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#1 Jul 21 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
what would u do ?

group 1
clearing to a name - which i am told is a static mob - not a regular camp mob - when group 2 zones in with the intent of killing the same mob -

remember =
neither grp has pulled the name -
grp 1 was there first clearing trash to get to it
grp 2 zoned in to kill the same mob
mob is not a camp where there is a ph u keep killing
till a name spawns - but a name that spawns on a timer

now do u feel that grp 1 should be able to kill the mob
or that grp 2 should - or that whoever can pull it first ?

any opinions ?
#2 Jul 21 2005 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
IMO group 1 did the work, they get the mob.
#3 Jul 21 2005 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
of course group 1 should get it. if group 2 bypasses group 1 to get to it, the are just wrong and don't understand the concept of the game. thats as bad as kill stealing (which conceptually thats what it is).
#4 Jul 21 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
403 posts
Got some questions for you (mainly because something similar happened to me a week ago).

Did group one have the force needed to kill the named?

Was group one fully buffed up and ready to kill the mob when group two zoned in?

I've seen it happen many times. Group one zones in with half the force needed to kill a mob. They clear the lesser trash mobs on the way to the main mob while a bunch of other guildies are on the way to help. Another group moves in en masse and is fully prepared to engage and kill the mob in question.

Should group two wait 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, etc for group one to actually engage (and I don't mean stand way back and cast some piddly debuff on the mob)?

Give us enough information to actually form a reasonable opinion and others will be more forthcoming.
#5 Jul 21 2005 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
Give us enough information to actually form a reasonable opinion and others will be more forthcoming.

This is true. I based my above opinion on the information given. I just assumed that group 1 was capable of killing the boss mob. But we all know what happens when we assume... :)
#6 Jul 21 2005 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Isn't "a PH you keep killing until the named spawns" pretty much the very definition of a camp?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Jul 21 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
If as asked before group 1 was capable of handling the mob then they should get it.

Theres a pretty simple way to avoid issues like this. Send an advanced scout to the zone and have them call a "Camp Check" before you have gotten your group/raid together and end up wasting alot of peoples time.

What I'm wondering is which group was the OP in?
#8 Jul 21 2005 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
jsdeasy wrote:
clearing to a name - which i am told is a static mob - not a regular camp mob

#9 Jul 21 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Name the mob please.

I would be pissed if it took my group an hour or more to clear to Naggy and some group waltzes in while you are buffing up for main event. (I doubt that was the mob.)

If your group is on the way to kill a named and you see another group milling about in the same area, common courtesy is to ask what they are doing. Technically it is not 'kill stealing' if the mob is not engaged, but it is pretty slimy to do that when there is a group there ready or not.

Group one should be afforded a reasonable time to prepare, but if you were not ready to go in say less than 10 minutes (arbitrary, my opinion), you are stretching it.
#10 Jul 21 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
As already stated, if group 1 was unable to clear the boss, then group 2 **might** have had rights to it.

I, personally would be **very** ticked off if I was camping something, clearing all around to get a pop and someone just waltzed in and took my spawn.

Yes, we all know there are no "camps" in eq, according to SoE, anyway, but we all also know that's not the way it works.

Group 1 should have the spawn, all the way. Group 2 = KSers.

#11 Jul 21 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
a common example of this, where I wouldn't be too upset at group2 taking the mob - oreen wavecrasher.

you -can- invis to oreen, but for some reason, many people want to clear.

I wouldn't jump ahead if I saw a group clearing (well, unless I didn't like them =p) but given that there are two or three ways to walk to oreen, its very easy to miss a group.
#12 Jul 21 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
I agree Group 1 should have the kill, but as said it depends on if they are ready to go or not.

We had a similar thing happen to us in Hate the other nite. We zoned in with 2 full grps buffed and ready to take down Inny.

Another smaller/lower level guild was there still forming up and buffing. When asked what we were after I responded Inny - to which their Raid Leader said they were hoping to take down. They had sent in a scout to call Inny as camped while the guild ported and buffed.

