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fare the wellFollow

#1 Apr 23 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Due to the Station Exchange, I am leaving EverQuest, for good. I can not suppot a company that cares so little for the people who pay their paychecks. Even though the Station Exchange may never come to EQ1, the damage is done. I can no longer trust SOE's morals. Any company that would violate their own EULA does not deserve my time nor money.

EverQuest has been a part of my life for over 5 years. Even though I had to leave shortly after Luclin came out because my computer would not support the new graphics, and did not get to come back until recently, I have kept an eye on the message boards. I have watched with interest as the game grew, and waited eagerly until I could afford a computer that would run EQ.

EverQuest was, in my opinion, the best thing that ever happened to video games. It had every element that describes a good game. Excelent game play, involved story line, constant challenge, etc. It is a shame that SOE has discarded its morals in favor of the eaiser, more profitable route.

I hope the Exchange does not ruin the game for the rest of you, though I can not see any good coming from it. To me, it represents a huge break in the trust I have for SOE. Not to mention the huge impact it will have on the in-game economy. I wish you all the best of luck.

Mr. Tie Dye

Edited, Sun Apr 24 02:12:34 2005 by mrtiedye
#2 Apr 24 2005 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default
I quit when the veteren bonus went live. Although I still talk to friends and read this board I dont really follow much else. What happened on the station exchange?
#3 Apr 24 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
197 posts

What happened on the station exchange?

John Smedley Discusses Station Exchange

Exchange FAQ

"one of the worst decisions in the history of the MMORPG industry."

Edited, Sun Apr 24 02:11:47 2005 by mrtiedye
#4 Apr 24 2005 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
I quit when the veteren bonus went live.

I thought it hadn't gone live yet. Did I miss it going live?
#5 Apr 24 2005 at 1:24 AM Rating: Default
Well my mistake maybe. I quit wwhen I logged on and they offered it to me before server selection. Since I never have logged on again I assumed it was live. You know what you get when you *** U ME.
#6 Apr 24 2005 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
You quit because their offering a legal avenue for something that occurs already. We've all used the bazaar as an in game system for generating in game money and equipment. Exchange idea is just an extension of that system into the real world. As for quiting a game over it, who really cares enough about "morals of devs" to quit a game? You play it cause you love it or you don't. If you had such strong feelings for the selling of ingame items for cash, prehaps you should have quit mmo's back in the day when this thing started and never started playing eq. Its gimps like you that make me worried for our species.
#7 Apr 24 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
if you quit a game every time you realized the company was heartless, you'll run out of games pretty damn fast
#8 Apr 24 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
2nd to czae's coment
We live in a capitalistic world. I guess you can find out if Russia makes any MMOGs
#9 Apr 24 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
While it's admirable to boycott a company because of values or actions you don't agree with, Czae is right in that virtual sales are quickly becoming mainstream.

I guess if I learned that SOE was exploiting child workers or illegally and knowingly spewing, unchecked, highly noxious life threatening chemicals into the environment or something I might consider sending my business elsewhere. (they very well may be doing these things but it hasn't made the news eh)

There will obviously be more and more gaming environments where you can legitamately advance by spending RL cash. As long as I can choose whether to participate or not I guess I'll be satisfied.

I'm always sad to see someone leave this game though. Smiley: frown

Good luck to you Mr. Tiedye
#10 Apr 24 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
I am leaving EverQuest, for good.

Famous last words mate. If I had a dollar for everytime i've heard that........
You'll be back, they all come back..mwahahahaha
#11 Apr 24 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
I am never leaving EverQuest. It's a game that my family can play no matter if we are in the same room or across the country. Now maybe latter if things really change and make a huge difference I will but for now I will continue to pay for my four accounts. In fact, I was thinking of starting a fifth account. I never know when the kids will be playing or when they are introducing someone new to the game. I haven't been able to sell in the bazaar for fear of ccutting into their play time.

I am here for the duration.
#12 Apr 24 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
None of this has happened on EQ yet, of course. One thing in the interview that impressed me, was if 30% of your customers want something, giving it to them, on a separate server, where the other 70% are not forced to do it, is a smart business move. Now if they will only support the EULA on the other servers, I would be happier than I have been when my server gets sales whether they want it or not.

I find it a little hard to complain about a company making a profit when that is the purpose of it's being. No profit no game.
Do you get mad at fast food places for giving away free toys with the children's meal? Do you get mad at places that give a 10% discount if you spend over a certain amount?

