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SoW Casters UNITE!Follow

#102 Aug 26 2004 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
710 posts
What if we just make people type out Spirit of Wolf instead of letting them use SoW as an abbreviation? Then at least they made the effort to spell out the whole word.

I have no problem casting sow on people who ask me nicely, but sorry to say I'm not going to go look for you, regardless of how nice you ask.

Pretty much same goes for rezzes. If I'm in the zone, you can bring your body to me and I'll cast the rez spell. But I'm not zoning to go look for it.

and regarding this hitting a nerve, you should have seen the flame war that was on the FFXI boards about white mages who didn't want to rez, damn people really are mean over there
#103 Aug 26 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Pretty much same goes for rezzes. If I'm in the zone, you can bring your body to me and I'll cast the rez spell. But I'm not zoning to go look for it.

Don't get me started. I still remember one shouting match where the guy expected me to leave group and cross a very large zone (OOT) to rez him "becos itz yore job". When it was suggested he drag to us instead, that was impossible, unreasonable and a lot of other things besides.

Mind you if you agree to rez for a fee you have to expect to travel. Like corpse summoning it is unlikely to be needed in PoK. Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#104 Aug 26 2004 at 2:48 AM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
Just delete your SoW spell from the spell book, then you can honestly say "I don't have that spell"

Most of us have rs3 now a days, for those zones where SoE doesn't work (Velketor's, Dulak...)
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#105 Aug 26 2004 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Just delete your SoW spell from the spell book, then you can honestly say "I don't have that spell"

The thread wasn't about not wanting to cast SoW - or any other buff - it was about re-educating people to understand that it is not their right to get it merely because they have found a caster of approximately the right class.

Unfortunately I meet more and more people who play EQ as a single person game in which they seem to regard other players as NPCs with slightly strange AI. In their view everyone else is there solely for their convenience and they throw a tantrum if people don't accede to their every wish.

Perhaps the end of school holidays will see an improvement.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#106 Aug 26 2004 at 3:20 AM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
The thread wasn't about not wanting to cast SoW - or any other buff - it was about re-educating people to understand that it is not their right to get it merely because they have found a caster of approximately the right class.

Missed the tongue in cheek did you Cobra?

In their re-edumication period, when you repeatedly say

"no I don't have that spell anymore...I deleted it when i got rs3 and didn't need it anymore :)"

They might learn to live without it or even to ask for it politely.

Of course there are a few that will make your ignore list with their rediculous reactions to your claim of "deletion"

SoW Casters UNITE!
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#107 Aug 26 2004 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Sorry yes. Totally failed to see where you were putting your tongue.

If you want a nonsensical reply to requests then I would suggest

"SoW"? What does that do? are you sure druids get it? What level is it? Well thanks for telling me I'll be sure to get it next time I'm in Kelethin/Hobbiton/SFG

Of course all this is moot if they just saw you SoW someone Smiley: smile

Wherever I go - there I am.
#108 Aug 26 2004 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
Wow! Look at all the posts on this silly little spell.

I think part of the problem is the ease of travelling Norrath now. Lots of people think that since they can take the book to PoK & from there most everwhere major that SOW casters don't have much to do.

I have 2 SOW casters ( Druid & Ranger ) and I have been known to do drive by SOWs. Have also traded SOW for other buffs when soloing. I am also a sucker for /shout Naked dwarf needs SOW for CR. How can you say no to that?

What drives me buggy is when I am sitting camping the silly duid in GFay for druid epic & I get tell "Can I get a SOW?" I'm just sitting here randomly killing PHs so I say "Fine" How do they respond? "Can you come to <fill in the blank>?" Tho which I respond "No I am camping ***(forgot her name)" Answer "Well I need SOW to get to Kelethin"

Hello? You expect me to tranverse the entire zone so you can get to where I am basically now? I don't think so. The sad part is I had that happen in LOIO more than once. I'm at the Windmill & someone wants me to run to zone line for SOW so they can run to Windmill. Yeah, right.

