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#27 Jun 07 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
LDoN - the concept was right, a single group alone out on a quest, cut off from outside help. Augs were a nice touch so these balance the lack of originality with the design of dugeons and mobs.

I only started EQ pre-Luclin but PoP almosted killed EQ for me. Travelling across Norrath was a joke (while taken for granted now, it was big thing when the boats were subjected to "pirate attacks"!)

You got the chance to kill Gods in PoP and you'd have thought that the end game, what is more powerful than a god?
Seems there are plenty apparently.
#28 Jun 07 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
Kunark. What's better than the epic?
#29 Jun 07 2005 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
Well also consider at the time "high end" meant high level. Now you can be max level and viewed as extremely casual of a player so the perception has changed. The enjoyable part of the expansion was imo high end. Apparently I am not alone in this belief because where was everyone before luclin came out at the lower levels? They were in kunark, they were in FM, they were in OT, they were in DL. The low end player wouldnt dare set foot into the majority of velious zones. Yeah, a group of level 60s could go many places, but for the majority of players, they werent 60 at the release of velious. People alted constantly because the lower levels were so enjoyable rather than viewed as an obstical as currently the are. These non level 60 people would consider much more than two of the velious zones as "raid" zones.

From your definition of high end being just pure raiders, then you are by all means correct. However at the time velious was released (imo) the game wasnt so much divided into casual/raider as it was low level/high level. Great expansion, just aimed too high for most at the time.

but velious isn't high level.

I was 30 when it came out, and had six zones available to hunt in in velious, easily.

just because people like following the LOIO express doesn't mean it's the only viable path. I had a lot more fun (and leveled a load faster!) in Velious than anyone in OT or DL.

Edited, Tue Jun 7 05:25:14 2005 by czaemon
#30 Jun 07 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
GoD all the way.

Challenging zones, wicked raids, fun quests.

PoP was fun as well, although the backflagging made it an occasional nightmare.
#31 Jun 07 2005 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
Velious and Kunark are very close in my opinion. In the end Velious wins out due to the lore, ring and shawl quests, and overall design of the content. How can you not love killing giants one day and turn around and try to be their best friend the next.

#32 Jun 07 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
I voted for LDoN, although I think that Velious might be better... just haven't seen enough of it yet.

I like some of the content of Luclin, but I hate the story background. EQ should be fantasy, not science fiction. Gor Takus? Plerg Phlarg Fiends? Wtf? Anyone ever wanted aliens in this game? Smiley: motz
#33 Jun 07 2005 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
I voted LoY for the maps.
#34 Jun 07 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
OMENS I love this expansino becuase of the NC and the cute little fat geomancers. LOL They are SOOOO cute.
#35 Jun 07 2005 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
There is 5 reasons I would like an expansion.
1 features
2 content
3 loot
4 advancement for high end
5 immersion

I voted for Scars of Velious since it did all of that for me.

I can't think of any features it added.

The amount of content is great, varied, different sides of warring factions you can help out, and with a theme of ice.

Loot, custom armor graphics. I remember once seeing a wood elf warrior coming up to my camp in eastern wastes with this full suit of shiny plate armor. He looked amazing. Aside from that it had involved quests to get great items.

It had one zone, Sleeper's tomb, that required a key to enter for those high end people which I think should be the same for all expansions. Omens of War does this with the Citadel of Anguish as only "keyed" zone. Level requirements are good idea to prevent low level players from being twinked with no drop gear. Going to the destination to grab the teeth on the ground to be able to port to the zones was a great idea.

The lowest level zone being targetted for level 30 did not bother me since I started on original EQ and was past that level.

Immersion, The size of iceclad ocean and it's boats made me actually think I was on a boat in an ocean. I loved the scripted events and things that happened in Thurgadin. The forest in Wakening lands was actually thick enough for me to believe it was a forest.

Reasons that I couldn't choose other expansions.

Ruins of Kunark - it was second place, everything was great.

Shadows of Luclin - Moon was a nice touch but, the time sink was far too great and outweighed the fun factor.

Planes of Power - Flagging process was too much. PoK ruined the travel aspect of the original game. PoK was all around a bad choice, it has nearly everything you need to tradeskill in one zone or next zone over. Then they even started allowing below level 46 to enter a plane. This hurt the new players more than it helped.

