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Allakhazam Poll: My group just wiped out..Follow

#1 Jul 01 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
1,088 posts
My group just wiped out..
..and I am likely the cause:103 (7.6%)
..thanks to one of Sony's "features" which are "working as intended":155 (11.4%)
..and I don't care, I'm enjoying myself:310 (22.7%)
..Heal?! Mez?! Taunt?!:269 (19.7%)
..I need to get away from the blithering fools which make up my group:437 (32.1%)
..Huh? What kind of a poll is this?:89 (6.5%)

(Note: You must be a registered user to vote in a poll.)
#2 Jul 01 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
I enjoy the game, a wipe doesn't matter much ))
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#3 Jul 01 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Wipe, I don't understand, never happened, if it did it was a bug, sure wasn't my fault or the other blithering idiots, er I mean the blithering idiots.

I did die tonight to the zoning bug, the one where the mobs can continue to whack on you after you click the exit/zone/stone whatever. I'm sure it's working as intended.
#4 Jul 01 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
225 posts
Just did Vxed tonight in a feeble attempt to get my 3rd piece of staff for the enc epic 1.5. Once we figured out where to go, we started clearing stuff, and I knew right then, we dont have enough DPS.

They told me to pull...

/g INC <<<( a cragbeast )>>> GET READY!!!

turns out there was another one pathing behind us.


btw, Thanks Sony....Seven months, and countless SP's and no bliss.

Edited, Sat Jul 2 00:07:11 2005 by ghengisjon
#5 Jul 01 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
..Heal?! Mez?! Taunt?!
Do people really think that warriors, paladins or SKs forget that they're supposed to get agro? It's usually the only reason we get a group. If you get agro, it's your fault...
#6 Jul 01 2005 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
lol It was my fault...i was exp'ing in PC on my alt and i was the puller....pulled a Leeroy Jenkins and pulled the whole camp
#7 Jul 02 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Default
31 posts
personally. when we get a new tank style app in my guild, i get them into rifts or mpg and see how well they can hold aggro vs me (im a 70 enc) and if they can. thats an automatic yes vote from me. i can get ALOT of aggro very fast. and i also have the hp to back it up if needed. /shrug

personally i find it amusing.

but im also very cautious when i get into a pickup group. i never know how good the tank is. ive found pallies that just dont wanna stun. and warriors who jusst dont wanna taunt.
#8 Jul 02 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Default
what did I do? hit the power button the pc and walked away in disgust
#9 Jul 02 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Good
and warriors who jusst dont wanna taunt.
They don't exist, well, unless you don't have a rezzer and you're on a suicidal mission. Much of our agro comes from our weapons. Agro is a tricky thing for a warrior, if our DPS is too low, then we can't keep it for our life. If we have no procs, then it's difficult to keep agro around people who have similar equipment and we get yelled at. It usually takes some experiementing and way too many LDoNs to get a good combination.
#10 Jul 02 2005 at 1:20 AM Rating: Default
Hmmm a chanter finding it amusing that he/she can out agro a warrior. Grats on THAT discovery!! You must be SO proud. There really should be a mandatory EQ IQ exam.
#11 Jul 02 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
Being a necromancer, I am usually not part of the wipe-out. I've aquired quite an eye when it comes to predicting a wipe, so I just FD right there and wait for everyone to die. Then I rez the cleric and the cleric rezzes the others. While everyone is recovering, I pump every whisp of mana I have into the people who will need to re-do the buffs. It's a necromancer's job to bring things back from the dead.
#12 Jul 02 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
my group just wiped except for me cuz i FD =D got to love SK's
#13 Jul 02 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Well... in most cases our group has set up ready to pull the big mob and another group comes up has one of there members train mobs on us, and while were fighting or after the mobs kill us then take the big mob we took so long to get to and set
up for. :(

I hate Jerks :(
dont they know he will respawn then they can take a turn at killing it? wasn't anybody taught manners or sharing?
Is this what Generation X means?
I hope the next generation is better. :)And for all those out there that ask if something is camped and wait your turn I thank you :)
#14 Jul 02 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
I'd have to say the worst wipe I ever experienced was in plane of time. Not only did the group wipe, but the entire raid wiped and we all knew it would happen. On one of the upper tiers when each section is pulled one at a time and (by our method) AOE'd with stuns/AOE nukes to clear - the puller decided to pull all 4 simultaneously. I've never seen a raid drop so fast in all my years of playing this felt like he pulled the entire plane of fear minus the golems directly to us.

As a chanter, yes you can easily pull aggro from tanks but you should be careful enough never to...even if you have enough hit points to survive. If your used to tashing/slowing at 99% mob health and you always get aggro, your doing your job wrong as an enchanter. You should find the happy median between you being able to slow quickly and the tank being able to keep aggro, usually around the 96% mark, varying depending on if your tank is a warr, pally, or SK.

Just my opinion as a part qvic/txevu/tacvi geared chanter.
#15 Jul 02 2005 at 8:15 AM Rating: Default
Its everyones job to ensure the tank maintains aggro. If you take aggro its YOUR fault NOT the tanks.
#16 Jul 02 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I play a 65 pali and a 65 chanter, and i can say pulling agro is not always the fault of the person not tanking. I spent several painful groups in BoT with my chanter tanking for a 63 warrior who could not keep agro period, even waiting til the mob was at 55% for slow would still get agro. the speed of the group turned into how long my mana would last with me casting rune on my self. on the other hand, i often group with an sk with who i can cast tash the moment he engages the mob. A tanks ability to maintain agro depends on both the skill of the tank and the actions of the rest of the group, most of it depends onthe skill of hte tank and his/her equipment. In my experiance as a chanter, warrior are just the most inefectual class at maintaining agro regardless of skill. Sk are the best, followed closely by pali for getting and maintaining agro. give a war a pair of fast weapons with frequent procs and a couple of hate augs and they can hold agro about as easily as a pali. If you lose agro frequently you might want to have a look at what you using and doing, remember, even a war has better tools than taunt for agro, use them and stop blaming the casters.
#17 Jul 02 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
TRAINS! I wipe more often to mobs being trained onto my group than any other circumstance. Why isn't that in the poll!? People even go out of their way to find us in our one way-hole in the wall, then FD.

