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#27 Jul 25 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
JohnDoe wrote:
The ONLY situation where grp 2 would have been totally in the right, with gbaji's interpretation would have been if the force had waited, out of grp 1's knowledge. They would have seen grp1's wipe, and zoned in in force.

Yeah. I was somewhat going on that assumption. As I've stated, I've often been on the receiving end of this, and I've always found that people tend to skew the story a bit in their favor.

It would help terrifically if the OP would actually name the exact zone, mob, group numbers, etc. This is waaay to big of an issue to just come up with a generic rule for. Exactly how long did group1 spend on this mob? Is he positive that no one asked about the mob during that time? Exactly how much time passed between when they wiped the first time, and the second group killed the mob? Why exactly was a "stronger group" able to bypass the mobs they had to clear? What sort of mob is this? What kind of respawn timer is he on? Is it a quest mob? Epic mob? Just a plain loot mob?

There's lots of variables, and I'm just getting this really vague feeling about the whole scenario. There is no cut and dried rule for this. Remember. There are no "camps" officially recognized in the game. While most players should and do recognize a "first in force" for most targets, I don't know of any application of the "first in force" rule that says after you attempt and wipe, you still have first shot. But, as several people pointed out, that's a raid rule. Fair enough. But what's the rule in groups? If this was a normal "camped" mob (ie: mob that spawns off a PH in an established camp), then I think most people would simply grant that target to the group that's there. If you wiped and are obviously heading back to your camp, I would certainly leave it to you. But the OP specifically said this was *not* a PH type rare. It's a "static spawn". I'm not sure exactly what he means, but the implication is that this is not something that's part of a normal "camp" in any way, but something that spawns in the area. Examples of this would be Kunark Dragons. They spawn in various zones, but are on a set spawn timer, not on a PH system. I don't think there is *anyone* who'd argue that if say Tal spawned in SF while you were hunting there and so you gathered a group to kill him, then wiped, that another group could not just walk up and kill him if they wanted. In fact, I think most people would argue the exact opposite. That mob belongs to no camp, so it's "free" to engage. While I'd respect a group doing an attempt, I'd feel absolutely no regret running in after they wiped and taking out the mob. Why not? It's not a camp mob.

Again. Need more details. There are a lot of mobs in the game, and a lot of different situations.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#28 Jul 26 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
mshas in qvic

grp 1 killed one and another small raid force killed 2nd one
and then they left - facts not really needed - as long before
grg 2 came

grp 1 then waited cuz leader knew the 3rd mshas was due to
spawn - same before grp 2

we moved near a temple which i am told is a common but not
only spot to pull mnat - last mshas -

then like i said we had cleared trash - pulled mnat - had
him to about 35life when our sham went ld - we wiped - cr
buffed and began to clear again - we had killed i think
about 4 or 5 trash with about that many left when i saw
mnat being pulled by grp 2 - i didnt even know they where
there till then - i am the tank so i dont get to see all that
goes on lol

reason didnt tell where is it shouldnt matter - whatever
grp is first involved in an indever(sorry for the bad spelling) should be respected
dont u think ?

hopefully if respect is shown then if first grp cant meet the
challenge then they will say - hey they gave us our chance
time to let them
#29 Jul 26 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
Mshas are a first in force I'd say........So ya you were in the right since you both had the force and engaded first...
#30 Jul 26 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
404 posts
"then like i said we had cleared trash - pulled mnat - had
him to about 35life when our sham went ld - we wiped - cr
buffed and began to clear again - we had killed i think
about 4 or 5 trash with about that many left when i saw
mnat being pulled by grp 2 - i didnt even know they where
there till then - i am the tank so i dont get to see all that
goes on lol"

So you wiped and had to do CRs, which was why you had the 4 or 5 trash MOBs back? Were you your group\raid leader? How do you know there was no communication? (Directed tells happen all the time, without the rest of the group/raid knowing.) How do you know that the other group did not come into zone, see you wipe and then pulled named while you were still being rezed.. at least, if you were the tank, most likely you were one of the corpses, I would guess? So you would have no idea what happened in ooc while you were waiting on your rez?

