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Our first poll!Follow

#52 Jun 07 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
I went with LDoN because it had plenty to offer both the casual player and the hard core raiders alike.

no it didnt.

ldon raids suck ***.
#53 Jun 08 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
Another vote for Kunark. I just loved this expansion and still did up to the moment I quit EQ a couple months ago.

There was simply so much content to explore and a feeling of immersion into something ancient. From the crumbling ruins of the Iksar civilization to an undead dragon lying dormant in the ruins of Sebilis to a cavernous zone full of dragons with whom you could ally yourself, this expansion filled me with the sense that EQ genuinely had a great story to reveal. Years later, the ability to ally yourself with Chardok would further develop my affinty for what this expansion had to offer.

Fast forward to the days of Ldon, GoD, OoW, & DoN where the story to be told is not as important as what new 200-300hp item is to be had. For me, EQ lost its way.
#54 Jun 08 2005 at 1:39 AM Rating: Good
Luclin gets the nod. Beastlords were a great addition. Vah Shir had several progressive quests beginning in their home city. There are MANY quests availible, in addition to a plethora of new zones, including raid content. It brought travel from a nightmare to a workable system. (No one was obligated to pay a porter to save them 45 minutes running. One COULD pay a porter to save them 20) Finally, the bazaar brought a civilized system to player economy. Some of these benefits have gone to pieces in the days since Luclin's release. It's still my favorite.
#55 Jun 08 2005 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
PoP. While I wasn't around yet when this expansion came out, it's still one of my favorite right above Kunark. PoK and the other planes are great zones that I had a lot of fun in before Saern got retired.

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#57 Jun 08 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
I see the usual complaints about GoD; which boils down to: "Bah, it's too hard".

That's a shame, as there is a lot of challenging stuff to do.
Try the Yunjo sash events to get an idea about what I mean.
#58 Jun 08 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
I voted for PoP, very good well thought out HIGH END content...

IT did tend to make leveling a tad too easy, but it is still a fun expansion...

LoY was my second place, great solo areas for a fairly wide coverage of level ranges...added bank slots and maps...

Third place was was a close decision between Kunark and Luclin...but the new models made one of the single best updates in the game...characters came to life with the new models...the old early models were just plain ugly...
#59 Jun 08 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Try the Yunjo sash events to get an idea about what I mean

Hey Goal, do you have to do the previous steps of the BiC in order to start the arena event?
#60 Jun 08 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
248 posts
Great idea for a poll JJ!

My vote has to go to Kunark, and it seems most of the old timers are in agreement with me. I would dearly love to see these zones get a little attention, having the graphics improved and some of the storylines upgraded. At release, and still to date, my favorite expansion. It introduced some of the most entertaining zones and intersting plotlines this game has ever had. Velious was close for me, but that was also where the game designers started to force the players to group or not play. PoP introduced all the higher end content that the game really ever needed, and the associated gear and prestige loot. Lots of fun to be had there still. PoFear and PoHate are still some of the most fun zones to play in. Just generally scary. LDoN had great potential, but died of crap. Another expansion that should have focused more on the solo player. After that, I really had no use for any of the expansions, except maybe for the utility functions LoY had. Cookie cutter gimmicky garbage for the most part, and it all grew tiresome fast.
Kunark for teh win 11!!elevenones.
I would love to see them produce another exoansion like this, actually focusing on ALL levels of play, instead of the 50-70 crowd. Kunark renewed my interest in this game like no other expansion has done, and I have yet to be as impressed with anything else I've seen.

Edited, Wed Jun 8 10:22:19 2005 by Nagafen
#61 Jun 08 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
257 posts
Kunark, Vel were great for gameplay and LoY was great for the extras...but I LOVE LDoN and just wish more peeps would do them. Point systems and the chance for a excellent exp that will last for a set amount of time. Dont have to worry about peeps joining and leaving 10 minutes after they group and it has very good story lines. LDoN is tops in my book. !!!
#62 Jun 08 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I had to go with Velious due to teh drastic improvement in graffics and the fact that is actually gave us something to raid and argue about.
#63 Jun 08 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Hey Goal, do you have to do the previous steps of the BiC in order to start the arena event?

Yeah, I think you need to feed do some prequests in order to get the Yunjo's to talk to you. I didn't do anything myself, just tagged along with someone in my group who had the flags. They can start up the chain for you (we just swapped some containers hence and forth).

Check this link :)

Edited, Wed Jun 8 10:44:48 2005 by Goalkeeper
#64 Jun 08 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Twiz: Come back before you lose your posting skills...

You have just gotten better at double posting! (37)
#65 Jun 08 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
Kunark and velious were the best, for the simple reason IT STAYED ON NORRATH. Luclin, nice graphics, but the moon killed it.

Planes of power- This was stupid In my opinion, i had played EQ from the very begining and rember running from Qeynos to Gfay, and the learning experiance it was. Planes of Power Killed old world zones and made noob freidlyness in travel increadible.

Yekeasha i liked, again it stayed with The "Normal" world of Norrath. The Zones were nice, rather confusing at first but fun.

LDoN - Yet again a good expansion, the third best in my opinion (kunark 1 and velious 2) This expansion Brought hope to the "normal" world known as Norrath.

GoD & OoW - I didnt like these 2 even though they stayed on Norrath... to some degree, the lore was brutal.

DoN - Amazing, brought Great lore, nice dungions, and hope For everquest Yet again.

as for a New Expansion i would like to see? a Desert/egypt style one would be nice. with Magic Carpets, and Different Race of Humans. This would be awsome, Palaces, Pyramids, villages. back like kunark but less forest and more sand :P. Kinda like that new one coming out for EQ2 :P. Well anyways these are just my opinions, flame away, i just think that this game went down hill after PoP, not so much after Luclin, but the moon thing was Stupid In my opinion.

