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#1 Sep 05 2004 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
A quest is series of deeds of great PERSONAL valor, resulting in a reward of great worth. Everquest has VERY few true quests.

A quest that you can't do solo is not a quest. Its a test to see how much you can pester your friends (if you have any). If I recall the legend correctly, the holy grail was found by ONE man, on the basis of his attributes alone. (An interesting case is the druid "charm plant" spell quest. Buy the time you could solo this, all the plants in the zones you could exp in were too high a level to be charmed by this spell.)

A quest that requires mega-loot to accomplish is not a quest. Its a bought item that requires a few extra steps. (example - Oracle robe/tunic, or anything that requires tailoring at 220)

A quest that requires ultra-rare loot dropped from a mob that is dropping a bunch of other ultra-rare loot is not a quest. Its a drop disguised as a quest. (example - Kael armor).

A quest that requires you to spend 100 hours accomplishing it, when 30 hours of farming spider silks would buy you a better item in the bazaar, is not a quest. Its just stupid. Augs would have made great quest rewards, but of course, they didn't do that.

A quest that requires you to be "keyed" and "flagged" is barely a quest, since the primary requirement is to have freinds to help you get "keyed" and "flagged". (Anyone want to buy 9/10ths of a veshan's peak key? -- the part that doesn't require you to kill a dragon)

Most of the LoY spell quests were TRUE quests, if you were of the appropriate level. Im sure there are a few others. But mostly EVERQUEST is NEVERQUEST.
#2 Sep 05 2004 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
By your definition maybe but your definition is highly idiosyncratic and purposely designed to exclude much of what the game is designed for.

The game is designed for grouping. You can solo if you like but don't ever expect it to be catered for as thoroughly as grouping. This is a simple monetary imperative. SOE and every other MMO company have determined that it is the social aspect that generates repeat business and loyalty.

So your definitions have no place in EverQuest.

Just because you decide quests have to be soloable doesn't make it so.

Just because you decide that quests that require tradeskills or significant cost are not quests doesn't make it so. They may be poor risk v reward but that is a personal judgement. I know many Paladins who have their Epic because they felt they needed to - it completed their character.

You evidently don't have any friends and feel excluded. This is unfortunate but nothing to do with the Quest structure of EQ.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#3 Sep 05 2004 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Let me rephrase all of that for you kjones...

"All quests should require no effort"

Could have saved yourself a lot of typing.

#4 Sep 05 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default

Some person said:

"All quests should require no effort"

Not only did I not say the above, in NO WAY did I imply it. In fact, I would REALLY like for there to be alot of quests that require ALOT of effort, akin to the druid epic, which is 95% soloable. (With a similar high value reward). I would love to see soloable quests that are 4 or 5 times the effort of the epic with a reward that is 2 to 3 times as good.

With regard to the other comments by the other person, yes, I agree, my definition of quest in no way reflects the reality of everquest. And yes, I agree that sony pimps soloers for monitary reasons (for an invalid reason IMO). ("catering" to groupers is the same thing as pimping soloers, just from a differant perspective). HOWEVER, my definition is ALOT closer to the traditional and dictionary definitions of "Quest" than sony's definition is. Maybe they should have named it EVERPILLAGE. Thats a group activity.

And yes, I have no friends. I kill humanoids online for distraction so I wont go out and do it in real life. I expect that the majority of the 15 to 20% of the players who solo, have similar attitudes. But that has very little to do with my argument against Sony's twisted definition of "quest".

#5 Sep 06 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts wrote:
quest Audio pronunciation of "quest" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kwst)

1. The act or an instance of seeking or pursuing something; a search.
2. An expedition undertaken in medieval romance by a knight in order to perform a prescribed feat: the quest for the Holy Grail.
3. Archaic. A jury of inquest.
namely number one because that is the main one that aplies, or for instance we can take yours

kjones000 wrote:
A quest is series of deeds of great PERSONAL valor, resulting in a reward of great worth.

Sony's twisted definition of "quest".