We agreed to give the other group a chance to take down Inny. But after 1 hour and they still hadn't even begun to clear the way - I informed the Raid Leader we were going to take him. To which I got alot of inappropriate comments. But I think if you can't ready your forces for a target within an hour - forget it.
#13 Jul 21 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
some 6 box farmer doesn't think so. they invis to the named and if it's not engraged, they'll kill it for loot to sell on eBay.

I used to have a big problem with those farmers. Every time a named spawn in BoT it was a race.
#14 Jul 21 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
yes grp one was able to kill the mob and would have the first
time but shammy went ld and this being a long kill needed to be

grp one wasnt waiting around for more to come help or stalling

grp 2 was a stronger grp and could pull the name without having
to clear the trash mobs

but grp one would have needed more then 5min tho not alot more
they had cleared 4 or 5 trash mobs with about the same left to

and the kind of player i am is a play nice player - i will
always give other players more then a fair chance at what
they are trying to do

even - while i do think it was unfair of the raid leader of
above post to call inny when he wasnt able to get the force
there in a reasonable time - i would have left - only because
i have seen smaller guilds struggle to get there ppl there and have to wait for some to log on - and i would send him a tell
asking that if he finds he is unable to get enough ppl for
the mob to send me a tell as i have enough -

i dont just say that - i have done that

also if i was that raid leader and a grp or grps zoned in
for inny and i wasnt able to get ppl in a reasonable time
reasonable for a raid to me is 30min max to get ppl there
and buffed - and they informed me that they where going
to take it - i would respect that - as they had given up
an hour of there time - more then reasonable

btw grp 2 giving grp 1 5min i dont think is reasonable
#15 Jul 21 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Well group 2 should have called a camp check when they zoned in, at which point you announce such and such mob. They should have then hung out, and if you did not make it to your camp in a reasonable amount of time then they should have challenged your so called camp.

Unfortuantly, a reasonable amount of time is a relative term, but if you don't have control of your camp in half an hour or so I'm gonna start to wonder exactly what your doing there. Some people would argue SOEs rules of first to engage the mob and that might be a valid argument too depending on the situation. Since your referring to groups and not a raid force then you should not have much time spent buffing up and waiting for group members. A group should really be clearing minimal trash mobs to get to a camp. You should be invising past what you can to get to your camp, and then spend time pulling to there.

Now, I was in a situation somewhat similar to this awhile back. A guild hired me to come along on their Chardok raid and open the doors for them. The raid force zoned in, did a camp check and began clearing their way to the king.

This can be a tedious process and it took a good 30-60 minutes to make it all the way down there. When we finally got to the room outside the kings we found a small group of 70s had already engaged him.

How they got past us I do not know, how they didn't notice the path we were clearing to the king, why they did not check to see why an entire guild (3 groups at least) was in the zone or call a camp check I do not know either, however, they did first damage and in SOEs eyes were totally in their right to take the mob. An entire guild's evening, plus what they paid me was wasted.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#16 Jul 21 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Had something similar happen recently in Riftseekers. We zone, do a "camp check". Group camping Statue - not exactly surprising its the most popular, easiest camp in the zone.

So we elected to take camp at the top of the first stairs in fire side. However, the group that had called Statue, was actually camping there.... and proceeded to camp there for the next 15 mins, while they rezzed, rebuffed and pulled a couple of named.

Not a problem, as they'd spawned them, but a little unfair to try to hold statue at the same time.

#17 Jul 21 2005 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Ok. Your second explanation included a lot of facts you completely left out of the first one.

So what happened is that group1 attempted to kill the named and failed? Then they were rezzing/rebuffing for a second attempt and a needed class went LD? They were waiting around for some indeterminant time when Group2 went ahead, pulled the mob and killed it.

Is that more or less correct?

A couple points. You say that group2 should have given group1 the five minutes or so it would have taken them to reclear and re-attempt the mob, right? Ok. But how long had group1 already been trying? How much time did they spend on their first attempt? How long rezzing? How long reclearing?

