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#27 Mar 15 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
615 posts
All spells will check for immunity before they are cast. So if the target is immune, the spell will not generate aggro for the caster.

This was pointed out over on SteelWarrior. Does this go for procs also? If it does, MTs might need to re-evaluate their weapons or spell selections.

I use a SotB and CoHS, which is a standard aggro-generating weapon set. They work so great because they have stun procs, and mobs hate stuns. Even if the stun is resisted or you get a message saying the mob is immune to the stun portion of the effect, I believe you still get aggro as you would if the stun was successful.

But maybe not anymore after the revamp.

Edited, Tue Mar 15 14:54:26 2005 by JoltinJoe
#28 Mar 15 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
JoltinJoe wrote:
All spells will check for immunity before they are cast. So if the target is immune, the spell will not generate aggro for the caster.

This was pointed out over on SteelWarrior. Does this go for procs also? If it does, MTs might need to re-evaluate their weapons or spell selections.

I use a SotB and CoHS, which is a standard aggro-generating weapon set. They work so great because they have stun procs, and mobs hate stuns. Even if the stun is resisted or you get a message saying the mob is immune to the stun portion of the effect, I believe you still get aggro as you would if the stun was successful.

But maybe not anymore after the revamp.

Yeah. We'll have to see how this is implemented, but it could cause major problems. It's not going to have any effect on resists though. Someone was worried that a resisted stun wouldn't generate any agro, but that's not the case (at least from what was written).

I think the intention is to make the spells all work more like the pacify line does. If your spell is unable to affect the mob (either because it's too high level for it, or is flagged as immune), then you immediately get a message saying that and no time or mana is spent on the spell. A resisted spell still cost you mana and still affected the target (it just resisted). That means that it will generate agro.

I think their objective was to make it so that slowing classes (just one example) don't get themselves killed dropping slows on immune mobs. They'll be able to see immediately if the mob is immune.

I think it's a horrible idea to do for *all* spells, for a number of reasons.

First off, there are a number of spells/procs that are used not for their effect themselves, but purely for agro generation. What's funny is that this change will effectively kill knight tanking in the *only* situtations in which they claim they are trying to improve. So you give us a 25% mitigation for 36 seconds every 10 minutes (clearly designed for tanking minis and bosses), but remove our agro generation ability against mobs who have various immunities (almost exclusively those same bosses). Oh. And this will randomly remove your edge tanking in a group as well... Brilliant!

It'll also trivialize many raid encounters. Don't know what that new mob is immune to? Target and cast. If the spell timer appears, just duck and interrupt the spell and mark that as one you can use on the mob. If you get the immunity message, you know not to attempt to use it during the fight. Ok. That may not trivialize them, but it'll allow even vaguely intelligent raiders to avoid a good portion of the learning curve on new mobs. Given that expansion rates are pushed by the rate at which the top guilds work through new content, I'd think this would be something SOE would definately *not* want to do.

And Czae. I think you're looking at the druid thing wrong. You're comparing what they'll be able to do to wizards and clerics. That's not the point. Compare their abilities to what druid can do *right now*. What this effectively does is in any situation in which the druid can accurately determine what role he's playing in a group, you've just increased the druids power at that role across the board by 25%. A druid can now solo 25% faster. Straight power increase. Sure. You'd still want a wizard for nuking or a cleric for healing in a group, but with a druid you have a character that can switch back and forth as the group makeup changes. How often does your group change more then once every 5 minutes? Healer leaves, druid switches to healer mode. Odds are his button is available since he's probably not changed in the last 5 minutes. It's a straight increase in the power of a druid across the board. and gives them even more utility then they had before.

Again. We'll have to see what actually makes the final cut. So far, I'm not impressed...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#29 Mar 15 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
If my stuns are resisted, they now generate no agro? Goodbye to the enchanter or Cleric who had to pull using pacification because the paladin line of pacify stops at lvl 55 mobs..
There's a difference between resists and immunity. It was stated no agro on immune mobs. Your resists will still agro.
#30 Mar 15 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
And Czae. I think you're looking at the druid thing wrong. You're comparing what they'll be able to do to wizards and clerics. That's not the point. Compare their abilities to what druid can do *right now*. What this effectively does is in any situation in which the druid can accurately determine what role he's playing in a group, you've just increased the druids power at that role across the board by 25%. A druid can now solo 25% faster. Straight power increase. Sure. You'd still want a wizard for nuking or a cleric for healing in a group, but with a druid you have a character that can switch back and forth as the group makeup changes. How often does your group change more then once every 5 minutes? Healer leaves, druid switches to healer mode. Odds are his button is available since he's probably not changed in the last 5 minutes. It's a straight increase in the power of a druid across the board. and gives them even more utility then they had before.

