Eeeh Haaw!
/preparing to be flamed but don't care.
I am celebrating!
My Druid is level 22!
He solos Wooly Mammoths!
He hauled a traders satchel and a ralic pack full of tusks off to sell today(wouldn't it be nice if they stacked?).
He spent some time buffing newbs at Surefall today.
He gave away some old swords, daggers, Blackburrow chain and leather armor and other junk to some newbs that didn't feel that it was junk.
He has most of his skills up to level(except 1hb...oh and Divination...oh and... oh well anyway).
Heh Heh, life in Norath is good!
(he still snares himself once in awhile though...definitly still a newb!)
Edited, Sat Jan 24 22:56:14 2004 by alwayslost