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SoW Casters UNITE!Follow

#1 Aug 25 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
Warning, post contains virulant rant. Parental discretion suggested.

This topic may have been touched on before but I am calling for a organised revolt!

I have characters who can cast SoW, and I have characters who cannot. My non-SoW casting characters WILL NEVER ask random SoW casters for SoW. If someone says in /ooc Casting Sow blah blah, that is different. Or I may ask in /ooc any SoW?, and if I get a positive response, fine. Plus if someone casts SoW on me I usually offer some plat.

So now why, because I am a Shaman or Druid and just happen to be passing by, am I OBLIGATED to SoW anyone who asks? And if I say sorry, I am busy, I almost invariably get a ration of sheet.

So what needs to be done is, people need to be educated. Too often in the past we SoW casters have aquiesced to the intrusive requests and some non-SoWers have come to expect this as the norm. Well NO MORE!

NEW SoW Policy:

1. WE will NOT cast SoW on anyone who merely asks. Sorry but some of you may be nice people but you should learn to live WITHOUT it or re-roll a SoW caster. Worst offenders are the people who /who Druid and then send tells to you soliciting free SoW. Point is to get people to STOP ASKING!

2. Anyone who offers to pay gets the full buff package.

3. Guild and Group members do not need to ask, they get it.

4. My non-SoW characters will only badger guildies for SoW :)

Ok so a few of the more ridiculous requests:
Just died with MY LEVEL 9 Shaman, popped naked into PoK. Not 10 seconds elapses and I get a tell for SoW. I did not even mem my spells yet!

Last night, I get ready for my customary Kill the Brownie in LFay (while foraging). I zone in, turn into a wolf and flip track. First person who walks by in the tunnel 'Cane you spare a Sow?' I say 'sorry'. They say '***'.

Then the 'Straw'...(also last night)

Go to Steamfont, check windmill merchants. Go see if Kobold Missionary is up and he is. Head to Minos Mine and buff up. Two low-level gnomes there, one a necro.
'Can we get a sow?'
I say, 'sorry busy atm, maybe in a sec.'
(Oh yeah that's gonna convince me...)
'Can you thistle shield my pet?'
I say 'What do I look like? Your personal servant?'
'Obvioulsy not since you wont do what you are told'
'Hope you like Kobolds cause a screaming Kobold Shaman is coming this way'
To which they respond with the usual l33t remark topped off with a 'beeotch'.

So I am calling on ALL SOW Casters. REVOLT! WE decide who gets SoW. If we want to drive-by SoW that is our choice. Count yourself fortunate to get it! NO MORE RANDOM REQUESTS! If they cannot accept a polite refusal they can take a long walk of a short pier WITHOUT SOW! We must make people AFRAID to ask for SoW, then and only then the ones in DIRE need will dare ask or they will have their wallet handy.

/rant off

Edited, Dec 11th 2006 4:23pm by Danalog
#2 Aug 25 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
4,596 posts
WoW. Angst. In my druids entire career I think I've recieved a /tell to ask for a SoW a few dozen times and thats mostly when I'm in wolf form. Whenever I'm in POK I always have SoW memmed. With the tiny amount of mana it costs, I could chain cast it all night long and not make a dent. Plus I feel that I kind of owe a few bazillion SoWs for all the ones my non druid toons have recieved in their EQ lives. I love to SoW people, its my little way of giving back. Not mention 4 or 5 gold as a donation is hardly worth the time time it takes to carry it back to the bank. I'd much rather have a polite thank you.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#3 Aug 25 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
331 posts
If the person comes TO me, and asks politely, I generally hand it out. I see nothing wrong with that, it's the people who say, "sow plzzzz i am at the spires dr00d" that will never get a buff out of me without a hefty donation.

I try to be pleasant. It's dirt cheap on mana and doesn't consume components. Besides, you never know when some nasty attitude you had with a guy in the past over an SoW will cost you a group or rez in the future.
#4 Aug 25 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
On characters without SoW or Jboots I buy the potions or walk.

85-100pp for a ten dose potion, use nine and vendor sell the last one for 17ish pp back. Its not that hard.
9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#5 Aug 25 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
Dothammer has a point though. It's one thing if you have time and mana to burn and someone needs it, but when someone sends you a tell and demands sow, thats wrong. I've switched to roleplay so that ppl cant look me up. I get enough tells as it is I dont have time to be told I NEED to Sow a total stranger.

