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Pot calling the kettle black, IGE and usFollow

#77 Jan 31 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Who's the kid, and who's the adult here? Krokan was reasonable, and respected a differing opinion while posting his own. You responded by attacking him and his opinion. That's the adult thing to do all right. How exactly does buying plat belittle someone else's accomplishment again? If I spend 60-70 hours at work because that's the kind of job I have (I don't, and its not, but go with me on this one) I have to spend time with my family if I have one, and my hobby, which would be EQ. Hey I choose to have that job, and have that family, and have this hobby. If I choose to balance the 20-30 hours I could be spending on EQ, by turning a portion of that money into EQ money, how does that belittle your accomplishments?

The way I look at it, buying plat online just makes the game more "real" because there are all different kinds of people out there... financially you could probably break most of them down into scraping along and middle class- working and living from paycheck to paycheck (grind session to grind session), the nouvea riche- the people with next to no time commitments out of game able to spend more than half the day ever day all week/year working the game system for plat to upgrade, and the old money- the people who don't spend much time working because they're already well situated financially.

Of course all of this is wasted on you, because you're so engrossed in you, and your game, and your play, and your values that you don't seem to understand others may not be wrong, and you may not be right. The reason they're called values is because you should keep them to yourself and not give them away so freely.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#78 Jan 31 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
Leapwater wrote:
[quote]Make everything no drop.

So that the "kiddies" will have no reason to use daddies credit card anymore.

And also, these "kiddies" are also able to get online and post uneducated drivle to support buying and selling plat.

Your laughable Leapwater. If you want to go on thinking that children are the ones buying 500k plat for a thousand dollars a pop and Sceptres of Destruction for $600 bucks then go right ahead. You would have to be a moron to thing that "kiddies" are using their parents CC's to buy this stuff.

Adults make-up the majority of EQ and also make-up the majority of EQ item/plat. buyers. I know its makes it easier for you to have something to complain about if its children, god forbid its your own peers (assuming your grown?). I'd like to meet these kids whos parents let them charge hundreds or thousands of dollars on their CC's.

Like i said i have never bought plat. as ive never needed to, but i can understand why people would. If it pisses you off that people can do with one swipe of a CC what it takes you to do in many months..tough, life isnt fair.

I do like the way you try to pawn everyone off as a kid who disagrees with you or does something you dont agree with. If your self esteem needs inflating feel free to continue. Maybe if your in your 60's i might be a "kid" to you but otherwise your way off base.

Leapwater wrote:
[quote]Well the problem with this theory is that alot of other people HAVE taken the time to actually play the game. HAVE camped and saved for 2 weeks for that illusive item. And this theory belittles their accomplishment. If you dont want to play the game, DONT FU*KIN BUY IT! DONT FU*KIN COMPLAIN ABOUT TIME SINKS! AND OVERALL DONT FU*KIN COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR RL OUTSIDE OF EQ! Nobody made you buy the game. Nobody makes you to sit in front of the PC for 10 hours a day. Nobody tells you to buy that illusive item for 10kpp. That is your decision.

Dont belittle everyone elses accomplishments because you choose to go out to eat instead of camp and farm plat. Its the decision we all have to make. Make a level playing field, where everyone has to do the same **** to accomplish a goal, or acquire an item. Its really stupid for some to have to do the hard work and watch someone with endless RL cash just buy it up because they dont want to play the game.

Games are meant to be played. Players are meant to participate. havent a clue. FYI ive put my time in and done things the hard way like everyone else, even moreso if you havent been playing full-time since release. My current character will be my 4th 60+ character. I simply stated that there are people (and i can understand why) that dont have the time nor energy that may want to buy plat. ect. and i dont see a problem with it.

Lemme ask you this..when did you start playing? My first character was a DE/SK back when you could level a gnome warrior
to 50 2.5 over before the Sk would make 50 killing the same mobs. Now i can level that same DE/SK to 50 in a week or two.

My point?...its that that doesnt seem fair to me that any noob can start a Sk and be 50 a week later and it took me many months of grinding to do the same thing using gear that people destroy now days...but what the hell i cant change it. My current Shaman took me 2 weeks to get to 55, whereas my first Shaman took months.

How about the fact that as the highest Sk on my server back before Kunark i wore a full set of fine steel armor and was equipped in the best gear at the time, and now a level 1 sk can buy a full set of armor thats 100x better for less than a few hundred pp...less than the cost of a steel bracer back then.

