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Weekend Update!Follow

#1 Feb 09 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Well, just thought I would get this started this morning. Nothing really interesting happened during my weekend in game, mostly because my Cable modem has torpedoed itself, and I won't have internet away from work here until wednesday. Life sucks.

Hope everyone else had a better weekend!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#2 Feb 09 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Well, I've been back playing EQ for about five months now, and finally have my Iksar Necro up to level 40 (which is 5 levels higher than when I quit and the highest level toon I've ever had in any MMORPG) and so I went exploring and learned a couple things this weekend!

1. While J-boots would be nice, waiting for the AC to pop in Southern Ro is really boring...

2. The Spectre's in Oasis are still just as nasty as they were three years ago...

3. Lower Guk isn't quite as confusing as Upper Guk...

4. The Gulf of Gunthak is a sweet place for a Necro to solo (or get a partner)...

And that's about it. I hope everyone else had a good weekend!
#3 Feb 09 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
Finished my Stoicism quest Friday, and spent most of the weekend playing with the new spell. I did go to Gunthak and Dulak for the first time, and even did one of the boats. I really like these zones, I'm glad I can explore there now. I was getting bored with DSP and DL.
#4 Feb 09 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Not much up on Saturday so we did a Mistmoore LDoN raid. MUCH smoother the second time, I actually managed not to die to the adds at the end.

Sunday, first day of Time rotation; *touch wood* totally un-dorked instance. Finish that up tonight and ready for the new expansion tomorrow, can't wait for NEW CONTENT.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#5 Feb 09 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
Much EQ this weekend but nothing special.

Cleared CB (except for the castle of course) sunday morning while there was NO ONE there except for me....solved 2 quests by the way, got a shiny brass shield and other loot for about 60 plat. Then turned in the CB belts & shoulderpads in Kaladim so the Dwarves now kiss my shiny elvish a$$ ...CB raised me easily 2 lvls alltogether =)

Also raised some tradeskills for about 120 points (see other thread), failed twice to travel to Odus (see other thread) and made a small fortune in the Bazaar :))

Edited, Mon Feb 9 09:32:37 2004 by Leiany
#6 Feb 09 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
Worked this weekend, but took a couple hours for me/EQ last night. I did the Fine Cut Diamond Inlaid Mask quest.
A nice easy 30 or 45 minute quest with a great reward.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#7 Feb 09 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Oops, forgot about my little side adventure.

Yesterday during the day a friend of mine was hunting in Skyfire. He sent me a /tell that Talendor had just killed him. Well, I said, justice must be served. The beast must die.

I asked in /gu if anyone wanted to help kill him - I can't solo this one, he's completely MR. Only got one tell. So I gathered up my rogue and a guild bard and we slew the beast. Dropped some spells, a red scale, bard drums and TWO cloaks of flame, one for each of us.

Then my guld made fun of us for KSing them because apparently some of my guild mates were mobilizing for him after all, heh. Teach them to move faster, I say... Though I did offer my share of the lewt for anyone who needed it on a main, with (gosh, surprise) no takers.

And yes, my friend got a rez.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#8 Feb 09 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Slow weekend on my end. Mainly screwed around in Nadox, kiting with the bard. On the plus side, I got my class AA title, a couple extra AA besides, and a fairly hefty pile of platinum. I think I'm single handedly tanking the Hate Forged Pauldron market Smiley: wink

Amusing story: So there I am, kiting away when I notice a named down the hall. No one else in the zone, so I load up chants and pull the guy. Get him down to 10% or so and he Gates. He runs at me, I kite some more, he Gates again. After the third time, the room starts repopping and I make for the zone.

Coming back in, I decide to pull him to the safe corner and chant him and have Scream of Pain ready to interuppt his Gates. Pull him, chant him, Scream him and he gates anyway. I decide to load up Boastful Bellow to help stun him. Pull, kite, Gates at like 2%. Try again, get a guard add. Zone. Now I'm coming up with wildly complex plans to kill this ****** "I'll invis past the respawns, lull, pull, chant, when he gets to 20%, start to Scream, switch to melee, Puretone, and Bellow." He gates. OMG WTF, etc etc

I decide to try one last time. Clear out the room I first tried him in. Halfway through clearing, it dawns on me... mez the ******* when he starts to Gate. Worked like a dream. Retarded thing is that I use the "mez to interrupt" in nearly every single LDoN I go on. It's standard proceedure for me that if I see a CHeal message or whatever to chain mez and f-up the casting. God, I'm a n00b Smiley: grin

Oh.. he dropped some lame-tacular caster gloves. Yay.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#9 Feb 09 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Kaboom x2 - watched my computer slowly self destruct as the Adaptec 39160 SCSI card trashed both hard disks. On Saturday it only did it to the secondary drive (which naturally has EQ on it). After reformatting the drive and reloading from tape, it decided to trash the $MFT on both drives late Sunday night.

