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#1 Feb 04 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
The other day I was starting a new character, and while I was regenning after a vicious battle against an army of fire beetles(2 of them) I began to think about some things that have changed in EQ over the last couple years.

I'm not sure I think the PoP expansion really made the game better. Now, I have to explain this. The new zones are wonderful, as are a lot of the new spells. I even like the Plane of Knowledge. The issue I have is with the PoK books. There's no longer any reason to hunt around your starting city. Everyone flocks to PC as soon as they ding 10(sometimes even lower), or they run to the newbie zone they like best. I took the time to venture around some of the old Antonica zones, and realized how truly deserted most of them are. The Oasis is lucky to see more than five people anymore, most of which are just players trying to hunt sand giants. Crap, it used to be considered the best experience from 12-20.

Except for Qeynos, Freeport, and Rivervale I haven't noticed a great deal of traffic in the other cities or newbie areas either. The Feerot had 2 players when I went, one of whom was around level 20 and probably just on his way to buy spells. Neither Gukta or Neriak had many more players there. I stopped by Blackburrow, and saw about 7 people hunting there. Two of them level 30+, probably just camping the courier. Yet another zone that used to be considered uber exp and fun.

I don't really see any solution to these books other than removing them, and making the Plane of Knowledge accessed via some other, not-so-convenient method. The nexus stones aren't as bad in my opinion, just because getting to them is at least semi-dangerous to lower levels.

The shared bank is also something I don't necessarily agree with. I guess Sony decided twinking may as well be a standard aspect of making an alt. Being rejected from a group of level 10's because your equipment doesn't keep up with the dual lamentations of the tanks isn't very enjoyable.

A few weeks ago someone made a post about a Velious and Kunark only server, and I must say one of those would probably hook me into the game for quite a bit longer. I guess I just feel like the game is deteriorating from what it once was, whether that was the intention of Sony or not. Travelling isn't even a thought to most players anymore. It used to take a lot of effort to get that Quellious monk of Freeport to Blackburrow for hunting if you really wanted to bash some gnolls. Now you just click a thing next to the city gates.

I dunno, I'm probably just being whiney, and clinging to the old times, but please feel free to post your thoughts on PoK, shared bank, and anything else that's had a significant impact on EQ, as well as the idea of a Velious and Kunark only server. Flame away.
#2 Feb 04 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
No flames here, I am inagreement with you. I was thinking about this same thing. Earlier I made a post where I stated that if you did not purchase the POP expansion the game would suck...but that is only because you would never get a group again.

I miss the old school ways. I too like to go and hunt in some of my old stomping grounds. Someone in GFay asked in /ooc where they should go to hunt at lvl whatever...I said that Befallen would be a good place, especially if they had a cleric and/or a necro with them. Nobody knew what befallen was. they had no clue even where the zone was let alone what was there.

I go to S Karana and see one person hunting at the bird house. Zone into Lake Rathe and there is no one there. Amazing. these places all had great camps to camps and were fun and excting.

I, like you, miss the progression away from one;s starting city. It used to be almost realistic...young Barb warrior begins to fight outside of Halas. After a while they venture into everfrost and begin building their skills. Soon it is on to Blackburrow, then beyond. Finally you reach that level where you decide to make the run accross to Freeport in all of your untwinked glory. Was a fun time in the game.

I too would play on a server that stopped after Velious. Vel and Kun did not distort the game. Having a teleport spell still meant something and the logic behind chosing your hunting grounds included geography and whether you felt like riding a boat!

Ah well...nothing ever stays the same.
#3 Feb 04 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
I have to admit that starting in Kelethin or Felwhite is somehow VERY tempting because the Nexus teleport is so easy to reach and even if you get killed (under lvl. 10)while waiting for the travel you prabably be back there from your bind point without missing the next teleport.

Thats DAMN convenient....
#4 Feb 04 2004 at 5:36 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
I don't really see any solution to these books other than removing them, and making the Plane of Knowledge accessed via some other, not-so-convenient method.

There could be a solution here in perhaps making the books level restricted - not high, maybe ten of fifteen, at least then you would be forced to explore your own starting city and quests. That said I have just recently rolled an ogre shammy (I know don't tell me) and spent my first few levels more or less in feerot (I did pop off to find out i was KOS in most of the places I could by spells but thats another story).

In that time there were, at most two other newbies in the zone at any one time, grouped with one and chatted with others about, but no it wasnt like the starting out used to be, and I havent even played two years yet.

