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A %T is <<<<<SLOWED>>>>Follow

#27 Apr 03 2005 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Becuase it is neccessary? Ever play a ranger and have that SK or Necro overwrite your snare? Then when the mob runs everyone turns to you and say: "Forgetting to snare?"

To avoid telling the group that I can't be held responible for running mobs if the sk/necro are snaring I made a hot key: %t is snared, have at it.

I also tell the sk/necro that I got snare since mine is manaless and lasts for 14 mins. Just last night I asked the necro if he was snaring over me and when he said yes, I told him of my snare and his reply was : Great! You got snare!.

Now if the sk is tanking, I let him snare since he uses that for aggro purposes. Face it, it's part of the game and most like to use them. Who the hell wants to type %t is INCOMING!!! on every pull when it's so much easier to click a button?
#28 Apr 04 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
One of my favorite* warriors from one of my favorite* guilds used to have the most annoying pull message. I only grouped with him twice, but both times, me and a guild shaman had plenty of laughs at his expense.

Warrior tells the group, 'To arms, my brothers! ()==[]=======> %t <=======[]==() is incomming! Let us do battle in the name of glory and honor!'
Warrior voice tells the group, 'Battle'

Ugh. Reminds me of a certain fairy-like cleric I used to know. Smiley: wink2


*Please note the sarcasm here. Anybody on Morden Rasp has probably heard of or grouped with this guy or the people in his guild and can verify that they are all infact idiots.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#29 Apr 04 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
This is all taking for granted that you have a group that knows what it's doing though. Since pickup groups are almost guaranteed to have at least one complete idiot in it, your mileage may vary and you'll have to adjust accordingly.

Some people need a hotkey used at the beginning of the group: I am an idiot so watch out for me, I will do by best to wipe the group, fortunately for you, I am not your cleric.

There are times when I consider only one idiot to be a good pickup group (if they aren't the cleric).

I did not used to announce slow, I did figure it was my job, expect it. I have been persuaded that I should announce it. Back to those idiots again (my shammy dps should make up for not slowing, HUH, or I would slow but I'm afk hoping you won't notice)

#30 Apr 04 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
I keep group/raid messages in a seperate chat window, so it does not get lost in the combat spam or add to it. Makes it easier to see an important message.

I keep any cutezy messages in seperate hotkeys from standard messages and only use them two or three times per group, swapping them into first hotkey set from back hotkey set, and I have several of them for variety.

#31 Apr 04 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
If battle is frantic you can dispense with some of the 'frills' of the messages. I like a few of the entertaining ones from time to time, but not EVERY PULL. I did group with a certain Bard once who had a 3-line pull message including a voice-tell (like twiztid's warrior). After the third pull a told him he could leave off the voice, to which he said, "I like it, I am keeping it". To which I responded by /ignore AnnoyingBard. What does that tell you? (Actually I just turned the sound off.)

I like (NEED) enchanters to call out mezzes and charms. They do not need to announce every Tash/Slow/Debuff. My chanter might announce "%T has been debuffed and slowed, have at it" when it is time to break mez.

If there are more than one healer, it is nice to have them announce their quick/spot heals (one can assume the MH will be casting the CH).

If I am the MH in a guild group who knows how I operate, I do not announce EVERY CH, unless the %T is getting out of range. If it is players new to me, I do announce them.

I have a few 'pet' socials I reserve for a break. I bring them out occasionally.

/gsay Incoming <<%T>>, donations accepted but not required...

/em tosses droggie doo doo in %T eyes
/pause 10
/gsay %T is now blinded...

#32 Apr 04 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
615 posts
The TANK don't need to know you are doing a 10sec cast (what is the poor sap going to do anyway?) but the other healer has to know.

It would probably seem that way, but we're not completely powerless in that tough situation. We tanks have a feel for the rate of damage we've been taking so if we feel the 10 second cast won't arrive in time, we can switch on Evasive Discpiline, or call for another tank to get aggro, or in the worst case, start kiting - i.e. run around for your life in a big circle waiting for the heal - it's funny to see, but it's saved my life once or twice. Smiley: smile

Edited, Mon Apr 4 11:57:48 2005 by JoltinJoe
#33 Apr 04 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
When a group starts we set the roles...

Ask me to Heal...I heal.
Ask me to Snare...I snare
Ask me to Nuke...I nuke.

I dont expect messages from Melee's telling me they're doing their job...wheres the trust?

Only messages I put out are:

WTF!?!? (If I die)

I dont like alot of Battle spam personally.