it is a straight power increase for some types of soloing, it may not be a bad idea to make the nuke focus not work on targetted aoes. and it doesnt work on dots presumably.

given druids current conditions, I don't see anything wrong with a 25% increase in healing/nuking in groups.
#31 Mar 15 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
The bard changes kinda suck. Sure, they're needed for high end bards that hit the mod cap, but unless you're an elemental+ bard with your singing and instrument mastery AA's, this isn't something you worry about. I'm more concerned for the entire bards community, not just the raiding community. I know, I know, bards didn't need anything. I wouldn't agree with that completely, but we'll have to see if they have anything else to offer later.
#32 Mar 15 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
The Druid being able to change the effectiveness in a certain situation is nice I agree BUT lets seriously think about it for a minute. How many times have you relied on the druids versatility to save your butt???

On many occasions I have switched from an offensive role to a defensive role then back to offense role only to be nedded to be defensive again 15 seconds later. Using an ability that will lock us into 1 role for 5 minutes will have serious consequences.

Think of it this way. You get set up in camp so the druid clicks offensive. 1st pull: ADD. Druid now needs to be a back-up healer but guess what. He just hit offensive so his heals are only at 50% for the next 5 minutes. Kinda hard to be a back-up healer at this point.

As far as raids are concerned I agree that this would be awsome because I rarely switch roles but for every day groups I don't like it.
#33 Mar 15 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
jchapin wrote:
Think of it this way. You get set up in camp so the druid clicks offensive. 1st pull: ADD. Druid now needs to be a back-up healer but guess what. He just hit offensive so his heals are only at 50% for the next 5 minutes. Kinda hard to be a back-up healer at this point.

But you're arguing the exception and not the rule. EQ operates off the assumption that the greatest gains in the game are the result of doing the same thing over and over for hours on end. That's why folks "camp" mobs. The majority of the time, things are rutine and will stay that way most of the time.

Here's what will happen more often then your scenario. Group arrives at a camp. There's always that initial shake-down period as you kinda figure out what the group can do there (lets assume worst case a pickup group). Druid leave himself in "normal" stance. He's *exactly* as useful in a group as he is right now. He can heal when needed. He can nuke when needed. Unless you are arguing that druids are unable to fill their group roles right now, there will be no disavantage.

After the groups been going fine for 40 minutes or so, and the mobs are cleared, and the puller has the respawns all timed out and spread out, things get really really easy. There's another healer so druid switches to offensive stance. He's not going to be needed to path, and on the occasions he does, it's not going to be much. Gaining 25% more nuking ability is better, since that'll speed up the kill rate. Group continues killing mobs.

An hour later, the cleric leaves. Druid switches stance to healer mode. He wont be as good as the cleric, but he'll be able to fill in the spot for the time being. After all, the group has the mobs cleared and spawns timed out. It's "easy" at this point.

10 minutes later, then get a replacement, and it's a shaman. Now. Maybe the druid can stay as main healer, or he and shaman can swap duties there. Druid could probably switch to "normal" stance again and help his group the best.

You don't swap stances everytime you heal or nuke. You swap when your group makeup changes and you are required to take on a new role. Having a 5 minute refresh on the stance change button isn't going to be a problem at all the vast majority of the time. And if it is? You tell your group to pull a bit slower for the first 5 minutes until you can change again. Big deal. I'm betting in most cases, it wont even be noticed.

/agree czae. They'd have to restrict it to single target DD spells for it to make *any* sense at all. If they did that, then it would truely just be a flexibility in the group issue, and I think it would be workable. I still say it's a huge improvement when other classes get nothing or near to nothing, but we haven't seen or heard everything that they're considering so that's a bit premature.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#34 Mar 15 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry, but I think the bard Nerf with the songs limit to 4 makes the game 10x more fair to everyone. I mean I remember three times in three empty zones (which I found out why they were empty) when a twinked out bard came in and robbed me of every mob before I had a chance to stand. Where as my ench could only zone 2 mobs at once. Made me mad to see the bard get about 10 DB kills--which is about 1.5 yellow in a matter of mins.
#35 Mar 15 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
.. what nerf to four songs?
#36 Mar 15 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
We will fix Manaburn. Our preferred method is to uncap the ability and implement a cap based on the maximum percentage of health you can do in a single hit. So one of you, facing a million hit point boss mob (fairly common in today’s game) can expect a full manaburn to land for 10s of thousands of points of damage in one hit.