Where in ANY of the quests in Everquest do you notice that they deviate from the top quoted definition. Even if I was to foray into your "twisted" as it seems defintion, Even if done in a group where is it that one character in the group does not show personal valor? Yes, you are not "personaly" doing the quest, but if you look at it from this standpoint: In a quest in everquest are you not doing a quest for personal reasons? If indeed it is a test of personal VALOR(the word that is more important in the definiton) if you were not to have this attribute would your group not succeed in this task? If your warrior decides that he only wants the loot and does not do his job properly will your group survive? maybe, but you will definately not get your share, in which case the quest will not be completed on your behalf and not show your valor.

To go into detail on your list of "Whats not a quest"

kjones000 wrote:
1.A quest that you can't do solo is not a quest. Its a test to see how much you can pester your friends (if you have any). If I recall the legend correctly, the holy grail was found by ONE man, on the basis of his attributes alone. (An interesting case is the druid "charm plant" spell quest. Buy the time you could solo this, all the plants in the zones you could exp in were too high a level to be charmed by this spell.)

2.A quest that requires mega-loot to accomplish is not a quest. Its a bought item that requires a few extra steps. (example - Oracle robe/tunic, or anything that requires tailoring at 220)

3.A quest that requires ultra-rare loot dropped from a mob that is dropping a bunch of other ultra-rare loot is not a quest. Its a drop disguised as a quest. (example - Kael armor).

4.A quest that requires you to spend 100 hours accomplishing it, when 30 hours of farming spider silks would buy you a better item in the bazaar, is not a quest. Its just stupid. Augs would have made great quest rewards, but of course, they didn't do that.

5.A quest that requires you to be "keyed" and "flagged" is barely a quest, since the primary requirement is to have freinds to help you get "keyed" and "flagged". (Anyone want to buy 9/10ths of a veshan's peak key? -- the part that doesn't require you to kill a dragon)

1.Now lets see, to actually have friends you would have to show some aspect of human nature's good side. Having friends alone will not net you your prise. You must then venture out with your friends to find an item needed to complete a quest.

Even though some quests can be bought from the bazaar it still does not deviate from the true definition, a seeking of an item.

2.I don't exactly know your definition of "mega-loot"(your definitions ARE a bit wonky)so I will go on the assumption you mean the same thing as ultra rare loot as stated in the next quote. This can be covered by the above paragraph. If by chance you mean tradeskill since you do mention it in the paragraph. Even though tradeskills are mainly bought items crafted and mainly a skill of perserverence there are aspects of farmed items to actually raise your skill in some points. Also in means of good crafted items items gained from risky zones or rare drops.

3.Hmm, searching out a rare item to bring back and then made into armor...oh wait, yup, thats a quest.

4.This doesnt even match your original definition and purely shows your view that before upgrading to that quest item might want to check the bazaar and your purse to see if you can buy that better item to save time. If this was the truth no one would do the newb armor quest, and seeing as how many are completed each day it shows that your view of being "stupid" is one that you apply to life, in which you live stupid.

This again shows the mentality of "Solo or bust". This again matches definition.

Deathwysh wrote:
"All quests should require no effort"

kjones000 wrote:
"All quests should require no effort"
I REALLY HATE PEOPLE WHO TRY TO PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH. In fact, I would REALLY like for there to be alot of quests that require ALOT of effort, akin to the druid epic, which is 95% soloable. (With a similar high value reward). I would love to see soloable quests that are 4 or 5 times the effort of the epic with a reward that is 2 to 3 times as good.

Are you really that dilusional? Above you state that a quest is not something that can be outdone by a bought item that takes equal to or less than time. Epics are a pure definition of outdated. with recent expansions you can find better for not as much effort. now a quest that would require 2-3 times the effort would be an even worse addition because then you would come back here to complain about how fast other people are doing said quest while you have to solo it because your a loner who should be playing D&D with the robot you created after the pipe bombs. This would also go against your "effort vs cost" definiton.

My tip, go play Diablo 2. Sure the graphics are slightly less, but its tuned to be able to solo while still being able to show off your "uber" loot to other guys. If you simply wont leave get some friends, get a guild, actually start playing everquest how it is meant to be played at least 50% of the time.

You know...when you hail a NPC...hes not really talking to you...

