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When to start aa? Opinions please...Follow

#1 Jan 28 2004 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
I just dinged 55 with my necro and have no aa yet. I have been told to get run3 and regen3 at 55 and then contimue leveling. I have also been told to wait until 60 or even 65 before doing any aa.
What's your opinion?
#2 Jan 28 2004 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
It's not much, but with a necro every little bit of HP regen helps. And I'm about sick of buying Blood of the Wolf or having to beg for SoWs in PoK. My necro is 52 and about to get his 2nd AA. With a damage casting class there are so many AAs that could be very useful well before 60 or 65. It's all about what you want to do though. I'm not in a big hurry to get to 65 but when I get there I want to be as well equipped as possible and certain AAs are an important part of that, IMHO.

Good hunting

Edit: Also, I just noticed that further down on this page is another thread on this topic.

Edited, Wed Jan 28 02:33:51 2004 by Natdatilgnome
#3 Jan 28 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
The best advice is to decide what you want from the game. Ask yourself the following questions.

1. What are my in game goals.
2. What if any AA will help me achieve said goals.
3. Am I going to try or tyring to get into uberguild_01. Odds are they have AA requirements.
4. Are leveling and getting AA in the most efficient manner possible the style of play I enjoy.

Once you have the answers to those questions. At level 51 go to your AA tab and set your AA exp to whatever you think is best for you.Whether that is zero % or 100% all depends on what you want from the game. From time to time re-evaluate your in game goals and go back and adjust your AA exp slider as needed.

For me As soon as I hit 51 I went 60% reg 40% AA And kept it there till I reached my cushion into 65. At that point I swithced to 90% AA 10% reg where it is still currently. Was this the most efficient way to go about it? No, but for me it was the most fun way to go about it and in the end that is whats really important.

There is no right or wrong answer. my way is no better or worse than someone who levels to 65 before doing AA. So figure out whats best for you and play appropriately.

Borlbefoot furtoe
Storm Warden
Firiona Vie Server
#4 Jan 28 2004 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
My main is a shaman and I did one aa at 51, didn't like the feeling of leveling the same level all over again, so I'm waiting until 65 to touch them.

However, with a necro it might be a good idea to get run 3 to avoid having to get sow's all the time.

As one poster put it, it's all personal preference.
#5 Jan 28 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
In the end... it is just like Class and Race selection... it is what is best for you and what you want out of your play time.

For me. When I reached 53 - 55 is when I started doing the first few AA's Run 3 and Regen 3 are what I chose at that point. I then ground regular exp till 60. At that point, I used my upcoming spell set to determin if I ground AA's or regular Exp. As in... At 60 did I already have my level 61 spells? If so, I did regular Exp to get to the new spell set. If I did not have the spells (need to know your spells, because some of them are not really worth waiting on), I ground AA's till the time where I had the spells that I felt were the most usefull from the next circle.

This has done me well... but I have many friends who have ground on to 65, but have minimal to no AA's and are missing most of their spells.

It all goes back to my first statement "It is what is best for you and what you want out of your play time."
#6 Jan 28 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
As soon as I could, I got 3 AA points and got Run 3. Now, I"m doing regular XP until after I hit level 62 because of the beneficial spells available.

I've heard, but can't verify, that splitting between XP and AA causes a "penalty" to be imposed, and that some XP is actually lost in the process. Like I said, can't verify that, but it caused me to put all my efforts into one or the other and not to split them.
#7 Jan 28 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Each AA point is the equivalent of going between lvl 51-52. The reason that so many people hold off doing AA's till higher levels is the fact that at higher levels it takes less time to get an AA point then it would at lvl 51.
#8 Jan 28 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
In my opinion, it depends on the type of player you are. If you are a real powergamer, and intent on getting the most amount of experience in the shortest period of time, the most -efficient- route is going to 65 straight with no AA, then turning on AA to full and start grinding. I say that because if you grind at a rate where you level quickly, AA will not significantly increase the rate at which you level compared to the time it takes to get it.


For most players, getting from 50ish to 65 is going to be fairly time consuming, and sometimes boring. Most players won't do 50 to 65 in 3 or 4 real life days, and not notice the difference. I'd get a few AA to make the levels feel less annoying, and see some constant progression for the fun of it, unless you are extremely goal driven and are just going to push for 65 around the clock.
#9 Jan 28 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
Run 3... get it asap. Even if yer a shammy - not everyone has indoor sow spells yet (hello, dungeons?) Then get nothing until 65. Once ya ding 65 the AAs will fly. In 4 hours of LDoN you can get up to 5 AAs depending on yer grp and how maniac they are thru the adventures.

The only possible exception would be rangers to get ther endless quiver and bow skills up, but even then dont bother until lvl 60.
#10 Jan 28 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
100% into xp untill 65 then 90/10 aa/xp. If you want to get run 3 or Regen they get flagged for PoP zones and use the free AA from that to get them. and get acsess to higher planes while your at it.
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