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Best duo to start?Follow

#1 Feb 03 2004 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
Which duo do you think is the best for good races, especially at lower levels (1-30)?
#2 Feb 03 2004 at 5:04 AM Rating: Default
Depends on if you mean 2-boxing alone or 2 people team-playing.
#3 Feb 03 2004 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Depends on if you mean 2-boxing alone or 2 people team-playing.

Well gee, that is helpful. Why not say: If you are two-boxing then I think A and B classes compliment each other well. On the other hand if you are 2 people team playing, then X and Y classes are better.

Oh I forgot, you just like to see your name up there in pretty lights.

Back to the subject, there are a number of complimentary classes from good races. My personal suggestion:

Paladin/Shaman - Good tank, sufficient healing, complimentary buffs, slows, dot dps can make up for poor Pally dps. This combo will serve you well all the way to 65 as both are highly desired in exp groups, as well as being an effective duo team. This combo is capable of duoing kunark dragons.

#4 Feb 03 2004 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
I want to start a new char with my friend. Basically we will play together alone most of the time, but of course, we will group from time to time.
#5 Feb 03 2004 at 5:55 AM Rating: Default
Patrician wrote:
..Back to the subject..
At least you managed this time to add something for the original poster too.

And maybe one day you'll even learn to post ONLY on the subject but I doubt that somehow... *lol*

Edited, Tue Feb 3 05:56:17 2004 by Leiany
#6 Feb 03 2004 at 6:25 AM Rating: Default
5,372 posts
Leiany has got better at irony...
#7 Feb 03 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
patrician just raised his boring-skill to mastery....
#8 Feb 03 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Gods, it's like watching declawed cats fight.

My friend and I are starting a bard/rogue team (me bard, heaven help us, him rogue). I think we'll run into problems at mid levels but I'll let you know.

Shaman/paladin sounds pretty good. Shaman can duo with several classes, in fact: any tank class, mage, druid if you're inventive.

Necro/druid is very powerful.

Cleric/any tank will do okay and should have no problem getting groups.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#9 Feb 03 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
lots of combos ..

druid/necro do good outside ..inside doungeon very hard but they can manage it if druid does not forget to snare!!!

shaman/pally very good in any situation buffs, lay hands , regen, cleric buffs and at higer level 90 percent rez from pally, nice sow at level 9 and slows dots from shammy ..yeap good combo ..(haste, and pet from shammy also).

cleric/any tank yeap work also ..but not as fast as shaman pally, good thing about this combo is the early rez spells and better heals.good outside inside (cleric stunt spells also good).

now what about ..

mage/beastlord ??

beastlords can buff sow slow and have mana regen some minor heals, best pet heals pets nuke. Mages better pets also nuke some moderate pet heals nice summoning items , and nuke almost as hard as wizzards now. (If I was to start all over again I do troll beastlord and iksar shammy).

Edited, Tue Feb 3 12:44:40 2004 by drinalsk
#10 Feb 03 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Mage/Beastlord combo - beastlords can buff sow slow and have mana regen some minor heals, best pet heals pets nuke....

Hmmm...rather inventive combo that didn't spring right to mind. Since both you and your friend will be largely soloing and at times grouping together, this combination does offer some real possibilities. Both the magician and the beastlord can solo quite well, and when grouped you have for all purposes four characters for the price of two. This really is an offensive combination with little defensive capabilities (other than your pets). You won't have a ton of healing with this combination. If you like to play the game under the premise of "dead things don't attack" this could be a very exciting combo. (Some magical jewelry that gives HP would be a must for both characters.)

Another slight modification to the Shaman/Pally combination would be Shaman/Shadow Knight or Evil Cleric/Shadow Knight. From a role-playing aspect this combination doesn't make a great deal of sense, unless your shaman is of an evil race (say troll or ogre). The paladin class around level 39 starts to become more defense oriented while the shadow knight offensive oriented. The shadow knight simply put will have a higher DPS post 40 than a paladin, although the paladin can easily heal and rez. Around mid-level the shadow knight and shaman can easily solo, but the cleric will most likely need to group with other players. With this combination you are coupling an Defensive/Offensive instead of Defensive/Defensive. The downside to Shaman/Shadow Knight would be giving up the rez benefit.
#11 Feb 03 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Also cleric/monk..
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