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Allakhazam Poll: My group just wiped out..Follow

#52 Jul 04 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default

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The main problem with slowing for a group that has a warrior for a MT is the fact that you never know if taunt succeded or failed.


Does everyone play pacman while on lunch break?

Try reading a website before teaching us how to lower our IQ.

Taunt brings, on success, top of the aggro list. Taunt 20 times and you are at the top of the aggro list. 1 or 20 makes no difference.


As far as aggro generation goes, ya you need to let the tank get smacked around before engaging. A War can take alot more damage than any other class, so let him use that ability and gain lots of aggro.

Shadownights do gain aggro better than any other and maintain it better, usually. Here is the secret, CASTERS get MUCHO POWER FAST and MELEE get ZIPPO POWER until very high in AA/level. The only way for a melee to get decent is to get super great gear. Gear is the hardest thing for anyone to get in Everquest. Spells are the easiest thing to get. SK PALLY get power(spells) easily, WAR get power(gear) almost never.
#53 Jul 04 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Someone Didn't Click Their Fricking Mask!!!!!!
#54 Jul 04 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I had to go with the heal, mez, taunt! Most of the times i'm playing its with my wife and some RL friends. Me and wife each two box so theres 4 toons, then a friend of ours and his wife fills out the group. Anyways, I'm almost always the puller and tank, and wizard. Wife does the enchanter and cleric. She has a very bad habit... i've died more times from this.. she has to look down at her keyboard to type. And when we fighting a named and my hps are falling fast, shes busy chatting away and not looking at the screen, ugh. Talking about some yelling across the room! rofl. I can laugh now but on bad nights when she does it several times over i'm a nervous wreck. Now when i get in regular groups anytime my health gets below 20% i'm really starting to sweat. I"ve tried switching , she take the wizard and i take the cleric, that 600hp hot the clerics have almost always keeps me above 90% health. Why do clerics like to let the tanks join the purple club (thats you laying down just as the CH hits)?
#55 Jul 04 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
Assuming it was a guild group, it is "I don't care, I am enjoying myself."

Our guild groups tend to do stupid things just because they seem amusing at the time.

We have no skilled pullers. The very idea is foriegn to us. If you didn't bring back at least 5, you weren't trying hard enough.

On the plus side, my cleric and my enchanter are REALLY good at pulling things out of the crapper in regular, non guild groups, now.
#56 Jul 04 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
We were raiding Chailak in RSS. The fight was going well and his HP was gradually getting lower... after a long while hes almost dead. Then someone runs by us -- with a little train that he and his group made. They jumped our tank and then eventually the raid just crashed. We weren't ready for that because we were fighting in an area that wasn't suppose to get us adds. When the last person died, he said Chailak was at 0%... he only needed to take a scratch and he would have been dead. The guy who trained us died anyway. He could have died alone at his camp, but he had to take a whole raid down with him.
#57 Jul 04 2005 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
I take my sit button out when raiding and I can assure you I was not sitting.

I started attacking with my rogue when engage was called. However how long would you have me wait after engage is called to start attacking?

At least we aggree on 1 :P
#58 Jul 04 2005 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
I started attacking with my rogue when engage was called. However how long would you have me wait after engage is called to start attacking?
Common sense. Don't use any thing that you wouldn't use in a regular group with out expecting agro.
I take my sit button out when raiding and I can assure you I was not sitting.
lost interest...
#59 Jul 04 2005 at 11:25 PM Rating: Default
I love your last statement Nanelwen. If you're going to trash people on grammar, please double check your own grammar.

Edited, Tue Jul 5 00:32:15 2005 by nohart
#60 Jul 04 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
Lorkil what guild are you in?
#61 Jul 05 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
You forgot to add "Pulling when casters and healers are LOM/OOM" ;)

I have a 61 cleric, and you have no idea how many times I've had people pull after I've said I'm LoM, then wonder why the group just wiped. I admit, I have a pretty slow mana regen rate, but even at 30-40% mana I'm perfectly fine with the pull and any adds we get.

This past weekend I was in CoDecay, and this mage just got on my last nerve. He continualy pulled when I was at 10%m, and not just single pulls, he usually brought back 2+ mobs. Had no idea how to play his class, but kept telling everyone else how to play theirs. I've gotten to 61 without having a problem, I think I would know my class quite well by now! Anyway, group wiped at least 3 times, and he died at least 6 because he buggered up somewhere.

