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#27 Jan 22 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I disagree. If I Disarm you and intimated you, you can run like a little girl with no weapon while I laugh at you and wait for that lovely stun spell you are dying to use on me.

How are you going to do that exactly since i anm Immune to fear effects? and you going to relly on you once in a week disarm working to get rid of my weapon?? i surgest you quit posting this sort of crap untill you have spent 3-6 months reading what your betters have to say <Not me in case you think i am haveing an ego issue here> and then revisit your comment when you have some more knowlage of other classes and how they work.

i would probably beat a monk played by you since you have no knowage of how a pally plays and are too self centered to learn as i have of people who know more than you.
#28 Jan 22 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
Hey Cleric,
Haven't you learned yet. It is much more mana efficient to rez a monk or a ranger than try to constantly heal them.
Do that once or twice and the monk will FD more often and the ranger will jolt more too.
#29 Jan 22 2004 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
Its sort of amusing, the number of players that come to EQ with the intense desire to be "leet" and the "uberest", mess around for a while, (probably peeing off large numbers of people in the process) and then quietly disappear.

There are some that do make it to 65, you see them wandering around PoK looking lost and lonely.

I wonder how many of them actually learn something along the way and quietly become "born again" EQers?

(I suspect there are a few of these, based on the number of people you meet at lower to mid levels who insist on preaching the "bleeding obvious" to fellow group members. I put it down to the need to keep reinforcing lessons learned to themselves, but ego dictates that they have to address the lectures to someone else, hehe. But, more power to them, if they have actually learned something and are attempting to improve.)

The though occured to me recently while pondering Iluien's future, it must be a rather hollow feeling to make it to 65 and have nothing in your future but to hang around lowbie camps pinching their mobs?
#30 Jan 23 2004 at 5:17 AM Rating: Excellent
The though occured to me recently while pondering Iluien's future, it must be a rather hollow feeling to make it to 65 and have nothing in your future but to hang around lowbie camps pinching their mobs?

Well if no guild, friends or any ambition to have fun then maybe this is your fate.

There is a huge amount of the game after you level to 65. AAs to specialise your character. PoP Quests and planar progression. Many luclin encounters become fun and doable.
My Ranger has 125AA, I could have another 100AA and still want a few more to tweak here and there. I still have lots of fun questing, raiding (weekends only) and helping friends. If anything my EQ experience is richer now than when I levelled.

And it is not all about being uber. I just left the number one Euro guild on FV. This was as I do not have the time to devote to the raiding and timesinks required. While in the guild (and a great guild it is) we killed the SSra Emporer twice and the guild are now in Vex Thal (where I intend to guest on some raids with them soon). I just joined a guild called 'Shards of Chaos'. Weekend only raiding, no where near as 'uber' a guild. I still have a lot of fun. SoC has some great people and fun is had, even if it is not killing 1 million hp, 1k hitting, 1.5k proccing monsters. Being uber is overrated Illu, it is all about fun Smiley: wink

Edited, Fri Jan 23 05:56:34 2004 by JennockFV
#31 Jan 23 2004 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
And again i feel like someone born as a native from the amazonian rain forrest who is teleported to NYC.

I had NO idea people would actually pay double or trice to have the privelige of alts and mules on FV.

Silly me thought SOE wanted to create a "special" server for roleplayers like me - but instead they just openend a new moneysource....

Yes. FV is an experiment. I believe they made SWG a single character game as well.

At least 50% of our guild have more than one account on FV, some as many as 8.

One of the things you do suffer from with the one character rule is lack of mules for necessary things like guild banking. Someone has to give up large amounts of bank space off a played character to store stuff for the guild.

Also I never really understood why the single character rule had anything at all to do with roleplaying. It does certainly concentrate the mind on that character but anyone interested in RP could definitely do that anyway.

When you look at the FV special ruleset it is very hard to see anything that actually encourages roleplay more than a normal server. TLC doesn't, lack of No Drop doesn't, Bind restrictions don't, language restrictions don't.

I am currently concentrating on my ranger who is levelling up nicely to help my cleric do things that he could not do alone. That of course is the other benefit of characters on multiple accounts - they can be played simultaneously.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#32 Jan 23 2004 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Again, I disagree. If I Disarm you and intimated you, you can run like a little girl with no weapon while I laugh at you and wait for that lovely stun spell you are dying to use on me.