If I am sitting at Freeport gate, a zone line or anywhere else. Medding, chatting, planning -- whatever & I am asked nicely I will usually part with the SOW and maybe another memmed buff. I rarely ask for donations (unless a gate is involved) and I also always SOW guildies, group members & those paying for a gate. Anyone else better ask nicely and/or offer donation/trade. Give me grief ONCE & you are on the list for no SOW ever.

And I have 1.
#109 Aug 26 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Totally failed to see where you were putting your tongue

Should we start an 'Adult' posts section, for you two? lol
#110 Aug 27 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
Your tongue my tongue, his tongue....probably no difference whatever, except when mine is tongue-tied.

Although that is the first time I have ever had someone hammer me for having my tongue where it actually

Humor is a lost art.
And I am not an artist either :)
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#111 Aug 27 2004 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
If I am just sitting around and someone asks me for a SoW I will gladly cast it, plus any other buffs they might want. Same goes for ports if I am not busy and I have never taken a "donation" for a port with either my Wizard or my Druid except I will ask for the reagent for Hate/Sky ports or the pp to cover their cost (which I think is only fair). I will at times run a person all the way back to their corpse to make sure they get there ok. And if it is an ugly CR (say in Seb or Ferubi) I will offer to bring my Necro to summon them.

I have found that the Golden Rule works by doing this. I know I can get C3 or virtually any other buff I need at any time just by sending tells to people I have helped out. If I need a rez I can usually get one of those easily too, even if the Cleric is in PoK and I gotta run them to Barindu.

Of course, like many of you I have run into the "demanding" types who can get downright rude. If they send me a snotty tell I just ignore them feigning afk or I port out and say "Sorry, you tell came just as I left". If I am camping a mob I tell them I will be happy to buff them if they come to me, if they tell me to come to them I just say "I am sorry, but I can't leave." There is no point in returning rudeness with rudeness, it is just not worth it. Have had only one person that I have ever had to put on /ignore.
#112 Aug 27 2004 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
This is what I hate about being a wiz.. Im never able to pay back for all buffs I get for free. Sure I say thx and sure I teleport people but most often I dont have the tl they want.
What I enjoy mostly with EQ is the happy spirit, everyone is helping eachother out.
I want to do more but it feels like I cant with my wiz.. :(
#113 Aug 27 2004 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
261 posts
In support of Dots original theme, less than 24 hours after reading this thread I managed to prove him right personally. Although I'm not proud of it.

I log in with only about an hour to play, my current target is Sol A for ore, but it's a long run and I can't cast SoW. The first /ooc I see while in PoK is ' Shammy buffs by main bank, SoW for free, hail the red frog. What a nice frog me thinks, I'll ask for the SoW to increase my time at Sol A. So he kindly buffs me, I offer much thanks, and head on out. In Lavastorm Mountains, while heading straight towards Sol A on auto run I'm swapping tells with people I'm trying to set a group up with (You can see what's coming can't you.) All of a sudden I'm falling. By not being used to the speed I'm running with the SoW, I've already reached Sol A, and you know that great big pool of Lava that is just past the entrance? Well I'm now clinging to a small rock, poking out about 3 feet above that lava, having only just survived the fall. It then took me about 5 mins to find the route to climb back up, the whole of which I spent remembering DoTs point about letting noobs learn while young.

Well it gave me a laugh. (and a lesson in paying attention)

#114 Aug 28 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
I am a high level mage and have an understanding of the tells buff classes go through. I will be in Pok or just running through a low level zone and boom, tell-hell, "Can i get pet toys from you". Constantly being asked for toys is annoying when i am not advertising. I have no problem helping people but only about 1/3 of the people i summon for actually donate.

I personally never send tells to people when looking for buffs, I always /ooc. Sending an unsolicited tell is like telemarketing and is very annoying. EQ is a group game and people need to learn some respect for others.
#115 Aug 28 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
I have to admit I'm appalled to find out how many people are rude and demanding when asking for a SoW. I go through periods with my magician where I ask a lot, but I always ask politely and don't have a problem if they at least take the time to say they don't have the time. I do, however, get irritated when they don't even bother to reply (God forbid they should take a few seconds to respond to a polite request). Now I'm perfectly willing to accept that the occasional tell gets lost in the flood of text that shows up in some zones, but when it's consistent, it's just rude.