Additionally, you only had the shammy as slower? If you didnt have a backup, and were waiting on him, how long were you gonna say you were holding the camp? Til he got power back 16 hours later? Til he paid his cable bill, which was 3 months past due and finally cut off? Sounds to me like you went in poorly prepared, so why be surprised you lost the MOB..

Sorry dude, I usually play nice, but if the group in front of me wipes and has to take time to rez and rebuff, then it is time for me to engage. They can wait until they are ready and try if I fail. Their deaths, and corpse run, means that their camp ended in failure. If they had continued on and engaged the mob, rezing their fallen commerades back to health, rebuffing on the fly, preventing repops, holding the path to the main, then it would have been another matter, but you said you stopped, did rezes and rebuffed. (We did this in a raid on this silly dragon in the cauldron. You die, you run back reallly fast unless you get a rez, and then you fight with what buffs you can get. 2 deaths for me, a druid caster, on that one, did rezes after the dragon was dead. No stops for rezes, no group rebuffs, just fight as best you can.)All of that took time enough for you to have repops.. which you then had to reclear. I would have figured you were going to rewipe, as rez buffs are rarely as good as you start raid with, so why waste my time waiting for you to wipe again?

#31 Jul 26 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
How do you know that the other group did not come into zone, see you wipe and then pulled named while you were still being rezed.. at least, if you were the tank, most likely you were one of the corpses, I would guess? So you would have no idea what happened in ooc while you were waiting on your rez?

Read the OPs post a little closer next time. They clearly state that they had rezzed and rebuffed AND started clearing the trash again BEFORE thr other group showed up. If group 2 had shown up before group 1 had completed the rezz/rebuff routine, then yes group 2 could have taken a shot, but that was not the case. Group 2 showed up well after that point and group 1 was already up and moving again.
#32 Jul 26 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent

So you wiped and had to do CRs, which was why you had the 4 or 5 trash MOBs back? Were you your group\raid leader? How do you know there was no communication? (Directed tells happen all the time, without the rest of the group/raid knowing.) How do you know that the other group did not come into zone, see you wipe and then pulled named while you were still being rezed.. at least, if you were the tank, most likely you were one of the corpses, I would guess? So you would have no idea what happened in ooc while you were waiting on your rez?

Contrasts with:


Was group one fully buffed up and ready to kill the mob when group two zoned in?

which is clearly answered with:

grp one was fully buffed and had begun reclearing
when grp 2 zoned in

Quick logic question for you......why would the trash clearing with the intent to re-engage be taking place? If OP wasn't raid leader, do you not think RL might have said something to the rest of the raid if it was to be called off? Do you think he might have said something to rest of raid when grp2 pull the named??

I also suggest you re-read the thread. Especially my previous posts, and gbaji's, where we agree that if wipe had happened, then grp 2 zone in as the cr's etc happen, there MIGHT be an argument over whose pull it is.

In this instance, grp1 were working towards the mob in question with an obvious and identifiable aim. Communication might have taken place that OP is not aware of, but logic dictates that the whole grp were not happy over occurrence and he sought guidance over what happened.

Taken the facts as represented. If different, then obviously they have to considered properly. Grp 1's camp. Grp 2 no rights to named at that time.

#33 Jul 26 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
Out of curiosity, is this horse dead yet?


#34 Jul 26 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts
Luxbane wrote:
Out of curiosity, is this horse dead yet?

Bah, people necro three month old threads all the time. This one's only been up for five days. Smiley: wink

Honestly, I'm enjoying the conversation. My pally is a little low for the topic, having only participated in one raid in his young life. But, by this time next year, hopefully I'll be taking on these kind of targets regularly.

There's no time like the present to learn proper etiquette.

Smiley: tongue Please. Continue the discussion.

Maurna <The Dark Arrow Legion>
41 Warlock <Undead> - Twisting Nether
Baron Bellam Dreamguard of Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) <Retired>
"I will not be stamped, filed, numbered, briefed, or debriefed. I am a man, not a number!"
#35 Jul 26 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent

There's no time like the present to learn proper etiquette

If everyone was like this, we wouldn't need these kind of posts :)

#36 Jul 26 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
JohnDoe wrote:

Contrasts with:


Was group one fully buffed up and ready to kill the mob when group two zoned in?

which is clearly answered with:

grp one was fully buffed and had begun reclearing
when grp 2 zoned in

*cough* You missed one...