Someone who is prepared to gamble on the odds of two horribly unreliable skills working in the same combat. And ignorant about fear in PvP.

If Intimidate was anything like a reliable skill you would see rogues and monks fear-kiting with it. As it is you are so surprised if it ever works that the mob has usually gone out of sight before you realise it actually worked.

The truth is the paladin would have killed you while you were waiting for your intimidate button to refresh for the nth "You're not scaring anyone"

Also last I knew PvP disarm put the weapon in inventory, not on the ground like mob disarm. How many blows will you miss while you re-equip? maybe one.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#33 Jan 23 2004 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
Cobra101 wrote:

Also I never really understood why the single character rule had anything at all to do with roleplaying.

it has in the way that you see the world only through one pair of eyes and interact with it on a singular basis.

Personally I would miss something if I'd just say: "Ahh - I do/try/buy/explore/kill that with my shammy/pally/necro/chanter after a cup o' coffee."

For my Rogue for example there are different environments - places I got to feel at home (....the quieteness of the forges in Kaladim where the only sound you hear is that of your own set of tools - compared to the shouting you just left behind in butcherblock mountains...), places I look upon as my hunting grounds - and places I'm afraid to go.

Actually feeling something like "fear" and knowing there are places not to go (yet *grin*) is what MAKES me play EQ - otherwise i could have sticked to the save-load routine from neverwinter nights and the like.....

Cobra101 wrote:
.I am currently concentrating on my ranger who is levelling up nicely to help my cleric do things that he could not do alone.

No offense meant but this approach has nothing to do with roleplaying - its the way people play a SIM like railroad tycoon, sim city or anno 1605.

Somehow the idea comes to my mind that a lot of people play EQ like they played Tomb Raider, Diablo etc in the way they want to "win" and prefer to play EQ just because there one can do the "winning" in public....

Edited, Fri Jan 23 06:31:52 2004 by Leiany
#34 Jan 23 2004 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Leiany you are not the sole roleplayer in existence, nor the sole arbiter of what is and isn't roleplay. Do not fall into that trap as so many "hardcore" roleplayers on FV have.

If you think that it impossible for a person to roleplay more than one character then you are not the roleplayer I thought you were. You are doing something very different which is to project onto your character. A roleplayed character is not a projection of your persona into the world of EQ, it is a fabricated character with it's own viewpoint and characteristics. It is perfectly possible to have more than one active at the same time. It just requires slightly more mental effort.

There are people on FV who are capable of roleplaying two characters simultaneously and well enough for people who do not know to think there are two people playing. Not that I am one but it is possible.

It is perfectly in keeping with roleplay for my cleric who is a gruff miserable old git to have a good working partnership with a mad young ranger. The fact that it happens to be me playing both does not prevent each having their own character and being roleplayed.

it has in the way that you see the world only through one pair of eyes and interact with it on a singular basis.

Personally I would miss something if I'd just say: "Ahh - I do/try/buy/explore/kill that with my shammy/pally/necro/chanter after a cup o' coffee."

This is purely down to personal preference and as I say a true roleplayer can handle multiple characters if they want to. The fact that there is a one character limit does not promote the roleplay or there would not be so many on FV who do not.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#35 Jan 23 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
Cobra101 wrote:
The fact that there is a one character limit does not promote the roleplay or there would not be so many on FV who do not.

Regarding the many people how undermine the 1 character per account idea I can only quote Oppenheimer (I'm not sure wether this quote is history or myth though) who answered the question WHY he invented the H-bomb with the words "Because I could"

It's human nature to make what one can - no matter if he's intended too or not and same goes for 8 accounts on FV.

The only question I have is WHY ON EARTH would someone play on FV and pay 8 TIMES for 8 accounts when he can have this on every other server for 1/8 of the cost??? I will look deeper into that....
#36 Jan 23 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
The only question I have is WHY ON EARTH would someone play on FV and pay 8 TIMES for 8 accounts when he can have this on every other server for 1/8 of the cost??? I will look deeper into that....

For many, many reasons.

Many people play on FV because there is no No Drop rule and everything is available in the bazaar. They do not need to worry as much about faction since they can give things to other people. It is quite possible for a guild to maintain different people who are maxed on all three Velius factions so that armour handins etc are simplified.

There are a lot of people for whom the RP is not their major reason for playing on FV.

