How much money are we talking? One nice thing to get is an
Earring of the Solstice. Besides having pretty decent stats, it's the first FT item you're likely to get. Why Flowing Thought? Not only for those swarm kiting charm fests, but also because when you get Fading Memories, you're going to see chunks of your mana eaten in a hurry. The items for the quest cost about 4.5-5k as a "package", but if you're savvy, you can usually buy them piecemeal in the Bazaar for 3.5-4k
Rings, I'd just get at least 6/65s if you haven't already. Hold onto them until you can afford a significant upgrade like Valorium Rings of Gallantry, Flowing Slime Ring, etc. You could always get a Shadel Bandit Ring from Fungus Grove but I'd go with some friends and get it yourself. I don't think the +55mana alone justifies the Bazaar cost on it and the money would be better put towards the earring above.
Neck, I dunno what to tell you. Look at the blue diamond cultural plates if you're an elf, half elf or human. If you're a cat, you're SOL on that front (thank you, I'll be here all week). I wear a ribbon choker which isn't the most awe inspiring piece of armor, but it gets the job done and I'm too lazy to look for upgrades. The top necklaces out of the Miragul and Mistmoore LDoN themes aren't too shabby, so maybe I'll just wait on one of them.