I have never personally seen a "face" piece with a graphic. There are, however, numerous head pieces that cover the entire head. I have a hammerhead helm that covers my entire face, save my eyes. I wish I could find the head pieces with no graphic. I likes muh flowin white hair. :)
i think that anything that looks like a tiara does not have a graphic. i do know that anything leather looking makes me look like i have a scrub brush on my head...
Wood elf ranger? Ry'Gorr Coif and Sebilite Scale Headband both don't have graphics.
There are no actual face slot graphics. As was said, some helms cover the face, especially the Velious ones if you have the graphics on. The female wood elf one looks like a chrome plated hockey mask with antlers, for example.
Whether or not a helm covers your face is entirely dependant upon your race and gender. A bronze helm looks different on a male dwarf than it does on a female wood elf than it does on a female human than it does on a male high elf than it does on a female high elf, etc.
You don't mention what race and gender your enchanter is, but to have any chance you'd need a helm with a plate graphic since none of the race/gender leather or chain models cover the face (that I know of).
I just remebered I saw twice something like a "feather mask" (a design like for the carnival of Venice) in conjunction with a golden (dyed?) plate armor. What kind of piece was that?
The face covering mask (sort of a Catwoman look) is the standard plate helm graphic on a female high elf with Luclin models. I'm not sure what plate graphic helms are caster wearable, but here you go.
Hmmmm... I also saw once a guy clad in black gear (which didn't look dyed - rather like the Kelethin Half-Elf Rogue stuff)who had his face coverd like the classic asian-cliche assasin. Or is that in fact the hammerhead helmet Moebius was talking about?
I would think it's probably something different. The helm I wear has a little horn graphic on its sides, too.
One thing I have gotten in the habbit of now if I see a graphic I like is to ask for a link. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. But when I do, I know what to look for in the bazaar or camp so I can look the part of the long haired orc slayer.
------------------------------------ You don't mention what race and gender your enchanter is, but to have any chance you'd need a helm with a plate graphic since none of the race/gender leather or chain models cover the face (that I know of). ------------------------------------
... and good luck getting that plate graphic item on your enchanter's head. It would snap your spell-casting pencil neck like a twig :)
.....which proofs that seeking advice before spending hard earned plat is always a good idea :))
And I wasn't sure if my question would be taken seriously - so I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one choosing equipment not only for stats but also for the looks sometimes ;)
the tobrin's mystical eyepatch is suppost to show and a mask from old seb. it is an ultra-rare i think! i have seen it in-game before on someone...dont know if it drops anymore though?
I've seen people who had Tobrin's eyepatch equipped and it made no difference to their looks. I doubt that the Seb mask would make any difference either.