That's the part that's still missing. I'm reasonably sure that a random group of people sufficiently powerful to take the mob just happened to zone in. Do you know for a fact that they hadn't already scouted the mob? They could have been prepping and waiting for a couple hours for group1 to either succeed or fail. Just because you weren't aware of it does not mean that group2 didn't know group1 was making an attempt on the mob, allowed group1 to make their attempt while assembling their own force, and then when group1 failed, felt it was completely within their rights to make their own attempt.

In that case, it's usually "fair" for the second group to take a shot. At the very least, they are under no obligation to let you take a second attempt while they continue to wait around. It's very situational, but while most raid groups will politely give whoever's there first the "first shot" at a mob, if you fail, it's now their turn, right?

It's easy to claim a mob. Just zone in and say you're working on clearing to the mob. Most players will respect that if you have sufficient numbers and are actively working towards killing the mob. Some people might even stand by and let you try a second time. Most wont though. You took your shot and failed, so now it's their turn.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#18 Jul 21 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
if missunderstood

grp one was able to kill the mob
the ld and cr happened before grp 2 ever zoned in
i only mentioned that part as they only wiped due
to the slower going ld - if he hadnt - would have
won and left before grp 2 ever zoned in

grp one was fully buffed and had begun reclearing
when grp 2 zoned in
for all grp 2 knew it was our first attempt

grp one needed to clear about 5 or 6 more trash mobs
to kill the name - 5min wasnt to me enough time
to finish clearing and pull
#19 Jul 22 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
First off, please use complete sentences. It's just easier on everyone else...

jsdeasy wrote:
if missunderstood

grp one was able to kill the mob
the ld and cr happened before grp 2 ever zoned in
i only mentioned that part as they only wiped due
to the slower going ld - if he hadnt - would have
won and left before grp 2 ever zoned in

That's not necessarily true though. The LD and wipe occured "before group2 arrived in force". You don't know if they sent a scout into the zone prior to showing up, were aware that group1 was making an attempt on the mob, and then when group1 failed, zoned their fully prepped raid force and took out the mob.

Also. How is group2 to know *why* you wiped? They only know that group1 failed. Why they failed is unimportant.

grp one was fully buffed and had begun reclearing
when grp 2 zoned in
for all grp 2 knew it was our first attempt

Here's my problem with this. You've got the right parts, but you haven't made the connection between them.

What are the odds that a fully buffed and formed raid group, would just happen to zone into the zone in the short amount of time between your first wipe and your second attempt? Don't you think that's maybe a tiny bit unlikely? That's your first hint that these guys didn't randomly show up.

Let me explain to you how many raids work when dealing with "oppportunity targets". You send out scouts to find out what mobs are up. You then send your raid force around to the various zones and take out the mobs. If your scout reports that a mob is up, but there's another raid force in the zone, you put that target on the backburner. If 15 minutes later, your scout reports that the other people wiped, you might just decide to zone in and take out the mob.

I can almost guarantee you that the timing was not accidentaly. You may only have become aware of group2 when they zoned in in force, but it's almost certain that they knew about group1 the entire time. They'd been watching group1s progress, and when group1 wiped, they felt they had the right to the next attempt on the mob. The fact that they were able to zone in, travel to the mob, and take it out while you guys were still clearing after recovering from the first wipe tells us that they didn't just arrive in the zone and then decide to kill the mob. They already knew it was up. They arrived already buffed and ready to kill the mob. This means that for them, this wasn't something that happened in 5 minutes. They'd already prepped for the raid and were waiting to see if you succeeded or failed. If you'd succeeded in your raid, it's likely you never would have known they were watching. They would have simply ported off to another zone to take out a different target.

You're ignoring the fact that there are different perceptions of an event. You only saw their entire raid group appear and zip past you. But they likely had been waiting patiently for quite some time to see if you succeeded or failed. When you failed, they spent a few minutes getting to the zone, and then took out the mob. Done deal.

