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#52 Oct 06 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
LOL i just have to say this guy is a real douche and if he doesn't like EQ so much why the fck is he playing it wow some people can be pretty lame. . .doing things for the sole purpose of being able to btch about them
#53 Oct 06 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Default
good god i have read more into this post and just let me say. . . this guy is disturbed!! wow I can't believe he has those panties(that he shouldn't be wearing!!)in such a bunch we are playing a frickin game here, we are not reliving the era you should have been born in you crazy stupid man...
#54 Oct 08 2004 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
Uh, Hebish? Who are you addressing? I'm confused here.
#55 Oct 09 2004 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
248 posts
Myself I believe, Abhorrage.
Hebish. If you are without a helpful or useful comment, or have nothing to offer of any critical value, please post elsewhere.
#56 Oct 13 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Yeah...Now give me my panties back!

On other notes, I have done all but 3 mobs for the Rogue epic 1.5 "Solo" and as a "test of merit". I don't think a quest should have to be soloed or even take a ton of time.

The guy in Freeport says bring me orc belts and I will give you something in return. Thats a quest. How you ask? You are asked to go out and get something and are rewarded for it. If you were not rewarded for your efforts then it not only would not be done ever it would not be a quest at all. It just simply would not be.

The reason NO on-line game has quest that are easy to solo or can be soloed by one person is, so you have a chance to get to know people and make friends.

If in real life you had a quest for a BMW, but you had to kill 100 Kodiak bears, would you really try to solo it? If you say yes, let me remind you that 1) you would probably die..for a car? and 2) it would take you 20 years to find 100 Kodiaks anyways. It's not saying you can't do it solo. Just that it would take a long time and may kill you. Would I do a quest for a new BMW (or whatever car you like)? Yes I would in a heart beat.

I would say this thread was started more so someone could get something off there chest and state how they felt. Maybe to see if others felt the same way. Put it anyway you like it, but I would say for the most part people don't agree with this persons idea of questing.

In closing I would like to say if a game causes this much stress for you...retire from it. Your gonna have a heart attack at this rate :P
#57 Oct 22 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
114 posts
I often wish that certain quests were easier, or that the drop rate was higher. It's already been mentioned that the druid epic is 95% soloable at 65+. Great for them.
As a SK I feel I got screwed over. Take Fear for example. Not only do I need to hunt DTing golems (2 of 3 anyway) in a plane that is to this day still a PITA at best. But even if I can talk enough people into helping me do that, the piece I need still might not drop. Shaman get a tear GUARANTEED after EVERY golem. When druids kill Faydedar, their piece drops EVERY time. Seems totally unfair to me. I often think that these quests were intended to deter people from playing the evil classes and create more druids.

However, that said, if they made all drops come from easy soloable mobs, everybody would have them and it would make the quest completely pointless. I imagine SOE finds it very difficult to balance the idea of a "camp" with the concept of "farming". Fear is the bottleneck of the SK and Necro epics, since the drops are rare and there's no way you're going to get people to hang around for the 8 hour respawn.

So yes, if you're a player who does nothing but solo, you're screwed. But that doesn't really matter. It's a MULTIPLAYER game, therefor it's pointless without the other people. If it was designed to be a single player game, you wouldn't be handing over 15 bucks per month to enable the interaction with other players. There are plenty of 1-player games out there, a lot of them very similar to EQ. If you don't like other people, I recommend giving up now.
#58 Oct 22 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
I think the bottom line is so freakin' many people agree at least somewhat with the OP, that they went out and made another game to accomdate that play style (called EQ2).

EQ is a very interesting game. I get sense of accomplishment from building my characters. But the lack of rewarding quests is a downer.

I guess you can argue all you want about whether it is required to participate in the social aspect of EQ...but you CAN'T argue that there is great demand for solo content.

I think MOST like the social apsect of the MMORPG. To me, helping a guildy get a quest drop is as fun and rewarding as getting one yourself. But some, check that, MANY turn EQ into a chat room, and I argue THEY are as twisted and as in need of a life as those that never do any PC interaction. If you have more online "friends" that you have never met face to face then "real life" friends that you call call up to share the good and the bad...step away from the computer and go do something!

Personaly, I prefer solo-able quests. Make them long, with a lot of running back and forth, make them hard, requiring patient strategy applied to corner a mob to your advantage, but don't make them dependant on coercing 71 "friends" into helping you.

