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#52 Aug 25 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
IF they demand, dont give it to them

IF they ask politely, then you should

Thats MY point.
#53 Aug 25 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Upon furthur contemplation of this "important" subject, I have to agree that those who are rude do not get sow. It's as simple as that. However, I do not think that it is fair to not cast sow because of a few rude people.
#54 Aug 25 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts

Can SoW save your life? Yes.
Can you survive without SoW? Yes.
Will SoW make my life easier? Yes.
Solution: Re-roll a SoW caster or wait patiently and/or plan accordingly.

Why deny someone the education of being killed? They will now have a better idea of what to expect next time they vist.
#55 Aug 25 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
[/quote]Solution: Re-roll a SoW caster or wait patiently and/or plan accordingly.[quote]

You have got to be kidding me...... The same solution could be applied in you NOT playing a sow char so you dont get people bothering you and REROLLING a non sow casting char.

#56 Aug 25 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Look man, if you dont want to admit that sow can save your char's life in the game then you are just deluding yourself. I cant count the number of times a sow had saved my life while running thru the zone.

Then you are a poor player. Try playing a cleric, you learn to travel unsowed.

All that SoW does is create trains as idiots who don't understand how to avoid aggro take half the zone into the faces of anyone zoning in.

The lag spike issue is a giant red herring too. I know just as many people who have gone off cliffs, into mobs or up trees when sowed as have had misfortunes because they lagged without it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#57 Aug 25 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
Actually that is just what I did.... Got a bard now Smiley: grin
#58 Aug 25 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Great Post DOT!!!!

Pesonally I Never beg for SOW, I have never played a char that could SOW. If you need a SOW for a CR you should have been smart enough to at least Bind two to three ZONES away. With POK book everywhere there should be no excuse.

Edited, Wed Aug 25 15:33:05 2004 by Otizlee
#59 Aug 25 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Default
[/quote]Then you are a poor player. Try playing a cleric, you learn to travel unsowed.[quote]

I am a poor player because for whatever reason i need to run to the zone and Sow aided that tremendously??? Please dont even try that hogwash like you never ran to a zone to get away from a mob.

You are missing the point entirely
#60 Aug 25 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
I think he means you are a poor player as you have had SoW save your characters life more times than you can count running through zones. Thus potentially training other people.

Just my take on the post.
#61 Aug 25 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
Great Post DOT!!!!

Pesonally I Never beg for SOW, I have never played a char that could SOW. If you need a SOW for a CR you should have been smart enough to at least Bind two to three ZONES away. With POK book everywhere there should be no excuse.

Edited, Wed Aug 25 15:33:05 2004 by Otizlee

Vah Shir Beastlord
Ogre Shadowknight
"Beer the cause and the solution to all of lifes little problems" -Homer Simpson

Uhmmm i swear that says BEASTLORD in your Sig.......
#62 Aug 25 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
Does not say he got it to a level capable of casting SoW. While the potential existed, if he was not of a viable level, then no, he has never had a character that could cast SoW.

Gotta keep that Capt. Asshat status....Dammit, where are my salutes!
#63 Aug 25 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
Obviously i was being sarcastic...

Everyone has made a b-line to the zone at one point or another to escape a mob, they are creating a train.. so dont play the innocent i will stay there and die instead of easily running to the zone. With SOW on, you usually put enough distance between you and the mob that your NOT training.
#64 Aug 25 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
He iS only lev 12
My Main Is An OGRE SK
#65 Aug 25 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
No the Beastlord "Could" potentially cast SOW. He may not have met the level yet, but he is stating he never played a char that "could" cast sow. Well a beastlord "can".
#66 Aug 25 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts

You have got to be kidding me...... The same solution could be applied in you NOT playing a sow char so you dont get people bothering you and REROLLING a non sow casting char.

Interesting solution. But that would not be exercising control, that would be relenquishing it. I HAVE SoW. I also plan ahead. SoW wont save you ALL THE TIME. And when I die, I take responsibility and not curse the Cleric who would not temp me.
(Of course it is usually me getting others killed...RUN!...oops you no have sow? bummer...)
#67 Aug 25 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
SoW can save a characters live. Not leaving PoK can save a characters live. Temp can save a characters live. A Cleric can save a characters live. My paly's LoH can save a characters live. Knowing how to play the game well can save a characters live. Not grouping with idiots can save a characters live.

So, why is it any Druids responsibility to lay SoW on any ungrateful twid that demands it?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#68 Aug 25 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
So, why is it any Druids responsibility to lay SoW on any ungrateful twid that demands it?

