Lord Pickclaw is a semirandom spawn on the bottom floor. Meaning he can spawn in any room and doesn't even really follow the respawn times of the normal goblins. I usually see him in one of the bars or the bedrooms, but he can spawn outside the bank, in the wooden tower, in the spike room, etc. Incidentally, the Battlewizard and Battlelord guys are the same way. So is the Moldmaster, except he spawns on the 2nd or 3rd floor randomly.
Since you mention the "king", I have to assume you have an outdated map. Runnyeye was revamped a couple years ago now and many of the named spawns (king, crusader, etc) were either relocated to the 2nd/3rd level or else removed entirely. Lord Pickclaw is now the king and is a bit harder than the old king used to be. Was there a particular drop you were looking for?
Edited, Wed Feb 4 01:58:06 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.