Leapwater wrote:
[quote]Make everything no drop.
So that the "kiddies" will have no reason to use daddies credit card anymore.
And also, these "kiddies" are also able to get online and post uneducated drivle to support buying and selling plat.
Your laughable Leapwater. If you want to go on thinking that children are the ones buying 500k plat for a thousand dollars a pop and Sceptres of Destruction for $600 bucks then go right ahead. You would have to be a moron to thing that "kiddies" are using their parents CC's to buy this stuff.
Adults make-up the majority of EQ and also make-up the majority of EQ item/plat. buyers. I know its makes it easier for you to have something to complain about if its children, god forbid its your own peers (assuming your grown?). I'd like to meet these kids whos parents let them charge hundreds or thousands of dollars on their CC's.
Like i said i have never bought plat. as ive never needed to, but i can understand why people would. If it pisses you off that people can do with one swipe of a CC what it takes you to do in many months..tough, life isnt fair.
I do like the way you try to pawn everyone off as a kid who disagrees with you or does something you dont agree with. If your self esteem needs inflating feel free to continue. Maybe if your in your 60's i might be a "kid" to you but otherwise your way off base.
Leapwater wrote:
[quote]Well the problem with this theory is that alot of other people HAVE taken the time to actually play the game. HAVE camped and saved for 2 weeks for that illusive item. And this theory belittles their accomplishment. If you dont want to play the game, DONT FU*KIN BUY IT! DONT FU*KIN COMPLAIN ABOUT TIME SINKS! AND OVERALL DONT FU*KIN COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR RL OUTSIDE OF EQ! Nobody made you buy the game. Nobody makes you to sit in front of the PC for 10 hours a day. Nobody tells you to buy that illusive item for 10kpp. That is your decision.
Dont belittle everyone elses accomplishments because you choose to go out to eat instead of camp and farm plat. Its the decision we all have to make. Make a level playing field, where everyone has to do the same **** to accomplish a goal, or acquire an item. Its really stupid for some to have to do the hard work and watch someone with endless RL cash just buy it up because they dont want to play the game.
Games are meant to be played. Players are meant to participate.
Lol..you havent a clue. FYI ive put my time in and done things the hard way like everyone else, even moreso if you havent been playing full-time since release. My current character will be my 4th 60+ character. I simply stated that there are people (and i can understand why) that dont have the time nor energy that may want to buy plat. ect. and i dont see a problem with it.
Lemme ask you this..when did you start playing? My first character was a DE/SK back when you could level a gnome warrior
to 50 2.5 over before the Sk would make 50 killing the same mobs. Now i can level that same DE/SK to 50 in a week or two.
My point?...its that that doesnt seem fair to me that any noob can start a Sk and be 50 a week later and it took me many months of grinding to do the same thing using gear that people destroy now days...but what the hell i cant change it. My current Shaman took me 2 weeks to get to 55, whereas my first Shaman took months.
How about the fact that as the highest Sk on my server back before Kunark i wore a full set of fine steel armor and was equipped in the best gear at the time, and now a level 1 sk can buy a full set of armor thats 100x better for less than a few hundred pp...less than the cost of a steel bracer back then.
How about the fact that had to navigate every zone with just my /loc hotkey and sense heading skill and now every starting character has access to a full set of in-game map complete with NPC locs and starts with a 200 sense heading skill?
How about Dragons that took guild raids to kill now being camped by single players to solo?
What about removing Flags from 2nd tier PoP zones for access?
How about people being able to move to legends for crazy loot and then transfer back to thier old servers with all items intact?
Just a few examples.
Everything that SOE has done to the game over the last couple of years has invalidated many of the things that the games early adopters have done. What is someone you dont know buying a few thousand pp going to hurt? Expain to me how this hurts you in any way?
You want a level playing field welcome to LDoN, noone can buy your items on ebay or buy pp from whomever. The only way to get LDoN stuff is to do it...as for the rest of the game you might as well get used to it, it hasnt been a level playing field for a long time.
The fact is it doesnt matter if i support or condemn the buying and selling of in-game stuff cause it wont matter either way...its here to stay. As a matter of fact there are rumors swirling around atm that SOE will jump on the bandwagon shortly.
I guess if it steams you that much you could always quit? Or you could rant some more about those evil children ruining a video game...rofl.