Which is clearly contradicted by:

we had killed i think about 4 or 5 trash with about that many left when i saw mnat being pulled by grp 2 - i didnt even know they where there till then

If he didn't know they were there until group2 pulled the mob, then how on earth could he have known if they were in the zone before or after they buffed and started clearing?

Short answer. He didn't. He said that anyway because it makes his case seem stronger, but by his own statement, he didn't actually know when they zoned in.

Likely actual occurance number 1. Group2 approached from a different direction, had no clue group1 was there and had wiped and was reclearing. They simply saw the mob up on track and moved in and killed it.

Likely actual occurance number 2: Group2 was in the zone and waiting to see if group1 would kill the mob. Group1 wiped. Group2 approached from a different direction in order to avoid dealing with potential training during group1's CR. At this point, the mob is "open" to anyone. Group2 got to the mob first. They get the kill.

I'm still not seeing anything "wrong" done by group2. Group1 already got one of the spawns, another group got another one. Clearly, you don't get to just call them all or something. Group1 had no more rights to the third one then anyone else. When they wiped, they lost the "first in force" rights IMO. Clearly, group2 was able to get to the mob and take it out, not just a little faster, but a lot faster. IMO, that means they were "first in force". Since he didn't see them until they engaged, he can't know how long they cleared from a different side or how long they were there period.

I'm sorry, but you don't get to claim a mob like that because you are clearing towards it. You claim it by getting to it and pulling it. Maybe this other group knew a better spot to pull to. Maybe they were just able to clear quicker. I don't know. Honestly, it doesn't matter that much. If neither group had engaged yet, it would be up to the first to pull in that situation anyway. The fact that group1 already attempted and failed in no way entitles them to "own" the mob for another attempt.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#37 Jul 27 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
while i didnt see them i am sure they saw our puller
and he sure saw them when the showed intent to pull.

thats when all the arguements started

and they where not there for first 2 mobs so the arguement
that u got one alrdy grp 2 should get last one .........

on another note i was in an rss grp - we had 2 bots outside
the grp also - i have heard that chailak can be one grg -
we were setting up to try when a raid entered the zone for
him - out of respect for the raid - i called off our attempt
- well that and strong possiblity we would have wiped lol
#38 Jul 27 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
426 posts
I have found this thread to be very informative. For what it's worth, I have never been on a raid and probably never will be - one of those casual player types that allways plays with the same group.

It's in some ways a little sad that this discussion even has to take place. I remember when I started playing that the player population in relation to the number of zones and "camps" available was so large that camps were shared. The best example I can come up with is the 2 bird houses at the entrance to the zone-in to The Arena off of Rath Lake. One group would take the right bird and the other would take the left bird. Everyone respected the other's territory and waited to pull thier bird untill the frist group was finised with thier pull.

In some ways, the game is much better now-there is much less waiting to find a spot to hunt in. I can also remember waiting for hours to get a spire in SK, but we also had fun pulling wandering birds \, stc and chatting with each other while we waited.

I can see both sides of the argument from wherre I sit. Yes, I think group 1 probably had the right to asssume that they should have the mob. Fairly recently, our group was camping the King in Droga and had been pulling the PH for about 90 minutes, I saw on my track that he had popped and continued to pull the mobs at the entrance when a group of 2 high level (red to my 65) ran in invised and went straight for the king and took him out, looted the hammer and left. I sent tell to one of them complaing about KSing and everything that came back was filtered by my "bad word filter"

The point I make is that as the game has grown and "progressed" the number of jerks that play has grown proportionately. I think they have allways been around, there were just fewer of them because there were fewer of "us". Now that the older servers have a top heavy number of higher level players - I play on the Rathe - the jerks are getting concentrated in the more lucrative zones. Sad, but true.

However, it IS a game, my comment therefore is; Group 2 was wrong, they don't care what you think, they function on a "me first" mentality and nothing is going to change thier play style. But I want to think that they are in the minority - I still see every, night that I play, random act of generosity and helpfullnesss.

