read, better than a monk?

I have a 60 cleric. I have a love and hate for monks.

I love monks because they are awesome dps and if my group already has someone to snare i would take a monk over ranger all the way. Monks are great dps, can mend which is nice, and their disciplines are awesome. Plus their great pullers.

I hate monks that try to tank, that steal aggro and blame it on the tank(Just step away or feign death, save me some mana). Monks don't take hits very well at high levels, I can still complete heal but they need it almost every fight. I know they draw aggro alot because of their high dps, but just work more as a team and know your role, I know dps is lost when monks feign death or step away from the fight, but cleric mana is more important imo.

Monks are one of the best classes i think, especially if someone knows how to play em real well.
#8 Jan 21 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Default
every class has its ups and downs.

knights are great exp tanks, but nothing matches a warrior's defensive discipline or sheer HP advantage for raids.

monks are pullers, rogues are not.

rogues can be used for "rogue CH" on raids--nobody else.

all classes-- ALL classes have their place in the world of EQ.

It's usually a good idea to ignore most fan-boi class trashtalk you read online; most of the time it's totally irrelevant.

Debaucher Soulrender
Arch Lich 75AA
Rodcet Nife

#9 Jan 22 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
" like Rangers are just as good DPS as a monk...Mage pets are nothing compared to a Necros...Rogues are only good at backstabbing. "

Anyone who posts garbage like the above is an idiot who does not know what they are talking about. Anytime I see a Post that talks about class_01 only good for one thing, Or week in comparison to another class, or not good at raiding/grouping/solo I can be assured that that is a person I probably would never want to play with.

In all honesty the classes are mostly balanced. Each and every class brings something to a group. Each class has things its good at and things its not so good at. Are there small tweaks here and there that could be done to improve things? Most assuredly yes. Are the some abilities/spells/equipment issues that need looking at and possibly adjusted? Again assuredly yes. But things are no where near as dark and gloomy as People who make the above kind of statements paint them.

To sum up find a class that you enjoy playing and play it. There will be a place for you no matter what your in game goals are.

Borblefoot Furtoe
Storm Warden
Firiona Vie Server
#10 Jan 22 2004 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
781 posts
The point is...

I've seen fantastic players of every class. Who know what they are doing and know the class they are playing. These people do things that us normal players haven't learnt yet or will never be able to pull off.
Then again...
I've seen players of every class who i would remove from EQ and cancel their account, for the simple fact that they just don't have a clue about anything. These are the ones that stick out like sore thumbs and usually give a class a bad name.

All classes have their place and purpose. Nearly every player has their favorite class (for me it's Beastlord). Realy you don't need to worry about which class is best. Find the best class for you and learn to play that class well and maybe you'll show the negative people, who bag your favorite class, just how wrong they are...
#11 Jan 22 2004 at 7:14 AM Rating: Default
But still there's a "market value" when it comes to grouping.

a cleric? well you'd be the 3rd - but with pleasure!
a monk - sorry we allready have one!

just listen to the shouts in wayfarer camp zones.....
#12 Jan 22 2004 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
Anonymous wrote:
The reason I took a monk is because I was told and have read in many places that no other class can out damage a monk.

but on the other hand this is the MOST DUMB reason to decide for your class
#13 Jan 22 2004 at 8:00 AM Rating: Default
Not necessarily...
When I started my first character, my friend told me about the basics of each class that he had come to know from experience (he had a 40ish wizard at the time) and I decided that Enchanter would be the best for me to start out with, because of the mana regen and what I had thought was item creation (found out much later that was the mage's role, but I enjoyed enchanting items), as well as augmenting the stats of characters (also didn't know that shamans did this a little better until much later). I set out to be the best enchanter I could be until one day around lvl34 I couldn't take dying anymore. People wouldn't taunt mobs before whacking them as I mezzed them and ther spell bar is only 8 spells long... I was then introduced to another server and I wanted to emulate the successes of my friend who brought me there. I created a druid and have loved it ever since. My original friend who got me started on EQ warned me up and down NEVER to play a Druid because they're overrated... yadda yadda yadda... so I never did until then. But I tell you what, I just dinged 48 and I'm STILL loving him! I play ver unconventionally, and still don't have a knack for quadding, but that's what makes it fun. I don't do things the way people tell me I should, but I get things done. Most druids my level would be quadding stonegrabbers in DSP or something, while I'm rooting around ToFS soloing the 5th floor, singling everything out. Sure, my class EXCELLS at things outdoors, but I PREFER to be indoors, doing things MY way. And so far MY way WORKS TOO.