SO, if you survive the were healed.
If the Mob doesn't run at 20%...he was snared
If theres Bugs or big booms..Im nuking
#34 Apr 04 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I usually only announce my heals if I am backing up so we don't both heal, or if the tank might run off. Normally I group with guildies and they know I got it under control.
I don't mind the %t is slowed, mezzed, or even malo'd. What drives me crazy is -----
I am casting this massive nuke on %t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL I don't care, and I will notice 7k worth of damage.
LOL Anyhow all mine are nice and to the point "Quick heal inc %t" etc.

#35 Apr 04 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Default
557 posts
"Some people need a hotkey used at the beginning of the group: I am an idiot so watch out for me, I will do by best to wipe the group, fortunately for you, I am not your cleric".

#36 Apr 04 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
You shouldn't need most messages if you decide who is doing what at the first of the group.

I always announce Mezzes and charms and only sometimes debuff/slows.

My hotkey's are simply

-+[ MEZD %T ]+-
You break it you take it

-+[ SLOWD %T ]+-

-+{Pulling %T}+-ASSIST

Short and simple yet stands out enough so they aren't missed. In certain groups I don't even announce mezzes in most situations. This is only in a group of friends. Like someone else said, I keep my msgs on one key and the actual cast on another. This way if a spell gets resisted you don't have 5 messages but only 1 after it lands.

I hate the long message ones and adding voice into it makes it even worse. Grouped with a ranger once who messaged every little thing he did.

"Casting Flame Lick on %Tlet's hope it lands"
"Flame Lick Resisted"
"Casting Flame Lick on %T let's hope it lands"
"Flame Lick Landed"
"Casting Snare on %T let's hope it lands"
"Snare Resisted"
"Casting Snare on %T let's hope it lands"

He spammed group chat almost as much as the hits were spamming the battle chat.

Here are the only things that should be messaged:

Heals (Backup healers, and tanks/offtanks usually need this info)

Crowd Control:
Mezzes: Everyone needs to know when mobs are mezzed and the only one that should ever break a mezz is the MT

Charms: Casters need to know not to nuke your charm pet wasting their mana and time. Also charm pets should be shrunk to make them visually different.

Roots/Snares: Backup snarer or other means to keep the mob from running needs to be known.

WTD: falls under the Charm category. Use a message so others don't attempt to nuke/fight your pets.

Pulling/Assist: Pulling and/or Assists needs a message so everyone in the group can be ready. However they should be short and simple. Long ones just get in the way.

EVACS: These should always be messaged before the cast. This gives those who are out of range to get in range. It always lets the leader/healer/cc member to call out a cancel if they feel it isn't necessary.

Edited, Mon Apr 4 14:06:25 2005 by mentalfrog
#37 Apr 04 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
JoltinJoe wrote:
The TANK don't need to know you are doing a 10sec cast (what is the poor sap going to do anyway?) but the other healer has to know.

It would probably seem that way, but we're not completely powerless in that tough situation. We tanks have a feel for the rate of damage we've been taking so if we feel the 10 second cast won't arrive in time, we can switch on Evasive Discpiline, or call for another tank to get aggro, or in the worst case, start kiting - i.e. run around for your life in a big circle waiting for the heal - it's funny to see, but it's saved my life once or twice.

Gonna add to this comment.

Everyone needs to have an idea of when that CH will land. Everyone. Assuming that you only need to have a CH message when there's another healer is a horrible mistake. Hybrid tanks can use their magic to extend their lives for a bit if/when needed. Warriors have dicsiplines they can pop if they think that they might not last to the CH. The "poor sap" most certainly has options during combat. We do a lot more then just hit autoattack and mash the taunt key with it comes up you know...

Paladins and Rangers have heal spells that can make that little bit of difference in a tight CH. Necros and SKs have spells/abilities that can take life from mobs, and give HPs to other players (including the tank). Wizards, chanters, and paladins (and clerics, but I'm assuming he's casting the CH) can all stun mobs to keep the MT alive until that CH lands). Any class in the group can potentially grab agro for a few seconds until CH lands and probably live until the MT can grab agro back. You're missing a hell of a lot of group options if you assume that no one can do anything about a CH that will drop too late.