How about the fact that had to navigate every zone with just my /loc hotkey and sense heading skill and now every starting character has access to a full set of in-game map complete with NPC locs and starts with a 200 sense heading skill?

How about Dragons that took guild raids to kill now being camped by single players to solo?

What about removing Flags from 2nd tier PoP zones for access?

How about people being able to move to legends for crazy loot and then transfer back to thier old servers with all items intact?

Just a few examples.

Everything that SOE has done to the game over the last couple of years has invalidated many of the things that the games early adopters have done. What is someone you dont know buying a few thousand pp going to hurt? Expain to me how this hurts you in any way?

You want a level playing field welcome to LDoN, noone can buy your items on ebay or buy pp from whomever. The only way to get LDoN stuff is to do for the rest of the game you might as well get used to it, it hasnt been a level playing field for a long time.

The fact is it doesnt matter if i support or condemn the buying and selling of in-game stuff cause it wont matter either way...its here to stay. As a matter of fact there are rumors swirling around atm that SOE will jump on the bandwagon shortly.

I guess if it steams you that much you could always quit? Or you could rant some more about those evil children ruining a video game...rofl.
#79 Jan 31 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Who's the kid, and who's the adult here? Krokan was reasonable, and respected a differing opinion while posting his own. You responded by attacking him and his opinion. That's the adult thing to do all right. How exactly does buying plat belittle someone else's accomplishment again? If I spend 60-70 hours at work because that's the kind of job I have (I don't, and its not, but go with me on this one) I have to spend time with my family if I have one, and my hobby, which would be EQ. Hey I choose to have that job, and have that family, and have this hobby. If I choose to balance the 20-30 hours I could be spending on EQ, by turning a portion of that money into EQ money, how does that belittle your accomplishments?

The way I look at it, buying plat online just makes the game more "real" because there are all different kinds of people out there... financially you could probably break most of them down into scraping along and middle class- working and living from paycheck to paycheck (grind session to grind session), the nouvea riche- the people with next to no time commitments out of game able to spend more than half the day ever day all week/year working the game system for plat to upgrade, and the old money- the people who don't spend much time working because they're already well situated financially.

Of course all of this is wasted on you, because you're so engrossed in you, and your game, and your play, and your values that you don't seem to understand others may not be wrong, and you may not be right. The reason they're called values is because you should keep them to yourself and not give them away so freely.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#80 Jan 31 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
How about the fact that as the highest Sk on my server back before Kunark i wore a full set of fine steel armor
You wore fine steel plate before fine steel plate existed? Damn, you were uber Smiley: lol

I assume you meant the steel plate from the merchants. I just got a chuckle from it
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#81 Jan 31 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
My post was directed at him because he posted an example, and took the side to support it. My post appeared to be a direct attack at him personally, but it was actually a direct attack at his theory, or example. My apologies.

I think buying plat is unfair to the majority of the players in the game. That is my opinion and my right as a human being to have.

My point was that if you DONT have time to play the game, then dont expect to get the same stuff that those that DO have time to play the game have.

OK, if your hobbie is building model airplanes. And you have an airplane that takes 10hrs to finish. Because you have a REAL life and other priorities you only work on that for 3hrs. Would you pay someone else to come over and finish it for you so that you will have a finish model airplane in the same 10hrs? I dont think so. Its the accomplishment that makes a "hobbie" what it is. You will come back to it later and finish it in any other amount of time (12, 15, 24hrs). This game is no different. Its a game and a hobbie to most. Why does it seem fair to purchase your time back from (ex: camping fishbone earring) with your money, when others have already lost their time in completing the same accomplishment? Its not.

Its just not fair to say its ok to buy your way to greatness. I too have 5 characters lvl 65, which I leveled myself. My first character was my beloved Enchanter. My second character was my Cleric. My third character was my warrior. My fourth character is my SK. And my fifth character is my Shaman. I may not have been in game since beta, but I have accomplished alot in this game. Which has been literally destroyed by level 40's-50's that are allowed to buy their crap from IGE.

**EDIT: Just forget it. Anyone responding only wants to target other irrelevant junk in the game that isnt even related(ex: leveling is quicker now then in Kunark days). Im talking about the OUTSIDE INFLUENCE . Stuff happening outside the game that is impacting the game inside. Not the other crap that everyone has beefs about.