Edited for forced condensed quotes >.<

Edited, Mon Sep 6 08:30:20 2004 by VampyreKnight
#6 Sep 06 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I have to PARTIALLY agree with this. IMHO a person's epic should be a true test of THEIR mettle, not an effort of up to 72 people for an item that may or may not drop. Some of the epics can almost be done entirely solo. Bard is a good example. I can see ONE final epic battle requiring a great force, but not twelve such steps. in real life there are many QUESTS, which are done by ONE person seeking a goal. For instance, in times gone by a Warrior would venture out to do a task ALONE. This would prove the Warrior's courage, Valor and prowess. I do however agree that their should also be times when one must band together to complete a common goal. There are a vast number of quests one can do in this game that can, and are meant to be done, as a solo adventure. There are also a vast number of incomplete and broken quests in teh game at this time. Maybe instead of pumping out more bug ridden exspansions, the EQ team should take a look at the game itself and fix what needs fixing and update the items and quests that are no longer done due to lack of interest. Kael armor was used as an example. How many people do you know that go out of their way to become allied with the Giants, and then collect the armor drops from Temple of Veeshan? Before Luclin, you saw it a LOT. Especially for the tanks, as this was the best you could get at the time. Maybe all the impatient ones will go off to play EQ2 when it comes out, and leave EQ to those of us that play the game for the fun and adventure. I for one enjoy exploring the old world as it is called, and have done as many of the old quests as I can.
#7 Sep 06 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default

VampyreKnight is quoted below:


1.Now lets see, to actually have friends you would have to show some aspect of human nature's good side. Having friends alone will not net you your prise. You must then venture out with your friends to find an item needed to complete a quest.

The primary requirement is the friends, not the venturing.


2.I don't exactly know your definition of "mega-loot"(your

Sorry, I should have said mega-plats.


3.Hmm, searching out a rare item to bring back and then made into armor...oh wait, yup, thats a quest.

So you consider kael armor to be a "quest". I have a bridge I would like to sell you. Call me.


4.This doesnt even match your original definition and purely shows your view that before upgrading to that quest item might want to check the bazaar and your purse to see if you can buy that better item to save time. If this was the truth no one would do the newb armor quest, and seeing as how many are completed each day it shows that your view of being "stupid" is one that you apply to life, in which you live stupid.

If the new and improved holy grail version 2.0 could be had in the village market for the price of an afternoon's labor, then there never would have been a quest. Sure, there still could have been a quest if any of the knights had been terminally stupid. So you are right. I should not have said these are not quests. Quests where the reward is trivial compared to the effort simply speak for themselves.


Deathwysh wrote:"All quests should require no effort"

kjones000 wrote: "All quests should require no effort"
I REALLY HATE PEOPLE WHO TRY TO PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH. In fact, I would REALLY like for there to be alot of quests that require ALOT of effort, akin to the druid epic, which is 95% soloable. (With a similar high value reward). I would love to see soloable quests that are 4 or 5 times the effort of the epic with a reward that is 2 to 3 times as good.

Vampyreknight wrote:
Are you really that dilusional? .... Epics are a pure definition of outdated. with recent expansions you can find better for not as much effort.

Uhhhhhh.... find me something that will give me a >55 hp/tick mana free dot that I can solo to get, and I promise you, I will go out and get it. Such an item DOES NOT EXIST. For a druid, there is no better weapon. Assuming that you keep an average of 2 mobs dotted, its the equivalent of about FT12, and does not count against your FT limit.


you would come back here to complain about how fast other people are doing said quest while you have to solo it because your a loner

Ideally, sony would put mechanisms in place to prevent others from aiding you in such epic quests. They have attempted to partially do this before by introducing no drop crafted components into the mix.


My tip, go play Diablo 2.

Everquest's content to cost ratio FAR exceeds diablo 2. To tell you the truth, I probably would not be nearly so iritated if they had named it something else. You are one of those "America, don't complain about it or leave it" type folks aren't you? Everquest is a GREAT game with very little that resembles an actual quest worth doing. My only other major complaints are that the programers should give ABSOLUTE priority to the detection of mouse moves and animation of the cursor, AND they should follow industry standard implimentations of scroll bars and resulting text window movement.


You know...when you hail a NPC...hes not really talking to you...

Im in favor of the developement of an AI that would make us forget that most of the time. There are a number of mobs that instill a feeling of rage in me when I see them.

#8 Sep 06 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
4,520 posts
Kjones wrote:
1.The primary requirement is the friends, not the venturing.