Some time ago, right before they nerfed the bards AoE songs, our group was camping the campfire in Nadox when a Bard pulled the Broodmother and most of the zone into the area around the campfire. My first reaction was - damit, there goes our camp. Then I was fascinated that this guy was able to kite close to 50 mobs and stay alive. I took my ranger a little too close and a couple of them peeled off and mde short work of him. My wife rezzed me and I thought nothing of it. After the Broodmother was dead, the bard sent me a tell that he was sorry and wanted me to have the hammer that drops from that bard. It certainly wasn't his fault that I died ( as an aside - he did annouce that he would be pulling the Broodmother). I still have that weapon on my Ranger and love it.

I guess my main point here is that there are those of us who have been playing the game since it's inception. WE probably have developed a play-style that reflects what the world was like and what wsa necessary when we started the game. Definitely a more polite and friendly atmosphere in my opinion.

But the game has changed, in some ways for the better and in some ways, not for the better. However, I continue to play and have fun allmost every night. My motto has allways been "Have fun and be safe", and if you can't be safe, pick up and go at it again.
#39 Jul 27 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent

about 4 or 5 trash with about that many left when i saw
mnat being pulled by grp 2 - i didnt even know they where
there till then

How big is zone??
Do you happen to notice EVERY zonein/out that takes place with combat spam etc???


Likely actual occurance number 2: Group2 was in the zone and waiting to see if group1 would kill the mob. Group1 wiped. Group2 approached from a different direction in order to avoid dealing with potential training during group1's CR. At this point, the mob is "open" to anyone. Group2 got to the mob first. They get the kill.

If this was the case, I agree with you.....BUT it isn't. If grp were to claim first in force and engaging mob after a wipe then grp1 wouldn't be there, buffed again and actively clearing.


In this instance, grp1 were working towards the mob in question with an obvious and identifiable aim.


Likely actual occurance number 1. Group2 approached from a different direction, had no clue group1 was there and had wiped and was reclearing. They simply saw the mob up on track and moved in and killed it.

Possible, but then if grp1 has to know everyone who happens to be in zone, why not grp2???? Total double-standard.


while i didnt see them i am sure they saw our puller
and he sure saw them when the showed intent to pull.

thats when all the arguements started


It's easy to claim a mob. Just zone in and say you're working on clearing to the mob. Most players will respect that if you have sufficient numbers and are actively working towards killing the mob.

I agree with that argument, where it falls down in this situation is


They clearly state that they had rezzed and rebuffed AND started clearing the trash again BEFORE thr other group showed up. If group 2 had shown up before group 1 had completed the rezz/rebuff routine, then yes group 2 could have taken a shot, but that was not the case. Group 2 showed up well after that point and group 1 was already up and moving again

Which with your argument means that grp1 has claim on the mob.
Nice, easy, simple.

Now if grp2 hadn't seen grp1 as has been suggested, it is normally "oh sorry, didn't see you"......before any argument (if any). If its any of the other arguments "you had your shot" crap, then they were not first in force, because by THE TIME THEY PULLED, the clearing process had already begun.



of course group 1 should get it. if group 2 bypasses group 1 to get to it, the are just wrong and don't understand the concept of the game. thats as bad as kill stealing (which conceptually thats what it is).

The key to all this is communication. If ppl talked to one another more in these kind of scenarios before time we wouldn't have the bad feelings etc being stirred up. What would it have cost grp 2 to talk to grp1 about the target (if indeed they had been watching/waiting). Cr's and rezzes take time. If grp2 wanted their shot, why not go for it??
The timing for me stinks. I certainly wouldn't be sitting around to have my shot whilst others had just wiped. You'd be straight in.
The fact that they pull, logically without any warning, hence the OP....even if there is a case to be made in their defence they can still be held to at best ignorant and rude. At worst, they did KS.

Again, the caveat stands. This assumes the OP hasn't misrepresented any facts. New facts = new interpretations.
#40 Jul 29 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
My guild recently headed to Chardok in hopes of spawning the betrayer. While we were en-route from the Guild Hall to the PoK for the port (didn't have any druids on at the time,) an ooc was called for an open raid in Chardok.