Also, I agree with the people who said it was everyone's job to help the main tank keep aggro. I know whenever I get aggro, or one of the casters in group do, I cast root on the mob, and any other adds so the enc has a chance to mez them. Has saved quite a few lives, always have that and Divine Barrier loaded (has saved my **** numerous times ;)

Edited, Tue Jul 5 03:47:33 2005 by Nalf
#62 Jul 05 2005 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
My Monk Syssta has wiped a group a couple of Times. Feign fails Mass of mobs aggro them Feign works and Group dies..

Very Rare occurance normally if Feign fails I run away from group.

Most Common Wipe is when I pull and someone edges too far forward or tags before I call it. Then I just do my best and feign if tanks Die.

#63 Jul 05 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
When I get killed in a group it is always because of two reasons:

1) The Cleric is waiting until the last possible second to to a CH in order to conserve mana, instrad of healing when they are suppose to.

2) My group gets Trained by some other idiot/group. This has happened SO MANY times to me in PoI that I refuse to go there unless I'm grouping with peeps that I've played with before and who all know to keep a look out for this crap.

I need to join a guild. Pick-up groups are faster to form up (sad as that is) but the reliability and professionalism is much better with a guild (in theory).

BTW......dieing is part of the game. I don't get mad when I die, but I do get stressed out when I die for nothing.
#64 Jul 05 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
When our group gets wiped, it's probably because of one of the following four reasons:

a) the necro gets aggro and starts running in circles
b) the cleric gets aggro and starts running in circles
c) the beastlord (me) assists the warrior, and the warrior switches targets
d) too many adds to handle

and finally

e) it's all my fault
#65 Jul 05 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Who is your EBAY agent? You need to try on a new game.
Warriors can Aggro an army and take no damage while you try to mez 10 or 20. I know you would rather tuck your head between your legs, but not everyone understands fast/furious. Necros make better CC than chanters imo, usually chanters have no guts.

Master Of Puppets(WaRRi0R)[/quote]

OMG grow up and learn the limits of your WaRRiOR, you are making a fool out of yourself. Sure with ae taunt, you can ATTEMPT to agro an army, but the taunt range is small and even if it was large its still TAUNT, Taunt alone will not prevent the mobs that are not engaged from swarming the cleric after CH is cast. Maybe you have the mitigation and gear to tank an entire ARMY with just hots for heals, but I doubt it. your comments tell me 2 things, you have yet to figure out how to play your chosen class well(this includes learning its limitations) and you have no idea what the limits of other classes are. Dru and rng can do excellent CC, provided there isnt to big a train, but nothing is better than a chanter for CC, in guild groups, the tank will often pull trains when grouped with me purposely so I can line them up all slowed and ready to be pick off one at a time. Sometimes we will take 2 or 3 groups to old seb, we set up a chat chat chanel so we can get group exp and I will CC for every one as the puller pulls as many jugs as he can, this is an excellent way to farm spells there and very fun.
BTW, if you want to try fast and furiuos exp, get a nice exp group together in BoT or WoS, let the pali tank ( they have crappy dps anyway) and put the WaRRiOR behind the mob so it wont parry/riposte/dodge/etc and watch your dps go way up. OMG I think i just uttered a herresy, but I have MTed WoS with my pali and a shammy MH with mostly gear I made myself.
#66 Jul 05 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
As a Chanter, I am always part of a wipe. But the other day I was in a grp and the message came up in grp... <<<Target>>> has been mezzed. So as smart as this BST was decided to take it upon herself to beat down the mob that was mezzed.....Result total wipe in this order....Cleric..Chanter...BST....Mage....War. It's really simple it you read the little note that the chanter/anyone is puttin up in grp you will know that HEY this is mezzed DON'T HIT IT.
#67 Jul 05 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Unfortunately the common practice is for people to bolt. No matter whose fault, MY FEELING is you should stick around to make sure everyone gets their bod/stuff back. With the new summoners in the Guild Lobby, people are now more inclined to just say 'to heck with these people' and bug out without a word. This is really deplorable behavior. If you can hang around for a split, you can hang around for a CR.

