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#1 Jun 29 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
I have conflicting advise.

Some say it is faster to get AAs at level 61, and some say at lev 66 and some say it doesn't matter, it depends on who you're fighting.

SO>... which is it?

#2 Jun 29 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
The amount of EXP it takes to get a single AA remains the same whether you are 70 or 54. That being said the thing that does change is the amount of EXP you get from mobs(the higher lvl mobs will give you more EXP per kill). Personally I'd wait till you're 70 to really start grinding AAs get the basics early(grind out a few at 65).

Typically I would say it is easier to grind AAs at lvl 70 than it is to grind them at 61.
#3 Jun 29 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
elorianBLAH wrote:
The amount of EXP it takes to get a single AA remains the same whether you are 70 or 54. That being said the thing that does change is the amount of EXP you get from mobs(the higher lvl mobs will give you more EXP per kill). Personally I'd wait till you're 70 to really start grinding AAs get the basics early(grind out a few at 65).

Typically I would say it is easier to grind AAs at lvl 70 than it is to grind them at 61.

It also depends on your class, your play style, and some details of level based AAs you really want to get "now". There are literally some AAs that are huge, but only in a set of level ranges. There are also level ranges where you may gain AAs slower (especially when soloing) by gaining a level or two. If some really nice AA grind spot turns lt blue for you by leveling, and you can't find an equivalent spot with mobs just a level or two higher, you may very well lose AA grind rate by leveling.

Nothing's absolutely set in stone. In general though, assuming you mix up soloing and grouping, you'll be able to gain AAs faster the higher level you are. Um... But you'll also likely want to have more AAs the higher level you are. While the "wait till 70 then grind AAs" concept works great if you're a caster, that strategy wont work at all if you are a tank, and gets less workable if you are main healer, main CCer, etc... People kinda expect you to have a certain ability at various levels. A level 60 tank with no AAs *might* be able to get away with it (if he's got good gear). A level 70 tank with no AAs? You're asking for trouble. You might be able to get away with that if you only hunt with guildmembers who know this character is a work in progress, but for anyeone else, this wont work.

Remember that the entire post 60 game is designed around the assumption that AAs exist and will be used to add to the power of the characters. The farther you get post 60, the more noticable it'll be if you don't stop periodically to get AAs.
King Nobby wrote:
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#4 Jun 29 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Remember that the entire post 60 game is designed around the assumption that AAs exist and will be used to add to the power of the characters. The farther you get post 60, the more noticable it'll be if you don't stop periodically to get AAs.

Very intelligent observation. A level 70 Warrior, ignoring gear, will get destroyed in Wall of Slaughter if she has 0 AAs.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#5 Jun 29 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
Basics would include def discs and HP AAs for tanks and I'd probably also grind to get bow AAs for a ranger and then maybe grind some with headshot(I think). As for casters lvls always>AAs
#6 Jun 29 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
As for casters lvls always>AAs

I disagree with this. IMO you need a fair amount of AA's and not just rush to 70. While each class will vary.

I've seen the difference between a 63 tank w/ 0 aa's and a 62 tank with all their defense aa's. The 63 couldn't handle near as much as the other. LVLS > AA is false but so is AA > LVLS. You need a balance between the two. AA's will make a difference no matter which class you are, as long as you choose your aa's wisely.

I play a chanter and this is one caster class that needs the aa's. I stopped at 62 and 65 to get some aa's. These have literally saved my life and my groups or raids from a complete wipe countless times.

IMO study into it, ask other higher level players of your class what their opinion is. Get feedback and decide which is best for you at that point in time.
#7 Jun 29 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Elorian plays a wizard as his main. For a wizard, there's actually a reasonable argument that levels>AAs. Since *all* a wizard contributes is dps (ok, not all, but all that really makes a huge difference), and dps increases as you level (cause nuke spells get more efficient in terms of damage/cost), it's a probably the best case for making that statement.

I'm still not sure I agree with it totally though. Especially as you get into the 66-70 range, the number of AA points you could get instead of leveling starts to get extreme. The difference in dps by just going from level 67 to level 68 for example may very well not equal the difference in dps gained via the same amount of AAs you could have gotten otherwise.