I also play Anarchy Online (for absolutely free btw) and they put billboards in the game with advertisements. I think that was a pretty clever idea, and since I get to play free and the billboards actually go with the scenery, it doesn's bother me. I seldom complain about free things unless they cost me a lot (because we all know free isn't really).
#13 Apr 24 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
Anyhow...goodbye. Just more stuff for me to loot!
#14 Apr 24 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
Famous last words mate. If I had a dollar for everytime i've heard that........
You'll be back, they all come back..mwahahahaha
I said that about Ultima Online and I'm two years clean, but I did leave and come back about ten times over three years before that. It's not impossible to perma cold turkey.

Edited, Sun Apr 24 15:57:36 2005 by SceltorEltor
#15 Apr 25 2005 at 3:21 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
To those who think I am a 10 year old crybaby who gets upset at every nerf, you are dead wrong. I am most likely old enough to be your dad, but that is beside the point.

As I said in the OP, I have watched EQ grow almost since it first came out. I fell in love with the game very shortly after Kunark was released. I have seen my share of nerfs and other things that made a lot of other people quit. I was not even deterred when I finally came back and found that most of the servers were ghost towns.

But I feel that I must make a stand on this one. This is not a nerf. This is not SOE making the game more difficult to play, or anything like that. This is SOE going against everything they stand for.

I see this as something along the lines of the Pope telling you God does not exist. Or the president of the USA telling you that you should join the confederacy. When one turns away from their own values, there is nothing left but darkness.

And yes, I do realize that SOE is a huge company, and as such has to keep their profits up, despite their moral values. But I do not have to, and will no longer, support them. This is something I feel very strongly about. If you want to flame me for standing up for something I believe in, flame away. As I will no longer be playing EQ anymore, I most likely won't come back here to listen to everyone degrade me for my opinion.


You quit because their offering a legal avenue for something that occurs already.

SOE should go after these people, and put a stop to it. Not make it ok. Again, this is like telling everyone that Crack is now legal, as long as you buy it from the police.


who really cares enough about "morals of devs" to quit a game?

I do


Do you get mad at fast food places for giving away free toys with the children's meal? Do you get mad at places that give a 10% discount if you spend over a certain amount?

Not to be rude, but could you please explain how this relates to anything?

Edited, Mon Apr 25 05:03:21 2005 by mrtiedye
#16 Apr 25 2005 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
It had nothing to do with morals, it was democratic. They had a poll and since enough people wanted it, they decided to add seperate servers for it. The seperation of servers makes it so it has very little to no impact on the people who don't choose to buy items. I really don't see the big deal everyone is making, it's not like they are actually selling items themselves and it might actually help get rid of "ebayers" on your own server.
#17 Apr 25 2005 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
317 posts
[quote=mrtiedye]And yes, I do realize that SOE is a huge company, and as such has to keep their profits up, despite their moral values. But I do not have to, and will no longer, support them. This is something I feel very strongly about.

Smiley: bowdownGood on mrtiedye for sticking to their guns on this one. Personally I do not agree with mrtiedye, however, one must stick up for what they believe. That's the beauty of being human, we are all different with different beliefs.

It is sad to see another one go.Smiley: frown
#18 Apr 25 2005 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Inida wrote:
They had a poll and since enough people wanted it, they decided to add seperate servers for it.

Maybe I misread but I am under the impression that they made the Station Exchange first and then put the poll in. John Smedley's letter states that SE is starting in June. The poll was to determine who wants to be included in something that SOE has already developed. This poll was to start on the Wednesday following the announcement of the development of SE.

To me this does not sound democratic. It sounds like SOE realized that some folks are making money off the sale of ingame items and decided to line their own pockets.

As for myself, I will stay in the game until this atrocity appears on the server I use. At that point I see no reason to play any longer and will take my business elsewhere. If I wanted to compete with my neighbor over who could buy the best items with my hard earned cash, I would do this in RL and not in a game.

Good to see someone standing up for what they believe in. Good luck to you, Mrtydye.
#19 Apr 25 2005 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
It seems they ran polls before the one you are talking about because they mention
We have conducted polls, and the vast majority of players either don't care about it or would like to participate in it.
before they even begin to talk about the in game poll which seems to just be deciding exactly how many servers to add. There is also some more about it at
#20 Apr 25 2005 at 6:26 AM Rating: Excellent
95 posts
The poll was to determine which and how many servers would be converted to exchange enabled, so it accomplishes the same purpose -- if there is little or no demand there will not be many servers, and it will be another "premium service" that never took off like eq legends was in 1. Only the difference in this case, imo, is that there is actually a sizable segment of the mmo community who *wants* this to happen.

