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Allakhazam Poll: Trouble in the Original PlanesFollow

#27 Jun 21 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Fear break-ins were always the biggest pain in the ***.

Though I remember for a long time my guild had a running thread on the message baord "Love to hate Hate" since we farmed it continuously and yes, we all hated it!
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#28 Jun 21 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Hate was just... boring. My guild at the time was very, very conservative about raiding Hate, though; in order to minimize mishaps we stayed in the portal room for HOURS while the pull team brought us things to kill. Then we'd race to Maestro's, etc.

When I did it later for an epic drop for someone's twink, we moved the whole time. That was much, much better.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#29 Jun 21 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
New hate is actually a pretty nice single group XP zone. Lots of nameds, pretty easy to single or double pull at worst. Pretty good XP in the upper 50s. The mobs really don't hit all that terribly hard. Now that you can just camp out for 6 hours and repop in your home city zoning out is no longer an issue.

Edited, Tue Jun 21 13:20:58 2005 by xythex
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#30 Jun 21 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
I took the question to mean "Back in the Day" not the current experience of the zones. I voted for sky. since when has a Hate or Fear raid ever lasted more than one day? Even PoGrowth was only about an eight to ten hour raid. But sky, you could be there for days and trying to keep it all straight with who was keyd for what level was a major major pain. Old Fear breakins were never a problem for me. I always volunteer to solo enter first because I dont want anybody else to mess the raid up. I use same tactic as other ppl, circle the zone in two or three times then head off to keep all the mobs chasing me while the rest of the raid enters, forms up, and tags my train one mob at a time. Some ppl tell me they get dizzy just watching me but its old hat for me.
Now, having said that, Ireblind 1.0 was more than a pain he was unsurmountable even to GM's with insta-death spell. His original code had him spawn more of his underlings every time a person died in that zone, no matter where in the zone, and no matter the method of dying in that zone. Since he was originally spawned random my guild popped him right at the zone in just after we started clearing mobs after the break. He immediately proceded to rack up more and more underlings in addition to passing aggro to every single stinking mob zone wide. We wiped with 25 ppl at first, then came back with 72 ppl and wiped again. What this did was cause the 100 extra underling mobs in addition to every mob originally in the zone to MAINTAIN aggro even after a complete wipe.
When we finally got a GM to come and help us clear mobs they all, 200 or so, swarmed him also. He had the instant click kill thing and they still killed him. This added another 35-45 Ireblind underlings as the ppl who were battle-rezzed got killed again, but he killed a bunch of mobs so we had probably less that 200 still to deal with. On our second attempt, with the GM clicking instant kill as fast as he could, and the clerics doing chain heals on him as fast as they could we finally got the zone wiped 100% clean and had the clerics rezzing ppl and the wizards TL'ing them out of there as soon as they looted corpses. Many Many ppl had several exp loss deaths because the whole CR took about eight hours. At least nobody had any gear loss deaths.
We avoided Fear like the Plague after that for a long while. It was never "Fear, nah lets do something else", it was always "Fear, He77 No, yer on crak, count me out"
#31 Jun 21 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I'll grant you, PoSky got much easier when they let you keep your keys, but I don't still see what all the angst is about. Maybe we just never took more than 24 people, dunno!
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#32 Jun 21 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Fear is no big thing these days, Technically none of them are since guild lobby, but for those with no cash, Sky remains the worste. Yes Ireblind was GoD with Berserker, but the points are still valid. I had a guild spend a Week (yes one full week of nightly raiding) to get through Sky, and all we could do was log in an alt and wait for the rest of the guild to show up to log in our mains... Then you add in the fact that the keys did not stay with you when you fell off the island, and even harder, if your raid wiped you had to either spend a ton of cash on coffins or figure out how to rekey to get up to the island you just wiped on. That was nightmarish, I have done the fear train with my cleric, allowing the raid to prep up and pick off the mobs one or two at a time from my train until the break in was complete! Think about that... a Cleric... Even DA is only 18 seconds and if you have both up that is only 36 seconds to clear off the train! no that is the cleric running around cause his life depends on it... DA was used at the end for the last couple of mobs... Simple mathmatics, add up how much it cost in coffins (and possibly hiring a Necro) along with the cost of stones, and compare to sending in a break in team without cost to get to the darn zone... XP is an even break when you look at it.
#33 Jun 21 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
I voted for PoFear Break ins, but would have chosen PoFear CRs after failed break ins if the choice was there.
#34 Jun 21 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The One and Only larsusn wrote:
Fear is only a problem if people sit around waiting at the top of the hill at zone in if everyone runs West immediately on Zone-in, you almost never have over 5 or 6 mobs - or if you can take it run everyone to the NW corner of zone picking up about 15 adds and then safe for pulls without adds.

It wasn't about people standing around though. The problem was that the lag on zoning due to the size (it's an outdoor zone with a good view from where you port in) and unique models in the zone at the time (and the fact that it was pushing the display capabilities of many systems) meant that most people were "stuck" for a good 30-45 seconds after zoning in, simply unable to move. You'd see them standing there, they were attackable and they'd certainly agro stuff, but they were still at the loading screen.