Legacy of Ykesha - Too small for it's worth. Features aren't enough to make it good. Maps only help the inexperienced.

Lost Dungeons of Norrath - Great for grouping quick. Not enough content.

Gates of Discord - The noc, kyv, and ukun procs made those creatures harder than they conned. The flagging process was a nightmare. Minimum level for beginning zones beyond Natimbi was too high to appeal to all players. The new class berserker was not finished or even close to finished when it was released. Same could go for beastlords, but they soloed well when Luclin was released.

Omens Of War - I actually like this expansion but it couldn't be number one. I'd say possible third place.

Dragons of Norrath - Not enough immersion, but I have only killed Emoush in the advancement so far. Great storyline and look. Rewards from missions come at a good pace if you don't try for the best.

I think I covered all of my thoughts.
Fennin Ro (now Cazic Thule)

Qrow Magnon
85 Outrider
Dragonriders of Norrath
Fennin Ro
#36 Jun 07 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
My vote went to velious. It was such a great expansion that you could tell SOE looked into every aspect of it. Back when it first came out, many people were already around level 30 to start playing in those zones. But even the people that weren't level 30 could still level up in Kunark (which is my 2nd favorite) or do the original EQ zones. I loved the fact that there were 3 different factions to face and a HUGE amount of quests came out with it that offered many people gear that was very good for them at the time.

The "ice" graphics of velious were very beautiful no matter where you went, I always saw alot of great graphics in crystal caverns and ToV personally. Just the whole look of the environment made it easy to believe you were on an ice continent and killing giants/dwarfs/dragons. O yea and I can't forget Plane of Growth, that zone for its time had wonderful graphics and you could go there and actually see one of the first actually god zones (tunare) besides going to plane of hate to kill Inny. (omg i loved raiding PoHate and PoFear back in the old school days!)

After the graphics there were the 3 different factions. Each of the factions gave each person that was on that faction alot of great quests for people 30-60. Thurgadin, Skyshrine, and Kael armor were at the time some of the best people around 50's could look forward to (even though kael and SS was more ment for lvl 55-60 raiders of ToV). I still remember my guild calling raids into Kael arena to get thurg armor drops, I remember the 5 guilds competing over which 2 would get to kill in Halls of Testing. And then the ultimate goal of getting keyed up for sleeper's tomb and killing Ntov.

I think the last thing I loved and hated about the velious and the expasions before it was the travel methods. Ya they were a freakin pain in the neck but now a days I've come to really miss running through all the old zones and taking ships across the water to get to other continents. PoK really ruined the druid and wizard porting as ways to make money or just be VERY helpful.

There are alot of feelings about Velious and even Kunark that just can't be explained to people that never did play the game and grow up those expansions, the game back then was very different than the game is now.....VERY different.
#37 Jun 07 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Luclin because of the graphics engine upgrade and finally getting me off Norrath which was getting pretty old.
#38 Jun 07 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
id say they were all good Pre POP (Not including POP made game sucky imo :()
#39 Jun 07 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
and LoY is CHARMing. New players will have the Gloomingdeep charm nowadays.
#40 Jun 07 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
The poll must be bugged. I see all the Velious voters posting but not that many people posting for PoP. Whats up with that? Poll has em tied...
#41 Jun 07 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
I voted fof PoP.While Luclin made traveling for pure melee,a little easier PoP made it way easier.Travelling from Halas to do a CR was a nightmare before PoP.
#42 Jun 07 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Heh.. Luclin because it actually gave alot more lore to the game, AND a whole new area off of Norrath to explore.

