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#52 Sep 28 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
I do like the fact that they don't accept just ANYBODY

This is an important criteria for me as well, and I was amazed at how many invitations I recieved from people who had never grouped with me and had no idea who I was. I had/have no interest in joining a guild like that. The last time it happened, I sent a /tell back saying "how is it that you know me, and why do you want me to join your guild?" The reply was "duh, cuz you are 51 and we need more high level guys"

I grouped several times with guild officers alts, including a tag along with their 65 mains, before they asked me to join. Normally, they have an application process, but because they'd gotten to know me they bypassed that part of the process.

I can't stand the idea of being in a serious raiding guild, and can't see myself ever wanting to join one.
#53 Sep 28 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,198 posts
Normally, they have an application process, but because they'd gotten to know me they bypassed that part of the process.

That I can understand. It's not really an option when you're only level 6 though. Smiley: smile
#54 Sep 28 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
Without wanting to repeat what has already been said, I would like to say that as an Aude Sapere member and a relatively inexperienced player, I think the system works great.

I've met plenty of less desirables in game, who may or may not be a member of a guild, but I have had nothing but good experiences (not xp) with every single member of Aude Sapere. I reckon that suggests we're doing something right.

The tighter the application process the better in my view. Just like getting a great job with a great company, you will not get in unless you really want to, which is what makes the company great.

I say, thanks Aude Sapere, for having me.
#55 Sep 28 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
4,520 posts
I think we can kinda tell what the guild was like that BLAH was in because of
elorianBLAH wrote:
Like I said I first started ina family guild and was an officer in there we jsut ooced in PoK every now and then for new memebers ppl would join and some would leave the cycle continued
guilds like that are doomed to fail. Aiming for people who are desperate for guilds and have no idea who they are does not help unify a family guild into an actual family.

Bobxx:d00d we g0tz 143 members!!!111oneoneone, This guild is so the roxors.

Tedxx:hey bob, so who are you agian?

Bobxx:oh i just joined today, finaly found a guild after yelling in PoK for hours, thanks guys. BTW you guys got any plat i could have, my spells are expensive

Jimxx:d00d your level 49, can you PL me?

Billxx:so when are we gonna raid anything? I want me some uber lootz!

ciphilisxx:d00d we dont have any clerics in here this is so the suckzors.

Leader:who the hell are you people
#56 Sep 28 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,198 posts
Bobxx:d00d we g0tz 143 members!!!111oneoneone, This guild is so the roxors.

Tedxx:hey bob, so who are you agian?

Bobxx:oh i just joined today, finaly found a guild after yelling in PoK for hours, thanks guys. BTW you guys got any plat i could have, my spells are expensive

Jimxx:d00d your level 49, can you PL me?

Billxx:so when are we gonna raid anything? I want me some uber lootz!

ciphilisxx:d00d we dont have any clerics in here this is so the suckzors.

Leader:who the hell are you people

HAHA! That was hilarious Vamp. Now I have something to laugh about during the next 2 hours of meetings...
#57 Sep 28 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
703 posts
Every player is different and every guild is different. The trick is finding the right one for you.

When I was looking for a guild on MR, I was looking for friendly people that wanted to have fun. I wasn't looking for a raiding guild or "phat lewtz". But that's me. Aude Sapere is GREAT! We have fun together whether we're chasing mobs or just sitting around chatting. I look forward to logging on because I know I'll be with my friends. It's a good feeling.

I'm sorry, Zog, that you did not get an invite and tagged as quickly as you wanted. Perhaps you should hang out in PoK and consider one of the many guilds that are always /ooc-ing for new members. They may provide the faster pace you are looking for and you could get tagged right away.

Aude Sapere ROCKS! and ROLLS! Smiley: yippee
#58 Sep 28 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
403 posts
I just have never seen a family guild with an app process it struck me as different.