/tell XXX just curious, are you planning on taking out the betrayer? My guild is already on their way there, with a scout in place, and he is currently camped right on him.

/XXX tells you "no, Im looking for some backup for the overlord. Care to join forces, first your guild, then mine?"

Sometimes things work in your favor. I can't wait to see what happens when we head to Hate.
#41 Jul 29 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
Really there is only one zone in to the zone(unless you like running gauntlets >_>)
#42 Jul 29 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I was referring to bypassing FV by porting straight to DL. Wasn't a big deal, the run from FV to DL isn't horrid, but just as an additional time saver, and buff keeper.
#43 Jul 29 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
/shout I am wrong and man enough to admit it
/wisper(do you think that will end this thread)
#44 Jul 29 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The problem I'm having is that the entire argument relies completely on this being an absolutely factually correct statement:

JohnDoe wrote:

They clearly state that they had rezzed and rebuffed AND started clearing the trash again BEFORE thr other group showed up. If group 2 had shown up before group 1 had completed the rezz/rebuff routine, then yes group 2 could have taken a shot, but that was not the case. Group 2 showed up well after that point and group 1 was already up and moving again

Which with your argument means that grp1 has claim on the mob.
Nice, easy, simple.

But the OP's statement was that he didn't even know group2 was in the zone until group2 *pulled* the target mob.

Now, unless the universe has gone blinky on me, presumably group2 had to in some manner travel from the zonein to where ever the mob was. That took some amount of time. Maybe they were able to bypass the pulling and clearing that group1 was doing. Maybe they pulled and cleared from another direction. I wasn't there, and I can't say what happened. However, since the OP was totally unaware of their presence until they actually pulled the mob, he can't say either.

That, ultimately, is the point here. You mentioned a double standard, but that applies in both directions. Clearly, group2 traveled from the zoneine to the mob and pulled it *before* group1 was able to rez up, rebuff, and travel to the mob to pull it. How they did that is completely irrelevant. They had to overcome the *exact* same obstacles that were between group1 and the mob. They got their first. Now, we can assume that group1 has some sort of uber magical power that allows them to bypass content unfairly, but that seems unlikely. That leaves us with the *fact* that they were able to get from the ZI (or wherever they started from) to the mob first. Not only that, but they did so in a way that the members of group1 didn't even know they were there. Now maybe they just invised past group1 or something, but I'm betting they took an alternate route to the mob (no one in group1 noticed another group running past them? Unlikely...). If that's the case, then the OP has absolutely no clue how many mobs they cleared getting there. He has no way of knowing how long it took them to get there. He simply doesn't know, but he's assuming that since his group tried once and failed, that they should get an infinite number of attempts on the mob.

My point is that the OP is claiming that they'd rezed/rebuffed completely and were "obviously" clearing to the mob when group2 swooped in and took it. But he's assuming that. How does he know that group2 didn't start clearing towards the mob from a different direction while they were still rezzing? Maybe while they were still rebuffing? He's placing a huge stock on the fact that they started clearing towards the mob first. Personally, I don't agree with that as a criteria for claiming a mob. If they were in the same room as the mob and were clearing mobs from around it before group2 showed up, I'd agree with him. But if they are clearing *to* the mob, that's not the same thing. Additionally, the OP has no clue whether or not the other group cleared from a different direction and maybe started first anyway. Clearly, they got their first, right?

Once they wiped on the mob, they lost claim to it. So what you have is two groups heading towards a mob. Unless you're arguing that failing an attempt at a non-camp mob gives you the right to the next attempt and the next and the next until you decide to give up, then the mob is "open" at that point. So you've got two groups heading towards the mob at the same time. The first to arrive at the mob and pull it gets the mob. Group2 didn't pull through group1 from what I read, so they didn't leap frog them (wait for group1 to pull all the mobs to the target, then pull the target, which is a tactic I totally disagree with!). They were able to get to the mob and successfully engage it completely on their own. To me, that earns them the right to the kill. Any other criteria starts us down a path of some pretty bizaare "rights" to camps that makes no sense.