Time to go off of SCSI U160 and go back to ol' reliable IDE. Now I just have to wait 4-6 days for the new drive to arrive....grrrrr.
#10 Feb 09 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
My weekend started off just grand, after not seeing the huge 12000 point drop off otw to Hedges in PoN, and getting my rez we finally got the 3 groups together to start the event. Mad swarmed up on some beasties deep like.. killed the final mob that resembled a large walking booger that doubled for 1300 and must have had about 30k hp or so, droped some nice leggings, THAT I WON, and now am pimping. after that we hit some LDONs, 3 to be exact got about 80 points from the 3, depedning on the varying level of group members, got a nice Earing drop off of the MM LDONs and after that i decided to start on my epic, thus i camped out in Burning woods before i even hailed the guy... just passed out after a nice day of EQing.

Europe 55 Outrider "Night Wolves" Fennin Ro
#11 Feb 09 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
Friday: Did some odds and ends around the house and helped my wife equip her newly rolled ranger.

Saturday: Had some time in the morning to PL the ranja from 1-10 and have the ranja kill Emporer Crush. In the evening took the ranja to the obligatory PL zone Paludal Caverns and got her to 20. Level 1-20 in one day are way too wasy from what I remember. Did some tradeskilling and botched my charm fighting in PoN from being PL/Tradeskill braindead. Called it a night.

Sunday: Logged on for a joint raid with another like minded guild for the Magnaetic Behemoth. Had tons of people and despite zerg like forces, lack of experience and discipline wiped us. Of course we couldn't regroup fast enough for a second attempt and he depopped.

I took my raid buffs to a rujark style LDoN for a win and then took a real life break to spend time with my family. Later when my daughter went to bed the wife and I took her little ranja to DSP where we promptly killed her to appease the gods and then leveled her to 22.

Then I pottered around with casserole dishes and getting my pottery from 180-189. Its amazing how 8 stacks of combines can produce so few skillups, but I guess thats fair for a recipie that all the ingrediants are storebought, even if you have to make the ceramic linings and the unfired linings are unstackable. Oh the joys of tradeskilling, but the quests are very rewarding for high level TS'ers :)
#12 Feb 09 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
Nada - been in Cleveland to visit my folks - I'll be back later tonight, but will probably be so busy, doesn't look like any EQ for quite a while... Smiley: disappointed
#13 Feb 09 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Great EQ weekend again, have really been having TONS of fun with this stupid game.

Saturday- Kill Paffa the fatty in COD. I got to MA for this and it was a bit on the hard side. Had a small raid turnout so hard a tough time plowing thru his guards and they eventually got the best of us. Buffed up again and this time bum rushed Paffa right when he became targettable. Healers somehow kept me alive thru his awful stun proc and his guards beating on me. Dropped his so/so cloak (can drop ft2 mask or BA4 earring). After that we roamed the factory in POI a bit to see it.

Sunday- Zergalicious alliance raid on Behemoth in POI. Had pet aggro on his AE once he became targettable and he AE'd the west side CC crew and then finished us with 6% hp left-- then the ******* despawns before we get to try again!! Meanie!

Sunday night did a few LDON's with guildmates + this crazy paladin Jamus. Guy is lvl 63 with over 200 aa ! Crazy people but good tank 8) Oh yeah I was playing my cleric for these, so hard to find a healer seems like.

Also messed around with DAOC thru the free trial with Gamespy. Forgot how good that game is and interested to see the up & coming frontier revamp 8) Doing a scout this time and finally got some decent loot and a donation from a groupmate so my lvl 9 bootie can get some gear and live thru fights!
#14 Feb 09 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I broke out my old bard and got him from 19 to 24 this weekend... just to give you an idea how old he is, he was fully equipped with banded armor... that was when banded armor was pretty good stuff (well over 2 years ago).

Also, put a dent in getting my shaman out of the 50's... I hate those levels!

All in all a good weekend. Never thought I would consider my shaman slow, but after playing that bard, he just couldn't move fast enough :)
#15 Feb 09 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Worked on my Shaman Epic.
Completely screwed up the Black Dire fight and was rescued by a friendly beastlord - Thanks Sokaresh. Got my SoW boots and spent the rest of the time trying to get the last of the 6 pieces from CoM. At one stage 3-boxing between 2 PC's added spice and made it easier to get them all killed.

Wrestling with a new PC that ought to be wonderful but kept giving me EQ client crashes. Downloaded EQW to try and sort it out but still having problems. Managed to kill my ranger when the Cleric client crashed on a 3-pull.

Our 40's trio seems to have passed another threshold in Rujarkan and are going to shift to MM for a couple of levels. Suddenly mobs resist more, dps is shot and the whole thing slows down. FAAK doesn't help either.

Actually went out for a meal Saturday night - but it was ok we talked EQ the whole time.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#16 Feb 09 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Friday night Some EXP grindage....

Saturday - Went and FINALLY saw RotK... EXCELLENT F'UCKING MOVIE!!!!! noone in the theater. im glad i waited 2 months. after movie was more EXP grinding. from 330pm to 2am my work finally pays off... Ding 63 and Pot9!!! woo hoo!!!! now to ***** myself out to get cash for the rest of my spells..