Over the last 5 years or so of playing I've seen a lot of "family" style guilds come and go. There's one family sytle guild (that I know about) that has been there since the beginning and is still going strong. Dragonchow is a family style guild that has a very stringent recruitment/application process. As mentioned before, some "family" guilds are nothing more than 100 toons wearing a similar tag. Others (like Dragonchow) are family units that can be trusted and are very well known.

Please don't take this post as a bash. I just wanted to let you know that some kind of application process isn't unique to that guild.
#59 Sep 28 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
GamingMaven wrote:
We have fun together whether we're chasing mobs or just sitting around chatting.

Sounds like just exactly what we did the other night when a "dragon"(drake) was in mistythicket looking for its eggs.
#60 Sep 28 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
127 posts
I don't mind the application process to the "better" guilds. It just seems that some of the requirements for the good raid guilds pretty much necessitate the use of a raid to complete.

And, I agree that many guild are simply large numbers of people with the same tag, going in different directions. Many guilds with 100 or more members never have more than 3 or 4 or of those members on at any given time.
#61 Sep 28 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
520 posts
I gotta put in my two copper.

I miss the guys/gals in AS. Great group of people and has to be one of the best guilds I have ever had the honor of being a part of.

When grouping you knew that if there was another guildie in the group, that you had someone that knew how to play their class and was dependable. I had gotten to the point where I would rather solo than group up without another AS person in the group.

When there was a full group of AS going, I was very much at ease, as I knew that it was going to be a fun and productive time.

Sadly, my time with AS was cut short as RL issues reared their ugly head and I found I would no longer have the time to dedicate to playing EQ.

BTW ever dye yer armor red?
#62 Sep 28 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
615 posts
BTW ever dye yer armor red?

You betcha Stands!! Dot lended his high smithing skills to finish out dressing me in plate armor and i'm all red plate now!

I'll post a link to a picture on the guild site tonight or tomorrow for ya.

We miss you. We were spoiled having one of the best pullers in the game and I think we'll only be able to fill your spot with a team of pullers working together!
#63 Sep 28 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
JoltinJoe wrote:
I think we'll only be able to fill your spot with a team of pullers working together!

Hey!, my monk resembles that remark.

BTW, how much pleading and begging is it finaly gonna take for you to ditch RL stands?

lol jk, we all miss ya, even chlorr, and thats saying something when most people he looks at he'd rather kill than shake hands.

Edited, Tue Sep 28 14:10:12 2004 by VampyreKnight
#64 Sep 28 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Everyone Salute Capt. Asshat

Everlasting SALUTE!!!!
#65 Sep 28 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts
Being a casual player, a family guild is more along the lines of what I prefer. No time or desire to be on call 24/7 for raids.

Being a casual player, I'd not join a guild that has an application process. They've already added more rigidity to my experience than I care for by by having the process to begin with.

And I gotta disagree a bit with something I saw above. Just because I don't want to fill out an application (it's a game, not a job) doesn't mean I wouldn't help a guildie on a CR or a quest camp. That's just plain silly. My unwillingness to jump through hoops has absolutely nothing to do with my dedication to helping guildies out when they're in dire straits or some significant need.

I'm one of those folks who would rather join a guild after grouping with people over time and getting an invite from them. Remember. Joining a guild is a two-way proposition. And it sort of seems to me that applying to, being accepted by, and then being on probation with a guild doesn't set up an honest system to decide whether the guild and player are going to be good for each other. Kind of like whirlwind marriages. Where does it go when everyone is no longer on their best behavior (probation period)?

On the converse, if I've been grouping with a few folks from Guild X on and off for a couple months and they shoot me an invite, that tells me a couple things. They think I would fit in with their guild, and I obviously like hanging out with them. So we already have a good idea that it's win-win.

My guild gets most of its new members this way. And we've brought in some really great folks we came across starting with a pickup group.

Having said all that, I'm not criticizing any guild (especially raid guilds) for having an application/screening process. Yeah, it seems a little elitist, but that's the way they do things. If you don't care for it, don't try to hook up with them. And if you are declined, deal with it and move on.