Read the entire thread before posting. I have stated repeatedly that this is regarding those that are asking politely not DEMANDING it.

Interesting solution. But that would not be exercising control, that would be relenquishing it. I HAVE SoW. I also plan ahead. SoW wont save you ALL THE TIME. And when I die, I take responsibility and not curse the Cleric who would not temp me.
(Of course it is usually me getting others killed...RUN!...oops you no have sow? bummer...)

Lol, rather funny, Relequish control eh? no no that doesnt sound at ALL like a power trip. You have SOW you plan to go ahead with it, well they DONT have sow, so they CANT plan ahead with it. (I am talking about those that are too young or not rich enough to buy potions or MQ jboots quest)

I never said it would save you all the time, but even you cant deny how helpful it is, and how it makes for a much greater chance of surviving.
#69 Aug 25 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
Actually any character "Could" cast a SoW-like effect on themselves...just use the reagent Blood Of Wolf.


Used to indicate physical or mental ability:
Used to indicate possession of a specified power, right, or privilege:
Used to indicate possession of a specified capability or skill:

Used to indicate possibility or probability:
Used to indicate that which is permitted, as by conscience or feelings:
Used to indicate probability or possibility under the specified circumstances:

By using Webster's definition. A 12 level Beastlord could not cast the SoW spell. A 30th level would meet the criteria, a 12th does not.

Where are the salutes? What use is being a Captian if no one salutes you?

(Now we are down to it being helpful? So it is a convenience as I posted before? Who is this Cardiak guy? Kerry?)

Edited, Wed Aug 25 15:57:06 2004 by StandsInShadow
#70 Aug 25 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
You are missing the point entirely

Not at all. I understand that you are a persistent trainer who cannot bear to admit they have been wrong many times in this one thread.

SoW used as you describe is a damned good reason for not giving it to anybody.

You are the one missing the point.

IF they ask politely, then you should

Thats MY point

There is no "should". I may, I may not. It is my choice. There is absolutely no obligation on me to SoW unless I want to. I quite often do but it is purely at my discretion. I may refuse for any reason which seems valid to me.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#71 Aug 25 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
No I get what he is saying. Let's all be one happy family. Let's be kind to our neighbors and give them anything they ask for. Nevermind that your neighbor borrowed your chain saw and now you have a tree limb through your awning.

What I have been (facetiously) implying is that we STOP caving into every Thom, Dink and Leggoolaas that asks. I know, for some of you, you are supposed to be these tree-hugging do-gooders, help a poor adventurer anyway you muffins!...Let em die, a few more deaths and they might get some sense or do us all a favor and quit.
#72 Aug 25 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Default
Used to indicate possession of a specified capability or skill:

The statement is regarding the beastlord class. He claims:

I have never played a char that could SOW

Well the beastlord class is very much capable of casting the spell SoW. He may not have reached the level necessary, but that does not mean the beastlord class cant!!!



#73 Aug 25 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
<snaps to attention.>
"Hand Salute!"
<Salutes the ranking officer crisply>
"Awaiting orders Sir!"

And you wondered where the respect was! I recognize a superior a$$hat, er officer when I see one! J/K
#74 Aug 25 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
LOL Thanks! :-)
#75 Aug 25 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Where did I say I did not want power? Power trip? YES! EXACTLY! Kudos you get it. I have the power of forethought and planning. I forsaw the need for SoW and rolled a SoW caster!


I do not have SoW, which would be quite useful...go to Plan B.
#76 Aug 25 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
Not at all. I understand that you are a persistent trainer who cannot bear to admit they have been wrong many times in this one thread.

SoW used as you describe is a damned good reason for not giving it to anybody.

You are the one missing the point.

You are an idiot. I am a consistent trainer, that implies that i train on a regular basis? Are you denying the fact that you never once ran to the zone while a mob had aggro on you???? How have i been wrong many times in this one thread?

There is no "should". I may, I may not. It is my choice. There is absolutely no obligation on me to SoW unless I want to. I quite often do but it is purely at my discretion. I may refuse for any reason which seems valid to me.

That's all hunky dory. If you want to be an ***, and not sow someone that is asking you polietly then you obviously dont have to. I never said you did. I said you SHOULD, which is the nice thing to do.

HAHA DOT YOU POWER CRAVING DRUID!!!! Shame on you for being evil. I bet you gonna be a FURY in EQ2!!!

My bottom line is that it costs you nothing, but helps others out tremendously.

Edited, Wed Aug 25 16:10:08 2004 by Cardiak
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