Fact 1: Having charakters running on Firiona Vie costs 8 times the money than on any other server (Discord is dead)
Absolute nonsense.
Only if you had 8 accounts would this be true and very few go that far.
The issue is not one of "8 times" as you have so spuriously put in all over the place - and you willfully miss the point.
Let us say I am already paying for an EQ account. I want to have more characters and have links on existing servers - friends and the like - which i wish to maintain. A second account is the obvious way to go. It will cost me another $12.99 per month. I have to decide whether to spend that money or not. Competing for the entertainment budget are things like going to pubs, cinema, buying alcohol etc. Performing a simple value judgement between what I want from a second account on EQ and the other things shows me significant benefits to the EQ account.
I decide to spend twice what I am spending - another $12.99 - which means I don't buy drinks with that money or cinema tickets or whatever.
This is in order to play with people I know and characters I already have significant time invested in.
Yes there are nearly 50 servers and if I had no friends or links it would be cheaper to just go play a different server. But this is not the only factor in the consideration. I might very well go to a pub where the drinks (coke is not a drink more of a well-marketed *****) are twice the price if the atmosphere was nicer.
So please stop the spurious pretensions of business logic. You aren't fooling anyone. Jennock said it well some posts back - I play FV because I like it there.
ok - if you are 40 your'd be 1 year olde rthan me
Not sure how this is relevant. Why not just say you are 39. The maths could confuse some of our readers. If you want to play guessing games on my age then better people than you have tried and failed.