Taelosian Staff Stats
AC: 5
HP: +10
MANA: +10
ENDUR: +10
Faction modifier
Acts as a light source
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
That is the gift one recieves for buying the new EQ expansion Gates of Discord from EB courtesy of Allakhazam and EB.
I wouldn't mind having that staff for one of my low level or mid level characters, but I won't be getting it because I opted for the download option presented to you a while back when you logged into EQ. Thus I bought directly from Sony..sure I don't have to run to the store and buy the expansion or wait by the mailbox.
However it sure would be nice to have such incentives as offered by Allakhazam and EB for my support of the game by spending my money to buy it.
Why even opt for the download anymore when you can get nice in game items when buying through Allakhazam and EB (like the 25%weight reduction satchel that could be upgraded to 50% through a simple quest)?
I think its only fair that SOE make such items available not only to those who opt to buy from Allakhazam and EB but also to those who buy from SOE directly by responding to their log in screens and going for the download.
Don't know if this has been addressed yet or if anyone even cares, I know I do care. Just my rant. Get your act together SoE!
A Disgruntled Consumer
Edited, Wed Feb 11 10:18:51 2004 by Shiakhan