Hi all.
My two toons are nearing 50, as well as my friends thatr have 2 toons who are closing in on 50. I was wondering what quests the 4 of us could do together that produces quality gear. I know I could just look up quests, but the required level and the level for which the quest is actually possible, quite often have a wide gap. Many of them say get a group of level 60's and proceed to... My ranger is by far the best equipped out of everybody, and I don't expect to be able to upgrade any of his stuff, but my Shaman could use some work, as well as my friends rogue and another shaman. So just to summarize that again our foursome consists of 2 Shaman, a Rogue and a Ranger. Lets assume we are all level 50.
Thanks in advance for anyone who answers.
Also, when should a person start to work on their Epics?