But anyways, I went way off the main topic that I wanted to discuss (although did contribute to the main conversation well enough). Given certain points, like a rogue has Pick Pockets, Disarm Traps, Backstab, etc. is a PERFECTLY good reason to decide to play a class. I just picked up starting a monk and I love it. I started it out because I knew I could feign death and my DPS would be extraordinary. That's all I needed to know before starting, and I tell you what, it's a blast so far. I wouldn't give up my druid for it, but I won't be packing up my monk for a while either. He's lvl 27 in just a VERY short period of time, and alot less expensive to maintain effectiveness than my druid at similar levels. And he walks... everywhere... at least with all my caster classes, I can bind somewhere and gate back when I'm done. But he walks... everywhere... As you can tell, I'm not a melee/hybrid fan.

Just my 10 cents and a copper
#14 Jan 22 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Default
When I started playing EQ 4 years ago, I picked a race/class combination that I liked based on image alone -- large, dumber than a rock, strong and evil. That was the image I had before I even looked at the classes available to me. I made, of course, an Ogre SK, and my wife liked the general feel of the Shaman class, so that's what we ended up with, and we played these characters to 51, finding by accident that SK/SHM is an extremely powerful combination.

After a while in EQ I needed a mule in FP (Ogres aren't very welcome away from Oggok, even less so SKs), so I made an Enchantress (because of charisma for selling) that I had never intended to play actively ... she is now my highest character. I wanted a pet class, I liked the whole independence of a Mage, so I made a Mage. I wanted a healer, I made a Dwarf Cleric. When I make a class it's never based on "soandso said suchandsuch class is better than everything else because blah blah blah." I've learned one thing from reading posts on public forums -- ignore them. Just remember this: the majority of posters have played this game for less than a year or two. Also, when you see someone who has 2000 posts more than the average poster, they probably spend more time on the boards than in the game, and the only thing they'd really be able to give good advice on is how to post, not how to play EQ.

Play a class for whatever reason you want, but play because YOU want ... if you try to follow in someone else's footsteps, you'll find all the places they slipped, fell, and needed help getting up.
#15 Jan 22 2004 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Now understand that I play a monk and I will tell you this, I can go toe-to-toe with ANY other melee class and wipe the floor with them.

you have a very simplistic view on the world my friend and people who have are generally wrong more than they are right. I will put my pally 1 on 1 with any monk same lvl and equipment and win 9 out of 10, not because my class is better but because i spend alot of time on these boards listening to people like Kao, Pat and others who have helped me be a better player.

Whats the point of having the Monk or Rogue if there are so many classes that are considered 'better'?

Because you as a person want to play them.... i would have thought that unless you are a power gamer that is the only reason to play ANY class. I have never played an evil class/race past lvl 20 because it is just not my thing, but does that stop me from thinking that Sk's are as good as pally's? no common sence shows that <with the exception of warriors> all classes in EQ are reletively balanced.

Oh and a Monk DPS counts for very little if he is stunned for the entire encounter. Smiley: twocents
#16 Jan 22 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Good
I started playing EQ waaaaaaaay back in Beta phase 3 (this was prior to public release for that that dont know the term).

I've played several classes over the years and one thing I've found to be true is that in the right situation, just about every class is UBER. The reverse is also true - in the wrong situation, just about every class SUCKS.

Take a warrior for example. On a raid they can tank some extremely nasty mobs. Put a ranger in that situation and he takes a major beating and drains the cleric in no time. Some might think Wars are great and rangers suck.

