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SoW Casters UNITE!Follow

#77 Aug 25 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
This thread has made me realize just how l33t having SoW really is! I think I am going to sit at PoK bank for now on and charge 120 PP per a SoW and watch the plat roll in!!!
#78 Aug 25 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
From Cardiak:
I am a consistent trainer

Well at least we got one thing established. I'm not the one saying "SoW saved my life countless times". Use your brain or whatever you keep in it's place and avoid this scenario.

And the word "should" implies obligation. There is no obligation, even to the radically changed stance you are now adopting.

You are just reinforcing the mindset that Dothammer is complaining about. That any SoW caster is obliged to cast it on anyone who asks. Well sorry. It's nothing to do with power. Most of my characters don't have SoW - they do fine without it.

In fact they do a lot better than someone who has been permanently SoWed from early on and whose response to any situation is to use it to run to zone. Dothammer is right to call it "tough love". They'll be better for it and learn many useful skills.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#79 Aug 25 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
fabled Jboots seru boots run5 khati earring....lets not even get into emp horses.......ALL THESE THINGS MAKE SOW USELESS!!! stop you *****ing ffs, my brother is a 65 sham and he will buff anyone who asks him not only with sow but with all available buffs depending on level without asking for a donation. Me i TL ppl for free all the time ill even port them to hate air and EJ and SF(all I ask for air and hate is the stone....unless its guildie for an allied guild). Also When it comes to paying for buffs well...I usually don't get buffed unless a guildie is around I have 4k life max mana regen(ft and non FT) plus my epic and force shield(for fast casting) make buffs pretty useless for me....though if needed I will dontate a peri for HoV/V.....but if someone buffs me without asking for a donation i pay a lot b/c kindness should be repayed.

Edited, Wed Aug 25 16:17:40 2004 by elorianBLAH
#80 Aug 25 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
Well the beastlord class is very much capable of casting the spell SoW. He may not have reached the level necessary, but that does not mean the beastlord class cant!!!

Question for you then, could he cast sow if he wanted to?

In case you're having problems coming up with the answer, it is no.

#81 Aug 25 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Ha, go back to selling plat and telling tall tales, all you would get are /em makes a rude jesture...

Back to 'should' for a moment.

What you 'should' do is learn to live within the limitations of your class. If you need SoW so bad maybe you could say oh..GROUP with a SoW caster? I know this is a foreign concept to some but EQ is really based on grouping and co-operation. That does not mean 'Hey You SoW Caster! You SoW me!' no matter how nice they ask.

No what it means is you provide me with SoW and I provide you with whatever my class does that would benifit you. Even if it just plat, you had to do something to get it.
#82 Aug 25 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe 120 PP is a lil low for a SoW, should I charge like 175 PP instead? LOL, I can not believe how much of a $hitstorm this somewhat innocuous thread started!
#83 Aug 25 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default

From Cardiak:
I am a consistent trainer

Well at least we got one thing established. I'm not the one saying "SoW saved my life countless times". Use your brain or whatever you keep in it's place and avoid this scenario.

And the word "should" implies obligation. There is no obligation, even to the radically changed stance you are now adopting.

You are just reinforcing the mindset that Dothammer is complaining about. That any SoW caster is obliged to cast it on anyone who asks. Well sorry. It's nothing to do with power. Most of my characters don't have SoW - they do fine without it.

In fact they do a lot better than someone who has been permanently SoWed from early on and whose response to any situation is to use it to run to zone. Dothammer is right to call it "tough love". They'll be better for it and learn many useful skills.

Wherever I go - there I am.
0 Replies

First off finish my sentence and dont take quotes MID-sentence. Second off you are not answering my question regarding you taking a mob to the zone with you... you know damm well that you have so you can straight shut it.

Third regarding should, i TOLD you, should as a nice thing to do, for you being an *** you dont have to help other people out. You are totally assuming that every person with a SOW is going to automatically cause a train. Don't be so naive.