Edited, Fri Jul 29 20:11:24 2005 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#45 Jul 29 2005 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I can see where you are coming from. Some of these points have to addressed by the OP. Problem is, from where I am standing, you are claiming certain things, and so am I.

Without going into all the details, it is clear that the OP IS claiming the leapfrog by grp2 which you disagree with. We need the OP to state this in clear language, as to me he is alluding to it.

We need the arguments that were had there and then....again the OP hasn't posted what was said.

I can see your point that "makes his case look stronger" omissions may have occurred, but my question is simple. How long does it take to cover from ZL to mob, where grp2 were a stronger force that didn't need to clear to stated target?
How does this contrast to rez/buff and clear 1/2 mobs to target for grp1?

Logic dictates if mob is open because grp1 wiped how long is it open for?
Just because mob becomes open doesn't mean to say grp1 cannot reclaim the mob because of a wipe.

That has been my argument. Length of time - to me- indicates that mob WAS open, but was then reclaimed.
#46 Jul 30 2005 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
thank you JohnDoe for looking at the facts and breaking
them down.

if anyone reading this post has been to qvic they know
that mnat can be pulled to the zone in with a bard.

we were not able to do that - so we camped an alternative
spot to pull - side of a temple

this would have been the 2nd time i have done this at the
temple and was once in a grp where a bard single pulled all
3 mshas to the zone in - with us having to kill very few
adds for all 3 -

and for those supposing that grg 2 zone in and becan pulling
from another direction - remember grp 1 was 4 to 5 mobs
into clearing to the mob - if grp 2 was even close to that
i would think both pullers would have notice each other by then

another point to consider - there are 3 mshas - both grps able
to track - grp 1 with a ranger - grp 2 with a bard - i would
bet that when grp 3 zoned in they tracked for all 3mshas - side note - doesnt track show other players - those that would say bard track isnt great - remember if he is close enough to mnat - plus grp 2 not finding all 3 up would know that someone had killed first 2 and as all 3 spawn close together due to heavily camped - makes u want to ask grp 2 questions ?

did grp 2 know grp 1 was in the zone when they zoned in ?

why didnt grp 2 find out what others were up to in the zone?

hopefully i have stated though poorly written facts as clearly
as i can -
puts him close to grp 1 -
bofore grp 1 was 4 or 5 mobs into clearing
#47 Jul 30 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
More info needed.

How long between wipe and the re-engage (clearing)?

With Gbaji's argument this needs to be clearly stated.

For instance, complete wipe plus group re-buffing (with camped bots etc) =<10mins, then grp2 *might* have an argument, with crossing zl's etc to get there.

If however, you wipe, the mob becomes available until claimed. That has never been questioned, my point is that just because it becomes open *doesn't* preclude the possibility of it being re-claimed by the same group.

The whole thrust of my argument is that you cannot claim that a group has had "their shot" at a target purely because of a wipe, when suffiicient time has passed for the original group to return and reclaim said target.

If the re-buff etc =>30mins, then the case starts to swing towards the OP. If any other group starts to ready themselves for the camp, they have to be timely etc.

Part of my problem with the arguments is the fact that some people are assuming things not covered by the OP.

I *personally* tend to take an interest in those who happen to in the same zone as I am. Mainly because of trains, and for the higher-level farmers that sometimes appear. They sometimes do get missed, as keeping track of everyone zoning is impossible.

if anyone reading this post has been to qvic they know
that mnat can be pulled to the zone in with a bard.

I asked specifically if a group has the ability to bypass the clear etc, and this is the response. The OP clearly stated that the second grp was able to bypass the did they manage to do this, and how did the OP know they had the ability?
This is a clear argument as to how grp 2 managed, but how did OP know they didn't need to clear *unless* he saw the pull....seeing the pull indicates to me close proximity to both timed camp and the pull.
How far away does the pull have to be to qualify as being a "pull past" another group?

If they were in the same room as the mob and were clearing mobs from around it before group2 showed up, I'd agree with him. But if they are clearing *to* the mob, that's not the same thing

How close do you have to be for this to qualify??