Forgot to mention that The first 3 expansions were great Because they were gear to all levels. well cept Velious it was more like 25+ but same thing. all the other expansions are 46-70 it seems, i mean id love to make a new char and group with people back like in the days of kunark. man i remember back when the Noob ramp (FoB) was always full of people and groups looking for more. or when LoIO was full and was tons of peeps hanging out at the Mill. Those were the days.

Edited, Wed Jun 8 21:09:51 2005 by zatrantiz
#66 Jun 09 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
I voted Ldon.

I started playing in 2003 so much of the history of what brought in what I didn't know. That would make a nice article maybe for some enterpriseing person :-). I had to solo or duo thru those zones.

Tuff call for me really. I like the graphics of the old world and the AI style of the mobs and the largeness of it.

But what got my vote for Ldon was the groups. At first I hated ldon because I couldnt get a group and that was very frustrateing. But some levels later, people started sending me tells for groups and the next thing I knew I was a Ldon'er.

I never appreated the Beastlord class till I got in some Ldon groups. Beastlords were the shiznet there.

The capability of knowing you have a couple of hours and in that time can put together a couple of missions was great. The fairness of the rewards. Points split evenly, and the groups acted differently about splits than most of the other groups I was gettin prior to ldon. Ldon groups generally tried to split everything fairly and the setup allowed that. Conclusion of mission, do split, gate pok or do another mission. Not like a camp where people come and go and its first grab first served on everything but the "roll" loot.

I don't like the cookie cutter feel of the Ldon zones but.. the groups wow.

#67 Jun 09 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
bbot wrote:
I voted for LDoN, although I think that Velious might be better... just haven't seen enough of it yet.

I like some of the content of Luclin, but I hate the story background. EQ should be fantasy, not science fiction. Gor Takus? Plerg Phlarg Fiends? Wtf? Anyone ever wanted aliens in this game?

This was my first post on this thread, and it has been rated down... I thought that's what's it all about, giving one's opinion??? Smiley: disappointed
#68 Jun 09 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
It has to be..
Lots of content. Built back when they cared about adding good content. All expansions since are only about half of what Velious offered. Fun zones for grouping from about lvl 30 and up. Lots of quest and lore.

#69 Jun 09 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
63 posts
Left EQ just before DoN so not sure about that one. Played since 99, and have always felt that Kunark was the best of all the expansions I experienced. Velious was a very...very close second. Luclin and beyond, although I played there, never really caught me up as much as the first two.

Liked LDoN when it first came out but feel it was quickly "nerfed" and soon fell from popularity unless you had a set group that you went through with. If you had said group then was still a fun expansion.

Always been a casual player who never raided so high end PoP and beyond was never really an avenue for me.


#70 Jun 09 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
I joined EQ shortly b4 Luclin came out. Ever since then the expansions have been o.k. until everyone gets interested in them then, the big EQ nerf bat shows up and guts all the items and tradeskills that are produced by the expansion making them boring and useless.
Yes I do realize some of the content in the expansions did not work right from the start or not as the developers intended them to, other than to be sold for $39.95, but for a while they were all fun.
The biggest Nerfing that I really hated was the LDoN epxansion and tradeskills.
#71 Jun 10 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Default
Seriously WTF was wrong with GoD???????? Lucin(and erm omens is catching up fast) might be my favorite of all time....over all...........but I mean shoot GoD was great......added zerkers.......has some of the best raiding ever...and has some damned good quests for great non raid gear.

I know it's not in the poll but I'd say

Lucin(Loved it....loved SSRA VT and lvling)
PoP(....time....nuff said)
GoD(raiding and quests)
are all tied for my favorites
#72 Jun 10 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
Velious by leaps jumps and bounds. Strong in story, content and raid material that lasted gamers far longer then any other expansion. Wosrt imo was luclin ... patch patch patch patch .....
#73 Jun 10 2005 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
Seriously WTF was wrong with GoD????????

You pretty much answered your own question with:

has some of the best raiding ever

GoD has some great raids. The problem is with the single group/casual content. Sure, you can do Tipt runs and stuff like that, but as far as just taking a group somewhere, settleing down and hunting... it just doesn't work out that way much.

and has some damned good quests for great non raid gear.

Huh? Which quests would those be? I wouldn't consider BiC something that's necesarrily doable by non-raiders. I suppose they could do it EVENTUALLY, if they were lucky and felt like spending more time doing it then their 1.0s...

So, this brings up a seperate question: with GoD getting such a crappy reception, and it being great for raiders/not so good for casuals, what is the real ratio of hardcore raiders:casuals? I feel another poll brewing...
#74 Jun 10 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with Jig. What zones did non-raiders really xp/quest in? Natimbi, a bit in Quinimi (sp?) and Riwwi. Thats pretty much it. Any casual group at that time could probably barely do one of two of the sewer trials and certainly not vxed/tipt.

Abysmal I guess is a good zone for TS'ers. Ferubi?? Does/Did anyone go there unless they absolutely had to? Barindu likewise is just a hub zone to get to the trials.

This expansion is just really getting to where casuals can progress through due to the gear/Lvls obtained in OOW/DoN.
#75 Jun 10 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
This game would be nothing without Kunark. Perhaps the vote should onyl be up for those with char born-on dates of 2000 or earlier :)
#76 Jun 10 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
riwwi, natimbi, barindu, qinimi, all four sewer trials were doable by casuals (I tanked them prenerf at 64.)

there was some great for the time gear available there.
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