They do a lot better the someone with permaneant sow? doesnt that imply the caster classes that had sow from a low level. That means that THEY had it from the beginning, but in your eyes, that automatically means they cause trains with it.

You can argue all you want, you can choose not to give sow to someone all you want. If that 4.5 second casting time is something to difficult for you to do, to help another player out, then you dont HAVE too. That is the point you know.

#84 Aug 25 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Could I go home and log onto my Beastlord and sow myself and other People. Right Now the answer Is NO

OH yeah did I say NO
#85 Aug 25 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
No offence, but if I was a 65 Shammy, I wouldnt be sitting on my butt buffing people in PoK. I'd be in the Hard Zones doing Heroic things where MOST people who haven't bought their toon on Ebay DONT ASK for buffs and have the good sense to PAY well for any they want.
#86 Aug 25 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
my brother is a 65 sham and he will buff anyone who ....

You know, it occurs to me that if everyones brother started a guild, you'd have the most elite guild ever formed in EQ. Just an observation.
#87 Aug 25 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
heh a bit over the top with that last one...sorry..sorry...
#88 Aug 25 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
You know, it occurs to me that if everyones brother started a guild, you'd have the most elite guild ever formed in EQ. Just an observation.

Ya but they would all be GMs and their bank would have about a gabillion plat in it.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#89 Aug 25 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Its amazing how fast this thread went to 2 pages...
#90 Aug 25 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
Question for you then, could he cast sow if he wanted to?

In case you're having problems coming up with the answer, it is no.

Can the beastlord cast sow? Is his character a beastlord? Is he playing the beastlord class?

What you 'should' do is learn to live within the limitations of your class. If you need SoW so bad maybe you could say oh..GROUP with a SoW caster? I know this is a foreign concept to some but EQ is really based on grouping and co-operation. That does not mean 'Hey You SoW Caster! You SoW me!' no matter how nice they ask.

No what it means is you provide me with SoW and I provide you with whatever my class does that would benifit you. Even if it just plat, you had to do something to get it.

Yes, so next time dont get that Temp, Kei, Rez etc etc. Those are w/o a doubt NOT within your limitations.

Listen i am tired of arguing, if you dont want to cast sow because you choose to be an *** then my hat is off to you. If what you reply with is " Well your class cant cast that spell so live without it". Then it explains your mindset.

All of you arguing with me, really stop and look at what you are arguing about. Really look at it.

I am out, it was fun for the most part.
#91 Aug 25 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Almost forgot...I have focus effects: spell haste and mana preservation so it costs even less mana and is quicker to cast, but NO SOW FOR JOO! Why? Because I say so!

SoW Casters UNITE!

I am actually looking into the Unkempt Druids, I think they are just the crowd I need to further my agenda.
#92 Aug 25 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Never ask for Temp either. You DO NOT want to get me started on that one.
#93 Aug 25 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Can the beastlord cast sow? Is his character a beastlord? Is he playing the beastlord class?

is he level 30?

He was saying he's never been able to cast sow... surely you're not stupid enough to be saying he COULD cast sow.
#94 Aug 25 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
First off finish my sentence and dont take quotes MID-sentence. Second off you are not answering my question regarding you taking a mob to the zone with you... you know damm well that you have so you can straight shut it.

Nope. I'll take the bit where you at last tell the truth and leave out the padding. I am not answering your question because it is irrelevant. You may want it answered but it has no bearing on anything else. Again you are the one who has done this - in your own words - "countless times". You are advocating using SoW to run away as a regular strategy. Do you deny this?

Third regarding should, i TOLD you, should as a nice thing to do,

You TOLD me that you want to use a word with a perfectly good and well understood meaning to mean something different? I don't think so. "Should" is an awful lot stronger than "nice"

You can argue all you want, you can choose not to give sow to someone all you want. If that 4.5 second casting time is something to difficult for you to do, to help another player out, then you dont HAVE too. That is the point you know

Actually you're the one arguing. I'm just pointing out the lack of joined-up thinking. This is about the 4th time you've said "that is the point" and each time it was different. I think you've lost the point in there somewhere. Perhaps you should just carry on SoWing everyone who asks you - politely - to come to Katta and SoW them while you're exping in Ferubi.