If there are one or two routes to a camp, and both merge *before* the camp, so that both groups have to travel through the same space to the named, who claims camp when:

1) there are 8 mobs between grp1 and target.
2) grp1 have to clear those mobs because of level.
3) grp2 don't through either CC or greater level.
4) grp1 have cleared 4 of the mobs, and the area they are in is a well known area to pull named to
5) grp1 can not have any other objective
6) grp2 *can* pull target, but doing so they cannot turn around and claim they were unaware of grp1 due to geography.
7) what difference to this does it make if target is in room on his own, and the other mobs are in an antechamber you have to pass through.

1) through 6) are the arguments that the OP is using.
7) is purely to ask gbaji at what point you can claim a mob...after all it was claimed that:

It's easy to claim a mob. Just zone in and say you're working on clearing to the mob. Most players will respect that if you have sufficient numbers and are actively working towards killing the mob.

Again, the assumption that gbaji makes is:
Clearly, group2 traveled from the zoneine to the mob and pulled it *before* group1 was able to rez up, rebuff, and travel to the mob to pull it. How they did that is completely irrelevant. They had to overcome the *exact* same obstacles that were between group1 and the mob. They got their first

Where in ANY of the OP is this mentioned? It isn't clear at all, which is why some of your argument has validity - I don't have enough info from the Post to deny them. The whole point of the OP is that they HAVE rezzed, rebuffed and are 1/2way to reaching target again...if you read previous replies from me, I stated that if grp wipes, and is no longer match for target and another grp takes,as cr's buffs etc taking place, that's fine but these are NOT the facts being put forward here!

My last two quotes are direct from gbaji....they both cannot be right. They are exclusive. If quote 2 is correct then "leapfrogging" is perfectly acceptable...they pull the mob first, which is something you don't agree with.

Clarification needed over the timing please, OP'er!
#48 Jul 31 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
I would still ask are there any other targets in zone. To be honest this zone is beyond me I have not been there at all and just recently got my flag to KT.

If the second group comes into zone sees what must be another high end high level group in zone then courtesy would be to ask what they are after, with this type of encounter there really is probably only one target in zone for this caliber of character.

Be honest if its a rare spawn mob, and you show up in zone you are gonna do a /who before you move in to see if its even worth your effort to move in. Your group of level 70 Time+ gear, sees another group of 70 Time+ gear in zone and knows that you are both after the same thing.

Unless the second group saw you wipe or sitting on your ***** for 10+ minutes they came into the zone knew you were there, knew what you were after and leapfrogged you plain and simple.

They moved in avoided you and saw that the mob was up and not engaged. By a strict defination of play nice they did nothing wrong. Do I believe that they bent ya over? Ya I think they did, but proving it would be an entirely different matter and some on this board will pull their very best Johnny Cocharan immitations to point out all the loopholes in your arguement and well thats really all there is to it.

Sorry man, but pooh on you for being so uber as to be able to 1 group something I would probably need a raid for =P.
#49 Aug 01 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
I'll answer what you're asking JohnDoe.

The reason for the distinction ties into what Flish just said. There presumably is more then just that one target in the zone, right? I can't assume when my group zones in that you are going after the same target I am. That's why I make a disctintion between clearing "to" a target/area, and actually clearing "around" the target itself.

If you are pulling mobs in the same room and/or within agro range of the target mob, It's clear that you are going after that mob, and are "in the area". The "first in force" rule applies at that point. It's not enough to just be in the zone, you need to be in immediate and obvious proximity to the mob. Otherwise, you could argue a claim to *any* mob in a zone simply by stating that whatever you're killing right now is simply being killed so you can get to that mob.

That's part of my problem with the initial vagueness of the OP. "Clearing to" a mob can mean a lot of things to different people. Let's take an example that maybe more people might be familiar with. Let's say that Frenzy in LGuk is open. Can I claim the mob because my group is up in ***/Sup, just saw him appear on track, and have killed a few mobs in the direction of Frenzy? Or can another group coming from the King room make the same claim? Can we ***** if a third group IVU's in from the safe hall, runs in and kills the mob? My point is that in that case, I would not give anyone "claim" to the mob. If a group were clearing mobs in the pull room for Frenzy *then* I'd respect their claim. They are in force and in proximity. They get the mob.