2.Sorry, I should have said mega-plats.

3.So you consider kael armor to be a "quest". I have a bridge I would like to sell you. Call me.

4.If the new and improved holy grail version 2.0 could be had in the village market for the price of an afternoon's labor, then there never would have been a quest. Sure, there still could have been a quest if any of the knights had been terminally stupid. So you are right. I should not have said these are not quests. Quests where the reward is trivial compared to the effort simply speak for themselves.

5.Uhhhhhh.... find me something that will give me a >55 hp/tick mana free dot that I can solo to get, and I promise you, I will go out and get it. Such an item DOES NOT EXIST. For a druid, there is no better weapon. Assuming that you keep an average of 2 mobs dotted, its the equivalent of about FT12, and does not count against your FT limit.

6.Ideally, sony would put mechanisms in place to prevent others from aiding you in such epic quests. They have attempted to partially do this before by introducing no drop crafted components into the mix.

7.Everquest's content to cost ratio FAR exceeds diablo 2. To tell you the truth, I probably would not be nearly so iritated if they had named it something else. You are one of those "America, don't complain about it or leave it" type folks aren't you? Everquest is a GREAT game with very little that resembles an actual quest worth doing. My only other major complaints are that the programers should give ABSOLUTE priority to the detection of mouse moves and animation of the cursor, AND they should follow industry standard implimentations of scroll bars and resulting text window movement.

8.m in favor of the developement of an AI that would make us forget that most of the time. There are a number of mobs that instill a feeling of rage in me when I see them.

1. Yes the primary point of EQ IS to have friends and to work together in a fantasy environment to better their characters. The two go hand in hand. You yourself must have the skills to work your own role in a group, AND you must have friends who do the same. This disproves your fact that it does not require valor to do something non soloable. In fact, if you happened to know anything about this game before buying it you would know that the entire game is centered around grouping and not many things are meant to do solo. Now as the expansions progress equipment has gotten that much better and older quests have become out of date and easily done by a bazaar bought noob(something your used to?). This game is focused on the group but it still gives you the ability to solo. A few MMOs don't even have the option to solo for exp alone.

2. No quest "requires" mega plat. It is your choice to buy the items needed for a quest. Tradeskills are a craft and not a quest. This reminds me of your quote of the holy grail. In that time did craftsmen not have to work at their skills and spend money on the materials?

3. hmm you seemed to stand by your view of the definition of quest even though the exact thing is laid out for you. Kael armor is indeed classified under the definition:quest.

4.Again the definition alone disproves your beliefs. Should i give another example of how further expansions came out older quests became overshadowed? you seem to forget this.

5.BTW if you plan on soloing the epic, good luck with Faydedar and Ulump Puljuk then. You have stated that you have no friends, so that is not an option. Seriously though, aparently you have some uber gear thats soloed for because its going to be amazing when you do that stuff on your own. Since you never even play with other classes let me tell you that most other epics do not have what it takes to stand up to that of later expansion gear(and yes, these quests are not soloable either).

6.A quest can never be purely soloable outside of instanced zones. And seeing as how this game is not aimed at soloers there will not be work put into making a solo-only zone. Actually having a quest meant ot solo would mean that say if a quest was aimed to be soloed at level 50, you would have level 40s and some mid level 30s doing this quest with a mediocre raid force. This would cause equipment to be even more devalued. Items that would take a group to kill at 50 would then be said to "suck" because the soloable level 50 gear would be so much better and be able to attain at lower levels.

7.Hmm it was my implied that EQ did not have many of your "quests". So you are saying you enjoy how the game is made, but you'd much rather not have to deal with other humans because you can't and wont. Diablo 2 costs 20 dollars and has no monthly fee. In it you can solo online to your hearts content without seeing anyone, but you can still show off your uber loot you soloed for. Right now your argument stands on "They made this game called "Shoot outs in da streets"a first person shooter!, but I want to play a basketball game!".

Your complaints about mouse recognition is very small and is probably clientside because I have no problem running the mouse smoothly across the screen. Animation? obviously your new. I suggest you use a skin from here.

As for the scroll on the text windows, have you tried locking your text menues...

