Sony wants us all to keep playing and playing
yea like you said cheap and easy,that about sums it up.i visit a lot of message boards and never.that i can recall,have i seen a single post from a player or players saying,hey they should raise the level caps.
i was hoping with the release of gates that they were going in the right direction.building good playable and challenging content for the masses.not alienating so many people.
there is nothing about rasising the level caps to me,that would appeal to entice players to come back or stay.leveling is not a challenge,it is a dreary mind numbing waste of time.as a matter of fact i have never seen or heard one person say "whoohoo,i get to spend the next few months killing mob x,y and z 2,000 times,man i love leveling!"
the game as it stands now,to me,has a great variety for all levels.they seemed to be adding the content to challenge the high level players.the more they raise levels the more they leave so much content empty going to waste and burning up a lot of resources.look at most all the towns now,they are empty,been to najena lately?how about befallen?all ghost zones.even the planes for the most part are empty.i remember when there would be 50-60+ people standing out side fear,trying to break in.you got in and 75% of the people died,alot them 3 or 4 times and that was considered a good breakin.now a single group of 65's can waltz in anytime and own the whole zone.i see not to far in the distant future a single group of 75's walking into the elemental planes and owning the whole zone.
i kind of thought that was the point of aa's.to allow a flexible creative way to make your character stronger in areas that you wanted to be stronger in.
yep im sure your right,they are way past contemplating.when they go through with it and jam it down our throats,they might as well take out more than half of the original content while they are at it because the higher level the player base becomes,the less that base will frequent old hunting grounds.
well i'm done whining about it,it just totally took me by surprise,smed made that comment and i didn't see even one person say anything about raising level limits.
ill keep playing for now but this is one player that will not continue playing and playing only to reach the peak then be shoved back down to the bottom of the sh*t pile.