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A %T is <<<<<SLOWED>>>>Follow

#1 Apr 03 2005 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
I noticed a reference to Hotbuttons in another thread and felt the need to vent my spleen.

It's important for certain group members to communicate with the others, and hotbuttons are extremely useful for this. Obvious ones are:

  • A Murkglider is Mezzed. No touchy!
  • Quick Heal for Umpalumpa
  • A Cobalt Drake is now my pet
  • CH for Umpalumpa. Stay in Range

  • But why do some people think you want to read War & peace in Group Chat?

  • <<<+++A Murkglider+++>>> Has been Mezzed. Don't break it or we'll probably wipe and have heaps of downtime rezzing
  • <<Quick Heal>>> for Umpalumpa. Feel the uberness of my Heal Spell!
  • I have now Charmed a /\/\/\ Cobalt Drake /\/\/\ It is no longer a Mob and I'm using it do add DPS to our group
  • <<<<<<----TASHING a %t Let the nuking begin my friends

  • etc. etc.

    Casters, thanks for your heals, CC, Buffs, slows etc, but please keep the hotbutton messages brief.
    "I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
    #2 Apr 03 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
    1,166 posts
    Get over it, I think they are fun to read and they add to the role playing.Smiley: oyvey
    Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

    Barack Obama

    Laen - 105 Dru
    Haam - 105 Sk
    Laosha - 105 Shammy
    Lutan - 105 Bard
    #3 Apr 03 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
    A %T is <<<<<SLOWED>>>>
    dont put A before %T it looks stupid when you say "A a murkglider is slowed"
    #4 Apr 03 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
    3,166 posts
    Get over it, I think they are fun to read and they add to the role playing

    The first time a very few might actually be amusing. Mostly they become annoying, repetitive and add nothing to anything - least of all roleplay.
    Wherever I go - there I am.
    #5 Apr 03 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
    5,135 posts

    Cherick tells the group, Slow

    Simple, effective

    #6 Apr 03 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
    Prodigal Son
    20,643 posts
    Hotbuttons? Hell I type them all out by hand.

    "Complete heal to %T"

    I people do know how to type right? It shouldn't take more than 2 seconds to type a few short words.
    publiusvarus wrote:
    we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
    #7 Apr 03 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
    1,907 posts
    I agree short and sweet, can't stand it when group window starts filling up with 3 and 4 line cutsie messages. I agree some are fun ONCE. Let's say that once per hour you put a cutesy message out. I can live with that, and you can roleplay. Any more and I want to yell STFU (but don't because I am not that way).

    My group window is tells, guild, group, my spell results, and raid, all stuff I really need to read, so quit making me read garbage with every pull.

    I like to know when a mob is ready to be hit (Assist me will do-especially if ma is different than puller), when it's slowed, maybe maloed, when a heal is coming, mezzes, short version of all please. Sometimes I give a quick notice of group buffs so puller doesn't run off.

    And except for heals, I do not want to know when you attempt a spell. Example: One slow announcement per mob when it actually really landed, or it looks dumb.

    Cherick tells the group, Slow

    That message is good, if there is only one mob (or if all mobs are named the same). If not you need the mob name in there, so they know when they break mez which are already slowed. Still, I prefer that to a 3 line cutsie. %T is slowed.
    #8 Apr 03 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
    5,135 posts
    That message is good, if there is only one mob

    Cherick tells the group,
    All Slow
    #9 Apr 03 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
    317 posts
    #10 Apr 03 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
    Ministry of Silly Cnuts
    19,524 posts
    The raid situation is even more critical. Our Guild Raids have always been hot on this. Offenders get 1 polite request to edit them, followed by 1 instruction if the request didn't work. Ignore that and they're kicked from raid.

    And yes, some (few lately) are funny the 1st time.

    "I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
    #11 Apr 03 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
    187 posts
    At least they use messages. A lot of times I get a group where the cleric don't say when he's healing and slower won't say when a mob is slowed. They just want us to guess I suppose. Same thing with chanters and mezz. etc. etc. This is more annoying to me than a long message because I don't even know whether these ppl are awake sometimes.
    #12 Apr 03 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
    1,907 posts
    Cherick tells the group, All Slow

    Awful wordy, but better. Smiley: lol
    #13 Apr 03 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
    1,166 posts
    The first time a very few might actually be amusing. Mostly they become annoying, repetitive and add nothing to anything - least of all roleplay.

    Only in your opinion.

    Cherick tells the group, Slow
    Simple, effective

    Boring, easy to miss.

