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A %T is <<<<<SLOWED>>>>Follow

#52 Apr 08 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
Hotbuttons? Hell I type them all out by hand.

"Complete heal to %T"

I people do know how to type right? It shouldn't take more than 2 seconds to type a few short words.

Thats funny...

So your in a group fighting a long fight. Your the cleric... your gonna bother to type "Complete Heal to %T" everytime after you cast the spell. Hmm... ok then, have fun with that.

I mean, even if you really really like typing... If its a really hard mob, those 2 seconds could mean the death of your tank.
#53 Apr 08 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
As a cleric, I really like seeing a slowed, or resisted slow message. This might not be as important on gimp mobs in older zones, but when healing a tank in riftseekers, the point at which the mob is slowed, is when I can switch from spam casting fast heals to a chain CH. This is much more mana efficient, but if I start and the mob is not slowed, wre better have a second healer, or we are all dead.

I always have hotkeys for me fast heal, the slightly slower big heal, my Ch and my HoT. Usualy the HoT key is the cue to pull the next mob. The others let the backup healer know whats going on.

I also really like to know that the mob is snared. No, I am not comfortable assuming you snared it. I want to KNOW!

Last, when an add is on me, that mezz hotkey lets me know whther to use DA, or heal myself.

Yes 4 line cutsie hotkeys are annoying. 1 line is the way to go. I don't mind a little extra on the end. Inc <<%t>>, lets kick its butt. Works just as well as just inc %t.
#54 Apr 08 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Farulosonoth wrote:

So your in a group fighting a long fight. Your the cleric... your gonna bother to type "Complete Heal to %T" everytime after you cast the spell. Hmm... ok then, have fun with that.

I mean, even if you really really like typing... If its a really hard mob, those 2 seconds could mean the death of your tank.

Hehe. I'm pretty sure he was joking (pretty sure!)...

And in any case, how is the 2 seconds going to kill the tank? It takes *10* seconds to cast CH, during which you can't move, can't attack, and can't activate any abilities. You *can* type, however...

Not that I don't think a CH hotkey is a good idea, but if you can't type out "CH to %T" in less then 10 seconds, something is seriously wrong.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#55 Apr 08 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
"Not that I don't think a CH hotkey is a good idea, but if you can't type out "CH to %T" in less then 10 seconds, something is seriously wrong."

/em Looks sheepishly around and slowly raises hand high in the air
#56 Apr 08 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
I agree with so many people here. Ive grouped with people who do stuff like

/g THWACK! I just smacked a %t upside the head and now hes following me back to camp! Kill him! ~~TO BATTLE~~ TUNARE WATCH OVER US ALL!!!!!!!!!!

and I seriously want to strangle them.
#57 Apr 08 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
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gbaji wrote:
Farulosonoth wrote:

So your in a group fighting a long fight. Your the cleric... your gonna bother to type "Complete Heal to %T" everytime after you cast the spell. Hmm... ok then, have fun with that.

I mean, even if you really really like typing... If its a really hard mob, those 2 seconds could mean the death of your tank.

Hehe. I'm pretty sure he was joking (pretty sure!)...

And in any case, how is the 2 seconds going to kill the tank? It takes *10* seconds to cast CH, during which you can't move, can't attack, and can't activate any abilities. You *can* type, however...

Not that I don't think a CH hotkey is a good idea, but if you can't type out "CH to %T" in less then 10 seconds, something is seriously wrong.

Not at all. OK, I do have hotkeys set up for all my cleric's heals, but generally only use them as raid macros. But most of the time I *do* type messages out. The other night, I was pulling in PoD with my ranger. I can auto-run backwards to my group and type "%T incoming" at the same time. When my Swarmcaller procs, I bandolier to dual-wielding mode and type "%T slowed". Sometimes, especially on my laptop I'll mistype something. Rarely, I'll accidentally botch the chat and end up turning off autoattack, jumping a few times and running off in a random direction. Smiley: blush

I am playing around with setting up banks of hotkeys, though. My problem always has been hotkey space, since I generally use one set at a time and put most of my spell gems in. Now I'm putting announcement hotkeys in a separate set. The difference is, of course, having to announce when a spell starts (as in heals) as opposed to announcing when it lands. I suppose I should just Alt-# to cast the spells, but I usually confuse it and use Shift instead, and wonder why I'm not casting anything.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#58 Apr 08 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
yeah, it gets pretty ugly when you have a train and people are pressin thier hotbuttons like crazy...


multiply that by 5 hehe
#59 Apr 08 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Debalic wrote:
I suppose I should just Alt-# to cast the spells, but I usually confuse it and use Shift instead, and wonder why I'm not casting anything.

