Ran into the bug when I came across:
Fading Shadow Long Sword
This bug is more serious than the last one I posted about Lucy showing Negative Damage Bonus.
Lucy could not find that exact text. So, thinking you may have mispelled yet another item someplace I did a check for "Fading Shadow" and it was not listed. I then tried "Shadow Long" and it came up. This puzzeled me. So I opened the source and to my not-so suprize; the source read "Fading Shadow Long Sword". Note the double space.
Yes, Lucy has many items that have double spaces in them. These items will not come up properly in some cases like they should. I am going to so a search now, be it take some time on my end for as many as I can find to try and help you by listing what to correct. Have to search by "a ", "b ", "c " etc. Will present a list soon.