As for the shared bank thing, I have a problem with this - as I'm not really in favour of twinking at all, although its hard not to pass on the odd bit of gear. What I have come to terms with is one of my char's giving fair value to another. So my little Ogre has a couple of stacks of spiderling silks - I decided I cope with her selling to my pally at 10pp a silk to get money for her spells. She could have sat in the baz and done that.

That said, I will always think I missed out on playing the game as it was four years ago.

Well - onwards to the slaughter.

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#5 Feb 04 2004 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Hmmm... Well there's still a reason to hang out near your starting city, but now it's more of an option then a requirement. If you want to get your newbie armor quests, you're going to have to stick around at least somewhat.

Of course, you could just hunt wherever you wanted and pop back when you wanted to complete a piece, so I suppose that's still a problem. I do agree that it was kind of a natural progression to move slowly outward from your starting city. However, that was not always the best since some starting cities were vastly better then others and people moved anyway. How many people really spent any time hunting in Tox? Nope. The first thing you did with your Erudite character was move then to Qeynos. And honestly, most folks that started in the Qeynos area tended to move to FP by about the 8-10 level range (hunting your way through the Karanas just sucked to be honest. How many DEs stayed in Nektulos for very long? How many Ogres and trolls stayed in their swamps? There were very noticable "better" newbie hunting grounds, and people moved to them. It's just that with the books, it's easier to do it without dying.

I think the decision was made to allow players to play together without having to all start in the same area. I remember running desperately across the continent to get my level 4 wizard over to the commonlands so I could play with my friends and all their new characters (we all started some lowbies at the same time for fun). While it was "exciting", it still took quite a bit of my game time, and it was more fun once I got there. I can see why SOE decided to just make it easier for low level folks to move around.

What I wouldn't be opposed to would be some idea of "keyed" books. Basically, once you've traveled to a book and traveled through it to the PoK, you unlocked that book for that character and he could now use it to travel both ways at any time in the future. That would have been better IMO, but would have required more potentially buggy code in order to implement.

Heh. It would also be a pain. Imagine, you're trying to get a raid going somewhere, but 2 or 3 characters never bothered to travel to that particular book before. It would happen, and it would just be a pain. Again, I think SOE has been trying to put things in the game to lessen the impace that travel times put on the game. EQ is a pretty huge area. They did need something to speed things up. Even with the books, you can still easily spend 15-20 minutes running to some of the more remote areas of the game. Let the lemmings all hunt in the same areas. There are better places to go, and those of us who know where they are are at an advantage. Um... It also lessens the impact of PLing. Back when you had lower level characters spread pretty evenly all over the place, it was very hard to find an out of the way place to PL without potentially taking a camp from another group. Today, those out of the way camps are really only known by more experienced players. Thus, odds are, a brand new player, who's following the standard progression curve, is less likely to run into a PL session then they used to.

Not that idiots don't PL in popular hunting areas anyway, but I really feel that the PL issue has been a lot less of a problem in the last year then it was in previous years. That could just be my perception though...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#6 Feb 05 2004 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
When I first started playing a few months back, I only had the trilogy and I lost a lot of groups who, when we were bored with Blackburrow, were on their way to Kurns or PC. I wasn't too much longer before I bought evolutions. Then I noticed that a lot of my friends were hunting in dungeons I couldn't I bought LDoN. Fortunately, I had already been all over Qeynos, BB, Everfrost and the Karanas by that time, so I actually got to explore my newbie zones, and beyond.

SOE dangles the carrots and we snap them up. Don't get me wrong, I like the new zones and hunt in them often, as I do with the dungeons. But just last night we hunted SK while helping a guildie with a rare spawn and it was very nice to be back there, quad kiting the heck out of he Splitpaws.

I guess I am fortunate that my guildies and friends hunt in the new and the old zones. And hey - there's nothing at all wrong with bashing the crap out of some Hill Giants for decent plat and xp. People just need to remember that all those old zones are there.

Regarding the books, I for one really like the convenience of PoK, even though as a 37 Druid I can port myself and my group all over Norrath. I do think it would be a good idea to limit the level that can access the books - maybe 15-20. Then again, with someone powerleveling a new character, it would not take long to get there.
#7 Feb 05 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
This is an interesting thread. I too remember the good ol' days when you had to run across the whole fricken world to complete some quests and it took a while to do. Waiting for boats... good times.