How many "family" guilds have risen and fallen based on epic 1.0 work? A LOT. Jealousy over who received priority, burnout from spending so much time with OTM's for epic mobs, frustration from epic'd guildies quitting and moving on. You should be able to go help your friends, but I agree with the OP that it SUCKS that you are required to (in order to solve the majority of quests worth doing).

All the OP said was change the name. I agree EverChat or EverRaid often seem a more appropriate title.
#59 Oct 23 2004 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
248 posts
(nod) Everraid. That sounds appropriate. I remember when killing Vox and certain others used to require what we thought would be the biggest force that would ever have to be assembled.
It should have been.
71 people to kill single creature?.....
Way to learn from your crushing failures SOE.
Better luck on EQ2 I guess.
#60 Nov 28 2004 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
26 posts
Well, I think the real point here is being missed. The point is Sony wants to make money. The best way for them to make money is to have the players always looking for that golden ring just out of there grasp. One, they make the golden ring very hard to get, and two, it takes a very long time to get it. Sony is a master at the time thing ... think about it ... ohhh, yes the mob, person, wise man, etc. who has the item needed just doesn't seem to have it today, come back at another time, he may have it then. Then again, he may not. Funny quest. Or, yes, today he does have it but you and 20 other folks want it today and only one to go around. Player looses, Sony wins, money in the bank.
Hey design team, that worked really well, do it some more. Do it again. Yes, we know the customer is going to complain but what's important here .... we'll respond a bit but not too much.
All different personality types play this game. Note the word game. It should be enjoyable, not a source of frustration. I don't mind difficult events, I like a challenge, but spending 10 hours camping one item because a designer/statistics wiz decided the drop rate/spawn rate will be such and such serves no purpose but to make Sony money. Why frustrate someone like that? There has to be some sadism involved here along with the money. Heck, give the guy 10 things to do but make em half hour trials, make your money and lessen up on the frustration. The rune/spell thing is insane. I would love to know how many upper level players do not have their spells? And at this rate will never have some spells. What purpose does it serve? Adds frustration to the game and puts money in Sony's pocket. It just don't need to be that way (I was using a bit of slang there just in case you missed it}. If you use a Sony product, be prepared for frustration. I gave up trying quests for the most part. But I love to help others with their quests. I do that often. I try to lessen some of their frustration and enjoy seeing them happy that they finally got what they wanted. There are sooooo many time wasters built into this game it's amazing. But the basic concept of the game I enjoy, so I stay, but I stay away from the frustrations Sony builds into the game. I may never get the 1.5 or 2.0 epic. Why, because I know in time Sony will make items better so why waste my time? So I do what is fun and Questing is not one of em.
#61 Nov 28 2004 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Please note. I've been playing this game for over 5 years and this is my first post. Does that mean I need a shrink?
#62 Nov 30 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
40 posts
I also would enjoy seeing more solo content in the game.

While I appreciate the social aspects of the game, comraderie, helping others and occasionally grouping, I am still very much an independent person that likes being self sufficient.

I have a lengthy "Friends List" and I am a guild member.

I believe that my Epic should be my own accomplishment. If not, then I don't deserve it.

I don't like to impose\bother others for buffs or anything else without making sure that there is something in it for them as well. There is no such thing as a "free lunch" in real life or in this game. Everything costs something whether it's your time, your money, or your pride.

I readily help others and make sure to show my appreciation when others help me. But to ask someone else to risk dying for my personal gain goes against my morals.

I have always felt that Everquest was very much a "high end" driven game, which compels people to level as fast as possible, in order to be able to acquire decent equipment, and conquer NPCs that drop reasonable amounts of coin.

Sony created the level hungry players that slam levels as hard and fast as possible, only to reach level 50, and get their group killed because they didn't learn the most important skill... how to play their character well.

If the game has strayed from the original quest driven intent, it's Sony's own fault for growing it too big, too fast, out of greed, catering to the hardcore veteran players in an effort to try to prevent them from feeling as if they had reached "The End" of the game and moving on to something else.

Everquest doesn't need to be any bigger, just better. (maintained that is.)

I would love to see more of a balanced reward\level system in the game. Makes sense to me that if that happened, less people would lose interest out of frustration and quit in early stages, seeing it not as a never ending quest, but a nearly unattainable achievement thats hardly worth the enormous timesink.
Not saying they should get uber items at low levels, but allow enough reward\progress to maintain interest without having to endure long dry spells just grinding exp. Or completing a quest only to recieve an item that is worth less than farming bone chips and spiderling silks.