If someone DOES send me a tell though, and they ask nicely, I have no problem at all helping them out. I even tend to buff them a bit just to reward their niceness and sometimes make a friend in the end. But if I get some jerk who tells me "Sow me" or some other such blatent demand... no way. I refuse to reward jerks who think they get what they want just be demanding it.

Dot, have you tried going anon or roleplay? Since I switched my random tells have decreased drastically. Now the only time I get asked by a stranger is if Im in POK and someone notices Im dressed like a druid. Most times it's someone nearby and I've been lucky to mostly get polite requests.

#6 Aug 25 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
Well the point is they are offering to pay. Customary is 5pp, surely a pittance, but it shows respect. I will from time to time set up in P0K and offer SoW for FREE. It is my choice.

One time I set up in PoK and spammed 'Shammmy buffs at the soul binder, NO DONATIONS will be accepted.' Then when they did try to give me plat, I would yell at them! heh.

What I object to is drive-by requests in every corner of Norrath.
#7 Aug 25 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
I think you need to lighten up. I cast SOW on anyone who asks, never too busy to help someone in need, but that is the Rangers credo, my shaman does it too because of peer pressure from my ranger.

Also, rangers have given up some DPS for added utility, SOW is part of my utility, so if I am not casting it, I am just losing out on DPS.
#8 Aug 25 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
Dot, have you tried going anon or roleplay? Since I switched my random tells have decreased drastically. Now the only time I get asked by a stranger is if Im in POK and someone notices Im dressed like a druid. Most times it's someone nearby and I've been lucky to mostly get polite requests.

Yes I have resorted to Anonymous at times. Kind of hard to be anonymous in wolf form though. I do not like to be anonymous so that my guildies can see what zone I am in, and there might be some person who needs a port and is willing to pay.

What is role-play? Not familiar with that but it seems I should be. (Ok make me feel like newb now...)
#9 Aug 25 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
But if I get some jerk who tells me "Sow me" or some other such blatent demand... no way. I refuse to reward jerks who think they get what they want just be demanding it.

This is true if someone said to me,

"SOW me!" I would have to reply,
"Blow me!"
#10 Aug 25 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
cast SOW on anyone who asks, never too busy to help someone in need,

Point is most DO NOT NEED! You are just making the mindset worse by caving in to any request. STOP IT! UNITE!...oops /toggle rant off...
#11 Aug 25 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
On characters without SoW or Jboots I buy the potions or walk.

85-100pp for a ten dose potion, use nine and vendor sell the last one for 17ish pp back. Its not that hard.

Thats fine for my rogue, as he can easily make up the 75pp a sow potion cost in a night. However, for the longest time 75pp was a small fortune and to my little necro on MR it still is. Walking is fine 9 times out of 10. However, when running through a potentially dangerous zone a SoW can make the difference between a safe run and a corpse run.

Now don't get me wrong I will not EVER send a random druid,ranger,bl a tell asking for a SoW. That's just downright rude. However, if one is /ooc casting in PoK I will make my way over there and ask. And I will /say Anyone casting SoW over here?
When I'm near the nexus stone or bank. I will generally toss a few gold or pp their way depending on how much I have at the time. However, I think 5pp is a bit much to ask for 40 mana and less than 5 seconds of my time

BTW, thanks for the tip on the selling back to the vendor on the last charge. I did not know that.

Edited, Wed Aug 25 11:31:52 2004 by xythex
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#12 Aug 25 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I am one of the people with no SOW to cast. I did the Quest for the J-Boots and now the only time i will ask is for a CR. Most Sowers are great when they know you are on a CR and will hit you with it.
To ask some one running by to "SOW ME!!!" is wrong. I feel if you ask nicely and they have other things going on..fine find someone else don't cuss them because they are playing their game and are busy.

#13 Aug 25 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
C'mon Dot. Don't hold back, tell us how your really feel!

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#14 Aug 25 2004 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
MR is a curious place. Even before the 30 day trial PoK was saturated with what seemed like every shaman who reached 9 or druid who got 14 auctioning SoW like they'd found Eldorado.

