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#77 Jun 10 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
Had to go with Velious, though I will admit, PoP came in a close second, seeing as I know I spent the majority of my EQ time in both those areas.

Oh, and Kunark, oddly enough, I never saw that as an expansion, always just felt it molded right into the original so well, that is was part of it.
#78 Jun 10 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Seriously WTF was wrong with GoD????????

Two things.
1) As noted, it was mostly raid guild level content. At the time of release, there was not much a person who was not in a raid guild could do outside a few zones.

2) GoD was the biggest Quality Assurance disaster in the game. Things were not well tested out to check how they would work. The whole High DPS, low HP mob idea was great on paper, but lousy in practice. All the good planning in the world would be for naught due to an unlucky damage spike on the tank. While this was adjusted later, the bad taste left in the mouth of many players made people reluctant to go here.
On top of this, the directx 9.0 upgrade happened at the same time. The result was people would get frustrated with GoD over things that were really the fault of the grpahics engine that was being retuned. SoE could have timed things better.
Finally, the zerker class. At time of release, this class was crap. It took a couple months of serious returning and adjusting the class to even make it signifiacntly viable. Even after that, the class doesn't really bring anything new to game. Its largely just another melee DPS class, and we already have those. No signifact new tactics/uses came about with the class as happened with the BL.
#79 Jun 10 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
1) As noted, it was mostly raid guild level content. At the time of release, there was not much a person who was not in a raid guild could do outside a few zones.

riwwi, qinimi, 4 sewers, natimbi, barindu. thats close to the number of zones *total* in loy =p
#80 Jun 10 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent

Added a lot content without loss of emersion, added a unique feel with Iksar kos and actually having to work for faction. Also added a lot of lore which further enhanced the emersiveness.

Velious same, also added some ingame events which was great, and some really great

Of course all the expansions had their strong points, but for the most part it went downhill from here.

Luclin added H2H so I (as a monk) REALLY did apreciate it for that; however it ruined the game for me because of the bazaar... bazaar ruined the economy, also the moon?!?! Come on, thats it a just a little for a -fantasy- game. And beastlord could have been done better than a half-whit shaman hybrid they threw together.

Planes further ruined the game with PoK... my fondest memories were of runs from Qeynos to Freeport, getting to kunark zones or through Kithicor at night or even boat rides. Sure you had ports before, but the books ruined the entire emersiveness of the game, which for me is everything.

Legacy of Ykesha started out great with the event, but fell short on content, only reason i got it was for the bank and dye. I'm indifferent on maps... they should have been just general maps not the cartography system.

Lost Dungeons of Norrath was what restored my faith in EQ, and was over all a great expansion, other than the foul up job on trapped chests.

GoD... God where to start here. Aside from the Berserker being a neat -concept- nothing really good came with GoD.

I quit shortly before OoW so i can't really comment on it.

And I can't really comment on Dragons of Norrath either.
#81 Jun 10 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
I don't really understand what's so great about Velious.

So far, I'm seeing a *highly* devoted fan base towards it, but, having read each post in this poll, I still haven't really garnered whats so great about it.

Ok, what did it offer? Mid-level zones. Whats so great about that? I mean, sure, I'm mid level, but they did the same thing (and more of it) in Kunark. Kunark, I understand. Velious, uh uh.

There ARE some cool zones here, I'll admit. I enjoy ToFS the other night when I went there, and the faction thing sounds like a cool concept. Otherwise? Not much diversity. The lore associated with it is also pretty cool. I'm also sure that once I ditch this level I'll be able to see some other cool things that I haven't yet.

But honestly. I mean, all it seemed to be was a generic 'zone' expansion. Nothing new was really introduced, aside from the zones, that I'm aware of. Kunark had the zones, cool new race, and new raid opportunities. And the feel? Please. A similar feel goes along with the Everfrost zone in the original game. Wakening Lands, another cool zone, is the only exception I've seen.