Edited, Sat Jan 31 20:09:25 2004 by Leapwater
#82 Jan 31 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I for one just find the title of this thread horribly offensive. Anyone comparing me to IGE should be killed for innate stupidity.
#83 Jan 31 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
How about the fact that as the highest Sk on my server back before Kunark i wore a full set of fine steel armor
You wore fine steel plate before fine steel plate existed? Damn, you were uber Smiley: lol

I assume you meant the steel plate from the merchants. I just got a chuckle from it

Oops :) Yes i meant Steel Plate..bought in Neriak..way overpriced as it has the same stats as was just a status thing.

Its been a while.
#84 Jan 31 2004 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
I agree Kaolian, that was not a nice or reasonable subject title.
Not to "us" who do not & will not deal with IGE.
#85 Jan 31 2004 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
Greetings and salutations. I keep reading that people don't see anything about the ELUA stating that it doesn't allow buying of money, but looking at the EULA, which hasn't been updated since April of last year (I know it was somewhere around there), it does state:

9. You may not use any third party software to modify the Software to change Game play. You may not create, facilitate, host, link to or provide any other means through which the Game may be played by others, such as through server emulators. You may not take any action which imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction) any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

I do believe that SOE does know about IGE: they would be stupid not to, but I have come to the realization that they probably think that it would be more cost effective to not do anything about it than to ban all of the accounts that purchase Plat. May SOE prove me wrong, but it sure seems that way.
#86 Feb 05 2004 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
I have never bought plat i have none u can and refuse its CHEATING and ruins the game as u dont explore then designers stop caring about zones
#87 Feb 05 2004 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
I have never, nor will I ever buy pp from any of these people.
IMHO they are ruining the game that I enjoy greatly. I borrowed part of the eqlive chat to show all that SOE is aware of the current situation w/ IGE/Yantis.

<Brenlo> Smed, what is your position on the Yantis/IGE issue?
<Smed> We have made our position on this issue very clear
<Smed> we don't endorse the idea of selling items or characters
<Smed> it's a violation of our EULA and more importantly it's not in keeping with the sprit of EverQuest
<Smed> We are looking into this further and but don't expect us to go this way with EverQuest
<Smed> and no, we do NOT condone it

#88 Feb 05 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Heh.. if I had a platinum for every time Verant/SOE said they were "looking into" something, I could drive IGE out of business.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#89 Feb 05 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
in defense to the "cheaters suck" post, i agree and am guilty. here's my take using only my own experience as basis.

I cheat when I can in games. its an uncontrollable urge to see the end of the game. it never fails...once the cheat is made public, i use it and see the end of the game and then beat myself silly for doing it. because I just payed $50 for a game that now holds no interest for me. its a nasty habit i really wish I could break. enter everquest..

last night I did a little research and realized I started playing EQ over 5 years ago! nothing in my entire life has kept my interest for that long. I was amazed and shocked. but then i realized...its been this way because they made it impossible (for the most part) to cheat. they FORCED me to play the game a way a game was supposed to be played. they didnt cater to the cheater that i hated in myself. enter pp sales...

so a few weeks back I got tired of trying to save money to buy a jade reaver because I couldnt seem to get any to drop every time i managed to get a group to help me go for them. then add on that my warrior was still in rygor and weilding a centi, and i couldnt get any respect in any groups that managed to believe I wasn't a ranger. (my warrior is WE). so I bought some pp, got my druid the reaver and twinked my well as got my druid his spells to current level. this gave me the little boost I needed to get my warrior some worthwhile grouping (both for them and myself) and now my druid has epic.

not quite sure yet whether I regret it or not, but it made me realize that the whole process of selling pp sucks because now I always have the urge to buy more when i play an alt (but i wont) and also I probably never would have felt so inferior if the other players around me hadn't gone from normal to 733T in 2.5 seconds. I grouped with a great group in DLs last night with my mage. this L38 cleric was twinked out in armor that cost him close to 200Kpp and was carrying book of obbulus and delightful orb...all he could do was point out every time his orb proc'ed like he had something to prove. when i mentioned pp buying he got quite and then left.

summary: either indirectly or directly, as beneficial to myself or anyone else it may seem...pp sales are ruining the game I loved and kept the attention of a severe ADD case. this may not matter to anyone else and I don't expect it to, but it sucks for me.
#90 Feb 05 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent

OK, if your hobbie is building model airplanes. And you have an airplane that takes 10hrs to finish. Because you have a REAL life and other priorities you only work on that for 3hrs. Would you pay someone else to come over and finish it for you so that you will have a finish model airplane in the same 10hrs? I dont think so.

