Mistake 1:
I try to look at that unbiased so I would *prefer* that no one posts here who "thinks he knows the answer" or "knows someone who does have more than one" but only people ACTUALLY HAVING 2+ ACCOUNTS on Firiona Vie.
You can't try to dictate responses. We really don't care if you want limited input.
Mistake 2:
I just ask myself if FV wasn't planned to be a one-charakter-per-person server. Otherwise it would have been just a clever marketing plot which a LOT of people fell for. ;)
It was planed to be 1 charactor per account. This keeps EVERYONE from having mules to sell in the bazaar/tradeskill/foragers/to get items from oppisite faction areas
Mistake 3:
So in your opinion Firiona Vie WAS planned as a server which should just make more money than other servers and NOT invite people to have only one charakter on this very server.
Money has nothing to do with that server. I know 12 different people that 2-box in my guild alone (Current and/or ex-members). That does not count the 7-8 husband wife combos we also have. This is not FV. The act of 2-boxing has NOTHING to do with that server any more than every other server.
Mistake 4:
a simple "yes" will be accepted without further comment...
Entended or not this came accross very condencending.
Mistake 5:
I don't know - I never thought of playing with 2 chars at once although it sound nice to have a SOW, Rez or Bind whenever i want one. I just didn't know how I should manage that with one PC.
Less a mistake than a misunderstanding, Everyone that I know who 2 boxes, does it on 2 PC's, myself included. I have 2 PC's set up thru a router over a cable modem and run both at once.
I know some folks use EQWindow or run 2 instances of EQ on same PC but I can not do that near as effectivly.
Mistake 6:
By your own admission in other posts you are relitivly new to EQ in general. The folks that have been around for 3+ years really don't care for the new guy that comes in and imposes his will on the way things should be done, in his opinion.
Want questions answered? sure happy to assist.
Want opinions? Great we got lots of those
But try to keep it polite or folks will stop answering any post you ever make.
That said...
I dont play on FV. Had not had 50 levels invested when it was created I would have started there, as I thinks its (original) rules were the rules EQ should have always had.
I play 2 accounts at same time, but dont pay for 1 (RL friend I use from time to time) It has nothing to do with making a cleric on my own account, it has everything to do with
No cleric on to ress myself or a friend? Sec BRT
Need a cleric to make a group? Sec BRT
Something droped in my farming that is lore? Full of stuff? Need to check bazzar with out walking that far? Want to watch that spawn while running errands or assisting someone? Can do all those too.
That is just the tip of the ice berg...