    The raid situation is even more critical.

    Have a separate set of hot keys for "raid situations"
    Good god, they only take a few seconds to set up.

    At least they use messages. A lot of times I get a group where the cleric don't say when he's healing and slower won't say when a mob is slowed.

    This is very scary to me.

    Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

    Barack Obama

    Laen - 105 Dru
    Haam - 105 Sk
    Laosha - 105 Shammy
    Lutan - 105 Bard
    #14 Apr 03 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
    I'm a really fast reader so even if they have a four-line message I can usually read it in time, so I don't have a problem with long messages.

    Besides, even if I couldn't read fast at all I still probably wouldn't care. The reason for this is that, in general, people tend to tell you what they're doing in the first couple of words AND THEN give their quirky little message. Still gets the point across, but they get to have their little bit of fun.

    Honestly though I prefer short-ish messages. Four lines IS too long, but two is perfectly cool with me.
    #15 Apr 03 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
    I agree that the messages should be short and sweet so that people don't start to ignore everything you say with the exception of mezzes. I use this exact message: "%t is mezzed Don't wake it if you can't take it!" (Disclaimer: I did in fact steal this mez message from a chanter I saw long ago, so if you read this I am both sorry and ready to pay royalties for the usage lol) The reason I make it a little longer is because there's nothing more annoying than mezzing a mob only to have it awakened one microsecond later by someone that doesn't know how to use /assist. My hope is that with the slightly longer mez message they will see it and stop messing up. But for everything else I completely agree.
    #16 Apr 03 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
    1,701 posts
    Ok, I'm a minimalist, I hate all the combat spam. If it gets to long, I usually quit reading it. Which then causes me to miss some of the more important messages, ie. RUN!!, Evac!! etc.

    Also with my cleric I don't announce heals, except for CH. I figure if I'm doing my job, you'll know it. I don't need to tell you I'm doing my job. And other than calls for assist, mezzes, slows and maybe debuffs all the rest is just clutter. My CH message is something along the lines of "CH incoming on %t, please stay in range." Other than that, it seems like a lot of wasted effort.
    If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

    This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
    #17 Apr 03 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
    1,701 posts
    Ok, I'm a minimalist, I hate all the combat spam. If it gets to long, I usually quit reading it. Which then causes me to miss some of the more important messages, ie. RUN!!, Evac!! etc.

    Also with my cleric I don't announce heals, except for CH. I figure if I'm doing my job, you'll know it. I don't need to tell you I'm doing my job. And other than calls for assist, mezzes, slows and maybe debuffs all the rest is just clutter. My CH message is something along the lines of "CH incoming on %t, please stay in range." Other than that, it seems like a lot of wasted effort.
    If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

    This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
    #18 Apr 03 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Default
    I agree but disagree...

    Keep it one line yes but not so short/small that it gets missed in chat or battle spam.

    Have 2 sets of hot set for raids when you really want members to see that you have whatever slowed or healed who ever.

    Another set for group where you want group members to see the message but not anoy the hell out of them.
    #19 Apr 03 2005 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
    1,166 posts
    Also with my cleric I don't announce heals, except for CH. I figure if I'm doing my job, you'll know it. I don't need to tell you I'm doing my job

    If you have a back up healer in your group and if you expect him to help in a timely would be courteous to announce all your heals.

    I have seen situations where the healer is either oom, not paying attention or otherwise misses a heal and when the backup healer finally decides that the (@$%8*! I am a Cleric you aren't) healer isn't going to catch that heal, it is too late.
    Where as, a timely message lets all know that the (fantastically thoughtful) healer is still on the job.
    Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

    Barack Obama

    Laen - 105 Dru
    Haam - 105 Sk
    Laosha - 105 Shammy
    Lutan - 105 Bard
    #20 Apr 03 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
    2,198 posts
    There are certain things that require messages, certain things that don't. I always have a message when I pull. It allows people to see what we're up against and be prepared. No one needs to use it for assisting me though, since they should be assisting the tank after he engages (who assists me when I call for it). I only provide messages for anything else (mezzing, chain mezzing to break gates and CHs, debuffing, slowing, etc) a few times, then I won't do it anymore. People should understand that I'm on top of it by then.

    Adds should always be called so the CC can take care of them in case they didn't see them. Group buffs should be called so I don't run out of range just before it lands (as Kelti pointed out already). If we only have one healer, heals don't need to be announced, but all members should be ready to take alternate action if they don't get healed by a certain percentage. If the cleric fizzles and can't get a CH off in time but can get a quick heal, the tank should be ready to hit a /disc when he's at 20% without even thinking about it.

