Well, someone had to post a Weekend Update!
Unable to get into LDoN group or any group...sucked to be me...
Anoter unsuccessful day for an LDoN--ooh wait! Got one! Unfortunately, group got wiped due to druid causing aggro/paladin not having his Stun workable (i.e., did not put enought points into Evoking). Therefore, the named npc that we were fighting was able to do a number of CHs on itself.
As we were running out of time and folks had to leave, we decided to evac out with a minute to go on the mission...strangely, we never got a failure for the mission. Is this normal if you leave an adventure with time to spare? As this was the first time I ever experienced this situation, I do not know.
Fun guild raid into Plane of Nightmare (my first visit) and did the maze. Lot of fun! That was about it, had to leave for Super Bowl party.
Edited, Tue Feb 3 06:37:20 2004 by Smoggy