I look at those times as fun, but I sure as hell don't miss them. I think PoP is the best thing that could happen to EQ. When I started playing again last Feb, I bought all the expansions. Being able to get where you want in just a few minutes is one of the best things that ever happened to the game.

#8 Feb 05 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
Somehow I liked it that I had to wait for lvl 15 to get my adventure stone. It was my first big goal to get farstone travelling. Especially as a melee type simply leveling up is kinda boring if there is no great change in the game waiting for you on the way.
#9 Feb 05 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Waiting for boats...good times.
That's what I'm getting at I guess, other than the zone desertion thing. A lot of travel features in the game are obsolete with the books around. Think about it, after getting PoP when was the last time you took a boat, or even waited on the Nexus? Odds are that it wasn't recently. While adding a lot to the game, I think the PoK books also cancelled out a lot of older features. Almost entirely, in some cases.

Now that I think about it there isn't even a reason to take a boat just to zone into OOT or Erud's anymore. We have translocators that do it in a heartbeat. I remember hunting wisps in Erud's Crossing a few weeks ago. I got swarmed, so I went and told the translocator to take me to Qeynos. I was saved instantly. That would've been a helluva corpse recovery a year ago. =p Bah, whatever. I'm just a creature of habit. In this case, old habits.
#10 Feb 05 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent

It is true that people moved from their starting cities at about level 10-15...but that is ok. Getting to level 10 took a little longer at the time because newbies just were not twinked and PLd like they are now (it was done, but now it is extreme).

And I agree with you about Tox. That was because the entire Odus continent was weakly created. There were better newbie zones. Qeynos, Halas and Freeport were all excellent newbie zones with good adjoining zones to venture into. these would keep you busy until lvl 10 or so when you finally decided to explore. Odus was not designed well in that respect, and the trip to qeynos was a boat ride without having to cross through hostile territories. Very different from when we would decide to move from Qeynos to Freeport. the first time we made that trip with out characters it was a gut-check. lol

As for Neriak...well pre lvl 15 DEs almost had to stay put. But tehy could go to the Freeport newbie zones if they chose without crossing and extremely hostile zones...East Commons is not hard to get accross even for a lvl 1 DE if you avoid the guards.

But...even after newbie hunting, the old school way was still to find a hunting zone or two that were close and expand from there. Now we can pretty much get to any zone that we want to hunt in pre lvl 30 without too much trouble.
#11 Feb 05 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Mixed emotions on this one. I started my first character shortly after Beta....and in Tox. Journeys to Kerra Island off the coast of Odus was the highlight and a real challenge...cats seemed to come in packs and hey...what the heck is cc anyways. For me the move to Qeynos at level 8 then the progression through Blackburrow and the Karana's were good times and groups at the bandit camps and those lovely sashes were fun....and lucrative. Now days I feel that I have experienced much of the old world and Kunark so I tend to take my new characters on a much different route. In todays EQ I think it would be difficult for new characters to experience the same feel due to the sheer size of the world of Norrath and the fact that most "newbie" characters are controlled by veteran players with better gear and much more experience with the game. Last character I took through the "old route" found himself alone in West Karana almost all the time. Had a buddy come and single pull bandits for me and made a killin in XP and money. Boat travel for the new player in EQ would probably make there life boring and prove too much of a time sink for most....the world is just too large now. It's a shame but I am afraid that the new player to EQ is going to discover a rapid paced game and find themselves leaving PC or DSP without any real exposure to the full content of EQ. Is very sad to me to hear/read so many people asking or stating that they do not know where Befallen, Unrest, Najena or even Lavastorm is because they went straight from "newbie zones" to the moon. As I said....mixed emotions on this one....good for me today when I start new characters but sad for the new folks.

Be safe all
#12 Feb 05 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent

Oh, I am in agreement that in todays' EQ the old school way is not going to be followed. Too many other avenues that are more lucrative and less lonely and time consuming. In my case it is just commentary on the way things were. I am afraid many of the truly new players miss out on the excitement we all experienced in the primitive EQ.
#13 Feb 05 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
I can relate. I used to play EQ back when Kunark was just released. I started in the oasis and moved on to the birdhouse, lake rathe and shadowpaw. I'm now returning to the game as of 2 days ago and I can't find a newbie group to save my life. I went to freeport and could not find but 1 newbie to group with.
So now I faced with wth do I do next? I can't see how I can solo myself to level 50 or so to find groups without it taking half a year or so. I mean I would like to go through it all again but it looks impossible.
So is there anyway to level faster? not necessarily power leveling....
"Everyone flocks to PC as soon as they ding 10(sometimes even lower),"
What is PC? Is that a place for us newbs to gain levels fast?
Man I hope I didnt waste money on buying evolutions....
#14 Feb 05 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
LoL who was it earlier that coined this week National Dead Horse week?
Smiley: smile