There are people who go there because it is less crowded than most other servers. The bind restrictions - the least publicised special rule on FV - mean that many zones seldom see any traffic.

There is a generally promoted idea that somehow the FV population is more "mature" than other servers. I am unconvinced on this one since most people congratulating themselves over how mature they are have yet to make it out of their teens.


Once you have decided that FV is a nice server - which it is. Then provided money is not an issue why would you not have additional accounts to enable more characters there. As someone said the cost of an account for a month is much less than a round of drinks.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#37 Jan 23 2004 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
4,596 posts
I would guess some people prefer the environment of FV. Also some people prefer to multibox as opposed to finding a group. As far as cost goes $25.00 a month is not that much money. Many people spend $125 or more a month on ciggarettes alone. Thats 9 accounts right there.

Edited, Fri Jan 23 08:52:49 2004 by xythex
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#38 Jan 23 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
Lord xythex wrote:
I would guess

than its just a guess (no offense meant)

also its *senseless* to compare the cost of X accounts on FV to anything else (like cigarettes) than X accounts on ANOTHER SERVER.
#39 Jan 23 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
Silly me thought that SOE wanted to provide a no-alt, no-mule server for *whatever* reason.

But the truth is, that they decided to provide a high-quality server (don't know why they knew it was gonna be but who am I to doubt SOE) and then they said:

"Hey - this server is gonna be so DAMN good we will charge extra for it. And we most easily do that in having a one character per account limit. Surley people will appreciate the quality of our new server and gladly pay up to 8 times as much for alts and mules."

And SOE was right :)

Althogh I had them preferred to communicate this more clearly so dumbasses like myself didn't start out on FV because they naively thougt everyones only "allowed" one character on FV and they would never see a twinked toon there....

Edited, Fri Jan 23 09:19:13 2004 by Leiany
#40 Jan 23 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
Cobra101 wrote:
As someone said the cost of an account for a month is much less than a round of drinks.

'a voice says: "Wrong answer"
Your skin burns from an electrical shock
Quizmaster burned you for 13 points of non-melee damage'

It's still *senseless* to compare the cost of playing X characters on FV to anything else than playing X characters on any other server.
#41 Jan 23 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
4,596 posts
I'm not following your logic here. You can only have one toon logged on per account at a time. So in order to multibox you have to have a seperate account for each toon, regardless of what server your on. Why would you not compare cost of one form of entertainment (or addiction depending on who you talk to Smiley: wink) to any other form?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#42 Jan 23 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
It's still *senseless* to compare the cost of playing X characters on FV to anything else than playing X characters on any other server.

I totally disagree. If I want to do something I must consider the cost. If I want to go for a beer I must consider what else I cannot do because of the money I have spent on beer. If I want another EQ account I have to consider the beer that will go undrunk because of it.


Althogh I had them preferred to communicate this more clearly so dumbasses like myself didn't start out on FV because they naively thougt everyones only "allowed" one character on FV and they would never see a twinked toon there....


Naive is about it. FV has the absolute worst twinking of any server. Always has had.

If I am on another server and wish to have alts and twink them I am still running my main. I can spare them hand-me-downs and stuff I no longer need. I am limited by No Drop in what I can buy for them. On FV I "re-roll". 100% of my assets go into the new character, including many many things that could not be handed down on normal servers.

Way back when I started there I remember grouping with people equipped beyond my wildest dreams at level 4 or 5. A friend who has only a single account has just rerolled. He started a cleric decked out in Ornate (PoT) armour. FT12 and 250 WIS at level 1.

There are a very, very few who will destroy or give away their gear on a reroll but most will simply find that their character had a "rich admirer/relative" and even their roleplay is intact.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#43 Jan 23 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Cobra101 wrote:
It's still *senseless* to compare the cost of playing X characters on FV to anything else than playing X characters on any other server.

I totally disagree. If I want to do something I must consider the cost. If I want to go for a beer I must consider what else I cannot do because of the money I have spent on beer. If I want another EQ account I have to consider the beer that will go undrunk because of it.

Try to convince someone of your point of view in the field of business, science, social environment or whatever. Even at college your classmates will laugh at this way to compare things.
#44 Jan 23 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Try to convince someone of your point of view in the field of business, science, social environment or whatever. Even at college your classmates will laugh at this way to compare things.

