Gbaji covered most of the important points about this zone. I'd like to add just couple though, (having just done this raid last this morning...)
On the first island, banning AE ANYTHING is crucial. That includes AE taunt from warriors (but these mobs are pretty weak anyway, AND spaced out pretty well, so there should be no need for AETaunt) AND BARDSONGS. We had a couple people slip up and use /say and /shout on eisland one, with no problems, but if there are keyword triggersfor aggro perhaps they simply were lucky and didn't say those.
Invising in to Azarack island is a very good idea, otherwise there's a good chance the first couple people in will get aggro and die before healers can get in. Also, try to space people out a bit going in to each new island, sometimes people will pile up and "fall" off each other for 2k+ damage.
Pulling the named Gorgalosk can be a bit tricky. She is inside the windmill, to the right. There is a heart harpy straight ahead, and an eyeball to the left. The named does not seem to be mezzable/pacifiable, though the other 2 are. NONE will aggro just from being near them, but all will aggro if you aggro any of the others. Easiest way I've seen to split them is have someone with FD (preferably a monk, as they seem to get interrupted less) pull either the heart harpy or the eyeball...NOT the named. Have him get the group of mobs about halfway to your raid force, FD, and have someone else spam the Gorg with hails (nothing else, just hails) She'll stop to try to talk to the hailer while the others path back. You can then safely pull her the rest of the way and kill her off. You SHOULD still be able to get enough keys without killing the other two in the windmill.
I THINK the ranger epic piece drops off the final mob in the split/respawn cycle of the griffins on pegasus isle. In any case, you will probably get several of these as you clear the isle, and yes, it is MQ'able if you don't have enough rangers claiming them all.
The Gale Caller (named on Pegasus Isle, I believe for Druid quest, but NOT for spawning Sirran) will charm you...make sure you have a decent magic resist unless you want to start smacking your buddies around. Keeper of Souls, the named for spawning Sirran uses a Death Touch every 30 seconds or so.Ideally, you want one epic cleric out of aggro to do chain rezzes so your tanks can cycle back in. Remember...if the cleric is healing as well, he WILL get aggro and get DT'd himself at some point...but if he's just rezzing he won't get aggro and won't get DT'd. Keeper doesn't hit all that hard, so dont' worry about rebuffing tanks as they're cycled back in....just have them loot their armor and weapons as fast as they can, give them a quickie heal, and get killed again =P
Pegasus isle is as far as I've been to date, so if anyone has any tips/tricks/strategies on higher islands, please share =)