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Rare LDoN loot issue/bugFollow

#1 Jan 26 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
Last night in a LDoN mission, a mob died on top of a bookcase. Not unusual. I play a half elf but was shrunk, thus to loot I targeted the corpse, leapt into the bookshelf to get high enough up to the corpse to loot. I was able to view the corpse contents, but not to actually pick up any items. Further, normal means of escaping from the /loot mode failed. Eventually I believe I did an alt-enter to escape it, but I could be mistaken - it may have eventually just let me escape but took 1-2 minuets to do so.

After that I could run around and use hotbuttons but I could not open my inventory or click on anything on screen, i.e. to target anyone or to click a button. I did engage in combat by using /assist and that seemed to work fine.

This situation was fixed by logging out to the character select screen and back in again.

The identical thing happened to our enchanter who used levitate to get to the same corpse. We really wanted the item because it was a collect mission and the corpse had the collect item, but after both of us logging and coming back we decided against any further efforts to recover it.

Has this happened to anyone else? Is this worth reporting? It must be rare - I've done perahps 50 mission and only had it occur once. Perhaps it has something to do with shrink as I believe both the enchanter and I were shrunk (?).

There is a second issue I had which I hesitate to mention because it was a one time thing, but for completeness I will add it. I play a rogue and routinely check the chests we find. If I get a "you are certain this chest is trapped" message I disarm it. If I get the "you are unable to determine if this chest is trapped" I let the casters go to work. However, one time (last Thursday?) I got a "you are certain" message but I could not disarm it. I even set off the trap eventually on the 5th or 6th try. Then I let a priest class try their spells and they indeed could also sense the trap and they disarmed and opened the chest. I have probably sensed traps on the order of 100 times on chests, and opened probably around 40 or so. Only had the problem once.

Anyone else ever have this issue? Worth reporting?

Any advice welcome. Thanks.

Miscellenous info: I'm a 57 half elf rogue, average group level was probably 54-55 in each case and all occured in Miragul's normal difficulty missions. My sense and disarm traps skills are at 200.
#2 Jan 26 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
I had this issue in Dulak when a Mob died on the rocky wall, i was able to see lot, however couldnt actually loot and when i hit done I was unable to do anything other than target mobs w/ assist. So I would def say.../bug
#3 Jan 26 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
My issue is very close to Limpkinw's. In HoH, while soloing, if I right click on a mob to loot it before I come to a complete stop, there is about a one in ten chance that it will freeze up all my spells and clicky items. It also makes it so I cannot loot again.

I've never been able to solve it without logging to char select. If charm breaks while I'm camping out, it just means I have to take the death and smile. /bug
#4 Jan 26 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
I was able to "fix" the bug by zoning and coming back in, but I know that isnt always possible.
#5 Jan 26 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good

I've had the post-looting problem twice now over the weekend, in 2 different zones. Opened the corpse up as normal (what a nice picture that paints!) but couldn't loot the items in there.

Once I'd closed the loot screen, I couldn't use my hotbuttons, couldn't target mobs, and couldn't open the loot screen again. Fixed it by logging out to character select and back in.

Happened to me in Dawnshroud and Shadeweaver's. Both times, the corpses concerned died on a rock - don't know if that is significant. I've bugged it both times, but those reports probably just ended up in the virtual trashcan along with the thousand or so others per day. Smiley: frown

Thought I'd post to let you know it's not just a LDoN thing.
#6 Jan 26 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
same problem happens repeatedly if I try to buy/sell from the Astral Projection in LOIO. cant cast, click or anything until I re-log.

as far as the chest things...just another reason I won't mess with barrels/chests, etc. SOE should be shot for the whole trap thing in LDoN dungeons...they are WAY overkill. last adventure with my warrior someone did that. sensed it was cursed so caster casted using scryer stone and said it worked but it didnt..then rogue set off trap about 8 times (luckily it was a DD trap and not curse) before it was disarmed.

then last night on an assassination mission. the final room before boss and the hallway following had 5 total traps in them. everything from poison to was downright ridiculous. SOE needs to nerf the whole trap thing.
#7 Jan 27 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
Are you using a custom UI? I had this problem when using the SARS4 and a couple other UIs. When I dropped the custom UI (/loadskin default) I was able to loot again. This was only happeing to me on gather missions where the mob had a gather item on it and the mob was intersecting a dungeon object (wall, table, etc..). Hope this helps.

Edited, Tue Jan 27 08:12:24 2004 by Visagoth
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