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SoW Casters UNITE!Follow

#127 Sep 01 2004 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
520 posts
Yes, but some of us DO spend time hanging around POK.... It is called Tradeskilling, and POK is usually the best place to do it as most of the time all alchemy supplies and molds are there (I do Alchemy and Blacksmithing on my Shammy).

Now if I chose to just endlessly xp grind rather than put a little depth to my character, then yes, I am sure I would get less tells.

But I chose to endulge in the tradeskill side of the house, and trying to get the recipe right, making sure you have all the items you need, then have a_rude_player01 stand right in front of you, between you and the forge demanding you SOW them, well it just gets on my nerves sometimes.

Also, what is with the 'standing right in front of someone"? All it takes is to hit the F9 key a few times and I am in overhead view and standing there is not blocking me in the least from getting to the forge. Politeness goes along way, but trying to somehow FORCE someone to buff you is a sure way to the /ignore (or as I call it, my "Never rezz/buff" list. Yeah I got a Cleric too).
#128 Sep 02 2004 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
And while /ignore is always an option

The trouble is that - as discussed with an earlier poster in this thread - the guys who are SoW-dependent are quite likely to be the ones running for zone with a train. /Ignoring someone makes you miss that Train call - if there was one.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#129 Sep 02 2004 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
As my main is a level 53 ranger I get asked to sow alot. I am on rallos zek you gotta make sure they arent asking it to come find you and attack you. Rallos has alot of politics involved with casting buffs on people. I normally cast it if they ask nicely and dont require me to run clear out of my way and fall in with political affiliations. (Alliances, certain guilds, player killers non player killers etc. etc. etc.) But sometimes you just cant stop and cast it. Sutch as your friend is in dire help in the zone beside you. You need to get there as soon as possible. Cant stop track someone down and sow them. Its all a matter of situation.
#130 Sep 02 2004 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
can we apply these rules to porting as well?? i'm a wizzy, and constatly hounded when in pok, i don't mind xlocing peeps but too much is annoying =P
#131 Sep 02 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Since someone else popped this to the top...

maybe some of you should spend more time at that then in PoK where you are more likely to receive the /tells

I expect them in PoK. I was mainly objecting to them everywhere else in Norrath. Perhaps MR server needs more re-educating than most because I used to get 2 or 3 per session no matter where I was. I have documented some of the more outrageous incidents here and on Aude Sapere webpage.

/role has worked though, less tells outside PoK now.
#132 Sep 02 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
can we apply these rules to porting as well

I don't mind blind tells for ports. The people asking almost always know there is a price for ports. THIS convention is well established. I say sure, price is XXpp. They either say 'ok thanks anyway' or 'no problem meet you at YY'.

Just establish your price and stick to it.

On a related theme...

I am IN PoK with my Pally Smith who is a tad weak even with gear. I /ooc looking for STR buff, I am paying.

Some level 24 Shammy says 'sure, how much?'. I say I'll pay 5pp. He says well, I will STR, SOW, DEX, AGI, AC you for 10pp. I say 'I just want STR'. He says he will pass, it is 'not worth my mana'. I swear I am not making this up. He will give me 5 buffs for 10pp but one STR for 5pp is not worth his mana? Either he was jerking me around or had some seriously flawed economic strategy.
#133 Sep 02 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
Heh My druid rarly received Sow requests... Port requests came so often I thoguth about making a /r hotkey explaining how a level 19 Druid could not port them very far but if they REALLY wanted succor (lessor) we could work out a deal.

Breez is a level 65 Enchanter. One day I decided that it was no longer MY responsiblity to hide behind /role. Since that day I have freely walked around with my Epic in hand. I CONSTANTLY get requests for KEI. KEI takes 900mana which is about 20% of my mana pool.

90% of the time my responce is /rt That targets the last person to send you a tell IF they are close by. If so I almost always go ahead and cast it. Donation or not.

If they are not near by I simply ignore the tell. I did not solicite thier request. I am not put on Karana's green earth to do thier bidding. There have been too many times when I responded to find out they were zones away. They didn't want me to group... just run to them and buff em so they didn't have to have a chanter in thier group.

The only time I mad tho is when I am hunting and People want buffs. You want me to sacrifice 20% of my mana and cause med time for my group or lower my DPS etc because you are to lazy to run to PoK and find a seller there? /rude

That does not even mention the possible trian if they come to me.