Sony's not as good at dangling that carrot as they seem. If they were, Everquest would be much more populated than it is.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 21:54:10 2004 by Dlagyd
#63 Dec 07 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
coulda saved yourself a lot of typing:


#64 Dec 24 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
"You evidently don't have any friends and feel excluded..."
Get bent. How dare you make any kind of observation like that and have the complete brashness to actually post your pathetic thought. It's people like YOU that make me just not want to play this game... Yes, game. Lighten up. Just because one person doesn't think exactly the same way you do gives you absolutely no right to flame on them, even in the slightest.
Plus, I completely agree. Most of the quests in this game are bass ackwards. I play a necro. I don't want to group most of the time. But I do want to do quests. Grouping can slow me down and I don't have the time to waste waiting for some dumbarss cleric to grab a C3. Albeit, quests do take time. I just wish they'd make more soloable quests... damn summonning mobs anyway...
#65 Dec 24 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
"...Quests on the other hand should be handled exactly as it is..."

well obviously not if there are so many here that have this strong of an opinion on them being wrong. you voted for Bush, didn't u?
#66 Dec 27 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
Want to solo in a world designed for multi-player interaction? Want solo-able quests? Why not have instanced zones where a single player can enter and solo til their heart's content?

A player enters with the skills and gear on their back, and dependant upon this, they may leave with something only a skilled soloist could obtain.

XP and gear awarded could easily be tweaked to balance. (Just as LDoN's were nerfed)

The instanced zones could be like expeditions, where a player could go for hours of xp'ing, or it could be more like a Vxed trial where you would have to fight to an end boss in order to recieve your reward.

/shrug Just some thoughts off the top of my head.
#67 Dec 30 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
Personnally I would like to finish a quest If it requires help so be it. It may be harder if you can not play when others are u know are on so be it, such is life. Such is the fun of everquest. Many are so concerned with leveling that they forget the true spirit of the game. Groups, online friends just to have fun. I have played with people all over the world this is the true spirit of the game, the people you meet.
#68 Dec 30 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
Personnally I would like to finish a quest If it requires help so be it. It may be harder if you can not play when others are u know are on so be it, such is life. Such is the fun of everquest. Many are so concerned with leveling that they forget the true spirit of the game. Groups, online friends just to have fun. I have played with people all over the world this is the true spirit of the game, the people you meet.
#69 Jan 01 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
I can't believe I actually sat here and read all these posts that were just people quoting other people over and over again. I want the last 15 minutes of my life back.
#70 Feb 06 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
My main is a 58 Rog on the Druzzil Server. So it should be real easy to understand I don't solo. I try. I spend tons of money on poison, effects, buffs, potions, ports, and Rezs just to attempt to solo. I have never done a quest that I could solo and was worth my time. NB armor ya. Treps shopping list ya. Nice drop quest never. Not to say I don't have one. I actually bothered to get my epic, but Rogue epic is kinda gimp in that you don't need a 40+ person raid.

With all that being said I would love to see a change or addition to the game that would allow a 58 rog a solo quest,or a lvl 20 cleric, or anyone who doesn't have 3 hours to put together the right group or raid. They tried to introduce tasks as a solo quest. Well the first one I got seemed easy at first. Kill 10 Froglok Jin Shamans and collect 4 nodding blue lily's. Translation: Go into Seb alone as a rogue. Kill 10 casters that con DB ?! Please! I'm lucky to be able to kill 2 mobs solo anywhere before I have to bandage up for 15 mins. By then whatever I killed has popped again.

The game is designed for groups? No it's designed for raids and guilds. Groups camp spots and kill the same animation for hours. Raids move, kill alot of yard crap, and then take down something most of us never even get to see. Short of being in a uber guild, you're paying for a whole cake and only eating half. That is what I think the solo players complain about. They feel almost riped off. Why? Because the game is great. Content, concept, amount of players, and stability. Fun stuff. But unless you play more than a full time job worth of hours, join a guild of uber EQ junkies, and wade through BS and guild politics to get your drops, you only get to see a small portion of the game.

Oh and I"m not one to complain without offering solutions.
1. I like the instanced solo zone idea.

2. A server with a 18 person raid max. Easy if you lower all mobs HP's by 25% or so, and Uber Raid mobs by75% or so. Also, make it so mobs stay till they're dead, rather than run off at 20 % or so.

3. Fix tasks on OOW to actually be soloable to pacify that part of your customer base. And give out mid grade drops after completeing a miny storyline. Doesn't have to be only cash and exp.