Lol. Alt-# is used to change hotkey banks, not cast spells.

Not that *I* have ever made that mistake. Nope. Not me! Nosiree!

/e looks around innocently whilst randomly activating old /disc commands, yelling that his invis is fading, and calling for the group to evac...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#60 Apr 09 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
As a puller/tank/dps I have 3 hotkeys I use regularly:

/g INC %T
/pet attack

and if I'm using pet pulling I'll swap in a /pet back too. This may seem cheesy, but it saves seconds and a lot of wrist pain (curse my frail joints!). No need to announce I'm assisting as it should be pretty obvious when I run behind the mob and start swinging.

I also on occasion use a /g snaring %T but if I see no druid or ranger I'm gonna assume snaring is needed and throw a darkness out there when the mob's HP drops around 40%~ish. I don't spam the notice either, if it gets resisted I'm gonna keep casting until it sticks or the mob is dead end of story.

As for slowing messages I don't really care either way. I've grouped with people who use long messages and eventually you get to the point where you don't even read it anymore because you already know what it says! If you're the slower, I'm assuming you're slowing, otherwise you might find youself tanking unexpectedly!

I can understand pallies wanting a LoH message, but as an sk I certainly don't need or use an HT message. If I feel the need to use HT (which is very rarely, unless I'm about to die then I throw it out there just to be spiteful HAR HAR) I just use it.

Mezz and charm messages, however, are necessary. Duoing with my sisters chanter using a druid, those /g My pet has realized I'm a fraud! SAVE ME! messages are, well, handy. LOL it takes a few seconds to realize where the damage is coming from when you're sitting there medding and suddenly the chanter gets hit.

All in all, I like to keep my hotbuttons simple. Keys that don't get used very often stay on the actions box and if I need them I'll click them into action from there.
#61 Apr 09 2005 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
I'm assuming you're slowing, otherwise you might find youself tanking unexpectedly!

This is fine if the mobs are not very resistant.

However, if the mobs tend to resist a lot, it REALLY helps the cleric to have a "%t has been slowed" hotkey, so we can switch heals.

Again giving the example of riftseekers Sanctum. Even with a 13k+ buffed tank, CH is basically not an option until the mob is slowed. Once the mob is slowed, you still have to chain cast the CH, but its a lot less mana draining than chain casting Pious Remedy.

But, if I do not know 100% for sure that the mob is slowed, I cannot start CHing.
#62 Apr 10 2005 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
In such a situation then the message is called for, although as a tank I probably won't need it. I don't need a message telling me a mob has been slowed. I can tell when its attack rate has diminished by the change in damage output. If the message helps you pace your strategy thats great.

However, on re-reading your post I am curious how you handle the question of partial slows. Do you ask your slower to notify you if the slow is only partial or do you expect and chain CH on the assumption that the slow isn't 100%?
#63 Apr 10 2005 at 6:18 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
I don't think the riftseeker mobs ever fully slow. Not 100% sure there since I am not the slower. I just know with certain tanks, i can switch to CH as soon as I see the slow message.
#64 Apr 11 2005 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
2. Gbaji! USE FEWER WORDS!! You probably posted some really useful stuff, (Your comments are usually worthwhile), but I can't always book the day off work to read em!

I couldn't disagree more. The post was very usefull to me as a war and easy for any caster to understand what he is talking about. I like knowing what is going on as well. I like to know if the add wasn't mez'd and is attacking a caster in the group. I like knowing that if I don't see that complete heal message come accross when I am at 40% that I need to do the circus option. I don't need to know that the mage is sending in his pet though.
It's a big differance on your MT who ever it is. The more informed he/she is of the situation the better to control it.
Personally I read all the info that comes across my screen minus what I have filtered. Ie pally slashed mob for 47 damage.
Ok I will get of my soap box now.
#65 Apr 11 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
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20,643 posts
feikema wrote:
2. Gbaji! USE FEWER WORDS!! You probably posted some really useful stuff, (Your comments are usually worthwhile), but I can't always book the day off work to read em!