After that, it's usually newbish errors from groupmates who do not ask for help while being their first time in the zone. Then after we all die then they tell us it's their first time in the zone.
Fennin Ro (now Cazic Thule)

Qrow Magnon
85 Outrider
Dragonriders of Norrath
Fennin Ro
#18 Jul 02 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Are they ever going to fix that Bazu warping bug in WoS?
#19 Jul 02 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
If I get in a new group with someone that is contantly pulling agro from me I figure they want to main tank, so I let them. After they die a time or 2 they usually stop it. I use everything I have to keep agro, if a caster is constantly pulling agro from me it's their fault not mine, once or twice should be enough for them to figure out what they are doing wrong. I group with a necro that knows a particular spell is likely to pull agro, so when he casts it he does it right in front of me so I don't have to run half way across the zone to get agro back--that alone helps to reduce his agro stealing.

On the slowing agro, if you wait till the mob is angry or furios to cast slow the warrior should have enough agro built up to not lose it.

Our "taunt" is only successful about 50% of the time (probably less), the anger line (Incite and Bazu Bellow) of our disc is 100% successful but has a refresh time of 30 seconds, you pull agro just as we hit Incite and the mob is half way across the zone from us when we hit it, you'll likely be tanking for 30 seconds.......
#20 Jul 02 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
By: voll
11 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]
Its everyones job to ensure the tank maintains aggro. If you take aggro its YOUR fault NOT the tanks.

Anyone that has been playing this game for more than two weeks "Prozac" free of course, has learned the general idea of managing agro.
If you find yourself taking agro from the main tank, adjust.

If your the main tank and you find yourself losing agro, switch weapons, equip shield and bash, kick, burn AA's, do what it takes.

If you the "uber"<stupid word> chanter that has the hp to tank, why bother getting a tank, just get a couple necros and a cleric, have the necros mana feed ya, while you tank.(sarcasm off). Or better yet! Get a clue and learn how to play that EBAY toon you just bought.

I three box most xp I get. My warrior seldom loses agro to my chanter or cleric. NO "I do not just take on barely db mobs!" Mobs I take on are often barely db to my cleric and chanter, on the side of some being white con to them. <cleric and chanter lvl 63>. Rule of Thumb Tash at 94%, slow when mob hits 89%, chanter keeps self rune up just in case. Adjust accordingly.

I have found a way of teaching people to manage agro. Join one of my groups, while I am boxing, I let ya know, cleric heals MA, steal agro and die once or twice, and most stop attempting to take agro.

Its obvious when the SK/Paladin/Ranger are sitting there chain mashing their taunt button. My warrior may hit taunt two at most three times in a fight after utilizing his disc taunt. Take agro after that and you survive as long as you can keep yourself healthy.

Sound harsh? How harsh is burning your hand on a stove? Bet ya only do that once.

Everyone's job is agro management, not just the MA/SA/TA go on an upper level raid and steal agro. Any self respecting guild will warn ya once, maybe twice. If they are real softies, they will have a wizard TL you out. Hopefully not, they should just boot ya and then let you find your own way home. Gate naked and summon corpse to guild lobby. Ya have to learn the basics sooner or later.
#21 Jul 02 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I was group healer with my Sham for the first time. only lv 9 but I already hate mana drain from stupid rng and chn. the Ranger who was lv 7-8 was doing everything he could to die so we let him and he did, and he did, and he did, and he did..........
he started to complian that no one in the group knew how to play and that was when our SK who had to have a 70 some where in the barn said "hmm" and booted the guy. I would love to see SOE delete your toon and take your stuff if you die like 6 times in group in the same session say up to level 20.
#22 Jul 02 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
most annoying thing i can think of is bugs. Especially the wos bazu bug. When ever it reaches 15% if it aint on a rock it goes to spawn point it doesnt come back but 3 or so more mobs do. This especially sucks on named, since u can never kill them.
#23 Jul 02 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
403 posts
voll wrote:
Its everyones job to ensure the tank maintains aggro. If you take aggro its YOUR fault NOT the tanks.

You obviously have never played with crappy tanks....or you are a crappy tank that looses aggro if anybody does anything to a mob before it's below 50% health.

A good tank (primarily sk and pally) will have aggro established and firmly locked down before the mob is below 95%. When my wife is playing her chanter and I'm playing my sk, she will tash/slow/cripple a mob on incomming....and we still haven't had a mob even make a move towards her. Even if we get adds and she mezzes then tashes/slows/cripples a mob the only time she gets aggro is if she goes next to the mob and sits down (on purpose...just to get her pet attacking for added damage output).
#24 Jul 02 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
Option 6: the mob kept gating until we all died...
#25 Jul 02 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
Was in RSS with a group on my Warrior pulling the stairs camp when i pulled a charmer, Mob comes in charms me sends me after the cleric, the chanter, and the rest of the group i ended up slaughtering my whole group before getting pulled back to the mob's bind point it then proceeded to despell me, break it's charm, and then chase me down beating the hell out of me
#26 Jul 02 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
I love it when a mob gates and brings back 7 others. Good times...
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