There are not as many low level players anymore, if you removed the ability to travel quickly it would be impossible for group dependant classes to ever find a group. Twinks could easily get an escort from their guilds to the popular zones, leaving the poor Noobs all alone in thier crappy starting zones.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#15 Feb 05 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
Well,i think how nobody hunts in old zones is for the most part true. Although at 42 with my ranger i hunt a lot in older kunark/velious zones. There is sick EXP to some of those old zones and i found that out leveling my monk in dalnir (i think it was dalnir). It had a huge exp bonus and for a monk had some pretty sweet/decent loot considering i sold all his gear and started him the "right way" (read not twinked). About the PoK book though, i think they are a great convenience and i understand how it was very exhilerating going on boats to unknown lands or traveling across west commonlands to befallen but the PoK books made EQ life a lot less stressful. If i hadnt started out with the PoP expansion i prolly would've quit the game (my fault though because i started with a troll shaman. Getting to decent hunting places was hard or almost impossible without PoK and i'm glad i got the PoK books to get me places. I do agree with the level requirement PoK book thing though. I think the PoK book should be limited to level 15+.
#16 Feb 05 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
Boy i remeber those all to well, and PC is Paudal Caverns. I have been playing since Beta and havent stopped... However what did do was change servers everytime an expansion came out except for the last couple... In reguards to equipment changes over time has been huge... I went to check out my equip on the first character i have ever created he is a lvl 44 cleric by far when lvl 50 was top dog in lvls i looked at his equip ( because the huge time sink on cleric quest armor the 1st 1) he was equipped with adam eppaultes and runed mith bracers Blood stained tunic plat jasper rings Golden effy boots and then i look at characters of today being started at lvl 1... Man there has been alot of advantages as far as Equipment went as well... I remember with duel welding yaks were gods now there relegated to pet weapons and if you had an FBSS you pretty much were the tank... When fbss were being sold for 10k and yaks for 15k those were the days now you can basically get the same old gear at lvl 1 and spend prolly less than 2 or 3k foreverything to be what an old world uber lvl 50 toon was. It just astonishes me to see all that equip that people think as junk of today but wasnt junk 5 yrs ago... Seeing all them wars with Executioners axe's waiting for the darn thing to proc at lvl 30 to give anoher boost with the fbss you were wearing.. Seeing the endless camps in Lguk being 30 or 40 people in the zone when the L,H,and M were single spawns vs 1 camp now... All the new people playing the game now dont know how easy they really have it... Espeically for us folks who had to pay for each expansion that came out unlike buying evolution for 30 buc's when i spent 5 times that amount lol...

EQ2 is prolly going to be the same way lol expansion aboun expansion hince i prolly wont be buying it anytime soon maybe after about 4th expansion to it, I just dont want to subject myself spending money like crazy for an expansion to come out ever 1 and half yrs. This will be the 7th expansion in the 6 yrs EQ has been out... Some you folks do the math in how much money you spent compared to what people have to spend today... Plus the price increase from 9.99 a month to the 12 bucs a month charge.... Not to mention over the course of time on how you had to upgrade your computer everytime a new expansion came out.... Yes, i love the game i wish SOE gave us a peice of Stock for what i have invested into the game
#17 Feb 05 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
so does that mean no hope for newbs like myself?
or is it a good idea to solo to level 10 and move to paudul caverns?
I'm guessing there is some good exp for level 10+ there?

Edited, Thu Feb 5 17:53:05 2004 by amphib

Edited, Thu Feb 5 17:53:48 2004 by amphib
#18 Feb 05 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
When I started my first character (back in January, then quit until October), I told myself that I would only use PoK books if I got there myself first. I had a Wood Elf Ranger (of course!) and this worked for all the Faydwer books. I couldn't bring myself to do this by waiting for the boat to Freeport, but I did make myself run from Freeport to Qeynos. Alas, when hunting in EC I died and lost my corpse. I was helped out by a cleric (I didn't need the rez, but I also didn't know that he had to have the body to rez me from anywhere, so I thought it was a way around finding the corpse) who convinced me that Paludal was where I should be, and I was so thankful for his assistance after we got my corpse that I broke my rule and used PoK to get to Paludal. After that, I kind of decided that it wasn't really worth it to use the self-imposed "keyed" approach, although I think it helped build some EQ character in myself.