Ok Knight and others tear me down now.
#71 Feb 23 2005 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Game is designed for groups. Content was developed to enabling solo'ing. High end quests that can be solo'd? No, that just means a group can farm the quest that much easier. If a quest can be solo'd by somebody who is not equipped by high contents of the game means it is not a difficult task to a group of people who are equipped by high contents of the game. Some quests are soloable, but do you consider camping the same respawning mob every 15 minutes for 18 hours difficult, or a waste of time?
When someone goes on a quest, oftentimes friends help. How does the quest remain difficult if it was originally designed to solo? Make the encounters more difficult for a group of players. Unfortunately, this approach makes a "difficult" quest unfeasible as a solo.
Some quests are interesting, like the progressive quests - Greenmist, Prayer Shawl, etc. Some quests involve nothing but a big fight - Kill Dain, Yelinak, Tormax. Other quests are a combination of the two - Earring of Veracity, Breakdown in Communications.
Ultimately, the champion quests require you to perform tasks on your own - gather components, kill some minor monsters - then summon your companions to slay some beast.
Why would quests not involve flagged zones? Those zones would be the most lucrative questing zones. Only the most dedicated questor should have access to the most prized rewards. If you slay deity after deity, do you not think someone would acknowledge your reputation and send you into the depths of the most challenging lands in order to retrieve a much sought-after item?

In summary, Average Joe Solo can do Average Joe Quest. Dedication Man builds reputation, accessing the most rewarding quests. Who is Dedication Man? The character who earns the most flags, the highest tradeskills, the best factions, etc. Oftentimes it takes more than one person to achieve this status.
#72 Feb 23 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
the game (imo) was made to get to know people better around the world and see how they play...if ur soloing...then how could u get to know other players??? when ur grping its gives u and ur grp a chance to learn something called teamwork. if SoE made this game to where u solo all the time...then the people who use all their spare time playing this game would not learn teamwork. ur epic was made as a challenging quest...if u would be able to solo it then it would be no fun cus it would be way to easy and it wouldnt be much of an epic.
heres a defenition of 'quest' from"The act or an instance of seeking or pursuing something; a search."
heres the definition of what SoE made of 'quest'..."A series of events in which you serch for items required for a reward (some of small value and some of big value)...made soloable and non soloable."
heres a definition of 'epic' from"A series of events considered appropriate to an epic."
heres the definition of what SoE made of 'epic'..."A series of events requiring assistance inorder which the player may complete and recieve a reward of HIGH value."
when u put those together u baisicly get a mixture of grping and soloing. thats what this game was made for...not for just all soloing.

Edited, Sun Feb 27 20:34:08 2005 by Brialamin
#73 Mar 01 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
"SOE and every other MMO company have determined that it is the social aspect that generates repeat business and loyalty".

I hope the Sony think tank didn't sit around and come to the conclusion to which you came in the above remark. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is what generates repeat business and loyalty. If you perceive that you're getting good value for your money by buying a particular product, you're more likely to continue buying it. This isn't rocket science.

I said in a post a long time ago, back when they made some sort of announcement about how they were going to be tailoring future expansions more toward groups, that it was a big mistake because not only were they disregarding a very large portion of their customer database, but they were doing it DELIBERATELY. What other company does this on purpose and expects that the result will be profitable? Name one, I dare you.

Not that I'm agreeing with the original poster, at least not much. The example of the holy grail is flawed, because even though one person completed the quest, he relied heavily on others along the way, and could not possibly have done it alone from start to finish. Even one of the most famous "questers" of all, Don Quixote de la Mancha, always had Sancho Panza by his side. But the social aspect is not what generates repeat business nor loyalty. Being forced to be social, when by nature you're anything but, does just the opposite.
#74 Mar 07 2005 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
I see where you said it takes 72 people to get the firebone notebook? How do you figure that, in elemental gear alone, it was possible to duo aramin, tank class and cleric, kill aramin, keep tank healed long enough to loot the item, either A. book it to zone in, or B. die, wait 20 minutes, rezz up, grats you notebook. With 1 group aramin would be a total joke now.
#75 Apr 14 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
Wasnt talking about the goddamm notebook. Wow, did the point just blast by you or what.
At any rate, I gave up on eq shortly after I started this thread, and am looking back to see if anything new and interesting has sprung up. Think I'll start a thread about that one too....
#76 Apr 14 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
There are a number of mobs that instill a feeling of rage in me when I see them.

kobolds and goblins come to mind when i think about that from the good old days
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