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What is your most spectacular blunder?Follow

#1 Jan 27 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
EQ Bloopers time! We all have done some amazingly stupid things in our character's career. Come on...admit it. It's always fun to reminisce, looking back at an encounter and wonder "just what were you thinking." What were you most spectacular blunders?


I was a lowly level 15 paladin. Being a new EQ player I had only recently discovered EQ Atlas, and decided that it would be fun to try my hand at Befallen. Hey I’m a paladin, I like undead. I soloed the 1st level without too much difficulty several times. One weekend I happened to join minor guild event and descended into the lower levels.

Never having been there before I pretty much just followed along and happily hacked and slashed our way through level 2. Descending into level 3 things took a really bad turn for the worse and 2 group members died. I laid-on-hands the main tank, but without the casters we didn't stand a chance.

A train quickly formed and the group got split up. The warrior stood his ground and the cleric (and I) made a mad dash up to level 2 and level 1. We quickly noticed that several players got separated and the warrior was still near death on level 3 (how he survived as long as he did without help is still a mystery).

The cleric gave me all the keys, healed me quickly, and sent me off to fetch the rest of the members. Without thinking (and having absolutely no sense of where I was going) I ran down into level 2 and got completely lost. The cleric was shouting directions for me, the warrior on level 3 was pleading for help, and I was very rapidly generating a second train looking for the damn door to level 3 (or even the door back up to level 2). To make matters worse I had all of the keys and the cleric couldn't even come down to help me.

Morale of the story...if you don't know where you're going say so, and don't accept all of the keys!
#2 Jan 27 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
when i was lvl 55 is was doing a Nro LDoN <which is notoriously hard to pull in.> i didn't have the maps at this point since i had not downloaded them.

i was in a group consisting of Cleric, Beastlord, Necro, Ranger, Warrior and me. I was pulling and droping the aggro to the Warrior and pulling at 20%.

i had just pulled the last mob in a room and left at 20% to start pacifying the next room, i opened a door right onto a mob stood right at the door, he aggro and brought friends 3-4 of them, i called adds and turned to run back to the group. As i turned i got stunned and spinned like a top losing all sence of where the group was since the door had closed. so i ran for the right hand door only to birst in on 3 more mobs and run back to the group with 7 only to find that the initail mob i had left at 20% was a healer and was back on 90% life and the cleric calling LOM.

I dropped as i was Typing RUN FOR ZONE!! and didn't get it off leading to 7 mobs joingin on the poor warrior and the group dropped in seconds.

to make it worse i was bound in Overthere with the cleric as we had been doing Skyfire for the epic drops and it took us 15 mins to get back into the zone ...... Not my finest hour.
#3 Jan 27 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
Level 18 Bard - had just gotten Denon's Disruptive Discord and used it effectively on yard trash in Unrest. Got into a nice group in the Round Room, when our puller brought in a couple mobs. Things were going well until I thought, "Hey - I'll use the new song and this'll go faster!"

Well, the next thing we knew, mobs were FLYING in from everywhere (duh! - I knew better, just wasn't thinking) and we wiped almost instantaneously. Everyone was wondering why we got so many adds. I had just joined a guild (which has since disbanded) and did not want to give the guild a bad name, so I didn't fess up... Bad me!Smiley: disappointed

Now I have two sets of song sets - those used when soloing and those for grouping - Denon's Disruptive Discord is not in the group set so I can't accidentally use it.
#4 Jan 27 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
Far too many blunders to pick one most spectacular one, but I can think of a few memorable ones:

Call of the Hero'ing the entire raid force to Aary's spawn pit to start a North ToV run, and not realizing he was due to spawn in say, 5 minutes or so.

Trying to AE out the entire vegerog ring.

Having us fight in dead center of Phase 3 on our first time there.

Lots of things, just my mistakes tend to stand out pretty spectacularly in the minds of my guildmembers.