You may think they are blithering fools, but you should at least make an effort to help the group get back to square one.
#68 Jul 05 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
I am usually the puller as bard, so if the group wipes, it's most like I have a bad pull :p
#69 Jul 05 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
This thread has become a free-for-all, so..

Its everyones job to ensure the tank maintains aggro. If you take aggro its YOUR fault NOT the tanks.

How many times do we need to tell people this? I'm so sick of F#$@tards bragging about being able to take aggro froma warrior. Once and for all, ANY CLASS CAN TAKE AGGRO FROM A TANK. Bragging that you can do it just singles you out for the simple minded crack baby that you obviously are.

Edited, Tue Jul 5 14:11:11 2005 by Gladestrider
#70 Jul 05 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
Necros over a chanter as CC??? WTF is wrong with you??

Spells easier than Items??? Maybe that was true at 65 but for a lot of players getting your lvl 69 and 70 spells isn't very easy(and unless you're in a high end raiding guild taking on anguish(or the king and willing to wait a long *** time) you have no chance of getting your ancient spells). I'd say spells are harder to get than gear(especially with all of the attunable items out there that are just as good as most ele gear).
#71 Jul 05 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Worst wipe I've ever had was in ToV. We had just wiped out the first hall (as soon as you enter). Raid leader told us to head to another room, but HUG the right wall. Last person to go through door went straight and pulled bout half the zone. A BST, Rogue, and myself survived due to my succor.

What makes it worst is the fact that most of us got killed on the way to ToV and right inside.

Worst wipe, but I loved every minute of it.

P.S. In case your wondering, I died about 5 times on that little adventure, but I think that it's due to bad CoV faction and being bound right outside the temple.
#72 Jul 05 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
My group was only my 33 cleric and my 33 SK buddy. We were in ToFS and finally got our keys to the second floor. We'd never been further in than the first floor and thought we'ed at least have a second to collect ourselves before being set upon once we zoned. As soon as we zoned to 2nd floor, we aggro'd three casters, one of which charmed my SK friend. He started helping them beat me down. Once I was dead, they turned on him and a failed FD later, he joined me PoK. We laughed all the way to the guild hall for the corpse summons and now I'm reading up on how to do it right =) I guess it was fault?
#73 Jul 05 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
SceltorEltor wrote:
I started attacking with my rogue when engage was called. However how long would you have me wait after engage is called to start attacking?
Common sense. Don't use any thing that you wouldn't use in a regular group with out expecting agro.

No. It's not "common sense". Certainly, you shouldn't do anything at a *rate* faster then what you'd do in a group. However, when on a raid, the MT calls for engage. When he does that, it's assumed that he has generated sufficient agro that no single attack/spell should pull that agro off of him.

If you then run in and get agro on a single backstab, then the MT called for engage too early. It's really that simple. Call for engage on a raid is 100% the responsibility of the MT. Unfortunately, there has been a growing number of "new school" tanks, who've grown up with the "engage instantly" mentality that's become common in grouping today, and which will get raids wiped. They do eventually learn, but it takes a bit.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#74 Jul 05 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
woah! i dont agree....

maybe your a good tank, and can hold agro well....but there are others that cant.
#75 Jul 06 2005 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
or more likely dunno just woke up and everyones dead
#76 Jul 06 2005 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
well as a ranger iv been taught to save the casters/priests so i run in taunt snare do what i can to aggro them off, i can tell u right now a sucessful taunt doesnt not put u at the top of the aggro list. sometimes it takes 2 or more taunts plus 2 or more snares to gain aggro off the trigger happy wizard/clr that dropped a spell alittle too soon.

as far as tanks keeping aggro, yeah i can pull a mob off a war in a sec but i dont. im not a tank im DPS, i make it dead. and being in a higher end guild we have some solid tanks, that are fairly equipped and equipped the same. but i know the tanks i can melee with and the ones i cant, and i can only guess at the reasons why. best thing i can say is know ur own ability and the tanks ability, if its a pick up grp hold back till u know the ability of the tank u are grping with for the first time.

to the chanter that tests the new tanks, BRAVO man the best tank i grp with is a pally that is best friends with a chanter and the chanter did the same thing to him to help him learn how to keep aggro. i have to work my *** off to take aggro from him and i really like that cause i dont have to wonder, if i do this will i take aggro?
85 Ranger
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