8. Why would they focus on this aspect when the entire idea is to enjoy the game with others?
#9 Sep 07 2004 at 4:39 AM Rating: Default

VampyreKnight is quoted below.


1. Yes the primary point of EQ IS to have friends and to work together in a fantasy environment to better their characters.

I agree. But "networking" has nothing to do with valor and the networking is the PRIMARY requirement to finish most quests. A favorite saying of members of the mafia is "Its not what you know, its who you know". Getting ahead by "who you know" is immoral.


older quests have become out of date and easily done by a bazaar bought noob(something your used to?). This game is focused on the group

Yes, but almost NONE of the non-newbie quests (OLDER OR NEWER) that are worth doing, are soloable. And 20% of us solo almost exclusively.


2. No quest "requires" mega plat. In that time did craftsmen not have to work at their skills and spend money on the materials?

The oracle tunic quest DOES require mega plats. For one thing a firebone notebook or velkators notebook are NEVER awarded to a wis caster. If you dont buy them, you will never get them. On my server they go for about 80k each, and there are 4 more books to get. The PRIMARY requirement of any quest that requires 220 tailoring is not going out and finding the components. Its the cost (or opportunity cost) of 300k plats to get your skill that high. And no, real craftsmen do not end up spending money to get their skills up. In real life, they make a profit.


3. hmm you seemed to stand by your view of the definition of quest even though the exact thing is laid out for you. Kael armor is indeed classified under the definition:quest.

insert generic perseption insult.


4.Again the definition alone disproves your beliefs. Should i give another example of how further expansions came out older quests became overshadowed? you seem to forget this.

If you will note: I revised this item from being "not a quest" to being "not a quest worth doing". However, you remain under the delusion that there are a more than a trivial number of high level soloable quests worth doing and that these are "new" quests. THERE ARE NOT.


5. Seriously though, aparently you have some uber gear thats soloed for because its going to be amazing when you do that stuff on your own.

Almost everything I own, I bought in the bazaar. I have 345wis, FT14, and 5k mana. I have an elysian BP that I soloed lying around somewhere. I am NOT twinked. I did not buy plat. In four years of playing for thousands of hours, I have had exactly 2 drops that were an upgrade for me and I have found exactly 1 soloable quest that would result in an upgrade for me.


Since you never even play with other classes

I have a high level chanter and monk and medium high bard.


let me tell you that most other epics do not have what it takes to stand up to that of later expansion gear(and yes, these quests are not soloable either).

Monk and chanter epics are nothing to complain about either.
But this is not relevant to the discusion. I only commented on it because of your comment - "Are you really that dillusional" that you made in regard my comment on THE DRUID EPIC, NOT epics in general.


6.A quest can never be purely soloable outside of instanced zones.

NOT TRUE. They could do something akin to what they did for the poj trials, but instead of warping a group, they would warp a single person. But this is not that important. If you CAN do it solo, almost everyone WILL do it solo. Is there anyone who did the 35+ soloable pieces of the druid epic with help? If you want to keep a raid of 30s from doing a level 50 solo quest, give the quest reward a required level and make it nodrop.


7.Hmm it was my implied that EQ did not have many of your "quests". So you are saying you enjoy how the game is made, but you'd much rather not have to deal with other humans because you can't and wont. Diablo 2 costs 20 dollars and has no monthly fee.

Solo diablo 2 is easy (boring). Solo EQ content ranges from hard to impossible. Unfortunatly 85% of it is in the impossible range for soloers and it gets worse with every expansion.


Your complaints about mouse recognition is very small and is probably clientside because I have no problem running the mouse smoothly across the screen. Animation? obviously your new. I suggest you use a skin from here.

1) Obviously its client side. and 2) are you telling me that your mouse/cursor is as responsive in EQ as it is on the windows desktop? I am a programmer. I KNOW it could be done in EQ if the software were designed and implimented properly.


As for the scroll on the text windows, have you tried locking your text menues...

Thanks for the suggestion. Still, it shouldn't be necessary. The code to impliment scroll bars correctly can be a bit complex, but the requirement to only scroll up or down one window's worth of data when appropriate is not the complex part.


8. Why would they focus on this aspect when the entire idea is to enjoy the game with others?

You are correct. They should not impliment such an AI. Its cost would exceed its value.