This wasn't as much of a problem as time went on, so Fear got easier. People still wiped, but honestly while the break was always the most *exciting* thing, once it was over, it was a pretty boring and simple clear from there on.

Sky just sucks because you can't get up there without a wizard to my knowledge.

If you can't get a wizard to port you to sky, you probably had no business going there back then. Today? Maybe. Back when those were the only planes? You were asking for disaster. How many guilds capable of raiding Sky back then didn't have a wizard?

Oh. Samira. Absolutely agree with you on PoH. My exact impression as well. Boring! We did the same thing the first half dozen times. Sit in that damn room for 3 hours while the pull team cleared the roamers and then statics on the first floor. Then run to Maestro's building and pull to the left room. Then pull maestro and hand if they were up. Then go upstairs and sit at that first corner while pull team pulled the second floor roamers and statics. Then move to that wall (no clue which side it's on), and pull the rest. Then move to whatever nameds were up and kill...

Yeah. Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. Don't really miss the old plane at all.

Still not sure I agree on Sky though. It wasn't just about taking 24 or more people (we only did that a few times for example, and it truely was a nightmare!). Due to buggy pathing and corpses falling through islands, we *always* came up a few keys short. Especially on Az isle. You'd come in with 24, have no problems getting all the keys for them off the first island. Then you'd clear the Az's, the static Az, the boss Az, and come up 4 keys short. It was not uncommon for us to end up with only 18 or 20 keys from that island.

Spiroc could really really suck if you didn't know how to kill and in what order. Just fighting wrong could cause huge problems. And that's maybe one of the reasons I think Sky is so much worse. You could make simple mistakes that didn't just wipe you (or wipe you at all), but could ***** up your whole reason for being there. A great example is Spiroc island. If you came there to farm wingblades for example (obviously this is later for epics, but not that much later), you absolutely had to avoid killing the guardian. So you had to be *very* careful when clearing the trash spirocs, or you'd agro him, and your raid would be forced to camp to clear agro (and hope you could get your people back on without re-agroing him). Simply having your group a tiny bit too far to one side could make this really really hard.

Dunno. I voted based on the pure pain of the planes. Sure Fear breaks sucked when they went wrong, but there really wasn't anything intellectual about them. There was no real thinking involved. Simple rules and tactics would allow a successful fear break. Once in fear (and hate) there really wasn't any penalty to your hunting based on what you did. You could kill mobs in any order. You didn't have to worry about making sure to kill them in the right order, and at the right pace, and plan for X mob spawning at such and such time and if you did it wrong, the day and a half you'd spent on the raid would be for nothing. That was painful IMO.

Did you ever raid Sky before they added the ability to transfer group leadership? That one change made a world of difference in terms of planning the keying stuff. All it took for someone to be out of the raid permanently was for the wrong person to click to the next island prematurely. Adding people to a raid in progress was virtually impossible due to the inability to get them into a group. Wizards took a huge hit because they often had to eat deaths to be able to port people back up while leaving a corpse for rezzing them back to the correct island (couldn't just drop off because your keys would poof). The worse that happened in a fear raid was that you died, and had to clear tons of tough mobs to CR. There were some strategies in PoSky that you literally had to think 3 or 4 islands ahead of time and do the correct things in order to use them (like some of the old bind sight tricks to add people to a raid in progress).

Heh. Then part of my particular hatred for sky stems from the fact that I never lead a fear raid. But over time, just due to osmosis from doing so many sky raids, I ended up being one of the senior folks leading our sky raids. It was pure brain pain to manage. Again. I can't compare to leading a fear raid, but I personally think it was much more taxing. You either succeeded at the fear break or not. If you succeeded, the rest of the raid was cake. A Sky raid could easily go 2 or 3 days, and you had to constantly be thinking about exactly how to handle every single mob, it's drops, who should loot based on what groups people were in and who could be easily shuffled around for coffining, etc. And that was before having to consider what order to kill mobs in just in terms of clearing the island successfully. There's simply nothing nearly that complex about clearing hate or fear IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#35 Jun 22 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
I miss old planes raids =). The worse one was definitally Pofear break in for sure though. Another memory that was evil was having to key your raid in posky every single time ya raided there, I found that to be very evil.
#36 Jun 22 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Looks like most folks are voting in this poll as to the "old days". Today however, the main thing that irks me is not being able to duo/trio an epic 1.0 that concerns a DT mob. Smiley: bah
#37 Jun 22 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
101 posts
Still wish PoP never came out and the planes were to be released at 2 or at a time, 1 evil and 1good, making them hardcore raid zones how the planes should be.
the story could even be the same, lorewise
#38 Jun 22 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
fear breakin sucked, hate wall aggro was awful, but there was nothing that could ruin your day more than hitting an island
#39 Jun 22 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Yeah, I never did that. Maybe that's why it doesn't seem like such a nightmare to me. /shrug
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#40 Jun 22 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
czaemon the Mundane wrote:
fear breakin sucked, hate wall aggro was awful, but there was nothing that could ruin your day more than hitting an island