This thought process makes sense until you begin to really think about how it relates to EQ. EQ is not such a linear hobby as building model airplanes. A better comparison would be to say your hobby is just airplanes.

For example Joe, Bob and Pete (creative names I know!) all like airplanes, they have an equal amount of interest and amount of free time. They all buy the same model airplane and once it is put together will be able to soar the skys.

Joe begins to put his plane together, he spends weeks staying up late crafting his work of art until finally it is done. He has everything just the way he would like it. Then he takes it on its maiden voyage flying it for hours and looking on with pride at his accomplishment.

Bob opens the box and begins to build his plane. He spends his freetime building it, however other obligations cause him have to shelve the project often. He cannot wait until the plane is finished so he can soar the skys, but feels that day will never come. Then he sees an ad for a model building company. Quickly taking the opportunity he takes the model to the company and it is finished the net day. He then picks up the plane and takes to the sky for a test run.

Pete can't wait to fly his new plane. And unlike the others, views building as an obsticle to his goal. He dabbles in building it, but is frustrated by the amount of time it will take when all he wants to do is fly the plane. Finally seing the ad he quickly takes the slightly worked on plane over and it is finished next day. Pete drives home with his new plane and spends all day flying it.

Long illistration I know, but different people enjoy different things about the game of EverQuest. Some enjoy the process of getting there, they are often the most satisfied with their stuff since they had to work for it. Others enjoy the process, but other committments make the idea of having good stuff impossible without some help. And finally there are those that don't really care for the process, it is just something that needs to be overcome in order to get to the fun (Twinks anyone?!)

It's a game right? So let everyone have fun in the way they want to...even if they take a different road to get there.
#91 Feb 05 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
great anology..type thing...i think. it was great tho. except one thing. SOE has driven EQ to be a game that REQUIRES you to group with other people and gain and maintain a certain level of skill to fill a role within that group.

in todays EQ world, Pete dies right off the bat because he doesn't know crap about the plane he is flying, Bob is doing everything he can to keep his plane up begging Joe for help and Joe takes off flying to find other people who can fly like himself leaving Bob scared for his life and Pete moves on to kill himself or the next group.

If EQ had more options for a range of gamers (raid, group, solo, casual, hardcore etc) it wouldn't be much of an issue. But they keep driving it to be more and more of a grouping and raiding level game.

At the very least they should create an expansion where you can hire NPC group members that perform at different levels depending how much you pay or whatever. I would love to see that.
#92 Feb 05 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
in todays EQ world, Pete dies right off the bat because he doesn't know crap about the plane he is flying, Bob is doing everything he can to keep his plane up begging Joe for help and Joe takes off flying to find other people who can fly like himself leaving Bob scared for his life and Pete moves on to kill himself or the next group.

My illistration was not actually talking about skill per say. I know many people who play like "Joe" but don't know jack about the game. Likewise there are many people like "Pete" that are amazing people to have in your group.

The difference is really experience, and knowing the game. Equipment is an accessory to the experience and if both are well off then that is a great toon. I group regularly with someone that has duel wielded SoD's since very low lvls and has great armor. Whether he bought the plat or got the stuff from another alt I don't care. I know that the skill of the player combined with the equipment makes the toon.

I do wish there was more range to people playing, but you can contribute that to how easy you can lvl now...which is another subject all together. =)
#93 Feb 05 2004 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
....with someone that has duel wielded SoD's since very low lvls and has great armor. Whether he bought the plat or got the stuff from another alt I don't care.

But I care when my character gets beat out of getting groups by the same level characters that have bought their equipment (making them better tanks HP/AC) than me cause I dont cheat to get my gear.


#94 Feb 05 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good

But I care when my character gets beat out of getting groups by the same level characters that have bought their equipment (making them better tanks HP/AC) than me cause I dont cheat to get my gear.



This says more about the tiny brain of the group leader that rejects you than it does about the twinks, though.

It would be nice if somehow all the seperate threads that are debating this issue could be consolidated somehow.

Buried anongst the garbage is some valid rational argument for both side of the debate.

There is no doubrt that SOE owns the game, they are the ultimate authority and they are the ones that should (and I believe will) take action.

But what action? If the majority of players truly do not mind people buying PP or in fact would contemplate buying it themselves, SOE will be treading very warily not to hurt their own customers.

Still, they have now come out in black and white and said they do not condone it, and, that it is contrary to the spirit of the game.