#5 Jan 27 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
A few..... getting the target key mixed up and repeatedly healing the mob 1, 2, 3 times while wondering why spell wouldn't take hold and MT was slowly perishing is one of them Smiley: banghead
#6 Jan 27 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
My worst blunder, and it has happened twice, was: I'm a Pally and the usual tactic is that during a fight, after you have taken enough damage and feel a little low, you root your mob and then step back and heal. Well, sometimes the root doesn't stay too long when you are low enough level and you need to root again, so you can heal some more. I guess you all see this coming, yep, I forgot to hit my tab key again and rooted myself. Smiley: eekExcited but bewildered mob Smiley: confusedcomes running in and happily slays stupid paladin. After paladin gets excited during hitting tab key over and over and then lays on hands to the MOB, not the paladin.Smiley: oyvey

Edited, Tue Jan 27 13:40:34 2004 by Vaanan
#7 Jan 27 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
I was Greebenieb Showstopper.
A lowly Halfling Warrior who wielded some Crafted Armor (Thank you Shortyz) and a Mithril Two Handed Sword (haste). We were the Neutrals of Sullon Zek. Our guild was Thicket and Vale led by our leader Kidknie and our friends Aniir and Emilia etc etc...
They were the Evils of Ruin, Hate, and Da Bashin' Iggles.
The location was the zoneline from Kithicor to Rivervale.

A great war occurred. Huge war. Ogres dropping Halflings. Shadowknights vs. Druids vs. Wizards vs. Clerics vs. Shamans etc etc... even Kirban showed up.

This was back in the day where PvP used to be all wars like this, where there were PvP raids and not book camping.

Until one moment, the corpse run of a 60 Warrior was needed.

Theleka Meepup (sp) was at the zoneline of the Rivervale/Kithicor area, and dropped evils left and right.

The blunder was... the war was one due to the sacrifical Greebenieb Showstopper taking this hero to the zoneline to ward off the intruder.

96% rez was awarded.
My most spectacular blunder.
#8 Jan 27 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Being the author of "1001 Ways to Root Yourself in Battle .. An Autobiography" I feel your pain Vaanan! heh
#9 Jan 27 2004 at 8:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Backed myself into a corner in a dungeon.

We had two incoming.

The MA took an initial beating so I dropped a CH on him the 2nd MA got control of the add and he was OK. 2nd MA is starting to take a beating, cast Natures Touch on him.

Things look under control, hmm this looks a like a good opportuntiy to use Winter's Storm, cast it, I take aggro from both mobs as the first wave hits.

Both mobs descend on me bringing the rain with them, I die trapped in the corner under a flurry of blows and nuked by my own rain.

These are the Fearnought patented steps to ensure that you gain aggro from all mobs in camp.

Stupidity personified.
#10 Jan 27 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
wizzy+sleepy+mob comin at me+ae snare=ouch

i'm sure i've done dumber things but can't think of them atm
#11 Jan 27 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
Being a recently turned lvl39 druid, I decided I was big enough to check out some velious zones; after all, I got the rings (self ports)that level.

Wakening Lands eh? Sounded interesting, so I loaded the spell, and proceeded to port triumphantly in.

Well apparently some ******* named Wuoshi took offense to me, cause he put me under with the quickness, ******* was a druid as well too. After a failed cr (Wuoshi has pretty damn big aggro range) I got a necro to do two summons for me; then went to leveling to get back to 39.
#12 Jan 28 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
OK, I will list of mine and then the funniest blunder I ever saw, commited by a good friend who no longer play.

As for me...I have committed so many blunders...most recently my blunder was...I was playing my second account cleric, which is only lvl 30. I was in a group in the EF LDON. We were doing good until our necro ran into a side room accidentally and pulled several mobs while our tanks were already busy. I positioned myself to heal, and sat down to med. The first heal I dropped, brought the entire contents of the other room to me. I died very quickly, and the tanks could not get to me...actually one was mezzed by a stinking monkey. Here is the blunder...when I pop, I am standing by the bank in HHK! Ouch. I was their only healer and I have to run to a book from HHK just to get back. I obviously should have bound right outside of the dungeon. I barely made it back in time, but we did complete in time.