Answering even polietly casues to many arguments. People think I have something aginst them personally if I don't buff them. Silence is teh best recourse.
#134 Sep 02 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Yes, but some of us DO spend time hanging around POK.... It is called Tradeskilling, and POK is usually the best place to do it as most of the time all alchemy supplies and molds are there (I do Alchemy and Blacksmithing on my Shammy).
Have you checked to see if your tradeskill supplies are available in the Abysmal Sea? That place is absolute heaven for tradeskill sessions. It's peaceful, the vendors seem to be very well stocked, you often have the zone to yourself so there's no competition for kilns or forges and no constant /ooc spam scrolling by.
#135 Feb 25 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
Wow love how a simple rant turns into a huge thread that tries to unravel itself over and over.

I agree that RUDENESS will get you nothing.

I agree that saying THANK YOU for a drive-by buffing is RESPECTFUL in itself.

I agree that a donation for help(ie no reagent needed) is a nice way of saying THANK YOU and is at the discretion of the caster to accept or decline.

I agree that there may be circumstances, ie low level, no cash, CR and a donation is given, that giving of yourself is a bit more appropriate.

But as stated previously -
RUDENESS will get you nothing!!!!

Funny part about it all - my main is a troll SK and when I played him, donations were given and sometimes I got back more than I ever expected. I had weapons dropped on me. I was doing my first few levels and a high level character needed newbie drops, so he buffed me and watched over me while I collected for him, then he paid me and I was getting experience. That's what COMMUNITY is all about!
#136 Feb 25 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
I think its perfectly ok to not give a sow, if the person asking does not ask in a polite manner, or you do not have the time.
#137 Feb 25 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
As A Druid, I will offer up any buff I have as long as I have the mana and the person asks politely. Why? Because if I need something some day, I hope the person I'm asking nicely would do the same. Much better manners about these things on Test.
#138 Feb 25 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
And you might ask yourself.... why are we posting on a thread from Aug.2004??
#139 Feb 25 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Because some twit (Nablak) started necro-posting (the practice of reviving long-dead threads for no reason).
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#140 Feb 25 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Dunno why this got bumped to top from last August but here is an update....

I don't often get unsolicited tells for buffs anymore. I do not resort to /role or /anon either. Maybe the word is out.

I must relate this though, cause it happened yesterday...

Cruising through GFay, helping some guildies in CB and doing the new DoN tradeskill quests. Not many people in GFay as it turned out but I offered up FREE buffs while I was hanging around. Went to the entrance of CB and buffed some people laying low.

One person, upon receiving Skin of Nature, Sow, Sheild of Thorns, Strength asked: Is that all you have? Doh! Oh well...would you like to fly? 'Sure' they say. Cast lev....20 seconds later I get a tell: How come I keep falling slowly? I see people walking in the air etc. etc. Doh! Concept of FREE buffs escapes some people.

Later as I am cruising in another zone, someone I buffed 20 minutes ago in CB entrance asks if I can come heal them again...Sorry in another zone...time to fend for yourself...

#141 Feb 25 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
401 posts

Ahh... we hear from the Lord of the Posts again. The arbiter of all that's true and proper concerning EQ and EQ forums. Never IMO, just pronouncements from on high. *sigh*
Because some twit (Nablak) started necro-posting (the practice of reviving long-dead threads for no reason).
You think? I think people get to decide for themselves if they have a reason for doing something. We have very opposing notions of what defines a twit.

Anyway I enjoyed reading the thread. Roleplaying in POK cuts down on tells from strangers but doesn't eliminate it all together. There are times I forget to turn it on when I zone in. My favorite annoying begger was the guy who opened a trade window with me for 8 plat whilst I was BSing with some friends and sent me a tell saying "HoS" and nothing else. I cancelled the trade and replied 'lol' over and over and over. Guy conned green too. I asked around to see if someone was pranking me but the guy was for real. I still see him once in a while. I don't know if he remembers me but I sure remember him.

People notice your manners.

#142 Feb 25 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
All been said before.

OP has a problem and its genuine... but personal. Some don't mind this stuff, some do. There are mechanisms to manage this. Its a bit over the top to ask others to change what they are happy with in the game to suit YOUR current problems.

Clearly no-one should have to put up with bad manners from other folk. Thats what ignore is for.

I play a shaman... so a class likely to get asks about buffs. I have never had a problem. I play on Brell, perhaps different servers have different cultures of courtesy. If I say "no" its for a reason, and theres never a comeback. If I can I say yes.