We've been telling him that for several years; he's pretty resistant. And this is nothing; you should check out some of his page-long political posts! Smiley: laugh

Gbaji is not, as el Duderino would put it, into the whole brevity thing.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#66 Apr 11 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I don't think the riftseeker mobs ever fully slow. Not 100% sure there since I am not the slower. I just know with certain tanks, i can switch to CH as soon as I see the slow message.
Most OOW and DON mobs are not 100% slowable. The slower will get "partial", "mostly" etc messages on slows. Usually at the first of a group I'll let the group know how much the mobs are being slowed but after that the rest are usually the same. If the mob is immune I'll let them know. In raids I always let em know how much slows are landed. Raiding is a different strategy than grouping.
#67 Apr 11 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Lognakaiser wrote:
Mezz and charm messages, however, are necessary. Duoing with my sisters chanter using a druid, those /g My pet has realized I'm a fraud! SAVE ME! messages are, well, handy. LOL it takes a few seconds to realize where the damage is coming from when you're sitting there medding and suddenly the chanter gets hit.

This takes a bit of discipline, but this is what I do on raids (and groups where someone's decided to charm something).

If we are sitting around medding or something, I *always* target the charmed pet. That way if/when it breaks, I can immediately stun it and give the caster time to recharm. I've saved a hell of a lot of chanters over the years just by taking that little bit of time to be prepared for the inevitable rather then be surprised by it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#68 Apr 11 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Lol. Alt-# is used to change hotkey banks, not cast spells.

Alt + # does cast spells. Shift + # changes hotkey banks, unless you've remapped it.


Im the opposite on heal messages, I dont announce CH's -- i call late heals, which prompts support classes to pad. Fast heals i call, as i do for HoT's so people can make sure they have buff room before it lands.

Knowing when something is slowed is the most important message.

I hate snare binds -- i like to see a message when %T is Resisting snare, but could care less that someone is snaring it -- thats just something i expect a snare class to do... I dont announce im slashing it, nor do i expect a necro to announce he's dotting it.

I hate the long "roleplayish" key binds. One thing we did on a guild wide scale, was to attach characters to certain things, ie: ## was tash... so for example all people made their keys like:

**** ASSIST ON %T ****
## TASH %T ##
(( DISPELL %T ))
&& MALO %T &&
>> SLOW %T <<

it was really handy because you didnt even have to read the message just the look of it made you know what was landing. This was on PVP tho so mainly it was done so that we could see which people were being debuffed quickly without having to actually read much since in pvp quick assisting and debuffing of multiple targets is key.
#69 Apr 11 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Good use of the characters in messages - we did something similar splitting tank, CC, and debuff duties so it was clear.

As I said, I'm a great fan of "%t is slowed" messages, or "%t resisted slow" as it allows me to guage my aggro. 7 resisted slows means I need to keep piling on aggro, rather than shifting into DPS / taps.

And for the typing out "CH on %t" message... easy enough to do it for CH, I suspect it would be a little more difficult for Pious Light etc.

#70 Apr 11 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Anexkahn wrote:
Lol. Alt-# is used to change hotkey banks, not cast spells.

Alt + # does cast spells. Shift + # changes hotkey banks, unless you've remapped it.

Huh. Weird. I have most certainly never remapped them, and I know for an absolute fact that alt+# changes my hotkey bank number. I switch back and forth all the time.

Is it possible instead that SoE changed the "default" value at some point, so players who started after a certain time have a different keymapping then those of us who've been playing longer.

I'll double check just in case I'm brainfarting, but I'm like 99.999% positive that alt+# swaps hotkey banks for me and always has...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#71 Apr 11 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
You're brainfarting g. I'm playing right now, and...Alt_1 casts. Shift_1 changes my hotkeys.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#72 Nov 25 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Default
Most players are lazy asses and dont even use macros anymore... My main is a 70 sk and almost every group i'm with has no slow message and no heal message... If you really want to be a high end player in those classes you will use hotkeys... Nothing sucks *** more for a tank then wondering when a mob will be slowed or if a Ch was even cast...
#73 Nov 25 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
What is with all the necroposting lately?
#74 Nov 25 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
I have done my group/guild/raid messages both ways, and personally I prefer to use my premade hot keys.I dont find others using them offensive nor do I have trouble with people typing all out long handed. For slow typers Hot Keys are probably best..not every one is a speed typist.
Level 119 Druid

Level 118 Enchanter
#75 Nov 25 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
What is with all the necroposting lately?

For those of you who don't know what that means: It is answering a thread that has peen unposted (dead)for a month or more. Now, that is not to say you can never do that, but please have new insightful information to add. If you do 10 in a row, there is no excuse. You can also start a new thread if you have new information to share.

Please think carefully before necroposting, as it annoys people who will tend to rate you down. It is a poor way to introduce yourself to a forum.

Edited, Fri Nov 25 14:18:10 2005 by Kelti
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