But, the funniest blunder...

Way back pre-expansion, I played a barb warrior. I had gotten into a good group and we had formed a guild. We went everywhere together...There were about 10 of us who were always together in some combination or another. We were together from about lvl 11 to 35 or so. Anyway, one was a wizzie. She was nice and fun to play with, but always provided some excitement. You see, she was a little clueless.

We took and held Najena's room one day. For those of you who do not know, Naj's room is small and you can only enter and exit by using a key that drops off of a bad undead froglok. Naj herself is a mage and has two other mages in the room with her. At our level these were tough to kill. Add a tough pet to each and it was quite a task taking the room. The spawn was broken well and we were able to camp there for some time, a couple of days with some combo of our group or another. We got so many FBRs, which the casters would run out and sell (since they were lore and at the time sold very well) and then they would gate back. They would bind right outside the door.

Well a few days later we were in unrest and our little wizzie friend died. She did that alot...and we all sat down to med and heal and wait for her. We get a message to group from her "WTF? WAIT, hey! HELP" then nothing. Then again. Then we get "I need help". Then again. We do a who on her and saw she was in Najena...Finally I get a tell from a chacter I do not know, she tells me it is her alt and that she had bound herself in Naj's room and keeps popping there and dying. We laugh so hard we cry, although we did feel bad for her. We got a port to Lavastorm from a friend and we went to take the room so she could get on and get her body. When we went into the room, there were 9 bodies of our friend laying there crumpled on the floor. One fully clothed and the other 8 in her underwear.

I heard that they made it so that you could not bind in certain places adn that Naj's room is now one of those.

#13 Jan 28 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
Not spectacular but funny - My new toon baked herself up to 30 over the wekend which meant I could try all those nice +1 stat steakes for skill 41.

Well I made it the easy way buying meat when I came across a vendor, baked when I came across an oven and so on.....

I was lazy all day (regarding EQ)and went a lot AFK. I finally get some free time and want to start CB again - I look in my inventory to strategically choose a litle snack but there's only raw meat - not a single steak! You allready guessed it, I threw the steaks just in the Inventory where they landed in the first accesible spot and my toon ate them all up over time instead of the rations in another backpack.....

That was probably the first time my toon got fed better than my family *lol*
#14 Feb 03 2004 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
Ok This is Pre-Ykesha...I was playing my shaman running through EF when I go LD. Sigh, Ok I wait and log back on. I look around and I'm about 400 ft in the air...I can barely see the ground...I've Climbed a mountain in my sleep!

So I mem Levitate so I can float down nice and easy...Piece of Cake. I step off...and FALL! (Hm...probably should have cast it first)

Ended up I hit so hard I Fell through the world and needed a Gm to bring me back. Ouch...I still have flashbacks everytime I run through EF now...
#15 Feb 03 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Heh. Did pretty much the same thing with my wiz waaaaay back in the day. Went LD in EK, ended up way up on the side of one of the gorges. Unfortunately, it was night time, and this was a human wizard. I didn't really realize how high up I was. I thought idly about using fade to drop down, but just as I thought of it, I just stepped off. I still have no idea why I did that... Ouch!

A more recent blunder with my pally. Fortunately, it was not fatal. Just extremely embarassing. Was following a group of guildies into AC to kill some named mob thingie. Somehow got separated in GF. Invis had faded. For some reason, I totally blanked out on where I was going and thought that the zoneline was "just" inside the cave entrance. Got a good distance in thinking all along: "Ok, I should have hit the zone by now", before realizing that I had no freaking idea where I was or where the zone actually was (total brain fart!).