As a paladin, healers that don't have CH messages literally drive me nuts. If all I know is that you haven't healed me in a bit, I can hope and pray that you are casting a CH, but I don't don't *know* that for sure until it lands. 10 seconds is a freaking eternity when you are tanking some of the nastier mobs out there. If you're *not* casting a CH, I need to know right now, not after 10 seconds have gone by and my health is still plummeting, and I'm left to wonder if I need to do something drastic or not. A CH message lets me know that you haven't gone LD if nothing else (nothing sucks quite as bad as waiing for that CH to land only to realize too late that your cleric went LD).

In general messages during combat should be kept short and to the point. They should also be restricted to those things that the group needs to know. Specifically, the group needs to know if you have done or are doing something that they are either waiting for, or which will change their own actions. I don't really need to know if/when you are attempting a spell that can be resisted. If you are the slower, I'll assume you are trying to slow the mob. Same goes for the snarer, and any other debuffs. Let me know when it lands since that will affect what I do, but I don't need to know anything else.

I do *not* need to know when someone assists. I assume you are doing that if you job is to do melee damage. I do *not* need to know when you nuke. Again. I assume that's your job, and I'm not likely to need to change what I'm doing to compensate. There's some argument for dot messages, but I tend to think that the CC'er should make the call and the issue of whether to use dots should be resolved before the fight, not during it.

Keep them short, not because it's hard to read, but because I only have so many lines in my chat box. Even with as much spam as possible filtered off, there are still a number of aspects of the battle that I need to know about. As a paladin, one of my jobs is to interrupt spells. I'm watching for that. Other classes may have other things that they need to watch for as well. What you don't want to do is have players miss something important because a couple people in the group insist on continuously spamming the group with "amusing" chat messages.

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#38 Apr 04 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
642 posts
"If you are the slower, I'll assume you are trying to slow the mob. Same goes for the snarer, and any other debuffs. Let me know when it lands since that will affect what I do, but I don't need to know anything else.

I'm intersested in your personal take b/c you're damned knowledgable. Do you havea threshhold you prefer on slows and the like? I'm the pinch slower when no other slowers are available, and I struggle w/what the tank, cleric, and anyone else wants to know as far as a slow message. Normally I ask and have gotten different requests which I'm happy to oblige.

For instance, if slow doesn't land "x" amount of times, what's your "stop playin' w/slow and whack this critter" tolerance level? Do you want to know if slow hasn't landed "x" amount of times? In very, very instances, I've found myself having to paragon in a fight--cleric paying tooo much attention to manicure or LD or something. =) Is this for you a good thing to call out or does a blinky wolfes head in the buff window suffice?

And yes, my slow messageas are short, sweet, and hopefully visiable. =)
#39 Apr 04 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
joev wrote:
For instance, if slow doesn't land "x" amount of times, what's your "stop playin' w/slow and whack this critter" tolerance level? Do you want to know if slow hasn't landed "x" amount of times? In very, very instances, I've found myself having to paragon in a fight--cleric paying tooo much attention to manicure or LD or something. =) Is this for you a good thing to call out or does a blinky wolfes head in the buff window suffice?

Groups go through 3 major phases when fighting a mob. First they engage. Everyone kinda works overtime since the mob's damage output is high until it's been debuffed/slowed. Then they kinda coast while the healers get a handle on the "normal" slowed damage rate and everyone settles in to grind away at the mob. Finally, you'll have a short burst at the end where the mob might be a runner, gater, or enrager.

The initial objective is to get to the second stage as quickly as possible, to "stabilize" the fight. The slow is a huge part of that (the biggest IMO). You have to get a feel for the group you are in and when they group expects to move into "coast" mode on the mob and make sure that they are all aware that the mob's still not slowed before that point. What you don't want to have happen is the healer to switch heal types because he's just in the habit of casting spells in a particular order and end up with a dead tank as a result.

This is totally group dependant. Always sending out that slow message helps. If I know you'll tell me when it's slowed, then it's safe to assume it isn't until you tell me. I wouldn't necessarily have a hotkey for this, but it certainly doesn't hurt if you've gotten 3 or more resists to say something in group really quick like: "/g resisting slow". Only takes a second to type, so shouldn't be a problem. It's enough to remind the entire group that they can't coast just yet, but not too much.

There's no hard and fast rule, since it'll always depend on the group you're with. In most groups, you'll get a feel for the "flow" of the group during each kill. Just make sure to give them enough info to know not to "flow" to the wrong stage of the fight until they're ready...