Until it comes to EQ1 and is forced on every server, i still dont see this as a good reason to quit over. If anything, i think it might help some of the ebay problem we see today becuause i would suspect that soe might actually start enforcing the eula prohibiting character and plat sales on those servers which are *not* exchange enabled because they arn't getting their rip of the procedes if those transactions had taken place on the exchange enabled servers instead.

#21 Apr 25 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
Clearly this in and of itself is a bad thing. I won't fault SOE for trying to make money, since that is the reason for their existence, however I don't think many posters here will say that the exchange is a good thing that will help the ingame "feel" overall.

However, it may have some positive consequences...

Say they fire up a few Exchange-enabled servers on EQ1 (at this point I am still hoping they wont, but anyway)..

Then say a lot of people who want that type of gameplay will move over there, and the people who don't (i.e. me) will migrate towards the traditional-style servers...

Then, the e-bayers and money-for-plat uber twinks can run around like mad, littering their server's landscape with uber-corpses because they don't know how to play.....and the REST of us... can have a server with more old school players that is free of all that stuff.

Keep in mind, we are already playing on servers where this is happening, not servers where it is legal, but it is certainly happening...

So possibly, if this happens, we actually may end with less uber-bay toons killing their whole groups than we have now.


#22 Apr 25 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
273 posts

/waves goodbye

Edited, Mon Apr 25 09:59:47 2005 by Sargethetachi
#23 Apr 25 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
mrtiedye wrote:
To those who think I am a 10 year old crybaby who gets upset at every nerf, you are dead wrong. I am most likely old enough to be your dad, but that is beside the point.

Probably true, since old farts are the ones who say "It's not the xxx, it's the principle".

If you want to quit a game because of something that doesn't directly affect you or how you play, more power.

So what's next on the menu? WoW?
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#24 Apr 25 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Oh please please please don't quit. I feel so bad for you. NOT!!

Oh get over it. Let's face it people who buy stuff online will always be there. Instead of having to sneak around and do it. Sony is making it into a legit thing, so that peeps don't get screwed. Odds are it won't make a diffrence to you anyway because they will be doing it only on certain servers. Quit if you will, actually you'll probably be doing the peeps a favor, your probably one of those whiners that's always complaing about everything. I also have proof of this, you started this thread, that on it's own is proof enough. As far as people worrying about the in game economy. You shouldn't, everything is relative. If prices rise, so does the value of the stuff you are trying to sell. I've been a vivid player of the bazaar game for as long as it's been around. I do it for pure pleasure just to watch my PP grow. What I learned long ago is keep an eye on the markets if you are the type of person who buys gear instead of camping it. If you are careful enough you can always find items you want at th right price. On the other hand if you are the impatient type and just want to buy stuff right away. Well then congratz, you are the reason why the market prices rise.

#25 Apr 25 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
Hats off to mrtiedie.

At least he has the courage to vote with his feet and not stand by and say well if it dosent affect me "I dont care". I do care, but dont have his courage on the EQ front .. yet.

I quit my EQII subscription within hours of hearing the news, I am waiting to see what happens with EQ and this whole thing before I decide on that.

What really saddens me is the ambivilence and shear meaness of some of the replies in this thread. Two years ago this board would have been up in arms over something like this ... now..sheesh

Ohh and for those of you saying "what poll" I can only think they are referring to the poll they ran summertime last year but I expect those of you that dont give a damn just clicked a random button and moved straight on. Guess most of you dont even get the vote yet, so it probably flew right over your heads anyway.

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#26 Apr 25 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
Not really on topic or is it?

Why does everyone who quits playing EQ feel the need to broadcast it in a public forum?

Maybe I'm mistaken, maybe you all really care about this crap.

So, just in case you do. I wish to inform everyone I'm going to quit playing with myself in the shower on Fridays after eating at Burger King. I'm doing this becuase they have a new sandwitch that I don't like.

I have no problems with people voicing their concerns about game changes. I would love to see the Exchange moved to EQ1. Make it a single server and don't allow transfers out. I would much rather have the idiots in a single place so I can avoid them rather than meet up with them at the wrong time.

Face the facts, you're quitting the game becuase you don't enjoy it anymore. Irrevelant is the fact SoE is bringing some BS to DIFFERENT game.

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