    This is all taking for granted that you have a group that knows what it's doing though. Since pickup groups are almost guaranteed to have at least one complete idiot in it, your mileage may vary and you'll have to adjust accordingly.
    #21 Apr 03 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
    106 posts
    To me it's a matter of if the group is paying attention. I change my hot keys to match the situaitons.

    Most times /g %t is ROOTED!! works fine.

    Other times /g %t is ROOTED, PLEASE BACK UP!!!!!!! is needed.

    /shrug I don't mind most messages. But when you start thanking the gods for allowing you the awesome power to mezz, nuke, root, slow a mob is where I draw the line.

    #22 Apr 03 2005 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
    557 posts
    As a Cleric i announce all my heals just so the grp knows it is coming and i am not napping. They are 1 line hot keys.

    I have a train hotkey that is in all caps so the zone knows trouble is coming.

    I have a group emergency hotkey saying zone now zone now zone now all in caps.

    Our Enc uses a 4 line hotkey for Kei which tells not to use McDonald's as they ruin the rain forest to raise beef or similar to that lol.
    #23 Apr 03 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
    Our Enc uses a 4 line hotkey for Kei which tells not to use McDonald's as they ruin the rain forest to raise beef or similar to that lol.

    Watch Super-Size me and you'll see they do more than that.
    #24 Apr 03 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
    Playin a sham means there are many types of roles I play. Truth to tell playing with buddies (guild or friends) we often agree that we will all do our job, and buttons dont really come into it... I like this kind of play, but it only works with genuinely trusted and competent players.

    Heal hot buttons are important if more than one healer is operating. The TANK don't need to know you are doing a 10sec cast (what is the poor sap going to do anyway?) but the other healer has to know.

    For those who "just type them" this is not optimal. A hot button can include the exact heal message (or slow message) edited for the gorup situation, and the cast command as well.

    I allways hotbutton my Canni V... scares healers witless when you drop 2k and no mob is near. In pick up groups I also tell the healer to leave canni repair to me with Q.

    Malo aint important to hot button (or cripple and such) UNLESS you are teaming with other casters and the sequence is critical.

    One problem with hot buttons is if you incorporate the cast command, what do you do if you fail or fizzle? For that reason I cast Slow normally, but hot button the success message.

    By the way "slow" by itself is a command or request. "Slowed" would do it.. "%T is slowed" is ideal I think. You could add for higher planes a choice of "is slowed" or "is partially slowed".

    Have a "%t resisted my spell" button as well if such information is important (eg mellee is not going to engage till mob is slowed).

    The hot button system is highly idiosyncratic, and could well do witih a makeover. I'm thinking a dialogue where you can easily edit and set up your buttons a set at a time, with "click to insert mobs name" buttons.
    #25 Apr 03 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
    557 posts
    I have 4 heals i use all hotkeyed. What i do to avoid fail or fizzle is this-
    /gs Incoming CH to %t
    /cast 1
    /pause 10
    /cast 1

    The cast command is in reference to whatever gem number the heal is in. If there is a fizzle or fail the 1st time it is cast then the pause command hits and the heal is cast again. If the heal casts the 1st time then after the pause hits i get a message to the effect i can not do that command at this time. So it works out very well having the hotkey set up this way. The pause command can be any number you wish from 10 up.

    Edited, Mon Apr 4 01:16:21 2005 by Ladihawk
    #26 Apr 03 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
    564 posts
    It's funny but I never understood why support classes feel the need to justify themselves within the group by spamming all sorts of hotkeyed messages.

    True there are some situations(mez, pacify and CH being the main ones that come to mind), where a hotkey is needed so that group members know not to run for their lives, or not to touch a certain mob, but really, if you're an enchanter or shaman isn't your job in the group to slow the mobs? If you're a cleric isn't your job to heal?

    The only time I can understand you informing the group about things like slow or malo is if they are resisted. That way the cleric knows the tank will be taking a bit of an extra beating until you can get a slow to stick, or the wizard knows to hold off on those massive nukes so he doesn't end up blowing his mana on resists.

    It should be understood that unless stated otherwise, each group member is doing what they're supposed to be doing. I've yet to run into a rogue who has an "I'm backstabbing the mob" hotkey, yet it's pretty much assumed that the rogue is backstabbing regularly. Why constantly tell the group that you're doing the job you're supposed to do? Just do it and move on.
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