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#1 Jan 31 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
i'm looking for some good bard stuff for my neck and my ears and my rings...i have pretty decent stuff but i'm lvl 52, i have cougar claw earrings, just OK rings, and a white gold neckless. can you all give me some advise as to what i should use? oh and on another subject i have 2 AA's at this point but no idea where to put them...some advise would be greatly apreacated. thanks.
#2 Jan 31 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
How much money are we talking? One nice thing to get is an Earring of the Solstice. Besides having pretty decent stats, it's the first FT item you're likely to get. Why Flowing Thought? Not only for those swarm kiting charm fests, but also because when you get Fading Memories, you're going to see chunks of your mana eaten in a hurry. The items for the quest cost about 4.5-5k as a "package", but if you're savvy, you can usually buy them piecemeal in the Bazaar for 3.5-4k

Rings, I'd just get at least 6/65s if you haven't already. Hold onto them until you can afford a significant upgrade like Valorium Rings of Gallantry, Flowing Slime Ring, etc. You could always get a Shadel Bandit Ring from Fungus Grove but I'd go with some friends and get it yourself. I don't think the +55mana alone justifies the Bazaar cost on it and the money would be better put towards the earring above.

Neck, I dunno what to tell you. Look at the blue diamond cultural plates if you're an elf, half elf or human. If you're a cat, you're SOL on that front (thank you, I'll be here all week). I wear a ribbon choker which isn't the most awe inspiring piece of armor, but it gets the job done and I'm too lazy to look for upgrades. The top necklaces out of the Miragul and Mistmoore LDoN themes aren't too shabby, so maybe I'll just wait on one of them.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#3 Jan 31 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
As long as this server is going to double post on me, I should answer the AA question. In my opinion, go for Run3 first. It'll greatly assist you in dungeon pulling which has become an expected role for bards. Also, it'll give you the ability to kite in indoor zones such as Dragon Necropolis or Crypt of Nadox. Since you have to spend the points to progress to Archtype and Class AA's anyway, Run3 is the best place to start.

Whether or not you should work on AA now or later is a matter of debate with the answer usually coming down to "Do what you want". I will say that getting Run3 will be quite the treat for you and I'd consider getting it after you get another couple of levels (but no reason not to buy Run1 with the points you already have).

Edited, Sat Jan 31 12:47:00 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#4 Jan 31 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
Since you've got 2 AAs pts already, go ahead and buy Run Speed 2, as Jophiel already suggested. Other than RS, I recommand doing 100% level exp until level 60+. Unless you are swarm kiting, exp is slow at level 50's; it is slow enough already to level up, leave aside doing AA while leveling. When you are level 60 or so, you can start grouping in PoV. If the group is competent and not wipe on every other mob, you can easily get an AA every 2 hours or faster.

On a side note, a good group in PoV Cave can produce more exp than in teir 3 planes (BoT / HoH / PoTact).

Edited, Sat Jan 31 16:31:33 2004 by Assailant
#5 Feb 01 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
thanks for the help everyone i really appreciate it all, last night i put one AA into dex the other i cant decide if i wanna do STR, or regen. i'm not going to really worry about the run one because i can always get the indoor speed song in ec after a few adventures. i'm not sure what i'm going to do about my neck ac is pretty good as so's my hps and the rest of my stats but i'm sure i'll come accrost some other stuff thanks again guys.
#6 Feb 02 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
546 posts
you just wasted your AA.

other then Fading Memories run3 was the best purchase of all AA's ive bought.. indoor selos sucks its slower then run3 and un-modified by our drums. with run3 you can swarm stalkeras in PoN without selo's and grind out your levels and AA with ease.

dont bother with the inate line of AA's til you have everything else done

i suggest for AA path:
natural durablility3
Singing Mastery3
Instrument Mastery3
Fading Memories
#7 Feb 02 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Bah, going by your path I wouldn't experience the joy of seeing:
Jophiel scores a critical hit! (44)

Best two AAXP I ever spent Smiley: lol

Actually, I've been breaking up my Class AA's between IM, SM and Extended Notes. All a matter of opinion, I guess, but right now I don't use that many voice songs so I'm happy enough with SM1 and my epic mod. Ex Notes though is nice for pulling and raid resists. I'm happy with my choice, anyway. I already have IM2 and ExN2 though so SM2 is next on the list. Beats Advanced Trap Negotiation anyway.

Back to the OP, get Run3. As Murth said, it beats Indoors Selo and, more importantly, is one less song to have to waste a slot on when kiting. Adding another damage song in lieu of Selo's can cut your kill time by 25-33% depending on the song and the twist.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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