As a healer in Norrath, I have noticed a troubling trend. Now I understand that as a warrior your blood is boiling to fight. I respect that, even count on that. But when you are in a group, especially in an LDON adventure, please, please, please stop pulling, sit down and relax when your healer(s) say they are out of or low on mana.
Maybe this is an educational thing. Maybe the wiring in the fighter's brain does not connect the healer's mana source as being that stuff that makes his little red bar stay up when fighting. Maybe it is more simple than that...maybe they just do not know what OOM or LOM means. We assume they would ask, but maybe not. OOM = out of mana: this means the caster cannot heal you or anyone else and needs time to sit and med, preferably without having people die while it is happening. LOM = low on mana: this means that there may be one or two heals left so be cautious. The healer will need to sit and med. If they say LOM and then heal you, expect to see OOM soon thereafter.
A good tank should ALWAYS ask his group "How's mana?" before pulling. It is also good to discuss pulling with the group. Find out what percent mana is ok to make a pull of one, of two, of more...etc.
Which gets me to buffing. You like our buffs. You need our buffs. You ask for our buffs. If there is one healer taking care of 3 tanks, that is a lot of buffs. That can deplete a full mana bar to a dangerous level. When your buffs run out, ask. Then expect to sit while the healer meds for healing mana after casting the buffs. Far too often the tank that has just been buffed, in a stat-enhanced frenzy, decides to pull the next room to test his new found resiliency only to find the healer is unable to keep up with his ability to get pounded by bad guys.
Bottom line is, you need us and we need you. We do not run around healing you when you do not need it, so please do not run around needing healed when we cannot help you!
And I know it is boring. How many times do I hear tanks complaining about being bored when I am the only healer in a group and they are waiting on me. If you are bored, go ahead, pull, be my guest. If you find it exciting to die and watch the rest of the group run to the zone, pull away when the healer says OOM or LOM. I will be sitting in the corner medding and while I am at it, I think I will mem gate.
I will die trying to save my group members. That is my job. I will give every last drop of mana to keep you alive. I will not be healing myself. I will not run to the zone. UNLESS you are a stupid tank that cannot follow the above rules, then I am healing the rational members of the group and helping them and I get to the zone.
Thank you,
Doktore Soose