"video games dont cause violence.
IMO video games prevent violence. If a violent person is playing EQ (almost certainly soloing like the sociopath that he is) then chances are he is taking time out from the real world where he would be far more likely to kill someone. I speak from experience. I have attempted murder twice (but not since I started playing EQ 4 years ago). (just in case you are thinking of calling a prosecuter, the crimes are no longer eligable for prosecution).

#10 Sep 07 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
4,520 posts
You really need to learn how to quote.

kjones000 wrote:
1.I agree. But "networking" has nothing to do with valor and the networking is the PRIMARY requirement to finish most quests. A favorite saying of members of the mafia is "Its not what you know, its who you know". Getting ahead by "who you know" is immoral.

2.Yes, but almost NONE of the non-newbie quests (OLDER OR NEWER) that are worth doing, are soloable. And 20% of us solo almost exclusively.

3.The oracle tunic quest DOES require mega plats. For one thing a firebone notebook or velkators notebook are NEVER awarded to a wis caster. If you dont buy them, you will never get them. On my server they go for about 80k each, and there are 4 more books to get. The PRIMARY requirement of any quest that requires 220 tailoring is not going out and finding the components. Its the cost (or opportunity cost) of 300k plats to get your skill that high. And no, real craftsmen do not end up spending money to get their skills up. In real life, they make a profit.

4.If you will note: I revised this item from being "not a quest" to being "not a quest worth doing". However, you remain under the delusion that there are a more than a trivial number of high level soloable quests worth doing and that these are "new" quests. THERE ARE NOT.

5.Almost everything I own, I bought in the bazaar. I have 345wis, FT14, and 5k mana. I have an elysian BP that I soloed lying around somewhere. I am NOT twinked. I did not buy plat. In four years of playing for thousands of hours, I have had exactly 2 drops that were an upgrade for me and I have found exactly 1 soloable quest that would result in an upgrade for me.

6.I have a high level chanter and monk and medium high bard.

7.Solo diablo 2 is easy (boring). Solo EQ content ranges from hard to impossible. Unfortunatly 85% of it is in the impossible range for soloers and it gets worse with every expansion.

8.Obviously its client side. and 2) are you telling me that your mouse/cursor is as responsive in EQ as it is on the windows desktop? I am a programmer. I KNOW it could be done in EQ if the software were designed and implimented properly.

9.IMO video games prevent violence. If a violent person is playing EQ (almost certainly soloing like the sociopath that he is) then chances are he is taking time out from the real world where he would be far more likely to kill someone. I speak from experience. I have attempted murder twice (but not since I started playing EQ 4 years ago). (just in case you are thinking of calling a prosecuter, the crimes are no longer eligable for prosecution).

1.It's not all about networking. Yes you have to have friends, but your friends AND you have to have the skill to actually take down the monster.

2.You seem to miss the fact they they are NOT meant to be soloed. Thus why they are not worth it. 20% of the population is not as hellbent on soloing as you. They actually group and raid some of the time. Unbased statistics are your specialty, no?

3.The fact is that it does NOT require the cash. If you do raid velkator many many many int casters already have better primary items. If so then you will surely get your chance at it. Gaining a tailoring skill still does not "require" you to buy everything. You can farm for your drops after all. It is just easier to have the cash to actually skill up in tailoring quickly.

4.It does not have to be a quested item to out do some of the older items. The point is that many quests these days are not quoted as valuable because newer expansion items are much easier to obtain quested or not.

5.Yes yes, im sure you having all this will SURELY allow you to stand against Faydedar and Ulump, hope you don't mind me picking up the peices do you?

6.Aparently you didn't get the point that you don't play WITH any other classes because you solo.

7.You seem intent on not realizing that the reason it gets worse for soloers each expansion because the games not aimed at you? Point is be happy that you even have the ability to solo.

8. 1)Umm...your the one who said it was a main concern.. 2)Yes my cursor is as responsive as it is on XP. Believe ya got another client side problem there.