The degree of rudeness displayed by the "30-day crowd" is astonishing. I do realise that undoubtedly there are nice people in there and some will learn and stay while others go back to whatever stone they crawled out from under. In general however the free trial dumped on MR has given it a massive overload of people who seem to have very little interest in politeness, reputation or anyone else.

The cries of "I need SoW for CR" are unending. The fact that it is actually very rare that you do need SoW for CR does not penetrate, nor does the fact that these paople also want HoS, Temp and Clarity - "for CR".

What /role does, Dothammer, is conceal your race, level and class while still showing your guild-tag and still revealing your zone in guildmanager. While wolf-form may be a bit of a giveaway it will at least protect you some of the time.

I think however you have to decide what you want. You cannot remain available for ports without being also vulnerable to SoW-beggars. Personally I'd forego both for a bit of peace and quiet.

And finally the evil solution to SoW-beggars - Scale of Wolf. Give them a genuine surprise when they finish their CR and start fighting again - make their day. Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#15 Aug 25 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I think there's a good point to be made here. People are getting more expectant of receiving buffs.

I don't think it is about the money so much as it is about being appreciated. I have newbies that give me 7pp for Temp. I accept it, /t about the price of dots, but say that I will not accept any more from them, for that cast. They donated, I appreciate it. Just offering information for future, so they don't **** anyone off.

I think you see it, from the clerics, as well. There might be 25 clerics in PoK, but not one is casting Temp or V. About the only way I can find V, for my monk, is to /t and ask them if they would be willing to cast. They say "No"? "Np, thanks." They say "Yes"? "Great. omw after I hit bank". They don't answer? I talk at my screen, and call them names. hehe. Very rude to not answer /t simply because you don't want to be bothered. Put up your AFK.

Anyway, if I bring my cleric on, to buff, I get people who want me to give them Temp, or to go rez them, or whatever. It's like, "This is what I'm doing right now. If I was looking to give Temp away, I would go to Kurns or to CB."

On the other hand, I am not afraid to /ooc a request for SoW. I figure that if someone is willing to cast it, they will. If not, they won't. But I will also donate, if someone is advertising. And I donate between 7 and 10pp.

SoW and MGBs are the only buffs that I don't believe it is inconsiderate to ask for, or accept w/o donation. All other buffs I donate on, and, as I said, if necessary I have no problems donating for SoW.

Rez's are the tough calls. You get people who die, in these out-of-the-way zones, and they expect you to come rez them. The best rez I did, the guy asked me, after rez, how much. I told him "Whatever you think is fair." He gave me 4pp, ~20gp, ~100sp, ~100cp. Everything he had. So I gave him temp, a couple other buffs, and 20pp back. :)

Always appreciate those that cast, for your benefit. Donate if it is requested, or is how things normally work. And never, ever, accept a buff without saying Thank you. :)
#16 Aug 25 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
/anon leaves your name in blue, but you lose your guild tag.

/role makes your name purple, and you keep the guild tag.

Both hide your class, level and zone.
#17 Aug 25 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Any parent knows that if you unconditionally give in to your kids every request you raise spoiled, unappreciative, dependent kids.

Dot's policy seems fair, I'll try and adhere to it. Smiley: smile
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#18 Aug 25 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
296 posts
SoW costs nothing to cast -- mana-wise or component-wise. If I am on my druid or shaman and someone asks me for it, I give it to them. On the other hand, nothing irritates me more on my cleric than to constantly be asked for Virtue and to be insulted by the person asking if I don't give it. Virtue costs 1000 mana per cast and a peridot. If I am not advertising I am casting it, I don't appreciate being bugged for it.
#19 Aug 25 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
This is one of the reasons I seldom play my Shammy anymore. People have begun to think of a Shammy/Druid as a mobile buff station, that deserves no more respect than the soulbinder NPC.

I have gotten to telling people that I dont do SOW anymore, it is all potions nowadays, and for a small fee of 65 plat, they too can have a 10-shot Blood of Wolf potion. Otherwise, they can go buy me the SOW spell and I will re-mem it and cast it on them. Once they see there is either some cost or effort involved, most just move on.

I would suggest that you ask them for an item for each SOW, nothing extravagent, just something that requires some effort.
Like a rat whisker, beetle eye, rat ear, snake fang...some of the newbie stuff, heck most people can kill that stuff nekkid.

If they want you to expend some time, mana and effort on your part, they at least should make a small show of time and effort to get it. Most when they see that it is not just free for the asking/demanding, will move on.