Um... I ended up running all over the place with hordes of greenies on my back, shouting all the while: "Train to... um... Somewhere! Where's the damn zone?". I felt sooo bad about that. I also think I managed to run smack into or through every single person hunting in that cave system (and it's pretty big too!). Yup. Good times...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#16 Feb 04 2004 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
well all my goof ups led to the all famous ranger Loading please wait but i will list a few off the top of my head

I fell off the ledge in velks and splated against the floor, Loading please wait....

I attacked a tribual accedently and got death touched, Loading please wait...

Attacked my epic turn in guy, Loading please wait....

I think ever woody has done this but i feel off platform 13 at level 1, Loading please wait...

Got mad at a person who i thought was harrasing me and it turned out to be a GM... almost got my account banned, but then at the same time as this is happening i get killed by a hill giant in RM, Loading please wait... lol i barley got off on that one and now me and that GM are friends =P.

I asked how do i take things out of my backpack (when i first started playing everquest) and someone said type /q. I was fighting an orc pawn at the time, Loading please wait...

the list goes on and on. I am a ranger though

#17 Feb 04 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Is there ANY newbie whose first character spawns in Kelethin doesn't die for the first time because they don't realize that you need to look DOWN in order to see the ramps leading down from the platforms?

I sincerely doubt it.

Was recently in BoT at the US camp. Had to leave the group to go make dinner, memmed camo, cast it, started running...and got agro. Whoops...guess I shoulda tried to cast it on myself instead of on the group member I had targetted to invite before I disbanded, huh?

In the vein of "could have been a huge blunder but turned into a rocking good time" a 52-ish druid friend was PLing my 22-ish cleric in SolA. He had me DSed and he was DSed and we were just pulling the spawns closest to the bar area of SolA. was my first time ever having a character that used an AOE DD spell. I didn't know there WERE AOE spells (this was before spell descriptions popped up in the spell window) having only played a ranger before.

So...I cast my main DD on the mob we are killing. Then, while I am waiting for it to recharge, I cast what I think is another DD spell. Suddenly, gobbie after gobbie after gobbie come CHARGING through the door to the bar. There were, no exaggeration, over a dozen of them. They all start hitting me and I'm going down fast, so the druid heals me. So then they start hitting him, and I'm thinking "aw, hell, we're gonna die. I'm going to get a 50ish character killed in a lvl 20 zone" and determined that I am not going to run and leave him to die alone, I cast a DD spell again. The AOE spell. They start hitting me, he heals me, they start hitting him. So all the time, they are killing themselves on his and my DS and I am tagging them with the AOE. Every time I catch agro, he would heal me, and they would start hitting him long enough for me to fire off another AOE. In the end, all dozen plus gobbies were dead, I was about half a level richer in xp, and we were both, "Dude, that f-ing rocked."


#18 Feb 04 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Oh hell! That reminded me of my biggest blunder (don't know how I managed to miss it).

Doing the FA turnin in PoA. It's been a very long day. I'm kinda nervous and all. It's been a long haul getting there and I don't want to ***** it up.

I've read up everything I can on the turnin. We're done for the day, so I've had everyone camp off the zone except for me, the person doing to money turnin to spawn Akera, and a couple other folks with good pally faction (a cleric and a paladin IIRC).

So. I'm walking up to him. There's a gorgalusk that for some reason has forsaken it's own island and is floating in the building. This isn't a problem since they aren't KoS. Someone asks me a question in one of our chat channels. Instead of hitting "/1" to respond on chat channel one, I miss the "/" and just hit 1. Well, *cough* 1 happens to be my auto attack key. I already had the gorg targeted because I had just /conned it to make double double sure it wasn't going to be a problem. I'm already kinda shakey that that just throws me off. I can't seem to hit the 1 key to turn off autoattack. My hands had already done some "enter" pushing, so I'm in chat now, so hitting 1 didn't actually do anything. Instead I'm using the other hand and moving the arrow keys trying to back away. Should have been fine (I wasn't right up against it or anything). Unfortunately, it chose that exact time to fly towards me (damn thing!). I got close enough to hit it and chose to die rather then get us wiped.