9.Well, I'm glad I know why you can't take a hint. Chemical imbalanced sociopaths are always fun to argue with. Now get out there and get your Zoloft.
#11 Sep 07 2004 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
#12REDACTED, Posted: Sep 08 2004 at 9:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Im tired of arguing with you, so I will only comment on your most ignorant statement.
#13 Sep 10 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default
44 posts
I don't like it when others put words in your mouth either.
Everquest should be geared towards grouping, I agree, but should also allow to do them solo, even if restrictions are to be put in place to make it fair.
No one is asking for it to be handed to you, or make it easy, just that the option to do it solo should be allowed.

WoW:Glorye hunter, Dreadsa DK, REXXAR
EQ2 Dreadzal 95 SK and so on

#14 Sep 10 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
I would have to agree with kjones. EQ should offer something to Soloers, like a zone with mobs spread out so as to be unappealing to groups (not enough mobs around for xp as gorup (xp too slow for most groups) but appealing to solorers, same with quests. I shouldnt need an army to get to the one mob i have to kill to get a peice of a quest. They could esily write the code to not allow a mob to drop the needed loot unless the killer was NOT in a group or make it so that only the killer may loot that mob that was killed. I would like to see some LDoN type adventures that can ONLY be solo'd and tailored adventures class type.

I dont think it is all Sonys fault though. The bazaar though i like it, WE the players as a whole seem not to have any patiencce and want to drive prices sooooo low in bazaar to make a quick couple plat instead of taking few days to a week and keep prices high in bazaar, then items would not be so easily to come by. I see people take a few hours to aquire an item and sell in bazaar so low they could have made much more plat just hunting something else or casting buffs on people in less time for more money. Ok i went off on a tangent :)

I want to see either solo only LDoN type adventures or zones with spread out low number of mobs.
#15 Sep 11 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
There are already a lot of zones that are well-suited to soling. You cannot spread the groups that thinly unless you also have wandering mobs etc or there is no risk. Try Eastern Wastes for example or (for the right classes) Jaggedpine Forest. They are great soloing zones. I never see groups killing Ulthorks or FGs in EW nor groups in JPF or indeed Cobalt Scar. These zones work well for soloing but somehow the groups just don't go there.

Solo LDoN is something they may be considering I think but that is purely a matter of resource in terms of server power to enable thousands more instanced zones. If you remember when LDoN first came out there were problems when you got an adventure but could not enter because they had run out of resource.

The other thing with LDoN would be the tradeskill side. With the foraged materials I could see people getting a solo adventure for their druid and sitting at the entrance foraging pondweed or whatever for 2 hours. It would bring the prices down ok but might unbalance a market that was supposed to be based on difficulty to obtain - not the end of the world if it did IMO.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#16 Sep 11 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
gloryb wrote:
No one is asking for it to be handed to you, or make it easy, just that the option to do it solo should be allowed.

Soloing is a majorly viable route to go with the right classes, so in fact, it does throw soloers a bone(I mean, how many people might have died at the hands of kjones without it).

Quests on the other hand should be handled exactly as it is. Sure some quests are out of date and some quests that are new are hard or long for the reward, but if you were to solo an entire quest for "compairable" loot to that of normal people than you would be yet again out dating past quests.

Should they give you the ability to solo, yes.

Should they give you the ability to solo quests for loot that compairs to the time spent and can not be outdone by bought items for compairable farming time, no.

Soloers get the ability to solo for exp. Soloers get the chance in many situations to gain more base pp from soloing than a group. Soloers penalty for not having to deal with other people and speeding through the game is the need to buy their equipment. Why would you complain about the requirement to group or raid to get uber loot. You have to work for your equipment and exp. Working well with a group and raid is much harder than that of soloing. Because of this it will simply cause things to "require no effort".

Now go solo a red con and get on with your life.

I do love the farming sockpuppet we have here
#17REDACTED, Posted: Sep 12 2004 at 10:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
#18 Sep 12 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Hahahahaha...Seriously, you missed the post by that far?