I don't see anything done wrong by them. I would have communicated to group1 first though. I would have had my scout ask group1 what they were hunting to verify they were after the same target. I'd have had him explain that we're after the same target, but that we'll give group1 the "first shot" at him, but if they fail, we're going to take a shot ourselves. That would have probably been a more polite way to do it. However, the actions themselves are not necessarily "bad", and certainly do not violate any rules, whether official SOE policy, or even informal player rules on camps. It's generally accepted that if you fail in an attempt at a mob, another raid force can take a shot at the mob themselves. Otherwise, you're unfairly forcing people who can take out the mob to sit around and wait for hours and hours until you finally decide that you can't take out the mob before they get a shot. That's pretty bogus. I've been on the recieving end of that many times. There's nothing that sucks more then agreeing to let another guild attempt a mob, so you go off to hit some secondary targets, and over the next 4 or 5 hours you check in with that other guild and they're "still trying", only to have them give up in failure after your own raiders have packed it in for the day.

I've lost way too many shots at mobs due to that to have a lot of respect for the practice. IMO, if you fail to kill a mob, the next raid group gets to take a shot. Done deal.

grp one needed to clear about 5 or 6 more trash mobs
to kill the name - 5min wasnt to me enough time
to finish clearing and pull

Again. How close group1 was to clearing to the named is irrelevant. What matters is that group1 failed in their first attempt at the mob. Group2 felt that this entitled them to make an attempt at the mob. At that point, what group1 was doing is totally irrelevant. They can clear trash mobs in the area if they want. That's their choice. But group2 can engage the mob as they wish. Group1 failed on their attempt. That's all that matters...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#20 Jul 23 2005 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
i see some valid aggruments for grg2 in above post

but i still see that even you admitt that you would
have talked to grp 1 - to do the polite thing

btw the mob could be said to be a raid mob - but
high end grps can kill it - both grps could and
have - so grp 2 didnt send a scout - they zone
in like we did - but we did a camp check -

if fact we zoned in and a small force came in and
we shared mobs - they killed one and we killed one

we were on the last of the 3 when grp 2 of above post
zoned in

#21 Jul 23 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
I honestly cannot see any situation in which it is ok for group 2 to take the mob if you have been doing the work for it. The argument that you may not be ready is ludicrous. Of course you wont be ready, you've been clearing mobs for half an hour, you will need to med/rebuff after all of that, while group 2 has been sitting around doing exactly that while you were clearing mobs.
#22 Jul 25 2005 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
The argument for group 2 is BS. First group there had camp, outside problem led to wipe.

Even with scouting etc et al...

Group one is RE-CLEARING (they are back at site, and actively working towards mob)

At best the only thing that grp 2 would have been able to do is talk to their scout and confirm same ppl. Then talk to group 1.

"Scouting" to check for failure etc is crap crap and more crap.

Just zipping past grp 1 to get named because "they had their shot" is sophistry of the highest order.

and FYI.....a fully equipped raid force (of which I was part) went for a target, to find it camped. It DOES happen. Only difference is, we respected that.
#23 Jul 25 2005 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
I would say that the second group if they had to pass you to get to the mob was wrong. As Groogle pointed out in cases where your group could not be actually seen then I couldnt blame them. Unless the zone has only one named in it then you could have been on any target.

I personally have found that if you do a camp check sometimes a group will abandon their current camp in favor of a better one being open. I usually go scout to see if camp is clear and move in and save camp checks for when people ask me what I am camping.
Of course if you are there I and most people will move on and respect your camp.

Another question I would have is are there any other possible targets that you could have been clearing towards. In some circumstances several different names can be the "goal" and you have to kill the same trash to get to them but then turn a different way or move past it. This would not excuse them for not asking you what you were after if they saw you though.

As to where Gbaji is coming from he seems to have lumped a few posts together and come up with his own interpretation again. The OP didnt say it was a raid encounter he said it was a group encounter. Some other posters brought up raids as examples. After your diatribe he then did say that that monster could be a raid mob to lower levels but not to higher levels and that he and they other group were treating it as a group encounter. A good example of this would be say Trakanon totally not unheard of in fact commmonplace for him to be soloed anymore however for a raid of 50-60 non uber twinks he would be a challenging raid monster.
#24 Jul 25 2005 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
The ONLY situation where grp 2 would have been totally in the right, with gbaji's interpretation would have been if the force had waited, out of grp 1's knowledge. They would have seen grp1's wipe, and zoned in in force.

There may have been stragglers et al, but what was left would not have been a match for the encounter.