I'm sure your group is very understanding - "Hey guys sorry to leave you sitting on your hands with no healer but I have a newbie to SoW. It's only a 4.5 second cast so I can't say no"
Wherever I go - there I am.
#95 Aug 25 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
No they are not within my limitations, I usually trade SoW for Clarity and it is a bargain for both of us. Goes to that whole co-operation thing I mentioned.
#96 Aug 25 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Its amazing how fast this thread went to 2 pages...

Seems to have touched a nerve.../em bows
#97 Aug 25 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
439 posts
I usually SOW anyone who asks , the only exception is when they ask me to come to them . I am flabbergasted when they ask me to go to them to cast sow. Also . I always con them and if they are blue I always cast SOE instead because SOW is buried in my disorganised spell book. It is such a little thing really.

Bappont on Tribunal
#98 Aug 25 2004 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
Lets go up a level.

If YOU want to be stingy with SoW, pay out on rude people, go anon the whole time or behave in any related way, go for it. You won't build rep, but you'll have a quieter time. Your choice, lots of reasons to choose either approach.

I'm stunned you think this freedom gives you a right/entitlement/invitation to try and organise ALL OTHER SOW CASTERS into supporting your point of view. THAT is ridiculous. Post to say "thats it, no more sow, here are my rules". No worries. Post to say "here are my rules you all should follow them" and you just get an official /yawn from me. Go play the game your way, I kinda like mine.
#99 Aug 25 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
It's threads like this that make me appreciate my ability to actually "sell" my mana in the bazaar...via summoned gear. If you're a pet class and in my group/guild/raid/friends list it's all free and unlimited. Otherwise, get your sorry cheap tail end to the bazaar and buy it off my (or any one of the other dozen summoned gear) bazaar mule(s). I get any lip, expect a very unfriendly reply and a instant trip to my /ignore list.

As for the ability to cast sow, every player in the game has the ability to sow themselves...from level 1. These things called potions are nifty.

Bottom line, nobody "owes" anybody anything in this game. If you want to be nice and give away buffs or whatever then by all means do so. Politeness may help but no matter how nice/polite the person is it doesn't mean I should.
#100 Aug 25 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
Did I get in his face about what kind of Enchanter doesn't have all his spells? No. Did I call him an *** for not 'helping me out'? No. Would having enchanted mithril 'save my life'? Maybe, with the gear I was going to make...


Cardiak You are implying that every person that asks you for a sow is obnoxious and "gets in your face". I agree 100% that you shouldnt bother with those people, I am talking about the person that just comes up to you nicely and asks for a Sow. IT really isnt that hard to do.

Somehow I think youre missing the point of this thread. The point of the thread was to stop sowing for ppl who ARE jerks. Not to stop entirely, but to stop helping those people who think it is their god given right to get sow from YOU because you have the spell and they dont.... and F**k you if you dont sow me right away mentality.

So youre in the same boat from what Im getting but youre getting your wires mixxed. Try rereading the thread before you start ******** ppl out. Going crazy on someone shows not that you have an intelligent point but that you cant make one since you're attacking anyone who doesnt automatically agree with you.
#101 Aug 25 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
781 posts
Ah the old "SoW me" subject...

Tis simple:

Be polite when asking someone, especially a stranger, to SoW you. Most times you'll get your SoW. If the person says "No" or won't then bid them good day and move on...

If you ask me for a SoW (my Dru or Bst) and you are rude, don't say please (not plz) or use "dood" or "l337" speak, then welcome to my ignore list and you can **** and moan all you like <shrug>

Manners and a little respect will get you a long way in EQ and RL. Many people should remember that...
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