The point was that soloers are given the ability to solo, but at the price of having to buy their equipment. It was not about the past 2 expansions its about you being forced to buy equipmentno matter what era it is. That is your sacrafice for not wanting to or having the ability to raid and group with others in the higher teirs.
#19 Sep 15 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
OK i was having fun reading that till the moron said

"Yes, but almost NONE of the non-newbie quests (OLDER OR NEWER) that are worth doing, are soloable. And 20% of us solo almost exclusively."

um what level are you. what level do you think people solo to. how long do you think a normal human mind could put up with soloing in a game ment to be grouped in.

i will give you a hint i soloed a bst 1-52. after that i couldn't level efficiently solo. and even if i could i would have killed myself had i continued to solo consistantly.

note this was many months ago that i did this. after i started grouping got to lvl 65 with 50+ AAs in less then a month. just so you know noob there are better things to do then solo.

on a side note there are far better clicky effects then the epic and you will never click the epic in a group so it is a horid weapon especialy by the time you would be able to solo the quest. and yes the whole druid epic can be soloed but hey thats after you have time/gates gear so kinda trivial then

and on a funny note bst epic can be soloed by any lvl 65 bst that has a clue what they doing

OMG almost missed this one the quest O robe does not require tailoring idiot its just a bunch of turn-ins and the orobe isn't the real reward from the quest that is from the tradeskills

Edited, Wed Sep 15 06:00:26 2004 by Brykanst

oh you just keep giving me stuff to comment on

"are you telling me that your mouse/cursor is as responsive in EQ as it is on the windows desktop?"

um idiot if your comp is good enough it will be as responsive on EQ as it is on desktop

for me the only problem is around places with lots of trees and stuff in the way and thats the only kind of place where my mouse isn't as responsive its called hardware limitations get a newcomp/vid card and you might not have a problem

Edited, Wed Sep 15 06:06:34 2004 by Brykanst
#20 Sep 15 2004 at 7:45 PM Rating: Excellent
4,520 posts
Brykanst wrote:
how long do you think a normal human mind could put up with soloing in a game ment to be grouped in.

kjones000 wrote:
BTW, its Risperdol, not zoloft.

#21 Sep 19 2004 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
point taken
#22 Sep 19 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
a quest is a quest you cant change that
#23 Sep 20 2004 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
I will be your friend Kjones000. If you ever need healing give me a hallar even if im only lvl 27 lol =)
#24 Sep 20 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
Lots Of Bashing, But Some Good Points Thrown In...

One Question Though: Seeing As How I Can Now Solo My Way To Level 70. Anyone Know Where I Can Solo Something That Drops The Level 70 Runes? It Seems To Me, There Really Does Need To Be Something Done About Soloers Being Able To Get The Things That Are Pretty Much A Requirement To Play... I Feel For The Poor Mage Trying To Get His 70th Spells On An American Server At 4am Monday Morning Cuz He Works 3rd Shifts. The Named In OOW Are Very Tough To Take Down Unless You Have The "Classic" Group. Uber Or Mega Stuffs, Ok That's One Thing. But Your Spells Having To Be Gotten By A Group/Raid Of Somekind? Doesn't Seem Very Fair Across The Board For All Player Types. Not To Mention, These Runes Which Are Dropable, Are Being Used By Everyone Who Loots One. I Have Yet To See A Single Muramite Rune For Sale In Bazaar. I'm Sure Over Time, They Will Trickle Into The Bazaar... But Again, Doesn't Seem Fair To Someone Who Had To Choose A Character Type Due To The Time Zone They Live In, And Language They Speak, To Have To Wait For The Crumbs From Someone Else To Get The Spells They Need To Play.

Now Before Everyone Rips Into Me For Having Said That. As A Necromancer I Play 50/50 Groups/Solo. And Enjoy Raids Often. I Know My Class Well And Have Several "Group Only" Classes That I Play. But, I Do Like Trying To Take Down Mobs That Make For A Tough Fight. Call It An Ego Thing If You Will, But It's Alot Of Fun Trying To Down Something Like Traknon Solo...

Rotian Leprea
66th Necromancer
Knights of Takhisis
#25 Sep 20 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Excellent
4,520 posts
It Helps When You Don't Talk Like This
#26 Sep 21 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,504 posts
I hate to join in on what turned into a flame thread and I am breaking a personal policy of not joining in activity on message boards, but I wanted to add my 2CP on the original post. I personally believe that with Epic's there should be a lot more solo content as it is a test of the individual players skill. Now before the personal attacks begin, I am a epic 1.0 Cleric who solo's less that 10% of the time with any of my alts. I prefer to Group at all costs, but a Epic should be a test of just 1 persons skill.

let the flaming begin.
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

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