Same deal here. Clearing a few mobs along the way to a target does not grant you claim to that target. Clearing mobs immediately around that target so you can safely fight him without adds *would*, but the OP doesn't specify that. If another group can pull him *now*, and you group wont be able to pull him for another X minutes, then the group that can pull him now IMO has claim to the mob. Yes. That sucks in some situations (like this one, where a bard can single pull the target, but anyone else has to clear to it). But that's just part of the game. Should group2 be penalized because they brought the correct group to most quickly and efficiently handle the target mob?

And just to explain. To me, leapfrogging is when you use the efforts of the other group to steal a mob from them. So if group2 had just hung back and waited until group1 cleared all the way to the mob, then jumped in and engaged it, *that* would be leapfrogging and is pretty obnoxious. What makes leapfrogging bad is that you're really "stealing" the mob from the group that did most of the work. But that's not what they did in this case. They could have killed the mob in the exact time and manner they killed it whether group1 was in the zone or not. Thus, group1's position and progress was really somewhat irrelevant. If they'd been in close proximity to the target mob, I'd say they should have the claim. But that's not clear from the OP. I'm not super familiar with that zone or target either, so I can't speak from first hand experience. But "4 or 5 mobs", can be quite a distance. If that was 4 or 5 mobs in the same room/area as the target, and they were clearing them so they could avoid adds, I'd say they should have claim to the target. If we're talking about 4 or 5 mobs along a route between the group *to* the target mob, then I don't think they should have any claim to the mob. The difference really depens on that IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#50 Aug 01 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
The zone he is talking about is one of if not the end zone to GoD. Extremely High Level/gear/AA content to say the least. I have never been in the zone having just recently started the trails to get to the zone. There are 4 ikkanz trials and uqua trial to get to this zone. Uqua is the mother bear in this to get by with its zonewide AoE that drops all your stats. To get to this content you have to have played a long time (well or bought your toon).

The only monsters I have ever heard of anyone killing in this zone for loot/profit is the mshas(sp), or what he was after as well as the second group. I could be wrong but I what I have read leads me to believe these are the only mobs worth killing in zone and there are 3 of them. He by what I have read had killed 2 of them leaving one of them alive that they were working towards. The common practice is for one group to kill all three as it is entirely possible and I am told easy after you are flagged for the zone to do just that.

So my new contention, after doing a lil research on this zone edging in on being able to hunt there and was looking for myself) would be by knowledge of where the zone is, what it takes to get there, and what spawns are in the zone that the other group zoned in and knew that 2 out of 3 of the only mobs in zone worth killing were dead and that another group was in the zone of sufficent capacity to kill two of the monster so must be assumed to have had the capacity to kill the last one. The second group chose to ignore all common courtesy practices and kill the one that was left on track without trying to see or ask the other group what they were doing as for them to do so would destroy any defence they could muster by claiming ignorance of what they were doing. This second group by the zone itself would have had to have been high level/well geared/AA players and familiar with the practice of one group killing all three mshas yet they chose to ignore the other group and swoop in on the only loot bearing mob left in the zone and kill it. I would say that it was intentional and they knew that what they were doing was to try and outrace you to the last mob and they were successful. I would again say that unless they saw you die or sitting on your hands for 10+ minutes that it was discourteous at best and while still legal in the terms of play nice was not a practice that would be condoned by most players.
#51 Aug 01 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Yeah flish, but that's not matching what he posted:

jsdeasy wrote:

grp 1 killed one and another small raid force killed 2nd one
and then they left - facts not really needed - as long before
grg 2 came

Clearly, the spawns aren't just done by one group. His group had alredy killed one, another group killed another one. His group waited around for the third to spawn, wiped on it, and then yet another group came in and killed it before they could re-engage.

Seems pretty straightforward. Also seems as though the spawns are considered "open" to whomever can get there first. IMO, after they wiped the first time, the other group got there first. Since they didn't leapfrog in based on the clearing efforts of group1, I really don't see a problem here. Out of three spawns, three different groups each got one kill. His group was first on the last one, but wiped. I'm just not seeing this as a horrible breach of EQ etiquette.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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