What you absolutely *don't* want to do is have just a "casting slow on %t" message (presumably hotkeyed with the cast). All I know is that you tried. If you don't also have a "%t is slowed" message for me, then I'll never know if you slowed it or got resisted. You don't want your groups to be in the habit of assuming your slows landed. If you have that message, you still also need one for when it lands, right? So why bother with the casting message? I know you're the slower, right? You're just wasting a hotkey slot (and potentially causing more confusion in the group).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#40 Apr 04 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
In general messages during combat should be kept short and to the point. They should also be restricted to those things that the group needs to know.
Amen. As a paladin, the only two hotbuttons that I had were:

Saern tells the group, 'Incoming < %t >'


Saern tells the group, 'LoH on < %t >'
Saern tells the raid, 'LoH on < %t >'

I have also played a shaman and a chanter, and I only used messages for slows and debuffs if people specifically requested that I do so. After all, if you invited a shaman or a chanter into your group, you'd expect them to slow and debuff, respectively, right?


Edited, Mon Apr 4 19:57:10 2005 by TwiztidSamurai
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#41 Apr 04 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Good call on the fight sequence Gbaji.

Personally I do like a slow resisted message - as I tend to move into DPS and debuff mode after my initial aggro generating spells are channeled. If the beastlord has four slow resists, while dealing out some significant damage with reasonably high aggro weapons, I need to through a little more hate into the fight to keep el mobbo upset at me.

One hotkey I quite like is the 2 stage CH hotkey. Inc in 10 secs, then inc in 5 secs. Not many do like it, but it helps me to judge if I need to kite. And when being one rounded from 40% HP is a possibility I like lots of warning....

#42 Apr 04 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
"10 seconds is a freaking eternity when you are tanking some of the nastier mobs out there"

Ten seconds as a Cle is a freaking eternity as i am waiting for the CH to land while i watch the tank's HP drop like a rock lol.

#43 Apr 04 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
Ten seconds as a Cle is a freaking eternity as i am waiting for the CH to land while i watch the tank's HP drop like a rock lol.

Lol, well, you aren't the one who is gonna die if it doesn't land.

I never blame the cleric if I die. Honestly, with this new DoN release that allows you to just like summon your corpse I don't think I'll care about dying. This game has a much more lenient penalty system than most other MMO's (at least after this expansion) so...clerics, be grateful :p.

Of course its always a blow to the war effort if your warrior dies.
#44 Apr 05 2005 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
TwiztidSamurai wrote:
In general messages during combat should be kept short and to the point. They should also be restricted to those things that the group needs to know.
Amen. As a paladin, the only two hotbuttons that I had were:

Saern tells the group, 'Incoming < %t >'


Saern tells the group, 'LoH on < %t >'
Saern tells the raid, 'LoH on < %t >'

Hah. Pretty close. I've also only got two. Honestly though, I don't bother with a LoH message. I suppose I could (would be easy enough to just use instead of LoH button), but the way I figure it, if it lands ok, I can tell folks I used it *after* the fight. It it doesn't, I'm just embarassing myself by using my once every 72 minute ability on fully healed character. Thats just another reason I *really* want clerics to tell me when they're casting CH. I cannot list the number of times I've had my LoH go off a half second before or after a cleric's CH went off.

While it's low on my "list" of thins paladins need, a check to ensure that LoH doesn't go off on a fully healed person would really be nice... At least they finally fixed it so you can't LoH a corpse or a mob anymore.

I actually use a different one for my second hotkey. I have an inc key that I use when pulling to let the group know that I've got a mob coming. I also have an "assist me" key that I use in situations when I want to make sure of when the group/raid starts fighting. I don't use that one often during normal groups (should be obvious enoughwhen they can attack IMO), but on raids, it can be pretty iportant.

I actually find it's pretty handy to have all the time though. How often have you gotten an add, or the current MT died (assuming you are SA), and there's some confusion (especially with pickup groups) over what mob to attack and who should do what. That's when I use the "command voice" of my "assist me" hotkey. While everyone else is running around confused, *I* will pick the mob I think needs to die first, start attacking it and spam that key. That usually does wonders to shock the group into working as a team again. The rest of the melee's start whacking the correct mob (any single mob is the correct mob when confusion sets in). The CCers know what to do and do it. Debuffers know what to do. Everything gets straightend out pretty quick once a single target has been selected, and nothing does that quite like the Tank declaring one very clearly.

Dunno. Works for me. I've salvaged quite a few groups that looked like they were going to wipe simply because I had that key available. Don't use it often, but it's pretty darn effective.