My second choice would happen to be PoP, Comeon... It added the PoK... The hub of the universe
#43 Jun 07 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Excellent
I figure GOD was the worst. IF you make it hard to get to a zone, and have little incentive to get there; people just wont go. Simple real estate axiom: location, location, location. Take the Sewers of Nihilia: very hard to get people to come because of several zones to run through, invis needed all the way there, instant death if invis drops, loot in the sewers is very very light. The BOC quest is very long and hard for ppl to get without a strong guild. Compare that with the ease of getting pickup groups to do DON missions. No invis needed there, Crystals come at average 40 a mission (worth 10k pp in bazaar) Loot is guaranteed for everybody with ability to get rare drops also. There are several different missions for ppl to do that are different than the old LDON.
I have completed over 280 LDON's and only have a couple items to show for it. I have done far fewer DON missions and have several nice lvl 70 items now.
Sure GOD has the best for tradeskilling with the ship there, but people just dont hang out there looking for group. Its too hard to get to. Ppl hang out in POK or guildhall or else Lavastorm and WOS. Nobody gets themselves to Barindu and just hangs out looking for a group.
My vote for best expansion was Luclin, not for the zones but for the idea that there should be a nexus that is the center, and a set bazaar for ppl to earn money instead of hundreds of ppl shouting in East Commons and offering bags of stuff for people to look in. That same idea was expanded on with POK and tranquility and has stuck around to today. The old days of having to take long long journeys from qeynos to Unrest or from Erudin to Kaladim were just unbearable. I used to have to make hard decisions to journey places because I knew I had to be somewhere in 2 HOURS!
#44 Jun 07 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for Velious for one reason...

Tower of Frozen Shadows. My favorite dungeon in the game, and one that I would love to see revamped into a 50+ zone.
#45 Jun 07 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
You all are to young to understand what it meant when Kunark came out. Epics, A new race, new zones to explore... By far the greatest expansion. After that, they srated making EQ easier
#46 Jun 07 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
OOW is the best puting in zones with huge lvl ranges and wonderfull new ways of makeing plat i love those augs
#47 Jun 07 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
I voted Kunark...

I had so much damn fun with that expansion...

Especially when you forage some "mantrap bud", put on Dead Can Dance and run through EJ...

*zones back in*

Anywho, GO KUNARK!!!
#48 Jun 07 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
I voted DoN because of that graveyard in PoK now. Oh god, I love it there. No more begging a cleric to come rez you in some far away land that is likely going to get them killed. Most of the time there is a kind cleric in the graveyard ready to rez for a small donation. That I like, ALOT!!
#49 Jun 07 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
I went with LDoN because it had plenty to offer both the casual player and the hard core raiders alike.
#50 Jun 07 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
I would have to go with Kunark. The first expansion, it released alot of content, alot of quests for it's day, and upgrades to the class-specific armor of Solusek Ro (anyone remember Lambent?). Epics were a godsend for their time, and I still wield my duckstick with pride, even destroying a Wand of the Ice Storm in favor of it. LoY was definitely a fun expansion, hands down. You didn't need massive raids to go anywheres, or even a group for that fact. The spell quests were challenging but also rewarding. PoP was too hard for me as a casual player to get through. I only got up to elementals, and then didn't have time to do anymore raiding. Velious was fun, but a pain to travel. Not too much of a pain, it's great being a bard! LDoN was awesome for storylines, it explained the lost lore that many people may not have even known existed in the game! (Yes, there was information of an elven kingdom buried in the sand pre-LDoN). GoD was extremely hard to get through, but I welcomed the challenge. The music in those zones was great too, as well as the scenery. Nothing beats the tranquility of the mountainpass mp3 or Natimbi's mp3. DoN I never bought, quit shortly after it came out. OoW was fun, but lacked the attraction GoD had for me. Enough of my ranting, go Kunark! Best expansion, the iksar mini-epic quests (Demi Lich Skullcap, Greenmist, Skyiron cudgel (I think that's it)) were definitely fun to do. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beat Veeshan's Peak back then :)
#51 Jun 07 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for velious for several reasons. First off, a city of dragons. And I could join them, roam freely amoung they're ranks, even chat it up with they're leader. Being a non raider at the time it took alot of doing to get loved by all of Skyshrine, but it was worth it just to be able to hang out with dragons. And then there was the quests, which were so much fun I've done tons of them that I can't even use the reward for. Like the eyepatch of plunder, sure my warrior's ornate gauntlets have a much better haste, but how cool is it being an ogre that has been officialy accepted as a gnomish ice pirate? Kunark simply lacked the kind and variety of goals, things to look forward to, that Velious gave us. Yeah, the epics, but how many of us without really strong guilds could get those back in the day kunark came out? Well, this post is getting a tad long so I'll just say that I very much enjoyed aspects of every expansion, I've had fun with them all, but Velious will always have a special meaning to me :)
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