Yeah. That could suck. Fortunately, I never did that either. After awhile, you just learn the safe spots to jump from and make sure everyone uses them.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#41 Jun 22 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I do remember nervously peering over the side, looking for a safe spot - and falling. Fortunately it was a safe spot.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#42 Jun 22 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
czaemon the Mundane wrote:
but there was nothing that could ruin your day more than hitting an island

Pfft, that wasn't a problem. You just had to make sure you weren't the first one over the edge and that you jumped off the exact same spot as someone else that had made it (at least that's how I always did it).
#43 Jun 22 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
What about the fact that you can get to any plane besides Plane of Sky without a wizzy, however ya gotta pay a wizzy to port ya to plane of sky still
Also if ya all do know an alternate way please do tell
#44 Jun 22 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
I took a raid of 36 people to island seven of sky once I consider that to be toughest raid ive ever lead.

Fear break was a very tough thing when averagre raid level was below 55 but I would rather lead ten fear breaks then one sky clearing.
#45 Jun 23 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
Plane of Fear break all the way.
Back in the day; Kunark expansion was still new. EVERYONE's job was to live long enough to train stuff around so that at least one cleric could get camped out at north wall. Total wipe with one cleric camped? No worries, this raid will be a total success! =P
#46 Jun 23 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
ACK I was the 666 person to vote, and I voted PoFear Break in..... I think I am going to go hide in my closet now :(
#47 Jun 24 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
Actually, Fear can be broken by one character now. 65th Necromancer can do it, and a 70th one can do it even easier.
#48 Jun 24 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
SilisHeartfang wrote:
Actually, Fear can be broken by one character now. 65th Necromancer can do it, and a 70th one can do it even easier.

In theory, any character with decent resists and the ability to clear agro can break Fear. The mobs aren't really that tough individually. It's only when they swarm that it's a problem (which typically happens on "break" due to mob pathing near the portal, and social agro ranges in the zone). I'm pretty sure that if I could figure out a way to get my paladin to a zonewall somewhere and shed agro, I could solo break the zone as well. Anyone can. The mobs just aren't that tough...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#49 Jun 24 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
actually i can break fear in with just my bard nowadays took me about a week of biting my nails and learning what to charm what to dot down when swarm kiting but after a while i would just go to fear about hour before i knew of any planned raids and clear it for them. just takes forever and alot of running around in circles worst part about breaking in is if ireblind imp is up or the golems dt you although golems havent been up much on our server seem to be camped pretty well.. have a higher lvl bard (only 66 here) go in before the raid and preferrable one that is comfortable soloing and just dot every mob down hard to charm kite in there cause some mobs seem to proc type of shadowstep and that just about aggros whole zone lol.... happy hunting..
#50 Jun 27 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I guess - due to the number of times we wiped, we got pretty good at fear. That was really a challenge, I voted for the PoSky island jumping - that was a pain, no matter how many times you did that zone, you couldn't get past that part - couldn't get any better at it - it just sucked. Well - ok, so you knew exactly what to do, and when, but die, summon, rez - what a time sink :(

We got fear down fairly well.. Run west, like said above - Kamakazie run - go west. Camp a cleric or two, necros FD, and you could usually res up ok.

Think the biggest problem with fear was, too many actually expected to live through breaking in. I guess that was the "overcoming the fear" part of dying? lol

Dunno, we always managed to break in fine, if people listened - ran west, cleric or 5 camped, and everyone else, just tried to keep the cleric's clear. As long as a monk, SK, or Necro could FD and let everyone else know when it was clear, it was pretty doable.

But yea, the 2nd worst corpse run ever for me was in Fear. I guess I shone that day tho - used DA, ran in, and managed to channel a rez on one of the dead clerics before I died - it managed to get us back in there.

The worst corpse run I ever had --- blackburrow, 3 days after starting EQ, lol - man, that was a nightmare - so many trains.... and I was in so deep.

Edited, Mon Jun 27 11:21:04 2005 by Kaeaelin
#51 Jun 27 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Heh. That reminds me. Believe it or not, the worse CR I've ever done was not in PoF. It was certainly not in any PoP zone (no CRs ever really needed there). It was not PoH. It was not PoSky. It wasn't in any of the traditionally "difficult" zones like Mistmoore, CT, Guk, SolA/B, Dalnir, Kaesora, the Hole, etc. It certainly wasn't in any of the newer instanced zones, nor in any of the last 4 expansions (all really with zones designed to be relatively easy to recover in).

The hardest/longest CR I've ever been on was in Befallen when I was like 16th level (a looooooooooong time ago). Seems silly, but it was. It literally took me a couple days to gather people to come and rescue the group that had gotten ourselves stuck waaaay down on the third floor. That was actually the only time I've ever been worried about actually losing my corpse. Back then, that was actually a pretty darn tough dungeon to get through, especially if you couldn't get anyone higher level to help out (and back then anyone over 20 was "high level").

Just that the last post reminded me of that. I'd almost forgotten about the illfated befallen expedition from so many years ago...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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