I left college more years ago than I like to remember.

I think you are just miffed that the bubble of your totally unfounded view of how FV "should" be has been burst.

As a businessman I see no problem with that logic. As a scientist I have no difficulty with it. I can decide how and on what I spend my money. In fact the discussion was very much along those lines. Both are items of entertainment, why do you consider them not open to comparison?

What is wrong with a costed table of ways of spending the evening?

By your logic I cannot for example compare going to the pub against going to the cinema but only against going to a different pub.

I think you will find that it is you who are in the minority on this one.

Edited, Fri Jan 23 10:03:54 2004 by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#45 Jan 23 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
Someone who is prepared to gamble on the odds of two horribly unreliable skills working in the same combat. And ignorant about fear in PvP.

If Intimidate was anything like a reliable skill you would see rogues and monks fear-kiting with it.

Sorry, I disagree. I have seen a monk go one on one with a warrior and the intimidate/disarm combo worked pretty well. Not to mention the fact that you often do not notice your weapon missing from your hand.

Monks and rogues don't fear kite because they can't handle the possible aggro that they would get especially indoors. It is used as a 'I'm about to die and need to get away' type of skill much like FD.

How are you going to do that exactly since i anm Immune to fear effects? and you going to relly on you once in a week disarm working to get rid of my weapon?? i surgest you quit posting this sort of crap untill you have spent 3-6 months reading what your betters have to say

I don't know much about pallys and fear effects. So I can't really say much about that part of it but you do seem to feel that monks are not a class that can handle you one on one. As far as posting crap, I do read the boards and its people like you that feel that they have the master class that cause people like the poster to get fustrated with the game. Personally, if you don't think that a monk could ever beat you in a fight, who is more ignorant? I would never tell someone that they picked a sucky class. All classes are good to play. The point I was making was to the poster...Don't be caught up in the whose better game because you will never get a correct answer. You my friend have proved that point with your 'once in a week disarm' comments.

Learn how to spell and learn how to /assist people better rather than getting into stupid debates.
#46 Jan 23 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent

Why do people play EQ? Is it for the character? The social aspect of the game or the ability to kill dragons? For myself it is a fine mix of all 3.

My old server was horrible, full of loud and brash people. Greifers, trainers and generally not that nice. There were some wonderful people but not in abundance. I was in 2 guilds in my time on my old server, in both there was never a close feeling in the guilds, it was all about 'me','me','me'.

I pay for 3 characters on FV server as I know a large proportion of the server population. Most of them are very nice people. You have griefers and trainers but there are few and far between. Since the server had many restrictions removed more 'droods' have come but in general from my perspective the server is more mature.
So I pay 3 times what I would pay on another server for the ability to play up to 3 characters at once, on a server I enjoy with people I like to play the game with. My old guild 'Forgotten Nemesis' although getting to 'uber' status keeps a very nice attitude to the game and a closeness I never saw on my old server. My current guild 'Shards of Chaos' has a very nice atmosphere as it is populated by wonderful people. Even if Grumpy old Grandad Cobra101 is there Smiley: wink. Oh and FYI, he plays one the best clerics I know hands down.

So why pay 3 times the amount? Because it is where I wish to be.
#47 Jan 23 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Sorry, I disagree. I have seen a monk go one on one with a warrior and the intimidate/disarm combo worked pretty well. Not to mention the fact that you often do not notice your weapon missing from your hand.

Monks and rogues don't fear kite because they can't handle the possible aggro that they would get especially indoors. It is used as a 'I'm about to die and need to get away' type of skill much like FD.

Perhaps it was a poor warrior and the monk was lucky. I would not like to hazard a guess who would win in a toe-to-toe fight with a warrior and monk. I have a warrior and I have very little hope of him coming through a one to one fight with anything even vaguely even-con. I have never played a monk so I don't know if they feel the same. I doubt it as I know people who have soloed monks. In such a fight I would put my money on the monk.

However you relied on Disarm and Intimidate. Disarm isn't too bad but is nowhere near 100% successful - and it doesn't stop that Paladin casting. And intimidate is notoriously unreliable. The Safehouse Rogue FAQ says:-

It can not be relied on as an escape ability, because success is fairly rare.

My personal experience and that of those I have talked to supports this. I did once manage to both snare (Dagger from Guk) and Intimidate a mammoth but like a dancing dog the thing is not how well it worked but that it happened at all.