gbaji are you with me when i saw IT'S ABOUT ****ING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#37 Mar 15 2005 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
Neverdone wrote:
For solo endeavors : Give the Ranger a solo only PET!!! And as I said before, I will never, ever, leave this game. Really. And while we are at it, let him ride it! Improve the damage shield - double it. Improve the 1HS weapons - let them hit as hard as the Pally's and SK : mabey only the main hand. And make the buffs last longer! Yes - I am already using the ceramic shield to extend them, and am rebuffing every other mob.

I would prefer them remove the level 51 double damage restriction(Non-moving, non rooted mob). This change should effectively help our soloing capabilities, while not really changing the overall power while grouping. This rule really only affects us while soloing. Rangers can kite, and I think all is needed is improved ranged DPS. If we can kite effieciently without tanking the mob, then our heals are probably sufficient to heal those few times we do get hit.

I don't really see a need for additional healing, our healing from level 1-65 has always been inferior, and I consider it a weekness of the class, one of which I think should stay.

As for the improved offensive damage spells, well Amen, this is exactly what I have wanted. I hope they create a new line of DD's ones that are quick cast, less than a second, and maybe do about 1/2 the damage of a druid spell of equal level, with a moderately high refresh (10-15 seconds). Give us 2 or 3 in a certain level range so that we can chain cast, make them heavily mana intensive(expensive), so that we may create a nice bit of burst damage for a short period, before going OOM. This would truly link a ranger to his mana, which is not the case at present.

My 2cp.

#38 Mar 15 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#39 Mar 15 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
The trick to mana burn is knowing when to use it(it is best used on belly casters with AE inny in hate) or say against mobs with Mana drain dots where it's a very neat AA but atm it is useless b/c of the 9000ish cap on it(which is why im psyched..though i would ahve been much happy if they fixed it before I started playing WoW)
#40 Mar 15 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Good
manaburn isn't a balance issue anymore. at all.

a highend beastlord can solo bot for hours with no downtime, a highend shaman can solo gaukr/laef/hreidar. there is no class that can not solo a kunark dragon anymore.
#41 Mar 15 2005 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
I'm sorry, but I think the bard Nerf with the songs limit to 4 makes the game 10x more fair to everyone. I mean I remember three times in three empty zones (which I found out why they were empty) when a twinked out bard came in and robbed me of every mob before I had a chance to stand. Where as my ench could only zone 2 mobs at once. Made me mad to see the bard get about 10 DB kills--which is about 1.5 yellow in a matter of mins.

Huh? I presume you're talking about the AE nerf... FYI: it wasn't limited to 4 mobs. They changed it so the damage portion doesn't effect mobs that want to move. We can still hit 100 mobs with our AE, but if they want to move, no damage. Another thing; it didn't take a twinked out bard to AE kite. All it took was a drum and brass instrument. If you got hit, you were dead anyway.

As I've said before, I've never really supported AE kiting, but this thread in no way until your post has even mentioned it. My concern was that only high end raiding bards would see the benefit of removing the instrument cap (although it is a very nice thing for said bards). We already get a song or more every level, so that change does nothing for us. Hopefully they have some other things in mind for the bard that they haven't told us about yet, but I'm 100% sure it won't be bringing back AE kiting (there was more behind that then just the experience gain BTW).
#42 Mar 16 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
But you're arguing the exception and not the rule. EQ operates off the assumption that the greatest gains in the game are the result of doing the same thing over and over for hours on end. That's why folks "camp" mobs. The majority of the time, things are rutine and will stay that way most of the time.

The exception to the rule is exactly what I'm talking about.

It sounds like a good idea but their is 1 fatal flaw in this which I feel will hurt the druid more than it helps.

The above is a quote from my original post.

As I said it's a decent setup but when the exception to the rule comes into play is when were gonna be hurting. What this ability does is for the most part limit us to 1 role. Although were only limited for a short time I don't like the fact of not being able to changes roles several times on the same mob.

I am in no way whining that this ability isn't good enough. I'm just trying to point out a major flaw that everyone seems to be overlooking.
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