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Weapon Ratio & Modified Ratio SpreadsheetFollow

#1 Jan 29 2004 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
I do not know if this message board if frequented much, nor have I used it in the past when I played Eq a lot long ago. Hopefully this is the right place for this topic.

Basically while Allah has a nice listing of weapons which you can pull up by from the Equipment, By Slot, then it has it sorted by ratio. It is by far hard to look at, and always has been. On top of that it does not actually show the ratio itself. Nor does that ratio include your current bonus damage, bane damage, or other damage (Ex: Fire Dmg +1). You have to manually open each weapons to check for some of that. Each weapon page typically having a bunch of player threads that could be cut from every item, saving Allah a ton of bandwith. Layout could be nicer to quickly see the stats too.

I could not find a clean, all text, nice chart, list, or sheet to look at online yet. So, I just started working on my own spreadsheet. Sure, I'm not including race or class at the moment. I am including Ratio, Modified Ratio, and Modified Ratio with Extra Dmg columns. With a simple entry at the top for your Level it will figure the bonus damage. Being spreadsheet it will instantly update all the modified damages. From there I will be able to quickly use sort to sort based on modified damage. Such as some weapons after the bonus become better than others were prior.

Far from complete. Far from done. I have something to work with. The plans are simply to be able to have a quicker way than starring at each weapon one by one and figuring them manually. Especially when trying to quickly find something nice in Bazaar.

At time of this post I have completed 200 1HS entries. I have decided to seperate (different sheets/files) the weapons by type 1HS, 1HB, 1HP, 2HS, 2HB, 2HP to alleviate size and mixing. Though would be handy to say compare all the 1H weapons at once in some cases. If a weapon has a Proc, I just put Proc int the Type column that comes after the Extra Damage column for now. If I had a solid formula for frequency of Procing weapons based on your stats, I could potentially put that in the Extra Dmg column for damage Procs for each weapon that does. Till I have any sort of help with that, Extra Damage remains blank for Procs. Thus Procs will not be figured into Ratio yet.

So my question is, would anyone else be interested? If so, would you care to look at what I have so far? Any suggestions if you do would be welcome. I may continue to do this for myself even if no one is interested anyways. I have done similar things with my time for other games before. I am limited though, because I am using simple Word Spreadsheet. I do not have Excel, nor can afford such.

Anyways, that is my $2.00. Opinions and encouragement welcome.
#2 Jan 29 2004 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
That's quite an effort :)
#3 Jan 29 2004 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
What I have so far:

Hopefully anyone willing to view is familiar with spreadsheets. This is in *.xlr (Word Spreadsheet). May it be able to trasfer to yours. You will find Level at the top. Just put your Level in a Cell next to it. It should update the Bonus Dmg below and all the weapon stats. From there just use the sort feature on your Spreadsheet program.

So far I am looking forward to completing the 1HS and seeing how much faster it helps me compare weapons in Bazaar.

When I get to 2H Weapons sheets the Bonus Dmg will move to it's own column for individual weapon listing, since it's based off level and Delay.
#4 Jan 30 2004 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
So I decided to do more into the 1HS...

Why oh why am I not suprized to run into problems using Allah's information!

I was wondering when I would start getting into weapons that are Recommended Level and thus have to put the appropiate Round(YourLevel/RecLevel*Dmg) formulas in. So, thinking I might not be to those yet I scrolled down the list some. There I found some. Only problem is Allah does not list the Recommended Level! Can you belive that crap? How could you overlook that, sir. Anyways, only if the item has a picture that I can check if it has one.

So remembering Lucy I went over there. Though this is a bit of a hassle. Having to go thru every item and copy it's name, and have Lucy look them up one by one, instead of it being on the same page as when I open the weapon stats on Allah's.

While I was using Lucy to go thru all the weapons I had done so far, just to be sure, I found that Lucy is missing several of the weapons!

I just can't win. What happened to quality? What happened to comeplete and accurate information? Am I the only one that still holds up those standards? Anyways, the information is useful and I'm using it. I just hope that none of it is terribly flawed. I hate to have errors in my work.

Allah would have to fix his weapon stats himself and add in Recommended level. Nothing I can do about that. Lucy... well what should I do there? Why should I be the one to bother trying to get all the weapons left out and update it? Heck, what if some stats have changed on some that it's not missing. Gah... to think the trouble. Maybe I should just compose a list of missing weapons from his list and Lucy's database and let all the players work on it. Too bad I can't do vise versa. I've yet to see a way to get Lucy to just list all the 1HS weapons for me. Anyone knows that, please let me know.

Well back to work... abiet it's now fractured due to incompleteness.

Edited, Fri Jan 30 05:04:10 2004 by TincMetals

Edited, Fri Jan 30 05:05:41 2004 by TincMetals
#5 Jan 30 2004 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
I ran into yet another error so soon...

Lucy will show NEGATIVE bonus damage if you enter levels below 28!
How the hell did this bug get by everyone? *rollseyes*

Quality people... QUALITY!

Edited, Fri Jan 30 05:12:20 2004 by TincMetals
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