Now take these two classes and try soloing some dark blues (in the 50s+). The war takes a pretty good beating then goes and sits somewhere for half an hour or 45 minutes to heal up (assuming it didn't die). The ranger on the other hand, casts spells, root/snare bow kites and only goes toe to toe when the mob is good and softened up. Then he sits around for 5-10 minutes medding and healing himself. The Ranger gets single pulls using harmony while the war has to find single mobs. From this perspective, wars suck and rangers are da bomb.

Anyone who takes (or rejects) a class because other people say they suck is a fool (New players exempt, they have no knowledge of the classes really).

Currently wars are out of favour due to thier less than stellar aggro generation ability. Personally, I don't understand that sentiment at all. Palladins and SKs have spells to generate aggro (Rangers are GREAT at keeping aggro too). While wars have to rely on items and taunt. As a shaman, I *have* to cast early (slow/cripple) and the spells I cast generate a LOT of aggro. Believe me when I say that Wars that dual wield fast proc weapons are GREAT at keeping aggro. In some ways they're better than Pally and SK because they dont use mana to do it and dont need med breaks. The problem with wars in general is that they seem to think they MUST have the highest damage weapons (some even us 2h the idiots) and shun lower damage weapons with procs. Well, thats fine if they aren't MT but if they are the MT, get a freakin' copper hammer and some other fast proc weapon and KEEP AGGRO. If the war keeps aggro then shamans slow faster and can actually toss in a DOT or two etc, wizzy's can blast and pets can be sent in earler. Add that to the mana-conservation that is CH/War and you have a great group.

My current most played character is a shaman. Good soloist but also good at grouping. DPS doesn't approach war or ranger in a group and in fast-kill grinds is relegated to buffing and casting a single spell (slow). I do find it easier to get into groups with a shaman but its also a little less exciting than with a ranger or war.

So, best class has two determinates. How do YOU want to play and how do YOU play that class.

Edited, Thu Jan 22 09:40:30 2004 by Rhodan
#17 Jan 22 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
I will put my pally 1 on 1 with any monk same lvl and equipment and win 9 out of 10

I have to disagree. Depending on the monk. Equal level and gear means nothing in comparison to the skills, AA and disciplines available. I would have to say that a 58th level monk would give a 58 Pally a run for his money. With the disc. that a monk gets at those levels, if you can take the beating that a monk would dish out at that point, then you deserve the title of TANK! (4x damage for 12 seconds with a 40% haste....ewwwww)

Oh and a Monk DPS counts for very little if he is stunned for the entire encounter.

Again, I disagree. If I Disarm you and intimated you, you can run like a little girl with no weapon while I laugh at you and wait for that lovely stun spell you are dying to use on me.

The reason I disagree to the above is also to show that Monks are a great class to play. It seems that the poster has a problem because monks are looked at as a so-so class and its not true. Alot of the posters here so far have said that if you enjoy it, dont worry about what other people say. Those who think one class is better than the other hasn't yet been beat up by that class. I can't tell you how many NPCs of different classes ate me up, Monks included.

All classes are good in their own way, even warriors. If you can afford the time to do it, try them all out and see which you like more. Who knows, you may like the ranger better than the monk.
#18 Jan 22 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I want to echo the thoughts in this particular post - my first character was a dwf pally and my daughter's is a Hi Elf Clc who decided to major in jewelcrafting. We created a chanter solely to enchant bars for the JC skill, which meant that we had to play the chanter to reach the necessary levels for elect, silver, and gold currently. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed playing the chanter after tanking/healing with the other characters - when LDON came out both the clc and chanter were much in demand and both now have more LDONs under their belts than pally. My point is that each class has a different feel and contribute something to EQ groups - try LDON without a clc to heal, rogue for dps/trap disarm/chests, or chanter for mez and crowd control and it is a struggle (can work but is a lot tougher). Play because you enjoy the character and not because someone thinks it is the "best class" to play.
#19 Jan 22 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
Just from a "Looking for more" perspective, It would rank as follows (obviously this is general, and the current roster would effect it, so STFU already. Smiley: smile) :

Tier 1 (In order):
Tank (Warrior, Knight)

Tier 2 (Not in order):

Tier 3 (Not in order):

Now, it is important to note that I personally do not ascribe to the theory that only a perfect group can complete a dungeon, or grind for xp, or damn near anything else. This just happens to be what catches my eye first when I am trying to put a group together. Also, as I said before, depending on the make up of what I have at the time, looking for one or two more kinda lumps all three of the tiers together.