#143 Feb 25 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts

I have several chars that can SoW. My first was my Barb Shaman who's been around for years. I don't roleplay as dedicatedly as some, but I do try to play each char like they would be if they were real. I feel that the purpose of a Shaman is to assist others, and I always have, SoWing as I pass some newbies who are in the newbie areas, helping here and there. One newbie I did that for later turned out to have a high level char and ran into my char a month later and turned me on to a few nice magic items to say thanks.......

What goes around......

#144 Feb 25 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Zarkando wrote:

I have several chars that can SoW. My first was my Barb Shaman who's been around for years. I don't roleplay as dedicatedly as some, but I do try to play each char like they would be if they were real. I feel that the purpose of a Shaman is to assist others, and I always have, SoWing as I pass some newbies who are in the newbie areas, helping here and there. One newbie I did that for later turned out to have a high level char and ran into my char a month later and turned me on to a few nice magic items to say thanks.......

What goes around......

Yes. But you can surely see the difference between you choosing to give something to others for "free", and others coming up to you and demanding it.

That's what the topic is about. No one is debating the "goodness" of giving out free buffs to people. What is at issue is a segment of the population that seems to honestly believe that every class that has the ability to cast a particular buff exists for no other reason then to buff their character on demand.

How many times have we seen someone post a "quick solo leveling strat", that was essentially: "Go to PoK, get <list of buffs>, go to <X zone>, kill mobs for 15 minutes really fast until buffs wear off, repeat process over and over..."?

That is exactly the mentality that the OP was addressing. The assumption that characters who have the ability to cast certain buffs somehow have an obligation to do so for others. No one would come up with such ridiculous leveling strats if that attitude wasn't prevalent at some level. Some players may not even be aware that what they are doing is pissing people off either. As you say. What goes around comes around. Those who buff others when they feel like it likely will be viewed positively by those they help out. But by the same token, those who demand buffs constantly will get a rep as a mooch, and will suffer for it.

Guess what? The kinds of players who mooch like that are very unlikely to be the ones with a high level main that's going to reward you for your kindness. Those guys know a bit better (most of the time anyway).

Oh. And why on earth dig up a 6 month old thread?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#145 Feb 25 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Oh. And why on earth dig up a 6 month old thread?

Judge not others' choices in posting, lest you incur the wrath of campdog!
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#146 Feb 26 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Default
401 posts

lol I have no wrath Deb. Unlike some I do not presume to judge what is or is not an appropriate subject or posting. I leave that to the moderators.

I simply feel that when people are smug, self important and obnoxious they should have it pointed out to them. A personal failing I admit. But who knows? There may be a method to my madness. No one is beyond redemption. Even you.

The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. - Aesop

#147 Feb 26 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
I leave that to the moderators.

Hate to break it to you bud, but we are the moderators, for all intents and purporses. The real mods only get involved when there's a blatant breaking of the rules, such as spammers, account sellers, flame wars that have gotten out of hand, etc. The rest they leave up to us. That's what the karma system is there for. Now, this isn't really the place for a "karma system sucks", "karma system rocks" debate, so I'll just leave it at that, just wanted to point out that the real mods will tell you that in a heartbeat (just check a few threads about karma in the forum system feedback forum).
#148 Feb 26 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
You're taking comically snide remarks, aimed at other people, way too personally. Let it go, man, it doesn't concern you.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#149 Feb 26 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
103 posts
I didn't bother reading this huge thread in entirety, but as for the original post. The op is a jerk. I have played a sow caster for about 90% of my EQ time. It is such a low mana spell that unless the person asking for one is truly being an *** there is no reason to take a couple seconds and cast it.
#150 Feb 27 2005 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Karthos wrote:
unless the person asking for one is truly being an ***
Um, I think the asses are who the OP was talking about. Dot's not a jerk - shut up you.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#151 Feb 27 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Default
103 posts In his post he tells of this

Go to Steamfont, check windmill merchants. Go see if Kobold Missionary is up and he is. Head to Minos Mine and buff up. Two low-level gnomes there, one a necro.
'Can we get a sow?'
I say, 'sorry busy atm, maybe in a sec.'
(Oh yeah that's gonna convince me...)
'Can you thistle shield my pet?'
I say 'What do I look like? Your personal servant?'
'Obvioulsy not since you wont do what you are told'
'Hope you like Kobolds cause a screaming Kobold Shaman is coming this way'
To which they respond with the usual l33t remark topped off with a 'beeotch'.

They asked him politely for a sow. They were at the same area. It takes no more than a couple seconds to cast the spell. He was being a jerk. Plain as that. I have no idea what kind of person he is, but this little example shows me he was in the wrong here.

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