In any case, it's a much closer argument for wizards then any other class though. After all, odds are you group wont wipe because the wizard does 30% less damage over time with his nukes. Wheras that same percentage difference in healing or tanking ability will definately make a huge survivability difference.
King Nobby wrote:
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#8 Jun 30 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
1 cent simplicity

You are the high level (example, helping guildies and getting bilge for normal experience); work on your AA's

You are the lowbie (example, the level 60 getting dragged through a Lv 70 DoN mission for mob balance); work on experience

You have become better at jumping! (3)

#9 Jun 30 2005 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
You are correct gbaji meh baby is a wizzy and as far as wizzies go spells(AKA levels)> it get tricky at the higher lvls(65-70) but I'd still stand by it(I'm not including focii or the 65 line of ancient spells....).

I also(though I can't swear by it) think that a necro, mage, druid, cleric, shaman, bard, and chanter(maybe on this guy) would be better off with lvl 70 spells than he would with AAs.....though there are some "basic"(erm needed....godlike....etc....) AAs that one would have to get first I grant that.....

So I guess what I am saying is this.....look at your AAs and then look at what you get with each level.....then think that getting an AA is a whole lot easier than getting a lvl(especially 65-70....) this I mean if you have an amazing XP group go full normal XP....AAs are EZPZ to get....good normal XP isn't =p................

Blah I digress......If you have a needed AA and I mean needed(I don't mean you need that extra % chance to crit......I mean you need that whatever def AA or FM or what not........) then get it.....then lvl and get the amazing...but not life saving AAs.

#10 Jun 30 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
I would say have some fun with it.

I leveled to 52 and did 3 AA to have run3. (Plus we were hanging around 52 to still be able to do Vox/Naggy)

I leveled to 55 and did 3 more to complete my Basics.

I am now working on getting to 60 with those before I grind out any more.

#11 Jun 30 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
I plan on stopping at 62 (after I can cast Virt) to gring out a few AA's. I want to get my healing mastery AA's, and spell casting mastery. Plus MGB, and m/b even Mnenomic Retention.
#12 Jun 30 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
I got my bst to 61 and people said work to get paragon of spirit and its like 15 aa to get so im working on aa for a while.
#13 Jun 30 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
1,504 posts
Martant wrote:
I plan on stopping at 62 (after I can cast Virt) to gring out a few AA's. I want to get my healing mastery AA's, and spell casting mastery. Plus MGB, and m/b even Mnenomic Retention.

IM not sure how I lived with out Mnenomic Retention before I had it. I LOVE having the extra spell gem.
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#14 Jul 01 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a level 58 mage now, and I waited till 56. Then I got my 9th spell slot and now I'm going to wait till around 60-62 to grind out some more. But, I might come to regret something, as this is my first toon.
#15 Jul 01 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
There are also level ranges where you may gain AAs slower (especially when soloing) by gaining a level or two.

I think this is key when making a decision on leveling or getting AAs. If you pretty much exclusively group, leveling first is often the best choice, but if you end up soloing alot, sometimes it makes sense to stop and work some AAs every now and again.

Some of the folks in my guild keep bugging me with the whole "Just get to 62nd and you can get a ton of AAs in BoT". Other than the weekends I'm often only around after 2am PST and getting groups anywhere isn't easy and I won't be able to solo BoT , so, for me, it makes sense to work some AAs awhile until I can solo some other hunting areas to grind AAs solo at 62nd.

At 60th, there are alot of options for me to get some pretty decent AA exp solo and even more options if I can get a group of one or two going.

I also think a case could be made for working some AAs just so that you can level up faster.

#16 Jul 01 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
And an additional point of value to those who aren't in large guilds, with a somewhat guaranteed group option anytime they log on, is that AAs allow you to compete for group slots better.

Let's face it. If you have a choice between two characters of the same class and level, but one has zero AAs and the other has 50 or 100, or 200, which one will you prefer for your group? Sure. Instead of grinding out 20AA points at level 58, you could have leveled to 62 say (just making up numbers). But your level 58 character is not competing for groups with level 62 characters. He's competing with other level 58s. You'll find yourself having a much easier time getting groups, and find you're able to contribute more to those groups by stopping to get the AAs then just leveling up.