Personally, with my current experience (which means no OoW, PoP, or GoD) I'd have to say Velious is the second-worst expansion next to Ykesha. Ykesha should have just been a 5 dollar download if you ask me.

Please keep in mind that this is a post-PoP player without the vast knowledge of a high end gamer. Feel free to alert me of anything else Velious has that makes is SO worthwile.
#82 Jun 11 2005 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent

Great zones...amazing EXP and loot, great raiding.....what more could you ask for???

I can't believe DoN has so many votes...

Edited, Sat Jun 11 02:04:42 2005 by elorianBLAH
#83 Jun 11 2005 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
I don't understand why PoP got more votes than Kunark? PoP ruined the aspect of world travel, giving you easy access to ANYWHERE in the bloody solar system. Remember back when you actually had to JOURNEY and EXPLORE? Gone, all gone. Thank you, PoP!

Luclin? Luclin was a boiling pot of good and bad ideas. Adding a new class was a bold move by Verant, but worked out very well. There was unlimited quests for players of all levels and the rewards were great. Now onto the bad.....512MB of RAM?? Omg, this was uber when Luclin released =( When Luclin came out I was using an old Hewlett Packard (before I discovered the art of building your own PC) that wielded a PII 533mghz processor, with a 4mb on board graphics chipset and 256 ram (upgraded from 64.) The lag was horrendous, and this machine was about your average PC at the time. (remember looking at the new 1000+mghz processors in awe) PLUS the fact that there was absolutely NO unique looking armors on the new players models practically killed them for me. 3rd place, Bazaar and Beastlords, what more can I say?

Velious? Terrific, terrific expansion. Would be absolutely perfect if it had some low level content (casual players had a hard time reaching 35+ back before Sony cranked EQ into easy mode.) All the content, the beautiful graphics and variety in factions made this expansion truly unique. Great experience, and great loot for the bold and daring. And OMG, stop murdering the snow bunnies! 2nd, VERY VERY VERY close to 1st but Kunark wins out by sheer amount of content it added to the game.

Kunark? Took the cake, in my mind. This expansion had EVERYTHING. Great unbeatable content for EVERY level and EVERY type of player, casual and hardcore alike. Epics? Omg, l33t. A new race which was *supposed* to have it's own type of armor, and opened up the monk class to players who hated humans. Back in the day, when people roleplayed their classes in this mmoROLEPLAYINGg, it was equally fun to roleplay an iksar and add extra s's to your text as it was to dumb everything up in ogre talk. Before PoP, the newbie areas were so great and untouched by the sssoftskinss, you could go 1-60 without ever leaving your wonderful little continent. And people wasted weeks camping the undead jester for it's so extremely rare club; everytime I saw one I just drooled, not because it was an uber item but because it was so frakking rare it was like seeing a newbie paladin that didn't beg for gold coins. 1st place, in my mind's eye.

LDoN? Great idea, terrific exp which took you away from the normal hotspots which were always overcamped. The loot was unheard of, actually looting equipment which was good for that level? Unbelievable. Allows you to customize your dungean spelunking to do what your group wants to do. Want to kill a boss mob for the pride of knowing you can do it, plus the phat lewtz? Go ahead. Want to kill kill kill and loot everything along the way, hoping to stock up on useless dusts or fangs? Shoot. Want slaughter a certain amount of enemies for the prize of a handful of adventure points? Who am I do stop you? Want to rescue a helpless maiden from the grips of a...oh, wait a minute....SORRY, it's BUGGED. Restart and hope for a collection or slaughter adv. Only thing I didn't like about LDoN was the fact that you can't go in without a certain amount of friends. If I want to solo, I want to solo damn it! Takes 4th place.

LoY? Wait a minute, this was an expansion? I thought it was a PATCH. It's a great expansion, decent content (wtf is with this charm slot? even after several years there are very few good items to put here that most casual players can get their grubby little paws on) and a new race is always nice. Maps/DYES (omg, no more tinted fine plate for me!)/and mid-level spell quests (although all to few) are all tasty fluff, but in the end, it's just that. Fluff.