For the record, I agree with the OP that rude demands should be ignored - or better yet, tell them you might have been willing to assist them if they had been polite and respectful about it. This way they learn something instead of just thinking you're an @$$.

I do occasionally do a /who druid (or other SoW class) and ask someone if they have time to SoW me, but if you have a problem with that, then just politely (since I was polite when I asked) tell me you don't have the time (or that you're on the other end of the zone, since I usually include my location or offer to meet them at a location of their choosing). Calling me all kinds of nastty names just because I dared to ask you for a SoW is uncalled for, and will result in the behavior being reported, if appropriate, to either the guides, or your guild leaders.

I do have a druid, by the way. When she's busy with something and doesn't want to be bothered with tells (she doesn't get that many actually), she just uses /roleplay. You accuse those who bug you for SoWs of being newbies? What kind of player are you that doesn't know that little trick? I figured that out by the time my main character was level 8!
#116 Aug 30 2004 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
285 posts
A bit late coming in to this discussion. I have a Cleric, Chanter and a Druid so being asked for a buff is a constant thing. I had to put up /role on all my characters because I was constantly being bombarded with buff request. I carry a all/all claw on my druid and that seems to cut down sow requests. I don't have an epic yet for my chanters so he rarely gets asked for buffs. However, my cleric, depite the /role I get asked for virtue often because he carries his epic with him.

Today was a good example. I was busy getting things from the bank, wasn't even paying attention to what was going on, I get a trade window open with 25pp on it. I read the dialog and this guy hails me, says "v plz" and opened the trade window with the pps. I got so mad, I just cancelled and ignored him. He eventually went away.

Couple of things. I never ask for SoW anymore since I got RS3 on all my high enough characters. When I do need a buff or two, I always ask for it in /ooc or wait until someone is advertising for the buffs. All 3 of my mains are on 3 different accounts so I can cross cast the buffs I need but sometimes I am too lazy to log one in so I ask for buffs from others.

Here is my thought on the buffs in general including SoW:

1. If I have the time and someone is asking for it in /ooc, I will tell him to meet me somewhere to cast the buffs.

2. Never ask someone directly or whether nicely or rudely. If they want to cast a buff, either they will advertise in /ooc or respond to request via /ooc.

3. Always carry an agent with you if you want a buff. For SoW, you don't need it but for other buffs you often do. I have had incidents where I was down to last 2 peridots and I was saving for the HoV for the group. Someone comes and puts pps in trade window and demands a V. When I asked him if he had any dots with him, he didn't. Even if I wanted to be nice to him and cast a Virtue, I just didn't have the agent to be able to cast it. If he had a dot, I would probably have casted it if I was in a good mood.

4. Be polite and be thankful. Return kindness with either a thank you and/or buffs in return. I don't really need PPs and rarely charge for them. I usually cast as a service to others. If you are nice, you are more likely get a buff from me.

Just my thoughts.

#117 Aug 30 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
lol I couldnt even make it through the whole forum. Move on folks. Not that big a deal to SoW someone.


Edited, Mon Aug 30 17:22:08 2004 by Dracker
#118 Aug 30 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
SoW is a lot of trouble? Please.

I get the requests for pet kits. That's about 9 casts (1 bag and 2 kits of 4 items each). If the person just stands there I know I'm also going to get asked for additional armor for the pet. If they seem to be standing there a while longer I know they're trying to remember what else I can summon. DD or DoT bracer. Focus earring. Maybe some bandages would be good too. You know, my food and water is running a bit low. You can make levitation rings, right? You get the idea.

A lot of players seem to have no problem asking for all these goodies and making no donation. /sigh. To those of you who have been generous, I sincerely thank you. I just wish you weren't hopelessly outnumbered by people who aren't.

Yes, the SoW comment up top was tongue in cheek. I just want to remind you you're not the only class being bugged for things.

It's no accident I play a class that doesn't cast buffs.