So unless poor old Smed is about to have one very short career, it seems SOE will have to find a way to curb the activity of a sizeable portion (if not the majority) of the player community.
#95 Feb 06 2004 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
What about one ore more polls on the subject? Of course that would mean nothingcompared to the thousands of gamers out there but at least we all would know where the majority of this board stands on certtain issues.

....oh wait...someone who buys his account (or plat) wouldn't mind registering here for a dozen times just to cheat the poll either...

forget the idea ;-)
#96 Feb 06 2004 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
781 posts
"Dude, 90% of the people that play EQ nowadays buy plat, the other 10% just dont know they can yet...."

"...And the other 50% of us have never and will never buy plat!" - Tell your misguided friend that please.

I have NEVER brought plat or items from anyone online. Everything I have on all my toons, has been earned by me since I started playing back in Sept 2000.

Will i ever buy plat? "No"

And the thing that is realy starting to annoy the hell out of me is the "Plat for cash" sellers that are starting to become very noticable in the Bazaar.
I /report and /petition every Plat seller in Bazaar I see. ***** 'em!***** 'em!

Edited, Fri Feb 6 07:51:18 2004 by lagduff
#97 Feb 06 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I have seen some pretty ridiculas post by people in the 3 years i have been using Alla, first just to look stuuf up and later as a premium member.

this however must be the worst single post i have come across

Leapwater said:
Well the problem with this theory is that alot of other people HAVE taken the time to actually play the game. HAVE camped and saved for 2 weeks for that illusive item. And this theory belittles their accomplishment. If you dont want to play the game, DONT FU*KIN BUY IT! DONT FU*KIN COMPLAIN ABOUT TIME SINKS! AND OVERALL DONT FU*KIN COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR RL OUTSIDE OF EQ! Nobody made you buy the game. Nobody makes you to sit in front of the PC for 10 hours a day. Nobody tells you to buy that illusive item for 10kpp. That is your decision.

Dont belittle everyone elses accomplishments because you choose to go out to eat instead of camp and farm plat. Its the decision we all have to make. Make a level playing field, where everyone has to do the same **** to accomplish a goal, or acquire an item. Its really stupid for some to have to do the hard work and watch someone with endless RL cash just buy it up because they dont want to play the game.

Games are meant to be played. Players are meant to participate

i mean who does he think he is? why should i deny myself the enjoyment of a meal with my wife because of Eq? so what if i buy 10k or 100k to increase my enjoyment of the game i effect no one else in the game. If i have better equipment i make it easier for my group to gain xp and kill faster, therefore i raise the level of enjoyment for them.

Before the two IGE threads i was pretty much Anti Pp buying but that was a personal choise not a moral crusade to make everyone 'Just like me'. Now i think that alot of people flaming the people who do buy Pp should grow up and look at WHY people buy it.

I have alot of respect for people like Kao, Singdall, Jophiel and others because they can back up thier arguements with really intellegent comments that have been thought over but too many posts on this thread come down to 'My dad is better than your dad' Grow up.

/rant off.

Edited, Fri Feb 6 10:07:10 2004 by tarv

Edited, Fri Feb 6 10:09:03 2004 by tarv
#98 Feb 06 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know if its an intelligent argument and I am no actuall victim of plat buyers cause I'm a soloer so they are no competition to me.

But let me tell you a story of RL....

....I used to play basketball many years ago in the park with some friends (had been in a LARGE company then and everybody seemed to be a sports freak). As a girl I was neither very tall nor strong but dedicated and vicious at defense. These times I trained hard to become fast and to get a decent shot and I was well recived each time I showed up.

Imagine it would have been possible to "buy" height, strength, a good shot or at least some jumping-shoes and some players did buy all this. Only because they'd be such good people that they'd rather care about their family than waste time of endless sweating in the park at sunday mornings to get better at the game (as I did). Guess what - I would have lost my place as a regular in the made-on-the-spot teams very fast....

Think of the park as the adventure camp and the BB team as a LDoN party and you understand why I decided to become a soloer (yes I tried LDoN!) and why I dislike plat buyers.

Plat buyers have the attitude to go the easy way. They do everything they can to have an advantage and follow the philosophy that everything that is not Illegal also must be morally accepted. This attitude may be only a nuisance in EQ.

In real-live its nothing less than disruptive and disgusting just as paying a ***** for getting laid, bribing a cop to get no ticket or making gifts to ones children instead of spending time with them.....
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