And if you are thinking of joining a guild that requires that process, you should be aware that you're being scrutinized. You ALSO have an obligation (to yourself) to interview THEM.

Ralston's Groovalicious Paladin Guild may spam Alla with its website and say it's taking apps, but that doesn't make them a good guild, a bad guild, or necessarily the guild for you. Take some time and get to know a few of the folks from the guild you want to apply to.

If it's a decent guild, and you don't pester them to death, a little interaction with them will help determine whether you want to be IN their guild. And if you present yourself right, your app has a much better chance of being viewed favorably.

P.S. - This post is not directed against ANY single guild. Or in support of Ralston's Groovalicious Paladin Guild. It's more a counterpoint to a differing but very valid mentality than mine.

And if you read to the bottom of this post, you are most indulgent and drinks are on me at the bar in Katta.

#66 Sep 28 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
And if you are thinking of joining a guild that requires that process, you should be aware that you're being scrutinized.

I don't think that's the case at all. Is setting a standard for grouping before giving a guild invite not an app process in itself? You'd be in a probation period wether you were aware of it or not. Not that I don't agree with some of what you're saying, but I think you're going the wrong direction.

My unwillingness to jump through hoops has absolutely nothing to do with my dedication to helping guildies out when they're in dire straits or some significant need.

Are you saying you don't want to make any effort to become a part of said guild, and that the onus should be entirely on them? An app is nothing more than trying to find a little about a potential guildie, and I don't see what's inherently wrong with that.

And if you read to the bottom of this post, you are most indulgent and drinks are on me at the bar in Katta.

Smiley: yippee
#67 Sep 28 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Just because I don't want to fill out an application (it's a game, not a job) doesn't mean I wouldn't help a guildie on a CR or a quest camp. That's just plain silly. My unwillingness to jump through hoops has absolutely nothing to do with my dedication to helping guildies out when they're in dire straits or some significant need.
So says you and you may be right. Personally, I'd wonder at someone who "really wants to join the guild" but refuses to spend five or ten minutes on a form. And I'd wonder at how likely he is to spend two hours corpse running without complaint. I'd wonder why he'd think giving his name, class, game goals and favorite memory are such a burden and how he'll react to a failed raid or having a piece of loot assigned to someone else in his class instead of him.

I think most people aren't going to take it on faith that someone who whined and complained about the process of joining is going to be the most dependable and trustworthy guy down the road when there's actually something "worth" creating drama about.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#68 Sep 28 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
2,198 posts
And I gotta disagree a bit with something I saw above. Just because I don't want to fill out an application (it's a game, not a job) doesn't mean I wouldn't help a guildie on a CR or a quest camp. That's just plain silly. My unwillingness to jump through hoops has absolutely nothing to do with my dedication to helping guildies out when they're in dire straits or some significant need.

You are right that it doesn't mean YOU wouldn't do it, but as with most things in life, we have to look at the lowest common denominator. As I said in an earlier post, I've been in my fair share of family guilds. Most were good, some were bad. I was an officer in 3 of those guilds, so was directly involved in the recruiting/accepting/denying of apps. One guild I was an officer in we didn't have an app. Then we ran into a couple of people that joined the guild, seemed alright, bugged us to death to help with epics, then as soon as they got them, bolted. This is one of the top reasons for having an application/probation period. If they can't wait a month to use guild resources to work on their epic, they probably weren't planning on hanging around. If they couldn't hack working with the guild and building a little DKP for a week or two before they could start getting real loot, then they probably weren't there for the long run. It's a safety net for the guild members in most cases. I agree that it's not NECESSARY for a family guild, but it makes a lot of people have a warm fuzzy still. For a big raid guild, it's absolutely needed to keep the "I n33d Ub3r L00tz N0w!!11" types away.

edit: I misspelled necessary... bleh.

Edited, Tue Sep 28 14:49:08 2004 by Jiggidyjay
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