And PoP....the expansion that makes me cry because it ruined the game yet I CAN'T STOP USING IT. Planar progression is not my idea of fun, and is suited only for those who are hardcore guild raiders or luck of the draw pick up raids. PoP wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for PoK, the most controversial part of the expansion, and arguably the game. These days it's almost impossible to play EQ without going to PoK for a C3 or conv. Want to plunder into the depts of Lower Guk or Befallen <cough> but you're on the other side of the world? Don't worry, poor n00blette, you don't have to actually have fun adventuring out into the world and finding your way off of Odus, or across the great plains of karana. Simply look at that stone statue book and poof, you're in another plane of existance where every race that is currently warring with each other is magically at peace, sipping tea and discussing the weather. Now, simply journey across this haven of love and MGB's, and you can land anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye without having to learn anything or actually experience the game.

All the other expansions? Eh, who cares. Nothing new, just more zones, more mobs/raid bosses, more uber loot to buy and sell in the bazaar, and general fluff all around. Kunark and Velious are by far, the best expansions in the game, and which one is actually better can be debated for the rest of my miserable life ;)

And with one more expansion guaranteed for EQ, I can't see how they could mess it up any more than PoP did. Hopefully, they'll add some decent mid-level content, or something revolutionary like LDoN, but in all likelyhood, it'll be another faceless expansion like GoD or OOW. <crosses fingers> This next expansion will probably make or break the game, if it bombs the game will die faster than it should. Hopefully, it'll add some extra kick to a game that in all fareness, should have been buried years ago but our loyal fanbase kept alive.
#84 Jun 11 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent Poll maybe you should send this off to Sony and let them see what the populas says about all there new rushed expansions . And maybe they will decide to think one competely through this time. As your poll shows, that the majority like all the old worlds better than the new ones. People are already soloing the old world Zone bosses with these new expansions and outragous gear it will eventually come down to most of the old world zones being solo'd.
#85 Jun 28 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
My favoite was Kunark. I have many reason why I enjoyed this expansion other the others. IMO after Velious expansion I notice I lot of casual players had to play catch up. The other expansion seemd to appeal to higher end guilds that were the only ones able to access the content and that left us casual players feeling left out of the loop. With Kunark you could be in a decent guild and still accomplish the task. Kunark and Velious had the best story lines and you can tell they dev put more time into these wonderful expansion.

Lamadan Lvl 66
Drinal/Tarrew Marr
#86 Sep 01 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
LOY all the way for me,love the zones,mobs & exp overall more then any b4 or since. :-)
Munchkin of Test,
No boxing/illegal plat/cheating since 2000 & Proud of it.
#87 Sep 01 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
Man, I can't believe this thing was bumped again. Anyway, my premium has run out so the poll is broken now. Sorry all.
#88 Sep 01 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
I love luclin, maybe because it was new when i started and i played a vah shir, but you could play the whole game in luclin from 1-65. It has a lot of neat quests like the hollowshade war, grimling forest event. The introduction of AAs which made toons more individual by being diverse. with vex thal it is kind of the begining of there being 'raiders'. the raid loot is sweet with all kinds of neat effects on them and not just another item with even more hp/mana slapped onto it.

now the gap between raiders has grows and grows, an uber player can go toe to toe with a mob that can wipe a small raid of casuals.
#89 Sep 01 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
Like the eyepatch of plunder, sure my warrior's ornate gauntlets have a much better haste, but how cool is it being an ogre that has been officialy accepted as a gnomish ice pirate?

haha, that says it all, back then you would do something just for the fun of it, now it feels like forced labor sometimes.
#90 Sep 03 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Kunark or Velious... well thought out big, lots of lore and explanations for why things were what they are.

After Velious EQ went kinda Sci-Fi with trips to the moon, alternate planes of reality etc.
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