Of course. It's a very simple "Assist me on %t!!!" message (sent to /g, /rs, and /1, but that's cause I primarily use it for raiding and those are the channels we use for that stuff. Doesn't hurt any thing in a group at all).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#45 Apr 05 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
I have two short, succint heal messages

CH on %t, 10 seconds


Quick Heal on %t

I use the quick heal message to let the caster that is getting beat on know I'm watching and trying to keep them alive.

Of course, for Jophiel, there is always

/ooc My blessed Queen Tunare. Please allow %t to feel my healing powers and become <<<COMPLETLY HEALED>>>!!! See them through the rest of their journeys and allow them to swing fast and hard. May their enemies be vanquished with much swiftness

/shout My blessed Queen Tunare. Please allow %t to feel my healing powers and become <<<COMPLETLY HEALED>>>!!! See them through the rest of their journeys and allow them to swing fast and hard. May their enemies be vanquished with much swiftness

/gsay My blessed Queen Tunare. Please allow %t to feel my healing powers and become <<<COMPLETLY HEALED>>>!!! See them through the rest of their journeys and allow them to swing fast and hard. May their enemies be vanquished with much swiftness

/auction My blessed Queen Tunare. Please allow %t to feel my healing powers and become <<<COMPLETLY HEALED>>>!!! See them through the rest of their journeys and allow them to swing fast and hard. May their enemies be vanquished with much swiftness

/cast 5

#46 Apr 05 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Martant wrote:
/auction My blessed Queen Tunare. Please allow %t to feel my healing powers and become <<<COMPLETLY HEALED>>>!!! See them through the rest of their journeys and allow them to swing fast and hard. May their enemies be vanquished with much swiftness

good one :)
#47 Apr 07 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
TheMightyMagnu wrote:
Lol, well, you aren't the one who is gonna die if it doesn't land.

Yes we are. We're next--immdediately after the MA goes down.

Aeydarvon T`Leaves
Level 57 High Elf Cleric
Torv Server
#48 Apr 07 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
OMFG! What did I start here?!


1. Everyone seems to agree that a /g %t message can be helpful and funny if not too verbose and not spammed. My Point.

2. Gbaji! USE FEWER WORDS!! You probably posted some really useful stuff, (Your comments are usually worthwhile), but I can't always book the day off work to read em!

A classic case of calling a spade an earth inverting horticultural smithed implement!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#49 Apr 07 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
gbaji, novelist and long-winded man of wisdom wrote:
Honestly though, I don't bother with a LoH message. I suppose I could (would be easy enough to just use instead of LoH button), but the way I figure it, if it lands ok, I can tell folks I used it *after* the fight.
The only reason that I have a LoH button is because we have multiple paladins in the guild. Therefore, we could get up to 3 pallies in a raid, or 2 in a group sometimes.

What's even more embarassing than burning your LoH because the cleric didn't call their CH is burning your LoH right after the other paladin does on the same target. Smiley: blush

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#50 Apr 07 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
642 posts
gbaji wrote:
What you absolutely *don't* want to do is have just a "casting slow on %t" message (presumably hotkeyed with the cast). All I know is that you tried. If you don't also have a "%t is slowed" message for me, then I'll never know if you slowed it or got resisted. You don't want your groups to be in the habit of assuming your slows landed. If you have that message, you still also need one for when it lands, right? So why bother with the casting message? I know you're the slower, right? You're just wasting a hotkey slot (and potentially causing more confusion in the group).

That was HUGE advice! Thank you. *

I've also started usinga "parital slow" message. Lately I'v been getting a "your spell partially resisted" (can't remember exact verbiage but it scrolls in red across the chat box). Folks ask me "how much" and I have no way of knowing other than "partial" and figure the cleric would like to know there's probably alittle more damage to the tank this time as opposed to a full slow.

NOne the less, thank you, and I'm sure future groups will thank you too! =)

*edited b/c I'm just a freakin' airhead today.

Edited, Thu Apr 7 18:04:54 2005 by joev

Edited, Thu Apr 7 18:05:39 2005 by joev
#51 Apr 08 2005 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I keep the messages short.... the wife on the other hand is one of those long message types (cleric). Of course she counterbalances this fact with 50+ different CH messages so you don't see all of them very often. I've been in groups with here where folks have died because of laughing to hard at a few of them.... others have been so racy that they bring group chat to a halt. Personally I've always liked "Viagra and a complete heal INC for %T..... at least then maybe something will stand up to these mobs". She changes most of them regularly keeping a select few..... shes an artist, go figure.
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