This weekend saw much happiness for Shards of Chaos.
It was decided to spank the dragon Xanamech in the Plane of Innovation for the factory flag and upgrades. He died with only a few sacrifices (summoned slowers
). Some lucky Shards received his 41% haste choker and his caster ring.
Next Target was Banord Paffa in the Ruins of Lexi(thingy) (oh come on, you cannot expect me to remember how to spell it!). The fat man died to our first attempt to kill him and was a easy fight. He dropped a nice FTII mask for one of our plethora of chanters.
I attended as a guest on a raid with my old guild "Forgotten Nemesis". We killed Tallon Zek once more, this time he dropped his bow as well as a Wizzie or two. It seems loot for FN is directly proprotional in quality to how many wizzies die
I then joined them for most of a fight in the Ruins of Lex(thingy).
Much fun was had in one room. We killed a nasty but the room he was in has an amusing property. Every time a person on the raid dies, 3 or 4 level 60 or so skeletons pop on the raid. These kill more people ... more skeles pop. Needless to say it is a chain reaction. I personally ended up tanking about 70 skeletons on weaponshield disc while taking a few glugs of my thurg gate potion. I lived! I was told that 132 skeles were on track in the end.
In the course of the raid I realised I miss my old guild a LOT. However I just cannot make their raid times anymore. I hope to keep on guesting sometimes when I am available
So, to the SoC raid!
Scouting showed that nothing was up in norrath but for Vindi and Rumblecrush. These are only snacks so we decided to kill Xanamech once more to flag a few more guildies and take his loots. He died to us even with no bards for resist song in a near flawless fight. The 41% haste choker and a nice caster weapon dropped for us.
Next was a mess. We ran to Kael with Vindi spanking in our minds for faction to find that while we were busy in Plane of Innovation that another guild was inhabiting Kael. So we run to Umbral Plains to take a quick shot at Rumblecrush to find another guild had only just setup to attempt him
We ended up crawling in Griegs end and taking some minor loots from named there. Upgrades were had but the risk was missing. How dare other guilds kill OUR targets! *pout*
Edited, Mon Jan 26 08:59:57 2004 by JennockFV