Edited, Wed Aug 25 13:08:34 2004 by StandsInShadow
#20 Aug 25 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
I have already gone on record in these forums as being against the legions of the SoW empowered. (See previous thread titled *SoW what*)

My current position on the issue is... well, nothing has changed in my point of view.

Demanding, irate, entitled, rude? Be gone!
#21 Aug 25 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
Wow you guys have some serious issues. I had never with my ranger had a problem sowing people if they ask for it. I mean jesus people, it takes 10 seconds out of your time to help another person out for 35 mins. The mana cost is nearly non- exisitant and you save someone else a large amount of time. For those complaining that they can buy a sow potion. 85pp is a large amount of money to a newbie or to some low level chars.

That sow could quite easily save their lives, and there by saving them a hour of RL gaming time. Stop being so selfish and dry your damm eyes.
#22 Aug 25 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
I'm sorry, SoW in the LFay tunnel when you are LEAVING and just happen to see someone in wolf-form is NOT going to 'save your life'. If you needed SoW on-the-spot from a stranger to 'save your life' you are a poor planner and deserve to die. If I see someone about to die, sure, I throw a heal or try to derail that train. If SoW is the difference between living and dying then evey character should get it. Oh wait, yes, every player CAN have SoW...

I already explained I have nothing against asking people for SoW from someone advertising or if they answer the /ooc Any SoW?. Or even sometimes blind. But to expect SoW and then get indignant when it is not forthcoming is the mindset I want to eliminate. This will only happen if SoW Casters UNITE!

(Some of you get the hyperbole displayed, I'm not REALLY ready to slash my wrists over it...)
#23 Aug 25 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
Okay, for all you Rangers that keep posting about SOW. Pllleeeaaasseee....The last thing people look for when begging for a SOW is a guy/gal running around waving a couple of swords, decked out in what looks like plate/chainmail.

I am sure that beastlords probably get more tells than a ranger for SOW. Most people when they see a Ranger do not automatically think buffs. You look too much like a tank.

When people go on the search for a SOW, they normally target Barbarians (be they either Rogue, Warrior, Beastlord...does not seem to make a difference), a WoodElf running around in Leather armor, or any class with an animal type pet chasing after it.

There is a big difference when a class gets a spell at 9th lvl or when they get the same spell at 30th lvl....that is 21 more levels of conditioning. I seldom if EVER see a Ranger SoWing the whole group when I am grouping with my Shammy...that is a SHAMAN's job to SoW folks, not the rangers. Heck, I have had Rangers in the group ask me for SoW...and this is 54th lvl we are talking here.

You can't walk a mile in my shoes, till you take a shammy to lvl 54 and deal with the tells/demands/begs. So don't tell me what my opinion should be. Smiley: bah
#24 Aug 25 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Well I gotta tell ya, I find it quite annoying as well to get a random tell "Hey dr00d SOW me!" I have though up to this point said "well ok" then hey dr00d buff my pet and thorn me chloro me, skin me...... Even in "roleplay" I still get the tells. My alltime favorite is hey dr00d come port me, I'm in CS and your in BB getting ready for an LDoN but stop what your doing and come help me.
But because of my conscious I still help anyone who asks (unless I am busy), and get even further irritated when they dont even thank me. I however hardly ever accept a donation unless I truely had to go out of my way and they wanted the full buff package.

Just my 2cents =)

#25 Aug 25 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Okay, for all you Rangers that keep posting about SOW. Pllleeeaaasseee....The last thing people look for when begging for a SOW is a guy/gal running around waving a couple of swords, decked out in what looks like plate/chainmail.
A ranger in plate? I wish!

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#26 Aug 25 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
wow what a bunch of crying idiots.

What i mean when i said that Sow could save their life, is say they are running thru a zone and get aggroed by a mob, with the sow on the would survive, without it they could die. Making them CR, AND costing them real time making up the experienced lost if they didnt get a rez.

Regarding Rangers never getting asked? what crack are you on? If they dont know to ask a ranger for sow then they really are newbies.

Shaman, Druid, Ranger, Beastlord. 4 classes that are able to cast sow. Regardless of all your whining it takes no time what so ever to give someone a sow. Get off your high horses, and help a person out in real life.

Wouldn't you want someone to help YOU out.

Bunch of asses
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