As far as the Nexus portals go, I do have to say that if you can't get a druid or wizard port, the Antonica portal is actually useful when you want to go to, say, Splitpaw. The others are quite obviously superceded by PoK books (actually, I guess I don't really know where the Kunark one is...I assume close to Cabilis since that's pretty central), so are much less useful.

I think I agree though...a level limit on the PoK books would be quite reasonable. It'll never happen, but it would have been a good idea, considering the power of the Planes.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#19 Feb 05 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
amphib wrote:
so does that mean no hope for newbs like myself?
or is it a good idea to solo to level 10 and move to paudul caverns?
I'm guessing there is some good exp for level 10+ there?

There is hope for new players. If you can get over to Crushbone which is north of Greater Faydark (where Kelethin is) then you can also get very good experience from level 7 up to level 15 or so, especially in a group (although I soloed there a bit, especially if someone was very nice with their buffs). And Unrest, which is 2 zones South of Butcherblock Mountains, also has very good experience and if you are careful you can go there around the time you leave Crushbone (but with a group is best)--that place is always empty now too AFAIK, because it's just a pain to get there, compared to most other zones.

Crushbone and Paludal are great experience, and they're also where my newbie Ranger learned to fight in groups. Paludal especially can get very belligerant, but you can still learn a lot. But there are always alternatives...unfortunately they are mostly solo and not group alternatives until you gain more levels.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#20 Feb 05 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
the other good place is Kurns tower or even in the pit tell lvl 8 then head to kurns you can get to lvl 15 in no time flat and Kurns tower does have an EXP bonus but after 15th lvl its rather slow....
#21 Feb 05 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Once again, I do not think we are necessarily saying that we want it to go back to the way it was or that we do not undersdstand the reasons for the change. This thread was really started as a nostalgic look at how things have changed...or at least that is what most of us are using it for.

I think the game would still be viable if there were not books, however. There are many places to hunt that are empty that could support groups. People did not have any trouble finding groups pre-expansion. In fact, I think it would cause the population to be more dispursed, and that might be a good thing. Rather than new continents, new zones of varying levels could have been scattered throughout the existing geography.

One thing that is not as common is getting a pick up group. When my friends were not on I could always go to places like unrest, lower guk, perma or mistmoore and ask who needs a ...whatever class...and find groups just losing a person or just forming. I remember sitting and waiting on people who were "leaving soon". I do not experience that as much anymore, except in a couple very specific places. Although LDON is all about pick up groups and group recruiting.

But, yes, I remember banking my langseax of the wolves for an executioners axe. I was one more-than-macho barb warrior! Had full set of warrior crafted armor...that pale blue-green stuff. Looked so cool. It is rather mundane compared to today's gear. But does anyone remember how hard it was to get the werewolf claw for the crafted breastplate?
#22 Feb 06 2004 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
I really think there is an easy solution to the problem and that is to make the books level limited. ie you can't use them till level 46. Most of the POP content is geared for 46+ anyway so it just sorta makes sense.

Now on the other hand if people were restricted than new people starting up would be forced to be distributed across the lands. Given that today there aren't as many newbies as in the old days and leveling is a lot easier there might be a problem finding people to group with.

It seems to me that one of the problems with EQ now days is how fast people level. Today I can have a character to lvl 24 in about 10-15 hours. With help you can have a character to 50 in a week. Now I started EQ back on day one and I know for a fact that it took many months to get to 50. It even seems to me that getting to lvl 20 took weeks.

There was a lot more focus on development in those days and less on caping out the game...
#23 Feb 06 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Rather than a level limit, or any kind of official "restriction," perhaps each book could be not-so-safe. What I mean is, when that level 5 ogre warrior takes the Qeynos book, he starts off far away from the guards and in a spot where he can freely circle around the area to do what he needs to do. Would people be so inclined to do that if the book brought you within Gehnus' aggro range? Probably not. =p Just a thought.
#24 Feb 06 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Heh.. I always wondered what sort of morons worked for the Qeynos city government that stationing a guard next to the interplanar portal two feet from the city walls was beyond them.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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