During the process of CR's, re-buff etc, grp2 claims named.

End of story.

What we have put to us here is grp 1 attempted and wiped. Re-grouped and fully prepared, working towards mob.

Grp 2 then BYPASS grp 1, who is doing work (and just because you're higher level and non-aggro doesn't make you blind to the fact you have a grp clearing) towards mob, and take it.

They are the facts presented, if they have been mis-represented that's another story. The facts we have are those and grp1 is actively engaged toward that end. They are not buffing/cr'ing etc. They are actively clearing.

Scouting etc crap. What if it had been a wipe by grp1; grp2 takes camp and grp3 the force that bypasses them?? Grp3 claims it because they scouted and saw a wipe. Crap. Total crap.
#25 Jul 25 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
113 posts
jsdeasy wrote:
yes grp one was able to kill the mob and would have the first time but shammy went ld and this being a long kill needed to be reslowed
(shouldnt matter what the excuse is, if grp 1 is able and has started-its thiers till mob dead or group/raid gives up. I mean come on ppl, we all know **** happens and sometimes ya need to try more than once or twice to get the job done but just cuz it was a failed attempt doesnt mean grp 2 should "assume" grp 1 cant do or are givinand proceed to take. If group 1 couldnt take, trust me they wouldnt stick around for long more failure)

grp one wasnt waiting around for more to come help or stalling

grp 2 was a stronger grp and could pull the name without having
to clear the trash (yeah so, that doesnt give these ppl the right to just go take cuz grp 1 has to clear and grp 2 dont. Not saying this is even the case here with grp 2 but sadly enough there's ppl out there that will use cheats to warp and kill, some are just more descret about it than other's Smiley: frown)

but grp one would have needed more then 5min tho not alot more
they had cleared 4 or 5 trash mobs with about the same left to

and the kind of player i am is a play nice player - i will
always give other players more then a fair chance at what
they are trying to do even - while i do think it was unfair of the raid leader of above post to call inny when he wasnt able to get the force there in a reasonable time - i would have left - only because i have seen smaller guilds struggle to get there ppl there and have to wait for some to log on - and i would send him a tell asking that if he finds he is unable to get enough ppl for the mob to send me a tell as i have enough -i dont just say that - i have done that(EQ needs more ppl like you around)

also if i was that raid leader and a grp or grps zoned in
for inny and i wasnt able to get ppl in a reasonable time
reasonable for a raid to me is 30min max to get ppl there
and buffed - and they informed me that they where going
to take it - i would respect that - as they had given up
an hour of there time - more then reasonable

btw grp 2 giving grp 1 5min i dont think is reasonable[Darkred][sm](hell no! grp 2 sees grp 1 pulling, take it off list or put it at the bottom and go find another target ya greedy little *******************************

Hoppie wrote:
I honestly cannot see any situation in which it is ok for group 2 to take the mob if you have been doing the work for it. The argument that you may not be ready is ludicrous. Of course you wont be ready, you've been clearing mobs for half an hour, you will need to med/rebuff after all of that, while group 2 has been sitting around doing exactly that while you were clearing mobs.
Right on! Smiley: grin

JohnDoe wrote:
[quote]The argument for group 2 is BS. First group there had camp, outside problem led to wipe.

Even with scouting etc et al...

Group one is RE-CLEARING (they are back at site, and actively working towards mob)

At best the only thing that grp 2 would have been able to do is talk to their scout and confirm same ppl. Then talk to group 1.

"Scouting" to check for failure etc is crap crap and more crap.

Just zipping past grp 1 to get named because "they had their shot" is sophistry of the highest order.

and FYI.....a fully equipped raid force (of which I was part) went for a target, to find it camped. It DOES happen. Only difference is, we respected that.
Excatly, this is how it should be /bow

#26 Jul 25 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
I typically go by first in force when it comes to things like this(if it's a lower raid/1 groupable thingy) or a simple camp check.

Now by first in force I mean if there is a group there I wont go in....but if it's only like a bard or monk or something pulling it and FDing while they wait for their friends to come it's a different story..

In your situation I think group 1 should get the kill.
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