The reverse applies as well. If you choose to just level straight up while ignoring AAs, your level 62 character with zero AAs will be competing with other level 62s. Those who took the time to grind out some AAs along the way will be more desired for group slots. This gets more noticable the higher level you get. If my MO is to stop every 3 levels and grind out 12 AAs (again, just making up numbers here). I'll be level 65 with 70AA points. That'll give me a hell of an edge in terms of grouping versus other level 65s with no AA points. And as I pointed out earlier, for some classes this can be the make or break issue. You may not care if your level 65 druid has 70AAs or not. But you *will* care if your tank does. Or your cleric. Or your chanter perhaps...

Again. Obviously, if you have the support from guild/friends to just level a character without needing to worry about AA points, then that's going to be the fastest overall way to do it. But most players actually want to do something with their characters along the way. And if you do, then you'll find your character is a lot more powerful and a lot more "fun" during all the levels between 51 and 70 if you stop periodically to get some AA points.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#17 Jul 05 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
My monk (who I am playing mostly right now) is lvl 55, and I have decided to wait until around lvl60 to start AAs. I have a SK friend who is doing that now and recommends this course. There are many AAs I would like to have right now, but since the lvl requirement for many of them bounce from 55 to 60 and so on, I feel like I could just get a bunch at once (and a lot faster) at lvl60. Then at lvl60 I'll probably go half and half on xp.
#18 Jul 05 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
sjames wrote:
Then at lvl60 I'll probably go half and half on xp.

Just a point of caution. Your post was great right up until that last sentence. Don't *ever* split exp between levels/AAs. Always set it either 100% AA, or 100% leveling. Doing it any other way will just make it take longer for you to get anything.

Remember. EQ is a level based game. So someone 10% of the way through a level is *exactly* as powerful as someone 90% of the way through. Same deal with AA points. They have no "value" until you get 100% of a point done.

By splitting exp between levels and AAs, you put yourself in a position where you'll be 80% of the way through a level, but several AA points behind someone who just put it all on AA, or all on leveling. Sure. Every once in awhile, you'll hit that "perfect" spot where you ding/ping close together and catch up, but the entire rest of the time you'll be a level or a number of AA points behind someone who put all points into one or the other.

I can show you the match involved if you don't believe me.
King Nobby wrote:
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#19 Jul 05 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
208 posts
Where would a good place be to grind out aa's at level 60 for a pally?
Thanks in advanced,
60 Paladin
#20 Jul 05 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
At level 60, your choices are PoI, or higher level hotspot zones. And it's going to be slow. I suggest getting to 62, or 61 at least as 60->61 is fast. After you get a few defensive AAs at 62, you can start tanking PoV. Or, just grind to 65 and tank PoV.
#21 Jul 05 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
I wouldn't say don't split it.....I did 90/10 grinding from 65 to 70 and got a few AAs out of it while lvling at a very quick speed.

#22 Jul 05 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Dartanicus wrote:
Where would a good place be to grind out aa's at level 60 for a pally?

Honestly, anyplace that's a good place for grouping works just fine. PoV caves should be doable at your level. PoH is excellent exp at that level, but can be a pain to get a group there. PoI is kinda slow unless you get into the factory. PoN is as well, unless you do hedges/dock area (I always thought the dock was pretty good right about there IIRC). PoJ basement would work well with a group I'd think.

Other decent areas for grouping are Gulf of Gunthak and Crypt of Nadox in LoY. Veksar is always good for paladins, but is another area that can be tough getting a group to (although the loot/cash potential is pretty good as well, so who knows?). Velks might work as well (don't remember to be honest), as is Grieg's End.

I'd generally go with PoP zones as your best and first bet. Usually easier to get groups there, and the exp modifiers are good. Mobs just hit faster/harder then some other spots though. Alternatively, you could work on DoN stuff. The missions scale to the group level, so should be doable. It's just tough to find folks that level that have done the progression far enough to get the missions.
King Nobby wrote:
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#23 Jul 05 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
I am in the school or either 100% lvl, or 100% AA. Efficiency speaking, you get more tools/levels quicker, which makes you get exp faster.

