Ah. Ok. I did miss the point that you could only collect the item as a drop once. I thought it meant you could only physically have one of that item in your inventory ever (whether you bought it, or looted it).
Ok. So that reduces the effectiveness of this change purely to farming for items. Honestly though, that's only a small part of what IGE does. They don't need to farm, they have the start up cash to buy stuff from players, even at the inflated prices.
Think it through. It doesn't matter if that ornate mold costs 50kpp or 500kpp. If they buy it for 500k, they *know* they can sell it right back for 500k. They know that the buyer is someone who can't get the item from a drop, and is very likely to be someone who bought that 500k from them for real money.
It's completely circular. Their costs buying items, even with a no profit sale in the bazaar, still nets them real money in the long run. All they care about it keeping the costs in the bazaar high. As long as that's the case, they make money selling plat online. Every time someone puts an item up for sale for less then what they're selling it for, they make money by buying it up first and reselling it for the higher price. Even if someone else buys it up and sells it for a higher price, they still make money. They make that money because odds are the person buying that item at the higher price purchased their plat from them. That's all they care about.
The key dynamic here is to realize that there are ultimately going to be two different types of players out there:
1. Those who are capable of getting top (but still droppable) items themselves. These guys aren't going to be buying ornate molds in the bazaar, whether they are priced at 50k or 500k. They're going to be the ones selling them though. Whether it's an IGE guy selling or anyone else is irrelevant. All that matters to IGE is that the price is high.
2. Those who aren't capable of getting top items themselves. These guys either do without, or must buy plat in order to obtain those items. Certainly, some will work the market to make money, but for every one of those, there's a hundred more who will take the easy way out and just buy plat to make their in game purchases.
The first does not interfere with IGEs business at all. Ultimately, it doesn't matter who gets the drop and who sells it, as long as the price is high. Certainly, IGE might want to maintain some higher level characters to farm for them, but that's not at all required for their business to flourish. Once they get that critical mass of money in the economy (which they have), they don't need to farm in order to control the final price. They just need enough people working the market for them to keep the price high.
Targeting the "farming" of goods is still going to hurt the honest guys more then IGE. Most of us only have maybe one or two characters high enough level and geared up sufficiently to manage tier3+ content. Actually, most dont have that, but those who do tend to focus on just a few characters and typically on a single server. So, if I loot an ornate mold and use it for myself, I can never ever loot that mold again? What about raids? We can't have our kitty officer loot and hold common-drop items for sale (where do you think guild funds come from?), or for distribution to other members? Again. This puts a cramp on honest players and really doesn't do much at all to address the real problem.
It's the second type of transaction that needs to be focused on. The problem isn't where the items are coming from, or who's selling them, or at what price. The problem ultimately is the sale of platinum for real money. That is why the economy is screwed up. That's what IGE is doing. That is what SOE needs to focus on. Nothing else will fix the problem. If you eliminate the sale of platinum for real world cash, then you eliminate the desire to inflate ingame prices on a massive scale. You also eliminate the huge volume of platinum being controlled by a relatively small group. Without real world money involved, no one's going to spend the amount of time and money to do what IGE is doing. The only way to get them to stop is to go after their source of income. No other method will work.
I'll say it again. IGE doesn't manipulate the EQ economy so they can get better gear for their characters. They don't do it so they can twink. They don't do it so they can handle higher end content. They don't do it for bragging rights. They do it for one reason and one reason only: So they can make money selling platinum to people. Eliminate that part of the equation, and everything else goes away.
EDIT: I'd like to add that for the same amount of time, effort, and cost that it would take to retag a couple hundred higher end items in the game, they could easily run a few hundred sting operations and ban potentially thousands of accounts being used by IGE. This would be a vastly better use of SOEs resources IMO. It also wouldn't break the game and would require no testing and no introduction of new things. All they need to do is actually follow up on their own rules...
Edited, Sat Jan 31 04:40:32 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please