Edited, Thu Jan 22 12:35:56 2004 by MoebiusLord
#20 Jan 22 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
We created a chanter solely to enchant bars for the JC skill, which meant that we had to play the chanter to reach the necessary levels for elect, silver, and gold currently. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed playing the chanter after tanking/healing with the other characters

That is exactly how Breez was born, a RL friend's cleric wanted to do Jewelery so I made a Enchanter and had to level it to stay ahead of his skill. My druid gathered more and more dust. At around level 20 there was no going back.

Today I am 65 with 49 aaxp, Grandmaster Jeweler with Trophy, and Epic. His Cleric is level 58 with skill 150ish in Jewel crafting, and that silly Druid only got leveled up to 30 so he can imbue gems better.
#21 Jan 22 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
No offense meant but since we all know that it's a saturday afternoon job to level any charakter to 15+ once you got 1000p spare to equip your twinkie-toon at the bazaar there is no statistic that counts except for one:

What people play on Firiona Vie. As you can only have one character per account there neither tradeskill-mules nor trying-out-just-for an afternoon are possible. Therefore people there have to consider very carefully which class is prepared best to serve ALL their needs.

So a server statistic from FV would clearly tell us something while all the other servers stats are completely useless.
#22 Jan 22 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Excellent
You would be amazed at the number of alts on Firiona Vie.
#23 Jan 22 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Please tell me how to create an alt on FV while I'm only allowed one charakter there.

If you mean someone plays an "alt" on FV you certainly mean a charakter thats just not the one he spends most playing time with.

True that this make a class/race selection-grid on FV less usefull than if we had only ONE server with ONE account (this would be perfectly just for statistics - but the HELL regarding everything else *LOL*). But at least at lvls 50+ where I suppose that few people invest such time and effort in a charakter thats not their main (and they had to rely strongly on backup from guilds) the popularity of class/race selection would clearly show.

Please note also that PvP servers are of no use regarding statistics as the environment their is a complete different one and race/class balancing from the side of the developers took PvP not that strongly into account as PvE.

Still I state that statistics from all other servers than FV tell *nothing* at all as avid players level ALL their charakters their usually to 50+

Edited, Thu Jan 22 14:21:54 2004 by Leiany
#24 Jan 22 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I run 3 accounts on FV, two I use and one is .... retired.

The two mains are both level 65 and levelled up together a little Smiley: smile This is true of most players who have alts on FV. They create second accounts so they can create a class that well compliments their own.

Common are:
Shamen + melee
Cleric + melee
Enc + hybrid

etc etc

Also to note, as it costs one account per character on FV, characters tend to be active or cancelled. There are no sleeping characters there :)

Edited, Thu Jan 22 14:24:31 2004 by JennockFV
#25 Jan 22 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
And again i feel like someone born as a native from the amazonian rain forrest who is teleported to NYC.

I had NO idea people would actually pay double or trice to have the privelige of alts and mules on FV.

Silly me thought SOE wanted to create a "special" server for roleplayers like me - but instead they just openend a new moneysource....
#26 Jan 22 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
like someone has said, class "importance" changes with every patch and expansion..yes monks seem a little weak now. mine is sitting collecting dust at L32 right now. how do you get around this frustration?

create a variety of different characters and play them each as the seasons turn. its easier that way and you get you get to understand how other classes work as well. IE its easier to ask for shammy buffs if I know what spells to ask for...because I've played a shammy. or now that i've played a cleric I won't have to ask 11 clerics for aego because i now know only a L60+ can cast it from having played one. (just a couple examples.)

just go with the flow and play for fun..its what the game was intended for.
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