Finally why would a monk use Intimidate as a
'I'm about to die and need to get away' type of skill
when they already have FD which if trained is much, much more reliable.

I didn't think fear worked in PvP but if you say it does then I won't argue. However all melee get /disc fearless which gives them 11 secs of cover and Paladins do get an AA which makes them totally immune to it. Add to this the fact that you have to kill paladins twice and I think the monk has a tough job.

I totally agree there is no "best class" and the only real issue is the prejudices of groups which change with the wind.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#48 Jan 23 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
I think it has been said before, as far as PVP goes the classes are not balanced. I would imagine it would be possible for a druid to kill several warriors at once. I have fought Pally's before with my Ranger, and it is no easy task, flash of light is super annoying, then, they can chain stun you, while they beat you down. If they get into trouble, they can root you and heal themsleves(or LoH), or sit down and med. As far as PVP goes pure melees are bottom of the barrel. Might as well accept that. Thats the down side, the up side is that melees can be leveled the fastest (especially with PLing) and all classes have thier place on the blue servers. EQ PVP is really a totally different game, and SOE has not bothered to try and balance the game this way. I think they would find it totally impossible to balance every class for both, group usefulness, and PVP at the same time. My 2cp.
#49 Jan 23 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
Damn somebody cleared my cookies again, that last post was mine. One more time with feeling!

I think it has been said before, as far as PVP goes the classes are not balanced. I would imagine it would be possible for a druid to kill several warriors at once. I have fought Pally's before with my Ranger, and it is no easy task, flash of light is super annoying, then, they can chain stun you, while they beat you down. If they get into trouble, they can root you and heal themsleves(or LoH), or sit down and med. As far as PVP goes pure melees are bottom of the barrel. Might as well accept that. Thats the down side, the up side is that melees can be leveled the fastest (especially with PLing) and all classes have thier place on the blue servers. EQ PVP is really a totally different game, and SOE has not bothered to try and balance the game this way. I think they would find it totally impossible to balance every class for both, group usefulness, and PVP at the same time. My 2cp.

I think the only class any melee could win against is another pure melee class. And I think it would come down to the Doom-like tactics, strafing and stuff like that.

Oh yea and in the original post you say you would wipe the floor with any melee, I hope you meant pure melee. My ranger would kill you without breaking a sweat, you would practically kill yourself on my damage shield if we went toe-to-toe. But a better tactic for me is I land a snare, and you are as good as dead. Ask anyone. It may take me 200 arrows and 30 minutes, but if I got lucky you may not even hit me once. Rangers have disarm too, its never worked for me (ever) but I've got it.

Edited, Fri Jan 23 11:52:30 2004 by Reinman
#50 Jan 23 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Feb 11 19:01:14 2004 by StefinFetchit
#51 Jan 23 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Cobra101 wrote:
I left college more years ago than I like to remember.
ok - if you are 40 your'd be 1 year olde rthan me

Cobra101 wrote:
I think you are just miffed that the bubble of your totally unfounded view of how FV "should" be has been burst. As a businessman I see no problem with that logic. As a scientist I have no difficulty with it. I can decide how and on what I spend my money. In fact the discussion was very much along those lines. Both are items of entertainment, why do you consider them not open to comparison?.

*sigh* you cannot raise your evade-the-point-ability in that way.

/em speaks very slow pronouncing every word carefully so everyone can follow:
Fact 1: Having charakters running on Firiona Vie costs 8 times the money than on any other server (Discord is dead)
Fact 2: Nobody wastes money so there must be a reason for that decision to pay 8 times on FV

And to compare that with something that maybe is more understandably: If my hubby tells me he bought a german car that costs 8 times what the japanese car costs I would ask him also "So what's the deal?" I wouldn't mind if we can afford it - and neither would anyone else. If one of your kids told you "Daddy I bought a computer that costs 8 times what the one most other people have but I know we can afford it" would'nt you ask "WHY did you pick this one?"?
Cobra101 wrote:
By your logic I cannot for example compare going to the pub against going to the cinema but only against going to a different pub.
Thats right - i would ask why you prefer a pub where a coke costs 8 times the usual price even if that coke is still cheaper than a night at the movies :)

especially since you don't sound like someone who likes to waste money even if you can easily afford it.
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