Sunday - was in on the Zerg fest that was MB in PoI. he wiped the floor with us. little side note... allways check your target befor you cast a spell. make sure you dont have the pre-flag gnome targetted and try to nuke to help clear. (MT still had gnomie targetted.) suffice it to say he summoned me and one rounded me..... got a rez and selfbuffed up. headed to the pack and went on clearing. after wipe and MB despawn i had to log and do some house work. G/F came home from a weekend at her dads in fresno so spent the rest of the day with her and her daughter. rented "Radio" with Ed Harris and Cuba Gooding. GREAT flick. 2 thumbs up....
#17 Feb 09 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
well was an extreemly good weekend for my toons:

got my kitty bard up to 56th while swarming in Katta.

then took my nec to AC with guild and got very close to 59th so picked up a few friends and hit Veksar to finish that off.

new pet is supper nice. hit 59th in Veksar with nec.

goals for next month are to get nec to 60+ game, and then work on finishing off bards epic.


phini spine
top and bottom page 24
3 guts for page 25
Quags horn

just need 2 scales (need loads of coinage for those sadly 45k)
fear whip
werewolf scull

and i think im done. have not even started on necros epic and not sure i ever will do his epic.
#18 Feb 09 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
2,196 posts
I passed my probation period in my guild and was voted in as full member - I'm experiencing so much more in my present guild than I have in all my 4+ years in EQ. Good times...

The only in-game thing I did this weekend was partake in the massive raid in PoI - where we got wiped...still, amazing experience in the big raid game (70 folks...ok, well it's big to me!). Smiley: tongue

Outside of EQ, wife and I watched Johnny English (with the wonderfully funny Rowan Atkinson). Much, much better film than his Mr. Bean film (although Mr. Bean was a wonderful television show (not the animated one!). Now, if only he'd do a Black Adder film...

Wife and I have been playing Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 - fun quests and character building, however, I really wish they allowed for a little more camera flexibility - I never liked the top-down view in the original BGDA either...

Got wife hooked on Diablo II and we're having fun playing on our home network. She tried the Sorceress but then switched to the Asassin. I was playing the Paladin with her Sorceress but now that she switched to the Asassin, I'm waiting for her to catch up to my level 9 Druid. He's wicked good fun.

I have a few other games waiting in the wings for us to play together - I've already played them but she hasn't - all the Baldur's Gate games (1 & 2 plus the expansions) and all the Icewind Dale games. My delivery of the Icewind Dale Ultimate Collection should arrive today! I look forward with great anticipation to hear Minsc's battle cry, "Go for the eyes, Boo! GO FOR THE EYES!" (Boo being his Giant Space Hamster...)

Also, I've got the GoD expansion already ordered from EB (with my Allah discount!) for one of my EQ accounts while I finally clicked on the OK button to order the download version for my other EQ account.

The only other game we're getting this month is the much anticipated Ninja Gaiden...

All in all gaming goodness abounds in my household...
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#19 Feb 09 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
and i think im done
You're forgetting the little part where you traipse down into the depths of Sebilis and do battle with the undead dragon, Trakanon.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#20 Feb 09 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
I just restarted this weekend after quiting more or less after beta.

Having a blast. What have I discovered this weekend? That freeport is the same as it always has been :P (oh, and now there is rodents in town :P)
#21 Feb 10 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
Havent really played a lot over the last 3 weeks. This weekend was spent in trader mode as my monitor lost its red. Ever try playing relying on percentages for hp and not being able to tell a red con mob? Replaced monitor last night.
I have reached a bit of a dry stage in playing, lot of the friends I made have left or leveled past me. <sigh>
Think I'm going to make the cleric my main, everyone likes clerics. Either that or try out FV. Hear there may be a nice guild or two on that server.
#22 Feb 10 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Think I'm going to make the cleric my main, everyone likes clerics. Either that or try out FV. Hear there may be a nice guild or two on that server.

if you do, /join shards:shards thats where we hang out and you can get to know some people there..

#23 Feb 10 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
Operation: "Bury Gay or Not Gay??"
#24 Feb 10 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Operation: "Bury Gay or Not Gay??"
#25 Feb 10 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Did Hedge Walk in PoN, Killed Grummus in PoD, Killed 1/4 mobs for Arx Seru Key, forget name, but he is the one who banishes all PC's who melee him. It was a pet fest. 3 Level 65 Beastlords with their warders, 2 65 necros with pets, 2 65 Sk's with pets, 2 65 Mages with pets. We stood in the corner with pet healers while our pets just absolutely trashed the mob. Made the title of Venerable. Oh, and am going to try to kill Emperor Ssraeshza with guild tonight, need VT Key.
#26 Feb 10 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
i was pissed eqing all weekend wish i never did it now cos all i did was die die die almost lost lvl 53 LOL couldent find my corpse when i came back on had to petition for a gm to tell me wat zone my corpse was in :(( i suppose thatl teach me to drink an eq lol :P
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