Fortunately, I got a rez immediately after and did my turn in. It was just hugely embarassing. I never make those sorts of mistakes normally. I can flawlessly shift out of attack mode to stun (using the right stun) a mob beating on a chanter to allow him to mez, retarget and shift back to the main target without missing a beat. I do that sort of thing all the time, lending help to the CC team in an unobtrusive way, yet for some reason, with no pressure and no time issues, I couldn't handle just chatting. Sigh...

Fortunately, there weren't many people on to witness it, so I didn't get too much ribbing about it. Heh. I'd actually almost forgotten about it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Feb 04 2004 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
One more:

Lost my very valuable Fleeting Quiver. Being a ranger, I forage habitually. I have it hotkeyed to my forward arrow button. A shaman friend gave me a 10 Dose Potion of the Bone Field, which will port you to Field of Bone near the PoK stone. My general inventory slots were all full, so I pick my quiver in my hand, put the potion in that slot, and drink it. I zone into FoB and start running for the PoK stone, never noticing the "There is no place to put that, so you have dropped it" message that appeared after I hit the forward arrow button and foraged something. I zone into PoK and go about my business for about 10 minutes before I notice that my port potion is still in my general inventory and my Fleeting Quiver is nowhere to be found...



#20 Feb 04 2004 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
When I was just starting out my fancy new paladin and got him to nine I got so happy I get to get new spells. So I go up and buy my spells (no I dont attack my guildmaster) and run back to EC and get into a orc group. Happy to try out my spells I forget to change targets and cast Flash of Light on myself and Im think uh oh and run around into what happens to be the camp...
#21 Feb 04 2004 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
This should give you all a few tickles.

As a Gnome Necro, im KoS to all except Merchants and Bankers in HHK. After camping there since 20, making 8 levels and sticking around for the WR and RR groups, im pretty experienced in this zone. Happily I put my GS (Gather Shadows) on and run into the fort. Going down to basement, I decide I need to sell. No probs. Go to the bank, jump behind the counter to the merchant on the side. Sell all those Bronze and some FS weaps. I fail to see where EQ tells me my GS went off. So I shout "Lvl 28 Nec, LFG" and find a group in the RR.

I med up for a sec with AoD (Allure of Death) going plus med. Soon as I hit full, I get up and start running out of the bank area. No sooner I do I see:

"Captain Bosec slashes YOU for 56 points of damage.
Captain Bosec slashes YOU for 39 points of damage.
Captain Bosec kicks you for 18 points of damage."

So I start to run to get it down to my group who'd kill Bosec for me.

Big mistake. I run up the stairs in my haste and run into two more guards. Ouch. Run down the stairs to the basement and see that the GR room is uncamped. Hell. Already halfway through, all the Pickclaws yell their battle cry and jump at me. Double ouch. I /ooc that I got 5 or so mobs on me, and there being 2 Clerics, a Pally, an SK and a Warrior say they'll manage. So, I run down.


I get whapped by a Pickclaw Visionary and two Warriors join in. My health drops to about 40. I /ooc Add 2 and they say they'll concentrate on healing me while the tankers take out the mobs one by one. I see the room entrance, when suddenly a third Warrior pops and stuns me. All the mobs, about 2 Pickclaw Warrs, 2 Guards, 1 Lookout, 1 Visionary, 1 Cabalist and Bosec and his two friends beat the s**t out of me and by then the group has already started taking them. Everything aggros on the group and they get slaughtered.

To end this sad, sad tale, I'll say that I double and triple check my Gather Shadows now whenever I go to HHK.

Zanikenth Bonewayker
32nd Level Necromancer
Quellious Server
<Crimson Wave> Guild
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