I believe that the customer service provided on EverQuest needs major improvement. If we are paying to play, we need better customer service. I don't see the point in calling the support number because all they will tell you is to use the "Contact your GM" on everquestlive.com. Then when you do use "Contact your GM", all you get is an auto-replied email that includes:
"If this does not assist you in ...
then please reply back with the following information..."
What is the point in using the "Contact your GM" when it takes a reply to send in the same information that you already submitted?
Also, if you use the /peition command within the game, all you get is a Guide telling you to call the support number or use the "Contact your GM" on the everquestlive.com. It is all a revolving loop that never ends and the problems don't get resolved. GMs are never on the server when you need them "in-game", but you see about three or four of them moderating the chat channel. I think that moderating a chat channel is not what GMs should be paying attention too. Especially when you have 3 or 4 of them. My point is that the service provided needs major help. Our issues are not getting resolved as they should. Your customer service department needs help, and I only hope that SOE fixes it.