Edited, Wed Sep 1 23:13:44 2004 by Yanari
#119 Aug 30 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
To Dracker, now that you have a whole 1 posts under your belt,

Since you feel so magnanimous about it, I'm sure you won't mind giving up your gaming session to stand around in PoK and SoW everyone who *needs* it. It's no big deal... you don't mind helping out... right?
#120 Sep 01 2004 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,166 posts
Dracker SoW ME!
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#121 Sep 01 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
208 posts
I couldnt even make it through the whole forum

I guess he doesn't get the point of the POST
#122 Sep 01 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
You can't walk a mile in my shoes, till you take a shammy to lvl 54 and deal with the tells/demands/begs.

I've taken my shammy to the 57th lvl. Even after lvl 9 when we get SoW I rarely had anyone ask me for SoW, this is because I am always looking for grps and trying to lvl, maybe some of you should spend more time at that then in PoK where you are more likely to receive the /tells.

If I ever ask for a SoW for an alt I'll ask nicely and always tell them I will come to them incase they are busy doing something, also This goes along the line of asking for KEI, usually I'll send a tell to the highest ench in PoK asking them may I pls donate for a kei, will come to you. All of them have responded with a yes I am near this NPC.
#123 Sep 01 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
Heres the thing guys, I do get the point of the post. I understand that time is precious and short. I understand this. Time for the other player is just as precious and short. So why not share one of the perks your char. has? Is it too much to spread the wealth.

We have all made the run through WK with out sow, it sucks, does it not?
Im not saying you need to set up shop and cast sow all night (which I have done by the way), but why not in passing if someone asks you for a Sow and you have it memed up not take the few seconds it takes and cast it on them. More times than not you just made someones day. I am not a big roleplayer by any means, but the classes that have been given the spell are by nature GIVERS.

If you are in a hurry and cannot cast it, and they don't understand, well ***** em and keep running. You can always /ignore if need be. Thats what its for after all.

Alwayslost Ill sow ya anytime. Look me up on Xegony.

Any ways thats my 2nd post for ya.
#124 Sep 01 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Heres the thing guys, I do get the point of the post. I understand that time is precious and short. I understand this. Time for the other player is just as precious and short. So why not share one of the perks your char. has? Is it too much to spread the wealth.

No, actually, you missed the point. This isn't about precious time or sharing the perk or any of that. It's about polite vs. rude. The influx of rude demanding players who assume that getting a SoW from someone is their God given right, is the problem.

The problem is courtesy impaired players who are comfortable sending a tell to a complete stranger, demanding SoW (or KEI or Temp), even to the point of expecting that person to drop what they are doing to come service them, and then get indignent if they are refused.

Polite players will always get a stack of buffs from the original poster, or any number of other players. Rude demanding players will only get /ignore. As well they should.
#125 Sep 01 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
As I read through my second post, and I read through your response OldBlueDragon, I think we are actually on the same page. Though I did not state that very well apperently, and thats fine.

I think in my 4 years of playing this game I could count on one hand the amount of times I have had anyone be rude and demanding for buffs from me. True I'm a ranger and basicly my buffs stink for sharing. thats why you dont see /ooc Ranger buffs near nexus stone.

Occasionally I will set up by bank and offer SoW's for those in need. I even get /t's from time to time. I never ask for or take any sort of donation. (Thats just me, no flames to those who do). As stated in an earlier post by someone else, I dont spend much time just hanging around PoK. Its a pass through place for me, to laggy to stay in for too long. That may be the reason I have never really had to deal with any rude or demanding players.

Not to beat a dead horse any longer I will end it with this.

I dont care for rude or demanding people any more than anyone else. Thats not the point of the game. As with anything where large numbers gather you always have those types. Its inevitable. The best you can do is ignore them. Heck you can ignore me for that matter. I'm up to what 3 posts now.
#126 Sep 01 2004 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
Now you've got it!

And while /ignore is always an option, don't you think it's a shame when someone has to resort to that in order to block a source of harrassment that never should have existed in the first place.

Personally, I value my time ingame as a block of space wherein I don't have to deal with the real world. It always pains me to have that reality imposed upon me anyway!

Oh, yeah... you might have said *three posts and counting*! I have a feeling you'll be around for a while!
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