Mentiality (sp?) speaking, you know you've got stuff done and can move on to the next project, instead of half done on this and half done on that.
#24 Jul 05 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
That's another reason I did 90/10 just b/c you'd get a few AAs per lvl and that sort of makes it easier to do I also do 90aa/10 normal EXP normally...well untill I was a good couple yellows into 70...Just to negate raid deaths exp loss.
#25 Jul 05 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
elorianBLAH wrote:
That's another reason I did 90/10 just b/c you'd get a few AAs per lvl and that sort of makes it easier to do

I still don't agree with this approach though. Here's the reason why:

let's say for the sake of argument that a 90/10 split between leveling and AAs, will net you 2 AA points in the course of gaining one level (so a level accounts for approximately 18AA points worth of exp).

The timeline of AA/level gain will then work like this. First we assume a value X that is the total exp required to gain one level and two AA points. Then we split X up into parts to see where we get new AAs/levels. At .5X, you'll gain your first AA point. At 1x, you'll gain the second AA point and the level. Pretty simple, right?

However, had you put 100% into AAs first, you could have gotten those 2 AA points after having spent only 1/9X (about 11% of the whole). You'd then get to use those two AA points, for the remainder of the total amount of experience. This is clearly "better" in every way. You don't get your first AA point until halfway through the whole process versus getting both quite a bit sooner. Since there is *zero* benefit to having a partial AA or a partial level, you will *always* be better off going 100% one or the other. No exceptions.

I also do 90aa/10 normal EXP normally...well untill I was a good couple yellows into 70...Just to negate raid deaths exp loss.

This is reasonable, but also mostly unecessary. And potentially counterproductive IMO. Why not just turn on 100% exp until you have a sufficient amount of buffer, then turn 100% to AA? Assuming it's only a temporary measure, and in this case your goal is to get to a specific point within a level, there's very little reason to do it the way you state. You can mathmatically argue that you'll gain AA points faster this way while working up your buffer (and you'd be right). However, that slightly faster advancement comes at the expense of having that buffer earlier.

The buffer is an all or nothing kind of thing, right? You either have enough, or you don't. If you die while slowly building that buffer at 10% rate, you'll have effectively wasted that time. You may as well have just decided not to bother with the buffer and ground out AAs at 100% rate. Another way to look at it is that you simply move the "bar" that determines where a level starts and ends at the buffer point instead of the ding point. So gaining one level means gaining exp from the buffer point of the last level, to the buffer point of the new one. The total time taken is identical. But this way, you can ensure that you wont lose a level from dying (except for the short period of time you build the buffer), and you can then focus 100% on AAs when you aren't leveling.

This one is admittedly a matter of choice. I just tend to grind 100% exp until I ding and build a buffer. I don't consider myself "done" grinding for level until I've built that buffer. When I do AAs, I turn on 100% AA exp. If I've died a few times, and my buffer is getting small, I'll turn on 100% leveling exp until I'm happy with the buffer again, then switch back to 100% AAs. In my opinion, this is just easier to manage. I always know exactly what I'm working on. I have a set goal at all times. When I reach that set goal, then I make a choice as to the next goal.

That's just the way I do it, and it seems to work pretty well. YMMV.
King Nobby wrote:
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#26 Jul 05 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
The way I've approached it is to switch back and forth 100% between regular exp and AA exp, as the specific AAs became essential.

There are certain AAs that are like spells and disciplines, that when you hit a particular level you really need to have them for your class to function properly.

An easy and obvious one is Endless Quiver for rangers, every ranger in his/her right mind will want to get EQ the minute they hit the level to use it.

Another like this is Innate Camouflage, this is such an important ability, no ranger or druid in their right mind would delay in getting it.

For a raiding spell caster, MGB is another essential ability, at least for the main buffing classes, Cleric, Shaman, Enchanter, arguably Druid too.

Talking to my warrior friends they too seem to have several AAs that they simply must have in order to do their job well and they too have stopped levelling to ensure that they get those specific AAs as soon as they can use them.

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